The Widespread Removal of Statues Proves Once Again That White Oligarchs are Legendary Losers


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Donald J Trump nailed it years ago when he asked if we take down the statues of Robert E Lee, where does it stop? Washington? Jefferson? Who can be justified in this Hate Racist America insanity?

The root of the problem is that our White Oligarchs have been convinced that America is evil, for wome reason, and we need to erase our history.

One example is the Roosevelt statue in front of the Museum of Natural History in New York. Not only was Roosevelt a champion for the little guy and advanced environmentalism in his time, he was an anticolonialist. He saw to it that Cuba got its independeence almost immediately after the Spanish American War, and that the Phillipines got there independence as soon as it was felt that they could stand on their own and not be subsequently conquored by yet another colonial power. But that is why the museum is removing the statue; it supports the colonialism that the real Roosevelt opposed! And then some nitwit descendant of TR stated t hat he agreed it was time to take down the statue, but who the hell is he to say such a thing. TR belongs to all of American and junior can kiss my white American ass.

Our Oligarchs cannot bend over forward for the lunatic left fast enough. The pre-emptively surrender worse than the French!

Please, any American that hates the USA so badly you want to tear down every statue of our founders and great people, just get the hell out of this country and go to Europe and abandon life altogether.

I am disgusted with you and I could not careless what happens to you or your family.

The USA need to rid itself of it Hate America First Elites ASAP. For Gods sakes how many times have they promised to leave our country and then failed to?
Donald J Trump nailed it years ago when he asked if we take down the statues of Robert E Lee, where does it stop? Washington? Jefferson? Who can be justified in this Hate Racist America insanity?

The root of the problem is that our White Oligarchs have been convinced that America is evil, for wome reason, and we need to erase our history.

One example is the Roosevelt statue in front of the Museum of Natural History in New York. Not only was Roosevelt a champion for the little guy and advanced environmentalism in his time, he was an anticolonialist. He saw to it that Cuba got its independeence almost immediately after the Spanish American War, and that the Phillipines got there independence as soon as it was felt that they could stand on their own and not be subsequently conquored by yet another colonial power. But that is why the museum is removing the statue; it supports the colonialism that the real Roosevelt opposed! And then some nitwit descendant of TR stated t hat he agreed it was time to take down the statue, but who the hell is he to say such a thing. TR belongs to all of American and junior can kiss my white American ass.

Our Oligarchs cannot bend over forward for the lunatic left fast enough. The pre-emptively surrender worse than the French!

Please, any American that hates the USA so badly you want to tear down every statue of our founders and great people, just get the hell out of this country and go to Europe and abandon life altogether.

I am disgusted with you and I could not careless what happens to you or your family.

The USA need to rid itself of it Hate America First Elites ASAP. For Gods sakes how many times have they promised to leave our country and then failed to?

I think you are trying to use Teddy R to say that his Statue is equal to Lee's. Not so. Teddy R comes from the time when the Republican Party really DID follow the doctrine that created the Republican Party. Eisenhower followed it as well. Since then, the Republican Party has lost it's roots, traditions and customs. And Lee was just another Traitor to America.
the Roosevelt family had a big influence on the museum thats why his statue has been there since the 1940s

The statement the museum made was a flat out lie and sickening
But why are Anglo Americans so eager to surrender to leftist radicals like that? Hell, who even called for TRs statue to come down anyway?

I am so sick of these Anglo losers, I wish they would all go and just east a bullet and leave the rest of us be.
One example is the Roosevelt statue in front of the Museum of Natural History in New York. Not only was Roosevelt a champion for the little guy and advanced environmentalism in his time, he was an anticolonialist. He saw to it that Cuba got its independeence almost immediately after the Spanish American War, and that the Phillipines got there independence as soon as it was felt that they could stand on their own and not be subsequently conquored by yet another colonial power. But that is why the museum is removing the statue; it supports the colonialism that the real Roosevelt opposed! And then some nitwit descendant of TR stated t hat he agreed it was time to take down the statue, but who the hell is he to say such a thing. TR belongs to all of American and junior can kiss my white American ass.

Roosevelt supported colonialism in the Philippines, including a war that ended up killing up to 100,000 Filipinos. he also supported the coup in Panama that was another colonial adventure.

The statue in question has TR on a horse, flanked by a Native American and Black man,

Ms. Futter made clear that the museum’s decision was based on the statue itself — namely its “hierarchical composition”—- and not on Roosevelt, whom the museum continues to honor as “a pioneering conservationist.”

“Simply put,” she added, “the time has come to move it.”

The museum took action amid a heated national debate over the appropriateness of statues or monuments that first focused on Confederate symbols like Robert E. Lee and has now moved on to a wider arc of figures, from Christopher Columbus to Winston Churchill.

Donald J Trump nailed it years ago when he asked if we take down the statues of Robert E Lee, where does it stop? Washington? Jefferson? Who can be justified in this Hate Racist America insanity?

The root of the problem is that our White Oligarchs have been convinced that America is evil, for wome reason, and we need to erase our history.

One example is the Roosevelt statue in front of the Museum of Natural History in New York. Not only was Roosevelt a champion for the little guy and advanced environmentalism in his time, he was an anticolonialist. He saw to it that Cuba got its independeence almost immediately after the Spanish American War, and that the Phillipines got there independence as soon as it was felt that they could stand on their own and not be subsequently conquored by yet another colonial power. But that is why the museum is removing the statue; it supports the colonialism that the real Roosevelt opposed! And then some nitwit descendant of TR stated t hat he agreed it was time to take down the statue, but who the hell is he to say such a thing. TR belongs to all of American and junior can kiss my white American ass.

Our Oligarchs cannot bend over forward for the lunatic left fast enough. The pre-emptively surrender worse than the French!

Please, any American that hates the USA so badly you want to tear down every statue of our founders and great people, just get the hell out of this country and go to Europe and abandon life altogether.

I am disgusted with you and I could not careless what happens to you or your family.

The USA need to rid itself of it Hate America First Elites ASAP. For Gods sakes how many times have they promised to leave our country and then failed to?
/——-/ Take down one statue of FDR because he put Japanese in concentration camps and the leftards would go apeshyt
the Roosevelt family had a big influence on the museum thats why his statue has been there since the 1940s

The statement the museum made was a flat out lie and sickening
/——-/ “Also torn down in the (San Fransisco) park on Friday were the statues of St. Junipero Serra and Francis Scott Key, who wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner." - Protesters tear down statues of Union general Ulysses S. Grant, national anthem lyricist Francis Scott Key
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But why are Anglo Americans so eager to surrender to leftist radicals like that? Hell, who even called for TRs statue to come down anyway?

I am so sick of these Anglo losers, I wish they would all go and just east a bullet and leave the rest of us be.
Aren't the "leftist radicals" mostly white too??

The pretzel shapes you dic suckers twist yourselves into to rationalize your insecurity-driven hatred is adorable...
Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin all purged the past to pave the way for their Bloody Dystopian Marxist Nightmare Future.

The DemNazis are nothing but copy cats headed down the same bloody road.

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