The whores of the US Senate just voted for TPA

and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

Uh... Where we're at now, is where the Founders found themselves in mid-18th century. "Taxation without representation", or more accurately "legislation without representation".

I was shocked when it didn't go thru initially... that they felt sufficiently cowed to put on the show is somewhere between pitiful and scary; in terms of what it will mean when they finally just give the brown-clown total control.

My guess is that we'll just wake up one morning and obama will be the Furer and we'll just have to accept it.

I mean after all... at the end of the day all he really needs to do is come out and say he 'identifies' as a Dictator and fuck... he's a dictator!

And what are we going to do? Deny him equal protection under the law, by usurping his 14th amendment Constitutional Rights to BE who he feels he is, just like EVERYONE ELSE enjoys!


We're so screwed! ~

It's coming, my friend. And not too far in the future. It will be a Leadership plan based on and for corporations. Watch and see.
Again - 5 TRILLION in profits sitting in off shore accounts - non taxable and being enjoyed by CEOs. I am a STAUNCH conservative - but this "raping" of the American consumer needs to stop.

Again, you just couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions.

The 2.5 trillion sitting offshore has ALREADY BEEN TAXED!!

Got it? It's already been taxed by the Countries in which the profit was earned.

If the Companies want to repatriate the money (they do) then the have to pay AMERICAN TAXES on it ALSO!!


THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

More Fake News Fun Time
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

Yep. First thing: Boehnor and McConnel need to go.

I'm not so sure it even matters who gets elected anymore.
Both sides continue to stab americans in the back.
fuck off you lying cock-sucking corporate ****.

I was talking these idiotic trade treatys and yeah I knew long before you opened your fat fucking mouth in here that they claim there is a difference between these and treatys........

You are so fucking full of all this must be a cock-sucking corporate lobbyist or paid to be on here shilling

shut the fuck up with your long dumb ass posts

Eat a dick you stupid scrunt

You were wrong. You remain wrong.

Don't like being proven wrong? Don't confront a superior intellect -- Me

You got personally screwed by a union and now embrace corporate fascism........this is what you call superior intellect? :cuckoo:
Plenty companies have left union states for greener pastures.
And ford and chevy both have foreign plants already.

But they don't have any non Union Plants.

That's the point of the discussion.

Although I do believe there is a new plan that will allow non Union workers in some plants at some point. Don't know, don't care. Too little, too late

The INCORRECT point was made that if Companies wanted to get away from the criminal Unions they could open a plant in the South where there is still a little bit of freedom left instead of going overseas

No. They can't.

Been there, done that.

The Union WILL SHUT THEM DOWN if they try

So how exactly will the unions accomplish this?

Indeed. The company I worked for never went out on strike. NEVER ONCE. However, once, the business locked out the employees in order to change the pay scale for drivers. We were out of work for 6 weeks. It cost the company 50 million dollars in lost revenue and, after changing the pay scale for drivers, the drivers were making FAR MORE than when they were hourly. Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face".....
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....

Yep. First thing: Boehnor and McConnel need to go.

I'm not so sure it even matters who gets elected anymore.
Both sides continue to stab americans in the back.

It's pathetic to me that you think that to be true. It really is.

The lack of intelligence in here is just fucking amazing.

Sounds to me like you think you are so fucking important that the whole world is conspiring against you.

That wealthy, brilliant, educated people got nothing to do but sit around and plan ways to take your lousy money. Your cigarette change.

Well, as a former smoker I can see that you're truly in the deep thread of average individual economics. Because cigarettes haven't been bought with 'change', since the 70s. I mean they're $7/pk. Two packs, is literally, a POCKET FULL of change.

Secondly, the ideological Left is built around the singular purpose of figuring out ways to pick the pocket of anyone who has pockets. So, not sure where the outrage is comin' from; given the century of experience we have with Leftists picking people's pockets.

Unless you're being sarcastic... but are you being sarcastic? Because that's hysterical shit, if ya are.
Indeed. The company I worked for never went out on strike. NEVER ONCE. However, once, the business locked out the employees in order to change the pay scale for drivers. We were out of work for 6 weeks. It cost the company 50 million dollars in lost revenue and, after changing the pay scale for drivers, the drivers were making FAR MORE than when they were hourly. Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face".....

Then why didn't the Union agree to the contract change and prevent the lockout?

Same thing as a strike, hot rod.

The Company wanted to go to a different pay structure so they could 'Business Plan'. So they could better predict future profits, loans and expenses. It's complicated. And REALLY boring

Been there, done that.
Again - 5 TRILLION in profits sitting in off shore accounts - non taxable and being enjoyed by CEOs. I am a STAUNCH conservative - but this "raping" of the American consumer needs to stop.

Again, you just couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions.

The 2.5 trillion sitting offshore has ALREADY BEEN TAXED!!

Got it? It's already been taxed by the Countries in which the profit was earned.

If the Companies want to repatriate the money (they do) then the have to pay AMERICAN TAXES on it ALSO!!


THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

More Fake News Fun Time

OK, apparently you are off your Med's today. Let me see if I can use this analogy....

A pickup truck in 2006 (when the truck was being assembled in Mexico) cost me (if memory serves) around $20,000. A pickup truck in 2015 (same truck, still assembled in Mexico) now costs in excess on $42,000.

Now you tell me, and justify, the cost. Is it the mean old UAW? nope. Is it the parts? Nope. Is it those bean-eating Mexicans who make $7 an hour (and have been since the 90s) nope.

Geez.....Then how do you explain a 100% increase in the cost?

Indeed. The company I worked for never went out on strike. NEVER ONCE. However, once, the business locked out the employees in order to change the pay scale for drivers. We were out of work for 6 weeks. It cost the company 50 million dollars in lost revenue and, after changing the pay scale for drivers, the drivers were making FAR MORE than when they were hourly. Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face".....

Then why didn't the Union agree to the contract change and prevent the lockout?

Same thing as a strike, hot rod.

The Company wanted to go to a different pay structure so they could 'Business Plan'. So they could better predict future profits, loans and expenses. It's complicated. And REALLY boring

Been there, done that.

You're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. Seriously, get out and grab a little fresh're losing it. The union didn't "agree" to the change in the contract because they ALREADY had a contract. It went to arbitration (I take it that you know what the NLRB is) and, after seeing that the new pay scale would make the drivers considerably MORE money, re-worked the contract.
Last edited:
Again - 5 TRILLION in profits sitting in off shore accounts - non taxable and being enjoyed by CEOs. I am a STAUNCH conservative - but this "raping" of the American consumer needs to stop.

Again, you just couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions.

The 2.5 trillion sitting offshore has ALREADY BEEN TAXED!!

Got it? It's already been taxed by the Countries in which the profit was earned.

If the Companies want to repatriate the money (they do) then the have to pay AMERICAN TAXES on it ALSO!!


THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

More Fake News Fun Time

OK, apparently you are off your Med's today. Let me see if I can use this analogy....

A pickup truck in 2006 (when the truck was being assembled in Mexico) cost me (if memory serves) around $20,000. A pickup truck in 2015 (same truck, still assembled in Mexico) now costs in excess on $42,000.

Now you tell me, and justify, the cost. Is it the mean old UAW? nope. Is it the parts? Nope. Is it those bean-eating Mexicans who make $7 an hour (and have been since the 90s) nope.

Geez.....Then how do you explain a 100% increase in the cost?


Ain't that the truth. The cost of a new truck has gotten ridiculous.
You have to wonder who the hell they think they're going to sell these trucks to when half the nation makes min wage?
More facts, according to the following site:
Key Facts
Tax avoidance through offshore tax
loopholes is a significant reason why
corporations, which paid one-third of
federal revenues 60 years ago, now pay
one-tenth of federal revenues.

U.S. corporations dodge $90 billion a
year in income taxes by shifting profits
to subsidiaries—often no more than a
post office box—in tax havens.

U.S. corporations hold $2.1 trillion in
profits offshore – much in tax havens –
that have not been taxed in the U.S.

General Electric, which uses a loophole
for offshore financial profits, earned
$27.5 billion in profits from 2008 to
2012 but claimed tax refunds of $3.1

Apple made $74 billion from 2009-2012
on worldwide sales (excluding the
Americas) and paid almost nothing in
taxes to any country.

26 profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no
federal income taxes from 2008-2012.
111 large, profitable corporations paid
zero federal income taxes in at least one
of those five years.
Indeed. The company I worked for never went out on strike. NEVER ONCE. However, once, the business locked out the employees in order to change the pay scale for drivers. We were out of work for 6 weeks. It cost the company 50 million dollars in lost revenue and, after changing the pay scale for drivers, the drivers were making FAR MORE than when they were hourly. Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face".....

Then why didn't the Union agree to the contract change and prevent the lockout?

Same thing as a strike, hot rod.

The Company wanted to go to a different pay structure so they could 'Business Plan'. So they could better predict future profits, loans and expenses. It's complicated. And REALLY boring

Been there, done that.

You're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. Seriously, get out and grab a little fresh're living it.

Hmmm, you might consider buying your wife a different cook book. :D
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....
The system is not broken. The politicians are corrupt.
Stop electing morons & put term limits into effect. 90% of our problems evaporate
Indeed. The company I worked for never went out on strike. NEVER ONCE. However, once, the business locked out the employees in order to change the pay scale for drivers. We were out of work for 6 weeks. It cost the company 50 million dollars in lost revenue and, after changing the pay scale for drivers, the drivers were making FAR MORE than when they were hourly. Talk about "cutting off your nose to spite your face".....

Then why didn't the Union agree to the contract change and prevent the lockout?

Same thing as a strike, hot rod.

The Company wanted to go to a different pay structure so they could 'Business Plan'. So they could better predict future profits, loans and expenses. It's complicated. And REALLY boring

Been there, done that.

You're as full of shit as a Christmas turkey. Seriously, get out and grab a little fresh're living it.

I am right. You got nothing other than to attack the poster instead of the FACTS in the post.

Had your Union agreed to the proposed changes, there wouldn't have been a lockout, aka; Work Stoppage, aka: Labor Dispute, aka; Union stupidity.

Besides, the Company did you a favor. During a Lockout, you can get unemployment. During a Strike, you can't

As to the STUPIDITY of American Unions.......

Read, learn......

Labor Unions Membership and Labor Law Modernization
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....
The system is not broken. The politicians are corrupt.
Stop electing morons & put term limits into effect. 90% of our problems evaporate

After what we've seen over the last thirty years I dont know how you can say that.
No matter who gets elected the same shit will on it.
And when the hildebeast or jeb get the nod we'll just get more finger pointing.
As intended...
More facts, according to the following site:
Key Facts
Tax avoidance through offshore tax
loopholes is a significant reason why
corporations, which paid one-third of
federal revenues 60 years ago, now pay
one-tenth of federal revenues.

U.S. corporations dodge $90 billion a
year in income taxes by shifting profits
to subsidiaries—often no more than a
post office box—in tax havens.

U.S. corporations hold $2.1 trillion in
profits offshore – much in tax havens –
that have not been taxed in the U.S.

General Electric, which uses a loophole
for offshore financial profits, earned
$27.5 billion in profits from 2008 to
2012 but claimed tax refunds of $3.1

Apple made $74 billion from 2009-2012
on worldwide sales (excluding the
Americas) and paid almost nothing in
taxes to any country.

26 profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no
federal income taxes from 2008-2012.
111 large, profitable corporations paid
zero federal income taxes in at least one
of those five years.

And that is the point in it's entirety. Companies are getting FILTHY rich while the brainwashed still blame "unions" because that's what they have been taught. It's somehow "unamerican" for the populace to expect a decent living from those companies who make a "profit".

Far be it to blame those same companies who screw both their customers AND their slave labor - while they vacation in the Grand Caymans and live in multi-million dollar homes ( along with those politicians who suck at their tits)
This article states the follow reason for off shoring jobs.

Cheap Labor
Long-term Incentives
Tax System

Why Are Jobs Moving Out of the U.S. Everyday Life - Global Post

Let me break it down for ya.

US Jobs aren't moving anywhere. People hire people offshore, because those people are well capable of doing the work and they are willing to do the work, for less and sufficiently less to put up with the hassle of having people who work offshore, to do the work.

I've said for YEARS... if you come into work one day and there's a Parrot doing your job, whose working for a bag of seed a day, it's not the Parrot's fault.
and it was one of those fake "close" votes...where you know they were almost all sell-outs... but some were allowed to vote no because the opposition in their districts was higher ......tho this is unpopular across this nation.............

These votes demonstrate that our system is broken.............

They show that the irrational makeup of the Senate particularly needs to be changed.....
Just wait, you can get them all back by re-electing them....

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