The Wuhan origin was not Wet markets

Made in a lab, made in the wet markets, made from styrofoam, who cares. The only relevant point is how the Chinese Communist Party covered it up, suppressed their own doctors, & allowed it to escape & infect the world. Communism is evil to the core...
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?
You dingbats continue to fall for the daily mail.

The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
To many Intelligence agencies refute your version. They allowed outbound flights for over two weeks.
It is very possible that the jump from bats to humans did not occur originally at the Wuhan market, or even in Wuhan, but merely became widely dispersed and discovered there. Did AIDS start in San Francisco among gays, or much earlier among hunters in Africa? The fact is Covid-19 may have been circulating slowly and unnoticed outside the city for months in rural areas but only became an epidemic in this central Yangtze River city when tourists or vendors entered to sell their goods. This sort of development was precisely what was feared by epidemiologists who were studying bats in caves all over the country, including in Hubei Province.
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The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out of Wuhan. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
To many Intelligence agencies refute your version. They allowed outbound flights for over two weeks.

Show me a link! And I don’t mean a quote from that lying bastard, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton!
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Went down the modified path too while reading this but then they try to say it wasn't,,,,,
The double speak is maddening.. They can not have it both ways. This circular logic is Chinese propaganda.
My concern is if it was transported into Wuhan,they may be able to create a real credible case we did it after reading whats been going on in Labs in America and knowing how many sympathizers there are in academe.
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The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out of Wuhan. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
To many Intelligence agencies refute your version. They allowed outbound flights for over two weeks.

Show me a link! And I don’t mean a quote from that lying bastard, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton!
The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
And if it's one thing that we can all believe to be totally truthful, it's the fucking newspapers.

Fuck my life.
The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out of Wuhan. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
To many Intelligence agencies refute your version. They allowed outbound flights for over two weeks.

Show me a link! And I don’t mean a quote from that lying bastard, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton!
The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.
In other words, this virus was modified to allow human contraction.

We have been told by many in the field that the virus did not appear to be altered genetically. Now we have differing opinions of professionals in the field. If you wanted to reduce global population by the millions you would use a virus like this that no one has ever seen, that is highly contagious like this one, has a long incubation/asymptomatic/shedding period and is lethal. This virus wasn't as lethal and only affects the elderly and infirm (coincidentally those who no longer produce).

Can you imagine if they had finished modifying this virus and then unleashed it? We were damn lucky that it got out when it did. Now we have the ability to create a vaccine for this carrier (RNA virus) and its use as a weapon is gone.
More crazy conspiracy theories. There was NO WAY anybody could know exactly how this particular virus might effect human populations (oldsters not youth, asymptomatic contagion, lethality, etc.) just by looking at its DNA. They would have to unleash it to find out. The many precise ways it spreads, reacts in the body to sicken and kill, is still not understood!

And what are you now suggesting? That Bill Gates, the NWO, or the U.S. Army did this?
The virus was in the Wuhan population, Xi knew this and locked the city down from all internal travel, yet continued to allow international travel out.

This has been proven to be a lie and slander many times. The ban on domestic commercial flights out of Wuhan occurred at precisely the same time as the ban on foreign flights out of Wuhan. There were later special flights out requested by the U.S. and other embassies to evacuate thousands of American and other foreigners trapped in the city when the lockdown went into effect. This was all covered in the newspapers of the time.
To many Intelligence agencies refute your version. They allowed outbound flights for over two weeks.

Show me a link! And I don’t mean a quote from that lying bastard, Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton!
Can you not read your own link?

The notice came at 2 am this morning (Jan. 23): The city of Wuhan would be shutting down all its public transportation systems by 10 am.

Show me an international flight out of the city after 10 a.m. on Jan. 23rd!
So, you admit the virus DID NOT originate in the lab. The rest is unsupported by scientific study, as shown by the article I posted in a previous message(#15).

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that analysis of the coronavirus by specialist biologists suggests that all available data shows it was taken into the market by someone already carrying the disease.

They also say they were ‘surprised’ to find the virus was ‘already pre-adapted to human transmission’, contrasting it to another coronavirus that evolved rapidly as it spread around the planet in a previous epidemic. Landmark study: Virus didn't come from animals in Wuhan market
2 interesting tidbits there. The more we learn the less we know. Will we ever get the truth on this?

No, the truth is way to uncomfortable for certain people, so they're going to hide everything.
Inserting a furin cleavage site accelerates viral evolution.

1. SARS2: furin cleavage site
2. Furin cleavage site in an American dog tick, Long Island, New York: 2013:
3. Furin cleavage site inserted into SARS1 from a Montana lab: 2006

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