The whores of the US Senate just voted for TPA

You idiots elected a corporate Congress. What did you expect?

That's Congress' job, genius.

Why else would we need one, to drink Bourbon and scratch their asses? To invent new and fun ways to fuck over The People?

It is the JOB of Congress to oversee Corporations, Trade, etc.

And if you weren't a hypocrite, you would discard everything you own made by a Corporation.....

Hint: Running around naked and barefoot will get you tossed in the Can.

Corporations are one of the best things to ever happen to humanity. They're just beyond most people's understanding and, like all inferior beings, they hate what they don't understand

Like dimocraps. Who hate -- Everything
Your response is barely legible. I think we've witnessed the power of 90 IQ points right there in your reply.
Why all the Hate? Isnt this what Americans want? Republicans and Democrats "reaching across the isle" and working together to "get things done"?


It's the American Government doing what their Corporate Masters command them to do!
Trade Promotion Authority United States Trade Representative

For more than 30 years, Congress has enacted Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) laws to guide both Democratic and Republican Administrations in pursuing trade agreements that support U.S. jobs, eliminating barriers in foreign markets and establishing rules to stop unfair trade.

TPA does not provide new power to the Executive Branch. TPA is a legislative procedure, written by Congress, through which Congress defines U.S. negotiating objectives and spells out a detailed oversight and consultation process for during trade negotiations. Under TPA, Congress retains the authority to review and decide whether any proposed U.S. trade agreement will be implemented.

With Trade Promotion Authority, the United States will be able to pursue 21st century trade agreements that support and create U.S. jobs while helping American manufacturers, service providers, farmers and ranchers increase U.S. exports and compete in a highly competitive, globalized economy.

What is TPA?
Since 1974, Congress has enacted TPA legislation that defines U.S. negotiating objectives and priorities for trade agreements and establishes consultation and notification requirements for the President to follow throughout the negotiation process. At the end of the negotiation and consultation process, Congress gives the agreement an up or down vote, without amendment. TPA reaffirms Congress’s overall constitutional role in the development and oversight of U.S. trade policy.

info from one of the biggest whores in Washington...the US Trade Representative.........thanks
unfortunately these things are never examined after the fact......I dont think they are ever undone....I dont think its as easy as you are implying

Congress shoots down Trade Bills ALL the time. All the time.

Bush had one that took ten years to get through Congress involving Columbia.

It finally went through. Glad, too. Saved myself $5k on my new windows :)

all the time? one rejected after one rejected at all.
info from one of the biggest whores in Washington...the US Trade Representative.........thanks

Got anything, ANYTHING, that says it's false or do you just want to throw a PMS hissy fit?

That's what I thought.

its subjective in most.......factual in that most presidents given in last 30 years, I dont think anyone disputes that...just that it isnt right ...........but just empty rhetoric otherwise.
Why all the Hate? Isnt this what Americans want? Republicans and Democrats "reaching across the isle" and working together to "get things done"?


It's the American Government doing what their Corporate Masters command them to do!

dont forget the George Carlin quote" Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out."
all the time? one rejected after one rejected at all.

You're a crybaby little bitch.

The USA has rejected Trade Bills with several Countries, including Russia, Iran, China, Japan.

you must be related to one of the whores...............your being a bit excessively defensive

and after passing...really...I think your lying
Problem is -- You people aren't even aware of what it is you think you're against.

You have no clue. You don't even know 'TPA' is.

It's the same authority every President has had. Not just this one.

If this scumbag piece of shit lying motherfucker of a racist America-Hating pile of filth makes a bad deal (which he likely will, knowing what a piece of filth he is) the next president can simply ignore it, Congress can overturn or the Judicial Branch can strike it down.

Much too much hysteria surrounding this whole thing.

obama is a lying scumbag, I get that. I don't trust him either.

dimocrap filth are sucking up to their mafia criminal Union pals, I get that.

This is not really all that binding. I don't see how we can lose by passing it

I am almost always with you but we depart company on this issue. The reason their is so much distrust is because how the REPULICANS manipulated the system.

Here, from the following site:

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding TPA and TPP. This confusion exists because Republicans didn’t take the time to explain what each is and how each operates. The reason they didn’t take the time to explain it is because the longer the debate was drawn out, the more opposition there would have been, making it more difficult to pass TPA.

This is Why TPA Can t be Trusted And Why Republicans Were Wrong to Support it IT PASSED
Problem is -- You people aren't even aware of what it is you think you're against.

You have no clue. You don't even know 'TPA' is.

It's the same authority every President has had. Not just this one.

If this scumbag piece of shit lying motherfucker of a racist America-Hating pile of filth makes a bad deal (which he likely will, knowing what a piece of filth he is) the next president can simply ignore it, Congress can overturn or the Judicial Branch can strike it down.

Much too much hysteria surrounding this whole thing.

obama is a lying scumbag, I get that. I don't trust him either.

dimocrap filth are sucking up to their mafia criminal Union pals, I get that.

This is not really all that binding. I don't see how we can lose by passing it


All that needs to be said.

Mexico to Overtake Russia by 2050 as U.S. Slides - Bloomberg Business
the aptly named Sen. Flake out of Arizona spoke in favor, smirking widely while he talked of how of course there will be displaced workers......PLease Arizona don't forget this. Make this asshole a displaced politician next time around.

While there may be some displaced workers, there will be greater opportunity to export our own goods and technologies. I was watching a news report on Canadian television concerning the loss of auto jobs in Canada, as many of the automakers are moving their plants to Mexico. While cheaper labor has been a factor, the biggest factor is that Mexico has free trade agreements with almost all countries that matter. This makes it much cheaper to ship cars to other parts of the world. Here is more from a story in the Wall Street Journal stating the same thing.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.—A barren patch in the rugged hills along the Tennessee River is a sign of how Mexico has accelerated past the U.S. South in the global competition for auto investment.

The tract of cleared woodland lies alongside a factory Volkswagen AG set out to build in 2008. VW took an option on the adjacent 800 acres as a place where its Audi unit might build a North American plant someday.

But four years later, when Audi decided to move global production of its Q5 SUV to North America, the prize went to Mexico. Audi now is finishing a $1.3 billion factory in a gritty south-central Mexico town called San Jose Chiapa. The plant’s massive buildings rise like supertankers from dun-colored fields where families scrape by raising corn and beans.

Mexico’s low wages and improved logistics were part of the draw. But for Audi, which plans to ship the factory’s output all over the world, what tipped the scales was Mexico’s unrivaled trade relationships.

“Mexico had more than 40 different free-trade agreements,” said Rupert Stadler, Audi’s chief executive. The pacts give exporters from Mexico duty-free access to markets that contain 60% of the world’s economic output.

Why Auto Makers Are Building New Factories in Mexico not the U.S. - WSJ

We are in a global market and economy. We cannot hide from that fact. Trying to do so will only isolate us and diminish greater opportunities down the road. This is one issue that many just do not seem able to grasp, and they come from both the right and left.
The problem I have is that the Republicans said they would reign in Obama and his mis-use of power. Yet all they have done is give him more power.

I think we all should become independents it is the only message that we can send.
The problem I have is that the Republicans said they would reign in Obama and his mis-use of power. Yet all they have done is give him more power.

I think we all should become independents it is the only message that we can send.

First off it's "Rein"

Second, fuck you.

I hate and despise liberturdians. You run around like you know something and you are THE most ignorant fucks in all of politics.

dimocrap scum are lying filth but liberturdians are just simply fucking stupid.

Republicans ARE doing the best they can to rein in the Lying Cocksucker. But the Executive Branch is where the REAL power lays.

Not good enough for you? Of course not, you fucking scumbags..... YOU are the ones 100% responsible for Republicans losing to scum of the earth dimocraps since 1992.

Fuck you very much.
the aptly named Sen. Flake out of Arizona spoke in favor, smirking widely while he talked of how of course there will be displaced workers......PLease Arizona don't forget this. Make this asshole a displaced politician next time around.

While there may be some displaced workers, there will be greater opportunity to export our own goods and technologies. I was watching a news report on Canadian television concerning the loss of auto jobs in Canada, as many of the automakers are moving their plants to Mexico. While cheaper labor has been a factor, the biggest factor is that Mexico has free trade agreements with almost all countries that matter. This makes it much cheaper to ship cars to other parts of the world. Here is more from a story in the Wall Street Journal stating the same thing.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.—A barren patch in the rugged hills along the Tennessee River is a sign of how Mexico has accelerated past the U.S. South in the global competition for auto investment.

The tract of cleared woodland lies alongside a factory Volkswagen AG set out to build in 2008. VW took an option on the adjacent 800 acres as a place where its Audi unit might build a North American plant someday.

But four years later, when Audi decided to move global production of its Q5 SUV to North America, the prize went to Mexico. Audi now is finishing a $1.3 billion factory in a gritty south-central Mexico town called San Jose Chiapa. The plant’s massive buildings rise like supertankers from dun-colored fields where families scrape by raising corn and beans.

Mexico’s low wages and improved logistics were part of the draw. But for Audi, which plans to ship the factory’s output all over the world, what tipped the scales was Mexico’s unrivaled trade relationships.

“Mexico had more than 40 different free-trade agreements,” said Rupert Stadler, Audi’s chief executive. The pacts give exporters from Mexico duty-free access to markets that contain 60% of the world’s economic output.

Why Auto Makers Are Building New Factories in Mexico not the U.S. - WSJ

We are in a global market and economy. We cannot hide from that fact. Trying to do so will only isolate us and diminish greater opportunities down the road. This is one issue that many just do not seem able to grasp, and they come from both the right and left.

article doesn't flesh out just what is in these "free trade relationships" that makes mexico so attractive.....

While claiming it isnt cheap labor, I doubt it...look a the source...The WSJ is not a good paper on this subject.

Duty free is hardly a factor anymore.... for the us...and what do you have to get up to get it????? if it is
And another thing you stupid bitches......

What do you think helped Bill The Rapist have the best job-producing presidency of all time.....? The fucking Easter Bunny??

It was NAFTA you ignorant FUCKS. NAFTA was an incredible success

NAFTA s effect on United States employment - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

U.S. employment increased over the period of 1993-2007 from 110.8 million people to 137.6 million people.[9] Specifically within NAFTA's first five years of existence, 709,988 jobs (140,000 annually), were created domestically.[10] The mid to late nineties was a period of strong economic growth in the United States. Classical macroeconomic theory suggests that when a country is experiencing economic growth (i.e. GDP is increasing), then there will also be an increase in the participation of the labor force.[11] Thus, because trade liberalization can sometimes contribute to increases in GDP, it can help to bring the rate of unemployment down in a country. The U.S. experienced a 48% increase in real GDP from 1993-2005. The unemployment rate over this period was an average of only 5.1%, compared to 7.1% from 1982-1993, before NAFTA was implemented.
Problem is -- You people aren't even aware of what it is you think you're against.

You have no clue. You don't even know 'TPA' is.

It's the same authority every President has had. Not just this one.

If this scumbag piece of shit lying motherfucker of a racist America-Hating pile of filth makes a bad deal (which he likely will, knowing what a piece of filth he is) the next president can simply ignore it, Congress can overturn or the Judicial Branch can strike it down.

Much too much hysteria surrounding this whole thing.

obama is a lying scumbag, I get that. I don't trust him either.

dimocrap filth are sucking up to their mafia criminal Union pals, I get that.

This is not really all that binding. I don't see how we can lose by passing it

What about all the shit added to it that has to do with immigration?
If this is such a good deal for America why all the secrecy and the need to support people because they've lost their job because of it?
What about all the shit added to it that has to do with immigration?
If this is such a good deal for America why all the secrecy and the need to support people because they've lost their job because of it?

Finally, an intelligent and accurate argument against the TPP.

I agree. The immigration dealio is troubling.

The Lying Cocksucker said there wasn't any in the deal.

But........ I call him "The Lying Cocksucker" for a reason

If the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief lies to Congress...... Vote it down. Kill it without mercy. No 'ifs', no 'ands', no 'buts'.

For now, we should follow the process. But if the Liar in Chief pulls his usual shit...... Kill it.


Tired of lying dimocrap scum.

Like there's any other kind.
The problem I have is that the Republicans said they would reign in Obama and his mis-use of power. Yet all they have done is give him more power.

I think we all should become independents it is the only message that we can send.

First off it's "Rein"

Second, fuck you.

I hate and despise liberturdians. You run around like you know something and you are THE most ignorant fucks in all of politics.

dimocrap scum are lying filth but liberturdians are just simply fucking stupid.

Republicans ARE doing the best they can to rein in the Lying Cocksucker. But the Executive Branch is where the REAL power lays.

Not good enough for you? Of course not, you fucking scumbags..... YOU are the ones 100% responsible for Republicans losing to scum of the earth dimocraps since 1992.

Fuck you very much.

Republicans are doing shit to rain him in. (spelling intentional to piss you off)

Or is it some kind of sneaky plan to do everything he wants and that will reign him in? I think when speaking of a king reign is the right world.

Republicans are worse then the damn democrats at least he is of their party.

BTW all I said was why all the secrecy and you went on a vulgar diatribe. You really are making an ass out of yourself.
What about all the shit added to it that has to do with immigration?
If this is such a good deal for America why all the secrecy and the need to support people because they've lost their job because of it?

Finally, an intelligent and accurate argument against the TPP.

I agree. The immigration dealio is troubling.

The Lying Cocksucker said there wasn't any in the deal.

But........ I call him "The Lying Cocksucker" for a reason

If the Lying Piece of Shit in Chief lies to Congress...... Vote it down. Kill it without mercy. No 'ifs', no 'ands', no 'buts'.

For now, we should follow the process. But if the Liar in Chief pulls his usual shit...... Kill it.


Tired of lying dimocrap scum.

Like there's any other kind.

After we elected all those republicans in the midterms only to have them stab us in the back I dont trust either side to do whats good for the country.
And when you get RINOs and dems voting together on something get ready to grab your wallet.

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