The Worst President America Ever Had

Jackie Robinson became recognized as a great American not because of his ability to play baseball, but because of the way he handled himself as the first black player. Constantly harrassed by immature racist who were obsessed with their hatred and fear, he countered the outragious behavior with dignity and class. His unwavering determination to not lower himself to the level of his critics convinced the public that Robinson was the real man, and the taunters were cowards. This was made obvious when fans began to turn on the racist. The racism began to subside as fans challanged the cowards.
It's kind of entertaining to see todays cowards use the net to show their racism. Entertaining because they are not smart enough to understand that their racism is one of the things people will look back on and help establish the first black President as a great man for simply having to put up with the immature and hateful fools.

Basically..completely correct.

Jackie Robinson could play baseball.
1st post
You have to Czsech your coins very closely when in the Check Republic as well as understand the exchange rate. If you don't learn the coin tricks as soon as you enter the Check Republic and fail to Czech your coins when you pay for things or get change for things you might get Czechamed.
You have to Czsech your coins very closely when in the Check Republic as well as understand the exchange rate. If you don't learn the coin tricks as soon as you enter the Check Republic and fail to Czech your coins when you pay for things or get change for things you might get Czechamed.

That why you bring a friend as I dooo
You have to Czsech your coins very closely when in the Check Republic as well as understand the exchange rate. If you don't learn the coin tricks as soon as you enter the Check Republic and fail to Czech your coins when you pay for things or get change for things you might get Czechamed.

If you hook up with a really hot Check girl does that mean it's a Checkmate?
You have to Czsech your coins very closely when in the Check Republic as well as understand the exchange rate. If you don't learn the coin tricks as soon as you enter the Check Republic and fail to Czech your coins when you pay for things or get change for things you might get Czechamed.

If you hook up with a really hot Check girl does that mean it's a Checkmate?

She doesn't have to be really hot. Regular hot is still a good Checkmate.
Is that the ipse dixit fallacy or the appeal to democracy fallacy?

The former mostly, though he has indulged in both those and more. The boy seems utterly incapable of (and disinterested in) thinking for himself.

Rather than make childiish comments why not try defining arugument-by-authority one more time and maybe you can see your mistake; we might have to use some authorities on logic but so be it. That fallacy thing must have really hurt, but those learning things are just part of life. So let's start at the beginning: is the use of historians and presidential experts, acceptable as authorities on rating presidents? If so, then it is not a fallacy.
Now is your chance to think for yourself, and make up your answer.

it's the dimocrap plantation slaves which always look up to some "authority" even if that "authority" is an impostor :D

A free man has a free mind as is free to judge himself.
But you don't know what that means
5th post
Clinton is still the worse in my opinion. Yes, everyone likes the good old boy from down home but think about it. He started the "sucking sound" of jobs fleeing the country. He got the free trade agreements passed something no republican president could have done. He sullied the office with his lying under oath. He also let the whole staging of 9/11 go on during his administration. He also passed on taking out OBL.

Carter was well meaning but event beyond his control were a disaster for him and I doubt there was much that could have been done differently. Except we saw what was done different with the next president.

Obama, out of his league. No experience, no proven track record and dealt a bad hand at the beginning of his term, which, in my opinion, he wasn't very successful in solving. And there is the dividing the country like not other.

But for pure damage to the country I go with Clinton. That is why we better not repeat our error.

Carter is a shining example as to why we can't elect people with integrity to the Oval Office. Even though I don't agree with his political stance, on pretty much anything, I view him as having integrity. And as we saw, the system ate him up because of it and it continues to shun him since Carter is dissing the Obama administration.

If you think Obama is bad, just you people wait. Every President the powers of the Executive become broader and broader. Eventually the Executive may just disband Congress altogether.

I couldn't agree more. Congress is quickly making itself completely irrelevant and, at some point in the future, will be considered "unnecessary" by some president.

It's coming, just as sure as the sun rises.

Welcome back - King George.
The former mostly, though he has indulged in both those and more. The boy seems utterly incapable of (and disinterested in) thinking for himself.

Rather than make childiish comments why not try defining arugument-by-authority one more time and maybe you can see your mistake; we might have to use some authorities on logic but so be it. That fallacy thing must have really hurt, but those learning things are just part of life. So let's start at the beginning: is the use of historians and presidential experts, acceptable as authorities on rating presidents? If so, then it is not a fallacy.
Now is your chance to think for yourself, and make up your answer.

it's the dimocrap plantation slaves which always look up to some "authority" even if that "authority" is an impostor :D

A free man has a free mind as is free to judge himself.
But you don't know what that means

Two hundred and thirty-eight of America's top historians may not be imposters. Add to the 238, the hundreds of historians used since 1948 and it should get even harder to label all as imposters. Add to that the historians that label themselves as conservatives and it is even more difficult to use the imposter label, but then what's a guy to do when all that evidence is piled up against his argument, soon the big charge will emerge: historians are commies.
10th post
Clinton is still the worse in my opinion. Yes, everyone likes the good old boy from down home but think about it. He started the "sucking sound" of jobs fleeing the country. He got the free trade agreements passed something no republican president could have done. He sullied the office with his lying under oath. He also let the whole staging of 9/11 go on during his administration. He also passed on taking out OBL.

Carter was well meaning but event beyond his control were a disaster for him and I doubt there was much that could have been done differently. Except we saw what was done different with the next president.

Obama, out of his league. No experience, no proven track record and dealt a bad hand at the beginning of his term, which, in my opinion, he wasn't very successful in solving. And there is the dividing the country like not other.

But for pure damage to the country I go with Clinton. That is why we better not repeat our error.
You don't call doubling the national debt damaging?

obama has single handedly spent this country into a point of no return. Our only way out now is national bankruptcy or total financial collapse. It is virtually impossible to pay the debt off. obama IS the person who RUINED this nation by destroying our economy.

Of course... that's what he was TOLD to do by his master...


What did Obama spend the money on? By the way, bush started with no debt and ran it up over 10 trillion. How can Obama compare to that?
The Worst President America Ever Had

Definetly Obama!

Because he's a liar, a fraud, incompetant, and a failure. Not to mention but a piece-of-shit as well.

When will you people ever learn that they all lie? When bush did it thought it cost us trillions and hundreds of thousands of lives in the middle east.
What will you poor souls do with your spare time when Obama leaves office (after having cleaned up the mess republicans left him?)
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Clinton is still the worse in my opinion. Yes, everyone likes the good old boy from down home but think about it. He started the "sucking sound" of jobs fleeing the country. He got the free trade agreements passed something no republican president could have done. He sullied the office with his lying under oath. He also let the whole staging of 9/11 go on during his administration. He also passed on taking out OBL.

Carter was well meaning but event beyond his control were a disaster for him and I doubt there was much that could have been done differently. Except we saw what was done different with the next president.

Obama, out of his league. No experience, no proven track record and dealt a bad hand at the beginning of his term, which, in my opinion, he wasn't very successful in solving. And there is the dividing the country like not other.

But for pure damage to the country I go with Clinton. That is why we better not repeat our error.
You don't call doubling the national debt damaging?

obama has single handedly spent this country into a point of no return. Our only way out now is national bankruptcy or total financial collapse. It is virtually impossible to pay the debt off. obama IS the person who RUINED this nation by destroying our economy.

Of course... that's what he was TOLD to do by his master...


What did Obama spend the money on? By the way, bush started with no debt and ran it up over 10 trillion. How can Obama compare to that?

More lefty lies, they keep thinking if they repeat the lie enough, people will believe. So far I believe...the left lies a lot.
LBJ got escalated Viet Nam whereas it was just a tiny conflict under JFK. Then LBJ left us with massive inflation.
The Worst President America Ever Had

Definetly Obama!

Because he's a liar, a fraud, incompetant, and a failure. Not to mention but a piece-of-shit as well.

When will you people ever learn that they all lie? When bush did it thought it cost us trillions and hundreds of thousands of lives in the middle east.
What will you poor souls do with your spare time when Obama leaves office (after having cleaned up the mess republicans left him?)

When will you people ever learn that they all lie?
No shit Eienstein! Did you figure that out all by yourself?

Obama lies. Both the Bushes lied. Clinton lied. Reagan lied. etc.

That's what they do. They're politicians, they lie day in and day out.

I just happen to pick the worst one in my opinion.

What will you poor souls do with your spare time when Obama leaves office (after having cleaned up the mess republicans left him?)
You mean the mess that he made worse, and when Obama finally leaves office it should be in hand-cuffs. :lol:
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Clinton is still the worse in my opinion. Yes, everyone likes the good old boy from down home but think about it. He started the "sucking sound" of jobs fleeing the country. He got the free trade agreements passed something no republican president could have done. He sullied the office with his lying under oath. He also let the whole staging of 9/11 go on during his administration. He also passed on taking out OBL.

Carter was well meaning but event beyond his control were a disaster for him and I doubt there was much that could have been done differently. Except we saw what was done different with the next president.

Obama, out of his league. No experience, no proven track record and dealt a bad hand at the beginning of his term, which, in my opinion, he wasn't very successful in solving. And there is the dividing the country like not other.

But for pure damage to the country I go with Clinton. That is why we better not repeat our error.
You don't call doubling the national debt damaging?

obama has single handedly spent this country into a point of no return. Our only way out now is national bankruptcy or total financial collapse. It is virtually impossible to pay the debt off. obama IS the person who RUINED this nation by destroying our economy.

Of course... that's what he was TOLD to do by his master...


What did Obama spend the money on? By the way, bush started with no debt and ran it up over 10 trillion. How can Obama compare to that?

That's not what Obama said he started with. He said what he inherited was a 1.3 trillion figure:

[ame=]Obama Declares Plan to Cut Deficit in Half - YouTube[/ame]​
You guys seem obsessed with the black President.

Why is that?

black President ??????? how about mulatto ?? and THAT is the fucking truth no matter how BLACK you libs want to paint him.., BLACK ?? how about turd BROWN

At least you're honest about your racism.

That's pretty refreshing.

When I Am Called A Racist.., I Know I Have Won The Discussion

i guess i will have to make it bigger, kinda like the printing they use in first grade...., for the slow learners like yourself :up: .... :lmao:

When I Am Called A Racist.., I Know I Have Won The Discussion


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