The whores of the US Senate just voted for TPA

As of now, the full trade agreement is classified, except the few parts leaked by Wikileaks.

A complete and utter fucking LIE from the same liberturdian scumbags that predicted a 'giant sucking sound' headed for Mexico.

liberturdians are scum. Stupid, Lying SCUM

Top 9 Myths About The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Myth 5: TPP is being negotiated via a dangerous and unprecedented level of secrecy!

Totally false. Probably the most-repeated myth right now isn’t even related to TPA but instead to the TPP, which is still being negotiated. According to the anti-TPA script, the TPP is so secret that nobody knows what’s in it, and—much like Obamacare legislation—nobody, not even Congress, will know what’s in it until the agreement is passed into law. Once again, however, nothing could be further from the truth:

  • First, Obama’s USTR and Congress have been consulting on the TPP since December 14, 2009, when then-USTR Kirk
notified Congress that President Obama intended to enter into TPP negotiations. USTR then held initial consultations with Congress in 2010 and, according to a January 2015 fact-sheet, has since held almost 1,700 congressional briefings on TPP alone. USTR also previewed various TPP proposals with key congressional committees before taking them to our trading partners. (Odd that the TPP talks have been going on for six years, but the vast majority of these “secrecy” complaints have only emerged in the last few months, huh?)
  • Second, USTR has provided “access to the full negotiating texts for any Member of Congress, including for Members to view at their convenience in the Capitol, accompanied by staff members with appropriate security clearance.” This access began in 2012, and several House members and senators—both supportive of TPA (like Mike Lee) and opposed (like Sens. Jeff Sessions and Elizabeth Warren, as well as Rep. Rosa DeLauro)—have reviewed the draft negotiating texts. Moreover, the level of security surrounding these TPP texts isn’t part of some scary Obama administration plot; it’s set by Congress (which, as you’ll recall, is controlled by Republicans these days). A U.S. government official confirmed to me that “the Senate and House security offices determine the procedures for viewing classified material in the Capitol reading room where the TPP text is kept for Members—not the administration… some people claim that it’s more difficult to view military or intelligence information, but it’s all subject to the same rules that are set and enforced by Capitol security.”
  • Third, USTR has engaged the public on the TPP via published reports and “stakeholder meetings” with groups like labor unions, consumer groups, and, of course, corporations and trade associations. Some of these stakeholders have evenreviewed the negotiating texts and US proposals. Admittedly, the official texts aren’t available to the general public, but this is common practice for all FTAs (as a quick Google search reveals) and for good reason: just like other high-value negotiations among private parties or governments, revealing draft proposals before a deal is struck emboldens the opposition, undermines the parties’ negotiating positions, and exposes negotiators to public scrutiny over provisions that might not even be in a final deal. Publishing draft FTA texts would make completing a deal difficult, if not impossible, and it’s thus no coincidence the most vocal advocates for “full transparency” in free trade negotiations are actually those most opposed to free trade.It’s also important to understand just how unoriginal this “secrecy” canard is:

Yes, protectionists have been using the same “secrecy” lines for over 20 years. In fact, if you replaced “NAFTA” with “TPP” in those old Ross Perot commercials, they’d be almost indistinguishable from the ones on our TVs today.

  • Finally, unlike the oft-analogized Obamacare legislation, the actual text of any final TPP deal will be required by law to be publicly available (online) for months—yes,months—before Congress votes on it. As you can see from the table below (source), under TPA the president must make the entire text of any trade agreement, including TPP, available to the public for 60 days before he can even sign it.Once it’s signed, Congress will have weeks, maybe months, to scour the deal, hold “mock markups” in various committees, and suggest changes to the agreement before the president sends Congress legislation implementing the FTA for a final vote. Also, within 105 days of the FTA’s signing, the U.S. International Trade Commission must issue a report on the deal’s economic impact—again prior those bills being submitted to Congress. And once the bills finally are submitted, Congress will then have up to 90 legislative days (which is like five months in normal human days) to review the bills and hold final votes.
Bottom line: when or if TPA is passed, the general public will have months—and if the presidential elections interfere, maybe years—to review the TPP before Congress acts on it. Think that’s crazy? Well, it’s precisely what happened to U.S. FTAs with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, which were signed by President Bush but sat around (online) for years before they were submitted to, and passed by, Congress in 2011.

Problem is -- You people aren't even aware of what it is you think you're against.

You have no clue. You don't even know 'TPA' is.

It's the same authority every President has had. Not just this one.

If this scumbag piece of shit lying motherfucker of a racist America-Hating pile of filth makes a bad deal (which he likely will, knowing what a piece of filth he is) the next president can simply ignore it, Congress can overturn or the Judicial Branch can strike it down.

Much too much hysteria surrounding this whole thing.

obama is a lying scumbag, I get that. I don't trust him either.

dimocrap filth are sucking up to their mafia criminal Union pals, I get that.

This is not really all that binding. I don't see how we can lose by passing it

Why would a future congress overturn it if they're in bed with the current president at that time? Did the judicial branch strike down obamacare?
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

I don't see how a majority vote can remove the constitutional requirement for a 2/3s vote

I agree, besides being a dumb-ass really doesn't meet Constitutional requirements.
From the article linked below:

"The terms of the TPP and the TiSA are so secret that drafts of the negotiations are to remain classified for four years, or five years, respectively, after the deals have been passed into law."

Corporations Win Again Senate Passes Obamatrade Fast-Track Bill Zero Hedge

This country is fucked!..........and we can no longer vote ourselves out of this mess.

Sure we can. The negotiations under the trade agreement are classified. Not the trade agreement itself.

As of now, the full trade agreement is classified, except the few parts leaked by Wikileaks.

Its not classified. Its just not public. And it will be before the vote is held on ratifying it.

Though I use the term 'ratify' loosely. As there's only way a treaty can be ratified per the constitution: a 2/3 vote of the senate. Which the TPP doesn't have nor likely will have.
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

Now, the members of the Pacific Rim will flourish and profit while OUR goods are made there, shipped BACK to the US (at a 10,000 percent markup) and we, the people of the United States, will continue. Losing what few jobs are left to these "wonderful" people...and corporations and politicians will continue to get rich off of slave labor.

What a country!

Ha, do most Americans really still believe their Politicians represent them? Man, i would have thought that fantasy ended a long time ago. They're no longer being represented.

The Politicians belong to a small private Globalist Elite club. There is no 'Republican vs. Democrat.' That's just for show. Keeps the Little People busy squabbling with each other.

Seriously? these blind assholes know that Hillary Clinton is the reincarnation of Hitler - and they don't give a shit.

Need I say more?
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

I don't see how a majority vote can remove the constitutional requirement for a 2/3s vote

I agree, besides being a dumb-ass really doesn't meet Constitutional requirements.

If a simple majority vote can reduce a constitutional super majority requirement to a simple majority......can a majority of states simply vote that the 3/4 super majority required for a constitutional amendment now only requires a majority vote by the states?

At the very least the threshold for relinquishing an authority should be the same as exercising it. Otherwise there is nothing but majority votes in the constitution. And none of the super majority requirements have any meaning.
From the article linked below:

"The terms of the TPP and the TiSA are so secret that drafts of the negotiations are to remain classified for four years, or five years, respectively, after the deals have been passed into law."

Corporations Win Again Senate Passes Obamatrade Fast-Track Bill Zero Hedge

This country is fucked!..........and we can no longer vote ourselves out of this mess.

Sure we can. The negotiations under the trade agreement are classified. Not the trade agreement itself.

As of now, the full trade agreement is classified, except the few parts leaked by Wikileaks.

Its not classified. Its just not public. And it will be before the vote is held on ratifying it.

Though I use the term 'ratify' loosely. As there's only way a treaty can be ratified per the constitution: a 2/3 vote of the senate. Which the TPP doesn't have nor likely will have.

And why isn't it made public? It only(sarc) has to do with 2/3rds of global GNP. It's not like the bill has to do with military related secuity.
Why would a future congress overturn it if they're in bed with the current president at that time? Did the judicial branch strike down obamacare?

Do you have ANY clue how stupid you sound?

I mean, seriously. The vast majority of thinking Republicans are behind this and the only people that are resisting it are scum of the earth dimocrap filth and the incredibly primitive and stupid liberturdians.

The TOTAL scumbag Ross Pirogi said the same exact shit about NAFTA and Republicans passed it over stupid fucking liberturdian objections H.R. 3450 103rd North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- and dimocrap scum, who would have defeated it.

Then, we went through the most robust, strongest peace time economic growth in American History because of it.

And you FUCKS want to prevent that from happening??

Now, dimocrap SCUM and liberturdian FILTH are teaming up again to try and put America back in the 14th Century.

What's next, scumbags? Guilds?

fucking idiots. Swear to God this place is more infested with imbeciles than an insane asylum

I hate liberturdians

absolute scumbags

primitive, stupid, backwards, idiot scumbags
From the article linked below:

"The terms of the TPP and the TiSA are so secret that drafts of the negotiations are to remain classified for four years, or five years, respectively, after the deals have been passed into law."

Corporations Win Again Senate Passes Obamatrade Fast-Track Bill Zero Hedge

This country is fucked!..........and we can no longer vote ourselves out of this mess.

Sure we can. The negotiations under the trade agreement are classified. Not the trade agreement itself.

As of now, the full trade agreement is classified, except the few parts leaked by Wikileaks.

Its not classified. Its just not public. And it will be before the vote is held on ratifying it.

Though I use the term 'ratify' loosely. As there's only way a treaty can be ratified per the constitution: a 2/3 vote of the senate. Which the TPP doesn't have nor likely will have.

And why isn't it made public? It only(sarc) has to do with 2/3rds of global GNP. It's not like the bill has to do with military related secuity.

Because its controversial. And the negotiation process is difficult enough without each point being politicized by opportunistic politicians. NAFTA negotiations were similarly not public until it was essentially finished. Nor are most negotiations between nations. They almost always happen behind closed doors.
all the time? one rejected after one rejected at all.

Are you honestly that STUPID?

Seriously? That incredibly stupid?

We have a treaty signed by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, that you helped elect BTW, that he signed re; AGW that is being refused by the Congress. Couple of them, IIRC. John The Traitor Kerry signed a UN Arms Treaty that Congress refuses to ratify.

Congress even refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

In fact, approximately 1/3 of all Treaties and Trade Agreements signed by Presidents are refused by Congress.

They're called "unperfected treaties''. Look it up, moron.

Yeah, I know that Trade Agreements are different from Treaties as of 1974. But you didn't. Not until I told you.
And another thing you stupid bitches......

What do you think helped Bill The Rapist have the best job-producing presidency of all time.....? The fucking Easter Bunny??

It was NAFTA you ignorant FUCKS. NAFTA was an incredible success

NAFTA s effect on United States employment - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

U.S. employment increased over the period of 1993-2007 from 110.8 million people to 137.6 million people.[9] Specifically within NAFTA's first five years of existence, 709,988 jobs (140,000 annually), were created domestically.[10] The mid to late nineties was a period of strong economic growth in the United States. Classical macroeconomic theory suggests that when a country is experiencing economic growth (i.e. GDP is increasing), then there will also be an increase in the participation of the labor force.[11] Thus, because trade liberalization can sometimes contribute to increases in GDP, it can help to bring the rate of unemployment down in a country. The U.S. experienced a 48% increase in real GDP from 1993-2005. The unemployment rate over this period was an average of only 5.1%, compared to 7.1% from 1982-1993, before NAFTA was implemented.

For once I have to agree with you.
Here's an excellent link for the VERY few of you with the requisite IQ to understand it.

very few

Free Trade Economic Advantages National Review Online

And I take it back, HWGO, you're just another liberturdian moron.

I HATE liberturdians.

But not quite as much as dimocrap scum.

liberturdians are just fucking stupid

dimocraps are truly scum

I hate to tell you but Democrats are not the only isolationists in America. Ever hear of Pat Buchanan? And what about all the tea party members of the House who are against this trade agreement? Funny how that is, don't ya think?
For once I have to agree with you.

The last poster that disagreed with me on NAFTA started crying about how he lost his machinist's job but then went to proclaim that he retired at 46.

Life is just so very unfair to these poor, sniveling liberturdians isn't it?

I don't trust and I don't like the Lying Piece of Shit we have as president. He is a total and complete and utter scumbag and THE worst president in our entire history.

But when we have a chance to do something that's good for The American People, we need to do it. We don't play 'Dog In The Manger' like dimocrap scum and liberturdians do. We do what needs to be done regardless of who gets credit.

If we don't strike a deal with these Countries, some very aggressive competitors will. And they don't like us a whole lot.

Just like if we didn't do a deal with Mexico (NAFTA) Japan, India, Europe and China would have.

They'd be making cars (and lots of other stuff) there and shipping them all over the world and we would just have to suck on it.

At least this way, we get a piece of what goes on down there.

Really want to bring manufacturing back, crush the criminal Unions. Know why the European Car makers didn't go belly-up? Three reasons;




That simple. And Ford survived because they have ALWAYS hated Unions. Which is why I buy nothing but Ford products.

Which reminds me of several conversations I had with Yankees coming down here to retire.....

I'd have to listen to how they made so much more money, how their Unions took such good care of them, how the Unions helped their retirement, their Medical care, yada-yada-yada.....

Okay, says I. \What are you driving?

"Toyota Camry" they says

dimocraps is what they is

liberturdians are just fucking hillbilly stupid
I hate to tell you but Democrats are not the only isolationists in America. Ever hear of Pat Buchanan? And what about all the tea party members of the House who are against this trade agreement? Funny how that is, don't ya think?

You hate to tell me, huh?

I remarked on that 6 Months ago. And 1 hour ago. In here.

It's in the National Review Article I posted a link to.

Buchanan is a Paleo-Conservative and Tea Party Types are the ignorant liberturdian hillbillies I despise.

Old time democrats whose party left them with tears in their eyes and wet asses.

Now the stupid fucks want a home in the Republican Party and we held out a hand of friendship only to have them stab us in the back at every opportunity.

First with the COMPLETE scumbag Ross Pirogi and then with the taking over and mutilating of the Tea Party movement.

FUCK liberturdians.

hate 'em
For once I have to agree with you.

The last poster that disagreed with me on NAFTA started crying about how he lost his machinist's job but then went to proclaim that he retired at 46.

Life is just so very unfair to these poor, sniveling liberturdians isn't it?

I don't trust and I don't like the Lying Piece of Shit we have as president. He is a total and complete and utter scumbag and THE worst president in our entire history.

But when we have a chance to do something that's good for The American People, we need to do it. We don't play 'Dog In The Manger' like dimocrap scum and liberturdians do. We do what needs to be done regardless of who gets credit.

If we don't strike a deal with these Countries, some very aggressive competitors will. And they don't like us a whole lot.

Just like if we didn't do a deal with Mexico (NAFTA) Japan, India, Europe and China would have.

They'd be making cars (and lots of other stuff) there and shipping them all over the world and we would just have to suck on it.

At least this way, we get a piece of what goes on down there.

Really want to bring manufacturing back, crush the criminal Unions. Know why the European Car makers didn't go belly-up? Three reasons;




That simple. And Ford survived because they have ALWAYS hated Unions. Which is why I buy nothing but Ford products.

Which reminds me of several conversations I had with Yankees coming down here to retire.....

I'd have to listen to how they made so much more money, how their Unions took such good care of them, how the Unions helped their retirement, their Medical care, yada-yada-yada.....

Okay, says I. \What are you driving?

"Toyota Camry" they says

dimocraps is what they is

liberturdians are just fucking hillbilly stupid

Obviously I'm not as smart as you seem to be, but if I'm not mistaken, the majority of auto makers (Chevy, Dodge, Ford, etc) are being built in Mexico. My Dodge pickup (built in 2006) was built there. My newest Dodge (built 3 months ago) was built in Mexico. Difference? The newest Dodge cost 42 Thousand.

I'm curious as to how a truck - built on 7 dollar an hour wages can still be more than twice the price of a truck (same truck) 9 years earlier?

you can call hard working Americans, who have lost their jobs, or worse yet, are building cars and trucks HERE, instead of Japan, "fucking Hillbilly stupid", but I "apparently" just don't get it.

So, we dissolve unions (UAW) for example. Will the prices of those vehicles suddenly come down? Or will it be, as I guess, the same prices for vehicles, built on slave labor?

If I'm not mistaken, and I'm NOT, were we not fed the line of crap that the prices would fall (without the unions involvement) and everything would be unicorns and rainbows? Looks as though we were (and are) being fed yet another line of crap......
Last edited:
If retiring at 46 is a personal problem ...I guess I have a personal problem.

Then what the FUCK are you crying about??

Jesus fucking christ on a fucking pogo stick but you like to whine like a little bitch.

You're not a dimocrap because your conscience won't allow it. But you're not a Republican either because, frankly, you're not intelligent or mature enough.

So all you got is to bitch.


You seem somewhat excitable.
If you cant see the problems with this I dont know what to tell you.
If retiring at 46 is a personal problem ...I guess I have a personal problem.

Then what the FUCK are you crying about??

Jesus fucking christ on a fucking pogo stick but you like to whine like a little bitch.

You're not a dimocrap because your conscience won't allow it. But you're not a Republican either because, frankly, you're not intelligent or mature enough.

So all you got is to bitch.


You seem somewhat excitable.
If you cant see the problems with this I dont know what to tell you.

Yeah, I can't help but wonder what's NOT to love about these "trade deals".....our companies re-locate overseas to get rid of union participation and to skirt American taxation, Americans lose jobs, the tax base that these companies USED to pay, they build their products for a tenth of what they built them for here for, our "partners" make out like bandits, the companies profits go through the roofs, our politicians make great "back room" deals and the products that they build are built for pennies on the dollar, shipped BACK to America for ten times what they are worth and millions more Americans go on public assistance.

Seems like a great plan to me... ;)
For once I have to agree with you.

The last poster that disagreed with me on NAFTA started crying about how he lost his machinist's job but then went to proclaim that he retired at 46.

Life is just so very unfair to these poor, sniveling liberturdians isn't it?

I don't trust and I don't like the Lying Piece of Shit we have as president. He is a total and complete and utter scumbag and THE worst president in our entire history.

But when we have a chance to do something that's good for The American People, we need to do it. We don't play 'Dog In The Manger' like dimocrap scum and liberturdians do. We do what needs to be done regardless of who gets credit.

If we don't strike a deal with these Countries, some very aggressive competitors will. And they don't like us a whole lot.

Just like if we didn't do a deal with Mexico (NAFTA) Japan, India, Europe and China would have.

They'd be making cars (and lots of other stuff) there and shipping them all over the world and we would just have to suck on it.

At least this way, we get a piece of what goes on down there.

Really want to bring manufacturing back, crush the criminal Unions. Know why the European Car makers didn't go belly-up? Three reasons;




That simple. And Ford survived because they have ALWAYS hated Unions. Which is why I buy nothing but Ford products.

Which reminds me of several conversations I had with Yankees coming down here to retire.....

I'd have to listen to how they made so much more money, how their Unions took such good care of them, how the Unions helped their retirement, their Medical care, yada-yada-yada.....

Okay, says I. \What are you driving?

"Toyota Camry" they says

dimocraps is what they is

liberturdians are just fucking hillbilly stupid

Obviously I'm not as smart as you seem to be, but if I'm not mistaken, the majority of auto makers (Chevy, Dodge, Ford, etc) are being built in Mexico. My Dodge pickup (built in 2006) was built there. My newest Dodge (built 3 months ago) was built in Mexico. Difference? The newest Dodge cost 42 Thousand.

I'm curious as to how a truck - built on 7 dollar an hour wages can still be more than twice the price of a truck (same truck) 9 years earlier?

you can call hard working Americans, who have lost their jobs, or worse yet, are building cars and trucks HERE, instead of Japan, "fucking Hillbilly stupid", but I "apparently" just don't get it.

So, we dissolve unions (UAW) for example. Will the prices of those vehicles suddenly come down? Or will it be, as I guess, the same prices for vehicles, built on slave labor?

If I'm not mistaken, and I'm NOT, we're we not fed the line of crap that the prices would fall (without the unions involvement) and everything would be unicorns and rainbows? Looks as though we were (and are) being fed yet another line of crap......

Final assembly on Ram Trucks is either in Mexico or Michigan.

You can tell by looking at your VIN, if it starts with a '1' it's final assembly point is the USA.

There's also the part about where are the 'value added' parts made?

Like, the engine, transmission, rear end, instruments, etc could be made in the USA or Canada and assembled in Mexico.

or vice versa.

It takes about 30 hours to make a car. Thirty. Period.

That's everything from the lug nuts to the engine to the transmission and the steering wheel.


They don't move these plants out of the Country because of the wages. They just don't do it.

They do it because Unions are criminal organizations and can't be trusted or worked with.

Companies can deal with higher wages, what they can NOT deal with is criminal Unions forcing Companies to keep THOUSANDS of men and women on the payrolls while they sit home and do nothing or come in to work, punch in, hang out for an hour or so in the Cafeteria and get paid for a full day.

Those things are FUCKING FACTS

Also, when you want to build a plant in this Country, you can't do it without sucking every dimocrap dick within 1,000 miles of the fucking place.

You gotta get the Zoning changed and as soon as the dimocrap filth on the County Boards here that you want to build a factory, they run out and start buying up the land so they can sell it for 10 times what they paid for it.

Then the factory has to egt clearance from the County EPA, the State EPA and rthe federal EPA (oh yes they do)

After years of kissing their fucking asses, hippy scum find out and put an Eagle's Nest on the property.

BOOM!!! Everything stops for five fucking years.

Then, as soon as that clears up, they find Bear shit. Another year.

You don't know what the FUCK you're talking about.

You just don't.

Unions and dimocrap scum are running our manufacturing out of this Country.

And liberturdian scum are helping them.

I live in the real world, not in the academic Fake News Fun Time world you live in.

Manufacturers don't WANT to leave the US. They HATE it. They lose control, they don't have the same protections, they have to send Americans to live in those fucked up places (Trust me, I know).

One thing, if you ever get sent to China as a QC guy, don't eat the local chicken.

You people are so fucking stupid, you blame the wrong people every time. Every time.

scumbag dimocraps are the cause of ALL our problems.

Republicans are just sometimes dolts. Well meaning morons at worst

dimocraps are scum

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