The Wuhan origin was not Wet markets


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?
The conjecture is, C19 would have taken 800 years to naturally mutate to what it is now

Given there are somewhere like 1000 bio-research labs on this rock, more than a majority working for governance , i'd wager the likelyhood of a breach rather possible

further, that the GPMB was created as a global response, and further still, be heavily funded by the world bank in 2018 is no coincidence

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?
I find this to be a diversionary argument....Point remains that the virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

He spread the virus throughout the world on purpose.
If it came from infected bats, then it didn't originate in a lab. Logic fail.
The bats were in the lab. Duh! Logic fail on your part. Try again
You said "originate". Are you backing off that? You don't seem to have repeated the word. WHY? The fact that bats were in the lab, doesn't mean the virus originated in the lab. THINK before spewing nonsense.
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.
In other words, this virus was modified to allow human contraction.

We have been told by many in the field that the virus did not appear to be altered genetically. Now we have differing opinions of professionals in the field. If you wanted to reduce global population by the millions you would use a virus like this that no one has ever seen, that is highly contagious like this one, has a long incubation/asymptomatic/shedding period and is lethal. This virus wasn't as lethal and only affects the elderly and infirm (coincidentally those who no longer produce).

Can you imagine if they had finished modifying this virus and then unleashed it? We were damn lucky that it got out when it did. Now we have the ability to create a vaccine for this carrier (RNA virus) and its use as a weapon is gone.
You said "originate". Are you backing off that? You don't seem to have repeated the word. WHY? The fact that bats were in the lab, doesn't mean the virus originated in the lab. THINK before spewing nonsense.

The Chinese Scientists were doing some lab work - probably some study or some sort. They were using bats as part of their experiment(s). Something awful happened at that lab from there on.
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?
I find this to be a diversionary argument....Point remains that the virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

He spread the virus throughout the world on purpose.
This is why I still believe to this day its was a weapon in the making.. Xi closed down Wuhan and the efforts to kill the bug were over the top (locking people who he thought were infected in thier appartments and letting them starve to death). This tells me he thought it was more deadly than we now know. That he allowed it to seed the world was an act of war.
It originated in a Wuhan laboratory using infected bats. :rolleyes:
If it came from infected bats, then it didn't originate in a lab. Logic fail.
Not if the lab was doing research on infected bats
OP said that the virus originated in the lab. Are you saying the bats were infected in the lab? That's what "originate" would amount to. If they were wild bats already infected, then the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. Why use a bat when then are more easily contained lab animals that won't fly away on you? THINK!
It originated in a Wuhan laboratory using infected bats. :rolleyes:
If it came from infected bats, then it didn't originate in a lab. Logic fail.
Not if the lab was doing research on infected bats
OP said that the virus originated in the lab. Are you saying the bats were infected in the lab? That's what "originate" would amount to. If they were wild bats already infected, then the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. Why use a bat when then are more easily contained lab animals that won't fly away on you? THINK!

They trapped bats that harbor this virus and were testing them in the lab. They were trying to make a super bug. So it quite possibly was created in that lab! So it would be its origin.
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.
In other words, this virus was modified to allow human contraction.
How did you jump to that conclusion? All reputable scientific reports I've seen deny human manipulation of Covid-19.

Scientists Are Tired of Explaining Why The COVID-19 Virus Was Not Made in a Lab
It originated in a Wuhan laboratory using infected bats. :rolleyes:
If it came from infected bats, then it didn't originate in a lab. Logic fail.
Not if the lab was doing research on infected bats
OP said that the virus originated in the lab. Are you saying the bats were infected in the lab? That's what "originate" would amount to. If they were wild bats already infected, then the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. Why use a bat when then are more easily contained lab animals that won't fly away on you? THINK!
They trapped bats that harbor this virus and were testing them in the lab. They were trying to make a super bug. So it quite possibly was created in that lab! So it would be its origin.
So, you admit the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. The rest is unsupported by scientific study, as shown by the article I posted in a previous message(#15).
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.
In other words, this virus was modified to allow human contraction.

We have been told by many in the field that the virus did not appear to be altered genetically. Now we have differing opinions of professionals in the field. If you wanted to reduce global population by the millions you would use a virus like this that no one has ever seen, that is highly contagious like this one, has a long incubation/asymptomatic/shedding period and is lethal. This virus wasn't as lethal and only affects the elderly and infirm (coincidentally those who no longer produce).

Can you imagine if they had finished modifying this virus and then unleashed it? We were damn lucky that it got out when it did. Now we have the ability to create a vaccine for this carrier (RNA virus) and its use as a weapon is gone.
Went down the modified path too while reading this but then they try to say it wasn't,,,,,
It originated in a Wuhan laboratory using infected bats. :rolleyes:
If it came from infected bats, then it didn't originate in a lab. Logic fail.
Not if the lab was doing research on infected bats
OP said that the virus originated in the lab. Are you saying the bats were infected in the lab? That's what "originate" would amount to. If they were wild bats already infected, then the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. Why use a bat when then are more easily contained lab animals that won't fly away on you? THINK!
They trapped bats that harbor this virus and were testing them in the lab. They were trying to make a super bug. So it quite possibly was created in that lab! So it would be its origin.
So, you admit the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. The rest is unsupported by scientific study, as shown by the article I posted in a previous message(#15).
They used a known virus that lives in bats, altered it so that humans can contract it, and had they weaponized it giving it extreamly leathal properties it would have been complete. While the RNA structure began in bats it was changed to allow human contraction. This makes the WUHAN LAB ITS ORIGIN!
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.
In other words, this virus was modified to allow human contraction.

We have been told by many in the field that the virus did not appear to be altered genetically. Now we have differing opinions of professionals in the field. If you wanted to reduce global population by the millions you would use a virus like this that no one has ever seen, that is highly contagious like this one, has a long incubation/asymptomatic/shedding period and is lethal. This virus wasn't as lethal and only affects the elderly and infirm (coincidentally those who no longer produce).

Can you imagine if they had finished modifying this virus and then unleashed it? We were damn lucky that it got out when it did. Now we have the ability to create a vaccine for this carrier (RNA virus) and its use as a weapon is gone.
Went down the modified path too while reading this but then they try to say it wasn't,,,,,
The double speak is maddening.. They can not have it both ways. This circular logic is Chinese propaganda.

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