The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

They have no right to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Enough is enough.

this is true and most of the world increasingly agrees. If you want complete town by town description of how Israel stole the land you can read book by Benny Morris, an Israeli. Or, you can read My Promised Land for another balanced look at the situation, also by an Israeli.

yes----you can read those books and several others------benny morris has sorta repudiated his silly attempt at fame thru hypercritical analysis-----a technique very popular amongst Israelis and ----jews in general. It hails back to the Talmud. It is a technique of analysis a bit too scholarly for you----a search thru issue
by attempting to deconstruct them
You are a piece of Human garbage, your hatred of Jews is ignorant and pathetic. But to your desire to tax one group of Americans more then others based on either race or religion? It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and Illegal, which you either know and don't care or are to stupid to know how the US works.

Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

No many people feel like me , just don't have the guts to say it. I'm an American and we need our taxes, it high time Israel fend for itself. Then I read opinion in Jew newspapers and down talk the US. Let the jews take care of themselves , for once instead of them hoarding their money and living off of others.

So when you read a news article or opinion piece by a Palestinian that slams the United States of America you will want their Aid taken from them, right?

The Palestinian Territories get over 400 million dollars in aid, and shouldn't that money be used here in the states?
Yes, it should. I have several ideas on how it can be used to good effect. Like giving money to colleges to develop electric cars so we don't buy any more gas from Arab lands

Arabs get 400 million Israel gets 5 billion. we should form an international coalition and then use that money to force Israel to stop stealing the land. THen impose international borders on the region.
Let them pay for themselves. I am tired of the money we send them, and yet they cry and the arrogance of their intelligence, well they can't even support themselves, and they want the US to fight their wars. No, I have zip respect for Israel rogue regieme, and Bibi nauseates me whenever he opens his mouth and spews his garbage.

It's only you the one who nauseates people, whenever you open your mouth and spew your garbage.:puke:

Make no mistake.

No many people feel like me , just don't have the guts to say it. I'm an American and we need our taxes, it high time Israel fend for itself. Then I read opinion in Jew newspapers and down talk the US. Let the jews take care of themselves , for once instead of them hoarding their money and living off of others.

So when you read a news article or opinion piece by a Palestinian that slams the United States of America you will want their Aid taken from them, right?

The Palestinian Territories get over 400 million dollars in aid, and shouldn't that money be used here in the states?
Yes, it should. I have several ideas on how it can be used to good effect. Like giving money to colleges to develop electric cars so we don't buy any more gas from Arab lands

Arabs get 400 million Israel gets 5 billion. we should form an international coalition and then use that money to force Israel to stop stealing the land. THen impose international borders on the region.

Why make your suggestion here----where no one cares-----tell it to the Queen
(god save her)
They have no right to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Enough is enough.

this is true and most of the world increasingly agrees. If you want complete town by town description of how Israel stole the land you can read book by Benny Morris, an Israeli. Or, you can read My Promised Land for another balanced look at the situation, also by an Israeli.

yes----you can read those books and several others------benny morris has sorta repudiated his silly attempt at fame thru hypercritical analysis-----a technique very popular amongst Israelis and ----jews in general. It hails back to the Talmud. It is a technique of analysis a bit too scholarly for you----a search thru issue
by attempting to deconstruct them

ah I get it, Zionism is not theft, its just coincidental that Israel is ending up with all the land that Arabs once lived on, Benny Morris lied about each individual town and how it was "acquired", and so then Israel should just on and on stealing more and more land while the hatred grows more and more and endangers the entire planet more and more.
They have no right to declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Enough is enough.

this is true and most of the world increasingly agrees. If you want complete town by town description of how Israel stole the land you can read book by Benny Morris, an Israeli. Or, you can read My Promised Land for another balanced look at the situation, also by an Israeli.

yes----you can read those books and several others------benny morris has sorta repudiated his silly attempt at fame thru hypercritical analysis-----a technique very popular amongst Israelis and ----jews in general. It hails back to the Talmud. It is a technique of analysis a bit too scholarly for you----a search thru issue
by attempting to deconstruct them

ah I get it, Zionism is not theft, its just coincidental that Israel is ending up with all the land that Arabs once lived on, Benny Morris lied about each individual town and how it was "acquired", and so then Israel should just on and on stealing more and more land while the hatred grows more and more and endangers the entire planet more and more.

you got it Zionism is not theft. In fact land upon which jews lived was purchased in the 1800s from the absentee landlords who owned it-----the
turks. I have some relatives living in Israel-----they bought the land upon which
they built their houses ----before 1948 The homes in which they lived before
getting to Israel were confiscated by arabs. Shariah law does not recognize
ownership of land by jews
Funny that one who just hours ago posted "Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems" would notice that Pene is a hateful. knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.

dear, you clean forgot to say why its funny given that penelope is hateful and Israeli theft of land it at heart of world's problems

When you say the world's problems, explain to me how let us say Mexico is burdened by those pesky Israelis and their so called stealing of land. Thanks, dear.
Arabs get 400 million Israel gets 5 billion. we should form an international coalition and then use that money to force Israel to stop stealing the land. THen impose international borders on the region.

Egypt alone gets far more than $400 million. In fact, over $2 billion.

You're lying for Allah, Eddie. Hey, that's what good democrats do....

{The Egypt bilateral foreign assistance budget for FY2014 is approximately $1.5 billion and includes $1.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) – $200 million in Economic Support Funds; and over $7 million for other security assistance programs, including International Military Education and Training, International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, and Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs. The $650 million from FY2014 FMF will be the first of this funding to move forward, pending Congressional notification and approval.}

U.S. Aid to Egypt
Arabs get 400 million Israel gets 5 billion. we should form an international coalition and then use that money to force Israel to stop stealing the land. THen impose international borders on the region.

Egypt alone gets far more than $400 million. In fact, over $2 billion.

You're lying for Allah, Eddie. Hey, that's what good democrats do....

{The Egypt bilateral foreign assistance budget for FY2014 is approximately $1.5 billion and includes $1.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) – $200 million in Economic Support Funds; and over $7 million for other security assistance programs, including International Military Education and Training, International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, and Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs. The $650 million from FY2014 FMF will be the first of this funding to move forward, pending Congressional notification and approval.}

U.S. Aid to Egypt

eddie can supply citations------always ask for citations (links)---or simply pull a line fro the idiot post and search-----that way you can run into lots and lots of islamo Nazi propaganda web sites---------Penelope hands them out on a silver platter if you use my technique-----she posts that crap verbatim
Usually when people get and get they learn to give, even a little bit , but not Israel:


07.22.15, 16:11 / Israel News

Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.

On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.

Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?

A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

And though Israelis see themselves as part of the larger world, they see themselves as beneficiaries, not contributors. Israelis are a little bit selfish in this way. We've been educated through the years to expect that money will be imported from the Jewry in the rest of the world, like New York and Los Angeles. (Have no fear the Jews of America and the Evangelicals send a lot to you poor Isralies)

Q: Is it surprising that Israelis don't give more considering the emphasis on charity in Judaism and Israel's roots as a socialist state?

A: There's a proverb, "The poor come first." It means you should take care of your own people first before giving money to others and running overseas. It would be strange for an Israeli to send money to Africa when they feel there are still so many projects here.

Q: So do Israelis give a lot of money domestically?

A: No. Individual philanthropy inside Israel — for things like social programs, education, art, culture — is less than 0.7% of the GDP. In the U.S., it's about 2.5%. Though Israel is not socialist anymore, people still think it's the role of the government to provide these things, not philanthropy. They feel, "We pay taxes. We serve in the army. Why should we give more?"

Total philanthropy in Israel is $5.5 billion a year, but much of that money originates from (foreign sources). We are the biggest importer of philanthropy money in the world. Ten years ago, 72% of Israel's philanthropy came from overseas. Today it's about 62%.

Q: Is the problem that Israelis simply can't afford it?

A: No. For several years the government has been declaring almost every day how strong the economy is. But the wealth of Israel is not reflected in the giving
. They can afford to give much more. There was a recent report that there are 500 multimillionaires in Israel and several billionaires. Look at people like [American billionaires Bill] Gates and [Warren] Buffett and others who are giving their assets to generous foundations. You don't find an Israeli who is giving away his capital like that to help a hospital in South Africa.

Israel ranks low in international giving - latimes

Its like a nightmare, and yet we give and give and give and now they want an extra billion for the next 10 years due to the plan with Iran. I'm just in total awe of how selfish and self serving Israelis are.
Funny that one who just hours ago posted "Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems" would notice that Pene is a hateful. knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.

dear, you clean forgot to say why its funny given that penelope is hateful and Israeli theft of land it at heart of world's problems

When you say the world's problems, explain to me how let us say Mexico is burdened by those pesky Israelis and their so called stealing of land. Thanks, dear.
no idea why you're talking about Mexico????? Can you tell us????
Arabs get 400 million Israel gets 5 billion. we should form an international coalition and then use that money to force Israel to stop stealing the land. THen impose international borders on the region.

Egypt alone gets far more than $400 million. In fact, over $2 billion.

You're lying for Allah, Eddie. Hey, that's what good democrats do....

{The Egypt bilateral foreign assistance budget for FY2014 is approximately $1.5 billion and includes $1.3 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) – $200 million in Economic Support Funds; and over $7 million for other security assistance programs, including International Military Education and Training, International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, and Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs. The $650 million from FY2014 FMF will be the first of this funding to move forward, pending Congressional notification and approval.}

U.S. Aid to Egypt

eddie can supply citations------always ask for citations (links)---or simply pull a line fro the idiot post and search-----that way you can run into lots and lots of islamo Nazi propaganda web sites---------Penelope hands them out on a silver platter if you use my technique-----she posts that crap verbatim

I am quite sure the poster meant the Palestinians who get pennies compared to Israel. Your right I back up everything I say with legit sources. Please devour my next and last thread I posted. You can see how giving your relatives are. It will be before this response , I copied quite a bit for you all as I know you hate to read links. Post #171. I should make it into a headline posting.
Usually when people get and get they learn to give, even a little bit , but not Israel:


07.22.15, 16:11 / Israel News

Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.

On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.

Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?

A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

And though Israelis see themselves as part of the larger world, they see themselves as beneficiaries, not contributors. Israelis are a little bit selfish in this way. We've been educated through the years to expect that money will be imported from the Jewry in the rest of the world, like New York and Los Angeles. (Have no fear the Jews of America and the Evangelicals send a lot to you poor Isralies)

Q: Is it surprising that Israelis don't give more considering the emphasis on charity in Judaism and Israel's roots as a socialist state?

A: There's a proverb, "The poor come first." It means you should take care of your own people first before giving money to others and running overseas. It would be strange for an Israeli to send money to Africa when they feel there are still so many projects here.

Q: So do Israelis give a lot of money domestically?

A: No. Individual philanthropy inside Israel — for things like social programs, education, art, culture — is less than 0.7% of the GDP. In the U.S., it's about 2.5%. Though Israel is not socialist anymore, people still think it's the role of the government to provide these things, not philanthropy. They feel, "We pay taxes. We serve in the army. Why should we give more?"

Total philanthropy in Israel is $5.5 billion a year, but much of that money originates from (foreign sources). We are the biggest importer of philanthropy money in the world. Ten years ago, 72% of Israel's philanthropy came from overseas. Today it's about 62%.

Q: Is the problem that Israelis simply can't afford it?

A: No. For several years the government has been declaring almost every day how strong the economy is. But the wealth of Israel is not reflected in the giving
. They can afford to give much more. There was a recent report that there are 500 multimillionaires in Israel and several billionaires. Look at people like [American billionaires Bill] Gates and [Warren] Buffett and others who are giving their assets to generous foundations. You don't find an Israeli who is giving away his capital like that to help a hospital in South Africa.

Israel ranks low in international giving - latimes

Its like a nightmare, and yet we give and give and give and now they want an extra billion for the next 10 years due to the plan with Iran. I'm just in total awe of how selfish and self serving Israelis are.

well, you see a lot of that. There was a case on Long Island where a Jewish Charity would bypass homeless people who were not Jewish, but I assume it is because they have evolved to see themselves as separate and different over the centuries. I don't see how its important really except as justification for your functionless hatred.
Funny that one who just hours ago posted "Israel theft of land that is at heart of world's problems" would notice that Pene is a hateful. knuckle-dragging Neanderthal.

dear, you clean forgot to say why its funny given that penelope is hateful and Israeli theft of land it at heart of world's problems

When you say the world's problems, explain to me how let us say Mexico is burdened by those pesky Israelis and their so called stealing of land. Thanks, dear.
no idea why you're talking about Mexico????? Can you tell us????

Well you stated Israel stealing land is the cause of the world’s problems, right? Last I checked Mexico is part of the world. I would say a good portion of the world doesn't gives two figs about Israel, thus your comment is pure Hyperbole.
Well you stated Israel stealing land is the cause of the world’s problems, right?

dear, the world's biggest problem is the ME, they hate us, they have oil and bioweapons.
Simple enough??

If Israel were to perish they would still pose the same threat to us and would
still hate us. Your plan won't make anyone love us.
Usually when people get and get they learn to give, even a little bit , but not Israel:


07.22.15, 16:11 / Israel News

Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.

On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.

Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?

A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

And though Israelis see themselves as part of the larger world, they see themselves as beneficiaries, not contributors. Israelis are a little bit selfish in this way. We've been educated through the years to expect that money will be imported from the Jewry in the rest of the world, like New York and Los Angeles. (Have no fear the Jews of America and the Evangelicals send a lot to you poor Isralies)

Q: Is it surprising that Israelis don't give more considering the emphasis on charity in Judaism and Israel's roots as a socialist state?

A: There's a proverb, "The poor come first." It means you should take care of your own people first before giving money to others and running overseas. It would be strange for an Israeli to send money to Africa when they feel there are still so many projects here.

Q: So do Israelis give a lot of money domestically?

A: No. Individual philanthropy inside Israel — for things like social programs, education, art, culture — is less than 0.7% of the GDP. In the U.S., it's about 2.5%. Though Israel is not socialist anymore, people still think it's the role of the government to provide these things, not philanthropy. They feel, "We pay taxes. We serve in the army. Why should we give more?"

Total philanthropy in Israel is $5.5 billion a year, but much of that money originates from (foreign sources). We are the biggest importer of philanthropy money in the world. Ten years ago, 72% of Israel's philanthropy came from overseas. Today it's about 62%.

Q: Is the problem that Israelis simply can't afford it?

A: No. For several years the government has been declaring almost every day how strong the economy is. But the wealth of Israel is not reflected in the giving
. They can afford to give much more. There was a recent report that there are 500 multimillionaires in Israel and several billionaires. Look at people like [American billionaires Bill] Gates and [Warren] Buffett and others who are giving their assets to generous foundations. You don't find an Israeli who is giving away his capital like that to help a hospital in South Africa.

Israel ranks low in international giving - latimes

Its like a nightmare, and yet we give and give and give and now they want an extra billion for the next 10 years due to the plan with Iran. I'm just in total awe of how selfish and self serving Israelis are.

well, you see a lot of that. There was a case on Long Island where a Jewish Charity would bypass homeless people who were not Jewish, but I assume it is because they have evolved to see themselves as separate and different over the centuries. I don't see how its important really except as justification for your functionless hatred.

Its justified in the fact they do not need our tax money anymore, and I don't care how they see then self separately , that is a huge part of the problem , thinking they are too good for everyone else. Well my feelings aside , its time to end their aid. Lets them kept it in the family and let them take care of themselves.

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