The Wealthiest Parasites


Sep 23, 2010
My contention that parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every culture in history is seen in a twist unique to America’s form of government. In order for parasites to bring down America there had to be an alliance among rank & file parasites, Public Trough Intellectuals, and tax dollar millionaires. In a limited government each of the three would not be possible without the other two. Barack Taqiyya is the most successful to date. He is the first full-blown child of the parasite class to rise to the very top. He is a tax dollar millionaire, and he is a Public Trough Intellectual.

Tax dollar millionaires

No one should be surprised that the political party responsible for creating a permanent parasite class living on tax dollars also created the wealthiest parasites:

In a report from, we learn that for the first time more than half of all members of Congress are millionaires. But what’s really interesting about the story is that it tells us there are more Democrats than Republicans in Congress who are millionaires.


Now, as for the Democrats, consider this: Barack Obama, who held jobs like “community organizer” and constitutional law professor – and yes, I recognize the irony there – is a millionaire. How is that? I’ll tell you how. A career in politics can make you pretty good money. You can publish and sell a lot of books. You can bank your salary because a lot of your living expenses can be manipulated to qualify as expenses that political fundraising can pay for. You can also make pretty good money in the political world as a lawyer, or as a lobbyist, or as a consultant.

Congress: More Democrat millionaires than Republican . . . and here’s why
By Herman Cain Sunday, January 12, 2014

Congress: More Democrat millionaires than Republican . . . and here?s why

Add in high paying jobs in the private sector after leaving government, and the much-traveled revolving door separating government jobs from employment in academia and the media.

And where does the Occupy Wall Street crowd stand on this blueprint for creating more Democrat millionaire parasites:

As it becomes more and more obvious that insurance companies are going to take a bath as a result of the skewed pool of healthy enrollees vs. sick ones, there has been talk of bailing out the insurance companies in order to keep them from abandoning the unprofitable exchanges.

We needn't worry. The bailout is in the law itself - and President Obama has apparently forgotten to mention this fact to the American people.

On top of every other lie Democrats tell it turns out that universal coverage is nothing more than an insurance program for tax dollar millionaires. In practice, bailing out insurance companies gives Wall Street’s absentee owners unfettered access to the public purse. As I’ve said in the past:

Bailing out the healthcare insurance industry with income tax dollars allows the government to bailout the ancient concepts of absentee ownership, and Socialist/Communist ideology. Bailing out the insurance industry is doubly unique in that tax dollars, NOT LOANS THAT MUST BE REPAID, will prop up the stock market in perpetuity.

Repeatedly bailing out the insurance industry as this final excerpt explains will prop up the Dow Jones Industrial Average nonstop:

. . . if an insurance company expects its costs in a given year to be X, and those costs end up being more than X plus 2 percent, taxpayers will come to that insurance company's rescue-thanks to Obamacare. In fact, once an insurance company covers that initial 2 percent in unexpected costs, taxpayers will cover at least 80 percent of any additional costs the insurer accrues.

January 13, 2014
Insurance company bailout built into Obamacare
Rick Moran

Blog: Insurance company bailout built into Obamacare

The word “Industrial” is somewhat misplaced since much of America’s industry has been outsourced. So you might say that insurance company bailouts designed to prop up the Dow also prop up Communist China.

No losers

Wall Street is a gambling casino where the gamblers cannot lose thanks to tax dollar bailouts. Put it this way. Millions of absentee owners lose everything they own in Las Vegas casinos. The casinos go belly up when their customers are broke. The government then bails out the casinos with income tax dollars. Casino owners extract a sizable chunk for themselves before returning the remainder to the losers. Everybody wins EXCEPT PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS AND INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES.

Can you see the inevitable? At some point there will be so many unemployed Americans the government will not have enough customers to feed the parasites and remain in business.

Make no mistake on this. Wall Street is the driving force behind the financial disaster coming down the pike. By Wall Street, I mean the insidious philosophy of absentee ownership supported by tax dollars.

NOTE: The next Great Depression was set in motion when Wall Street millionaires convinced the American people that the first Great Depression was caused by the collapse of Wall Street; ergo, it must never happen again.

Spend a little time surfing the tube and you cannot miss all of the Public Trough Intellectuals talking about government helping government. They don’t say it in those words, but everything they talk about results in more government interference for solutions to problems the government created. All of that talk leaves me with the impression that the government causes all of the trouble, while Public Trough Intellectuals are the problem.

When it comes time for another tax increase, Republicans and Democrats avoid talking about the private sector as the nation’s breadwinner except to imply that the government helps the private sector produce more bread when the government is made to work right.

Should a Communist government in America ever work as well as the ones in China, North Korea, Cuba, and so on, the rest of us had better head for the hills because the last thing Americans need is an efficient Socialist government picking their pockets more than does our present inefficient Socialist government. When parasites use the government to rip me off, I want them to be a schmucks who can’t tell up from down.

Public Trough Intellectuals

The word liberal in a political context has long-been a synonym for Socialist. The system dictates that a Socialist must secure a spot at the public trough before he or she can appear on TV as a Professional Liberal. Once the level of Professional Liberal has been attained the title of Public Trough Intellectual is automatically conferred upon honored Socialists.

The late Will Rogers (1879-1935) had no way of knowing that television would eventually validate his observation:

Communism to me is one-third practice and two-thirds explanation.

Will Rogers notwithstanding, creeping Socialism continues to creep right along with the help of the Ministry of Propaganda.

Just to clear, most of today’s bureaucrats are Public Trough Intellectuals. They should not be confused with legitimate civil servants. The difference is easy to spot:

1. Public Trough Intellectuals are social engineers serving one group or another, while civil servants serve the country as a whole.

2. Every Public Trough Intellectual is afflicted with the arrogance born of an undeserved tax dollar income. They know everything. They can tell you how to cure every evil in the world except how to chase them away from the public trough.

The way Socialism works in the American Republic is a study in arrogance. I say that because it is not the public that decides what goes and what stays. It is the Ministry of Propaganda that has become the arbiter of political issues. No matter how many times private sector Americans let it be known they reject a Socialist program, well-paid Public Trough Intellectuals continue to talk it up on television as though the majority of Americans are misguided children in need of a little economic moral persuasion.

An intellectual without a tax dollar income is no different than the rest of us. Who the hell listens to unemployed college professors? Most of us don’t want to listen to employed college professors telling us how to save the world. Even if you are charitable when criticizing Public Trough Intellectuals you have to admit that being paid for nothing more than spouting one’s personal opinions is quite an ego trip.

Whenever politicians or Public Trough Intellectuals show up on TV and repeatedly say “The American people want this or that or the other thing.” you can bet that the person doing the talking is referring to what tax dollar parasites wants. Leading Democrats look the camera squarely in the eye and actually say the “American people” favor tax increases. When Democrats say things like that you know damn well they are speaking for the beneficiaries of tax dollars rather than speaking for those private sector working Americans whose labors pay for everything.

Finally, there are no Professional Conservatives. True conservatives are bound by self-preservation and conscience to denounce big government Socialism/Communism; therefore, a true conservative voice is extremely rare on TV.

It follows that no conservative may lay claim to the title of Public Trough Intellectual. No true conservative feeds at the public trough directly or indirectly.
I thought this thread was going to be about trust fund babies.

Obama is pretty darn successful and you want to complain about him having a million dollars. I don't think you really have any idea what it means to be really rich in this country.
I thought this thread was going to be about trust fund babies.

To Bombur: Feel free to elaborate. Preferably in your own thread.

Obama is pretty darn successful and you want to complain about him having a million dollars.

To Bombur: It’s how he got it, not that he has it.

I think you don’t the difference between parasites and producers.

I don't think you really have any idea what it means to be really rich in this country.

To Bombur: I stuck with Herman Cain’s “millionaire” to avoid confusion rather than say multimillionaire which is generally the case.

Get with the premise. High ranking parasites rake in millions after they leave office although they may only have a million or so in the bank when they leave government. Example:

The University of California has leased an Oakland residence for incoming system president Janet Napolitano for $9,950 a month, officials said Monday. Napolitano, the former U.S. secretary of Homeland Security and former governor of Arizona, will be provided the housing plus an annual $570,000 salary, $8,916 a year for car expenses and $142,500 for one-time relocation costs.

UC leases housing at $9,950 a month for president Napolitano
September 16, 2013|By Larry Gordon

UC leases housing at $9,950 a month for president Napolitano - Los Angeles Times

For a total disaster, parasite Napolitano has done right well by the public trough.
There’s no hope for you if you can read this article and still not know what Democrat parasites did to you and the country:

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare
8:01 AM, Jan 13, 2014 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

Bailing Out Health Insurers and Helping Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

I can only add that Hillary Clinton tried to do the exact same thing to the country when she was first lady.
How do you feel about Medicare for All Citizens?
Is it really surprising that high ranking officials in one of the largest and most powerful organizations in the world have marketable skills that earn them money?

Should the government only hire people that have no skills?
Flanders again hit the wrong targets.

Most of the billionaires in this the Koch Brothers are parasites.

They made their money the old fashioned way.

How do you feel about Medicare for All Citizens?

To georgephillip: Great —— if they pay for it voluntarily rather than being forced into a program à la HillaryCare II. Forcing everyone to participate is still socialized medicine no matter what else you call it.

See my rely to you in #3 permalink in this thread:

Is it really surprising that high ranking officials in one of the largest and most powerful organizations in the world have marketable skills that earn them money?

Should the government only hire people that have no skills?

To Bombur: That’s misdirection.

Parasites go into government for many reasons. Their favorite is: I wanted to give something back. The truth is that they go into government to get not to give.

Here’s why they do go into government:

1. Assuming parasites would be hired at the management or executive level the private sector does not pay the kind of money they get from the public trough just for showing up.

2. They cannot be fired for incompetence.

3. They are not required to produce anything let alone create wealth.

4. Social engineering. The power of government gives parasites the authority to force others to obey.

5. They get infinitely more protection in the courts when they get caught breaking the law. Rarely are they charged with a crime.

A combination of those five reasons is what draws the parasite personality to government.

Flanders again hit the wrong targets.

Most of the billionaires in this the Koch Brothers are parasites.

They made their money the old fashioned way.


To Sallow: How does inheriting make a person a parasite? Research the origin of the Koch fortune before you reply.

By your logic anybody who inherits anything is a parasite. Or are you so sick with envy you only hate the heirs to large fortunes? The true parasites are those in government who take a person’s inheritance away from the rightful heirs.

I leave you with this thought:

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity. Thomas Paine


Democrat opposition to repealing the inheritance tax has finally defined Socialism as a tyrannical religion, because it too will follow you into the grave, and it does so without claiming God as an ally. Flanders
So all you have is nonsensical conjecture. I was expecting more from you!

... no not really.

Wall Street is a gambling casino where the gamblers cannot lose thanks to tax dollar bailouts. Put it this way. Millions of absentee owners lose everything they own in Las Vegas casinos. The casinos go belly up when their customers are broke. The government then bails out the casinos with income tax dollars. Casino owners extract a sizable chunk for themselves before returning the remainder to the losers. Everybody wins EXCEPT PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS AND INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES.

Make no mistake on this. Wall Street is the driving force behind the financial disaster coming down the pike. By Wall Street, I mean the insidious philosophy of absentee ownership supported by tax dollars.

Good points, all, but especially this.
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Now, as for the Democrats, consider this: Barack Obama, who held jobs like “community organizer” and constitutional law professor – and yes, I recognize the irony there – is a millionaire. How is that?
I'm not sure why you're acting like some wisdom is being unleashed on a problem that has been vexing everyone.

Salary of junior senator = 175k
Salary of president = 400k

Even without the books and whatever else he's had a decade of executive level salary, why wouldn't he be a millionaire?

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