The vaccinated are furious at the unvaccinated

The more people resist getting the vaccine, the better chance that more variants will appear. Some may even be so severe that the current vaccine will not provide adequate protection. Then the unvaccinated will say, 'SEE! I TOLD YOU THE VACCINE WOULD NOT STOP IT."

When actually it could have stopped it, except for the ignorance of the people who refused the shot and gave birth to a new variant.

This is like how we got penicillin resistant Tuberculosis.

You have to continue treatment until you're killed all the TB bacteria. If you stop, those still alive, are the one's more resistant to penicillin (mutated).

The more this happens, the more TB mutations, until they actually become immune to penicillin.

That's the same road COVID is taking with the many variants.
It's like anti-lock brakes on a slippery road.

I would rather everybody have them, because if you have anti-lock brakes, and the person behind you doesn't, like the coronavirus you're going to get hit by them.
Now that is one of the dumbest analogies I have read in a long time. Thanks for the laugh.
Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas are the only states to have fully vaccinated fewer than 35% of their residents.

This is only the intercepted illegals that we know about.
There are many more unintercepted illegals that you can be sure are not getting vaxxed!

Distributors are only liable in the chain of distribution so that the MANUFACTERER can be identified.

You need to go back to law school and learn about products liability.

Your helmet is on too tight.

42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 - Standards of responsibility

A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine
All of the vaccines will infect those with the virus or a similar virus. Some vaccines are made with a dead virus cells, and some uses the cell from a similar virus that is harmless that tricks the body's natural immune system into believing that it is a certain virus so that it will create a series of antibodies to attack the virus. One of the series of antibodies will kill the infected viruses.
And so the vaccines are use to infect the body with the virus while by bypassing the area of the head. Because if the area of the head get infected first, that the body will get infected very quickly before the body have a chance to build up an immunity. Because if the brain infected first will make it harder for the body to restore itself back to normal. But you want to introduce the body to the virus without infecting the brain.
But if your brain is damaged. That your body will have problems of fighting off viruses.

And so all vaccines causes the body to be infected. That is how it works.

Now that is one of the dumbest analogies I have read in a long time. Thanks for the laugh.
You call it dumb out of ignorance.

Most of the analogies I've posted behave just like the delta variant of COVID. Which is why you should learn from their lessons.
This is only the intercepted illegals that we know about.
There are many more unintercepted illegals that you can be sure are not getting vaxxed!

It means the intercepted illegals are almost as well vaccinated as several southern states.

That should mean we should force BOTH to be vaccinated more.
Not sure all the details but the government compensates you for any injury because of vaccines.
Actually they compensate for serious injuries. You don't get compensated if the vaccine gave you a rash.

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