The Worst President America Ever Had

Bush had good speech writers and his "talking points" were crafted in such a way that he could always deny he lied. Now other members of his administration did lie.

When testifying about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction before the House Armed Services Committee Sept. 18, 2002, Rumsfeld said Saddam "has amassed large clandestine stocks of biological weapons." including anthrax and botulism toxin and possibly smallpox. His regime has amassed large clandestine stockpiles of chemical weapons, including VX and sarin and mustard gas."

Saddam "has at this moment stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons," he later added, repeating the charges the next day before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."

Rumsfeld Retreats, Disclaims Earlier Rhetoric

And what EXACTLY is your point about a man that hasn't been president for 5 years? Is this your way of excusing the incompetent slob that we have now? Or are you equating the incompetent slob's performance with the former president?

Either way, the current ass-clown is STILL miles ahead of Bush in the incompetent department.

No matter to you though, right?

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