The US needs to tax American Jews more to pay for their aid package

what makes you think it is "arab" ? arabs got to the area a bit over 1200
years ago and did not buy an inch--------jews have been living there fore more than 4000 years, Even the 'arabs' living in the Negev are migrants from Arabia-------

yes its all so confusing so Israel has no option but to go on stealing more and more land

Well that is their plan I'm sure. they are doing it nightly.

Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-----do you understand the concept of OBTAINING OWNERSHIP OF LAND BY PURCHASE? muhummad certainly did not------but Abraham did

Abraham bought the land, he paid for burial plots(according to your Ot, which Abraham probably never existed outside of it) I wonder if the God of the universe knows that he gave Canaan to Israel , I doubt it.
It time we make friends and not enemies, Israel likes enemies , lets not let their enemies become ours, and Iran is not a threat.

There are Arab countries in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia for one - who would find your claim to be self-serving silliness but then, that pretty much describes all of your posts.
Usually when people get and get they learn to give, even a little bit , but not Israel:


07.22.15, 16:11 / Israel News

Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.

On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.

Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?

A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

And though Israelis see themselves as part of the larger world, they see themselves as beneficiaries, not contributors. Israelis are a little bit selfish in this way. We've been educated through the years to expect that money will be imported from the Jewry in the rest of the world, like New York and Los Angeles. (Have no fear the Jews of America and the Evangelicals send a lot to you poor Isralies)

Q: Is it surprising that Israelis don't give more considering the emphasis on charity in Judaism and Israel's roots as a socialist state?

A: There's a proverb, "The poor come first." It means you should take care of your own people first before giving money to others and running overseas. It would be strange for an Israeli to send money to Africa when they feel there are still so many projects here.

Q: So do Israelis give a lot of money domestically?

A: No. Individual philanthropy inside Israel — for things like social programs, education, art, culture — is less than 0.7% of the GDP. In the U.S., it's about 2.5%. Though Israel is not socialist anymore, people still think it's the role of the government to provide these things, not philanthropy. They feel, "We pay taxes. We serve in the army. Why should we give more?"

Total philanthropy in Israel is $5.5 billion a year, but much of that money originates from (foreign sources). We are the biggest importer of philanthropy money in the world. Ten years ago, 72% of Israel's philanthropy came from overseas. Today it's about 62%.

Q: Is the problem that Israelis simply can't afford it?

A: No. For several years the government has been declaring almost every day how strong the economy is. But the wealth of Israel is not reflected in the giving
. They can afford to give much more. There was a recent report that there are 500 multimillionaires in Israel and several billionaires. Look at people like [American billionaires Bill] Gates and [Warren] Buffett and others who are giving their assets to generous foundations. You don't find an Israeli who is giving away his capital like that to help a hospital in South Africa.

Israel ranks low in international giving - latimes

Its like a nightmare, and yet we give and give and give and now they want an extra billion for the next 10 years due to the plan with Iran. I'm just in total awe of how selfish and self serving Israelis are.

well, you see a lot of that. There was a case on Long Island where a Jewish Charity would bypass homeless people who were not Jewish, but I assume it is because they have evolved to see themselves as separate and different over the centuries. I don't see how its important really except as justification for your functionless hatred.

can you cite some link to this "case on long island"?
It time we make friends and not enemies, Israel likes enemies , lets not let their enemies become ours, and Iran is not a threat.

There are Arab countries in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia for one - who would find your claim to be self-serving silliness but then, that pretty much describes all of your posts.

We are allies with SA and well SA is a total monarchy, screw them. Lets become friends with Venezuela, who sits on the biggest oil reserve, darn we just tired a fail coup with them, but we can become friends again. SA is so jealous of Iran.
what makes you think it is "arab" ? arabs got to the area a bit over 1200
years ago and did not buy an inch--------jews have been living there fore more than 4000 years, Even the 'arabs' living in the Negev are migrants from Arabia-------

yes its all so confusing so Israel has no option but to go on stealing more and more land

Well that is their plan I'm sure. they are doing it nightly.

Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-----do you understand the concept of OBTAINING OWNERSHIP OF LAND BY PURCHASE? muhummad certainly did not------but Abraham did

Abraham bought the land, he paid for burial plots(according to your Ot, which Abraham probably never existed outside of it) I wonder if the God of the universe knows that he gave Canaan to Israel , I doubt it.

The burial plots to which you refer were ALL OF THE TOWN of Hebron----one of his purchases. -----real estate went cheap back then. Jews have repurchased Hebron several times in history----including once in the 19th century----but never sold it. I do not know what "God" knows---but the muslims of the world are convinced that Abraham bought Hebron-----that's lots
of people. They did not do "BURIAL PLOTS" in those days. Your catechism nun told you "burial plots"?-----like something two feet by six feet-------like in the floor of a catholic church?
Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-

sounds all fair and square, let us know when Zionists have "purchased" all of East Jerusalem and peace has arrived. I'm sure that will ease the tension given that they "purchased" it and the world will be so happy about Zionist behavior!! When
Usually when people get and get they learn to give, even a little bit , but not Israel:


07.22.15, 16:11 / Israel News

Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.

On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.

Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?

A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

And though Israelis see themselves as part of the larger world, they see themselves as beneficiaries, not contributors. Israelis are a little bit selfish in this way. We've been educated through the years to expect that money will be imported from the Jewry in the rest of the world, like New York and Los Angeles. (Have no fear the Jews of America and the Evangelicals send a lot to you poor Isralies)

Q: Is it surprising that Israelis don't give more considering the emphasis on charity in Judaism and Israel's roots as a socialist state?

A: There's a proverb, "The poor come first." It means you should take care of your own people first before giving money to others and running overseas. It would be strange for an Israeli to send money to Africa when they feel there are still so many projects here.

Q: So do Israelis give a lot of money domestically?

A: No. Individual philanthropy inside Israel — for things like social programs, education, art, culture — is less than 0.7% of the GDP. In the U.S., it's about 2.5%. Though Israel is not socialist anymore, people still think it's the role of the government to provide these things, not philanthropy. They feel, "We pay taxes. We serve in the army. Why should we give more?"

Total philanthropy in Israel is $5.5 billion a year, but much of that money originates from (foreign sources). We are the biggest importer of philanthropy money in the world. Ten years ago, 72% of Israel's philanthropy came from overseas. Today it's about 62%.

Q: Is the problem that Israelis simply can't afford it?

A: No. For several years the government has been declaring almost every day how strong the economy is. But the wealth of Israel is not reflected in the giving
. They can afford to give much more. There was a recent report that there are 500 multimillionaires in Israel and several billionaires. Look at people like [American billionaires Bill] Gates and [Warren] Buffett and others who are giving their assets to generous foundations. You don't find an Israeli who is giving away his capital like that to help a hospital in South Africa.

Israel ranks low in international giving - latimes

Its like a nightmare, and yet we give and give and give and now they want an extra billion for the next 10 years due to the plan with Iran. I'm just in total awe of how selfish and self serving Israelis are.

well, you see a lot of that. There was a case on Long Island where a Jewish Charity would bypass homeless people who were not Jewish, but I assume it is because they have evolved to see themselves as separate and different over the centuries. I don't see how its important really except as justification for your functionless hatred.

I think we should start sending aid to Iran, how about it?
ah I get it, Zionism is not theft, its just coincidental that Israel is ending up with all the land that Arabs once lived on...

Did you really just say that? :lmao:

Dear, all the land that Israel is ending up with was Arab, obviously.

Camel crap. It was part of the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire until the Brits and obsolescence overtook them in WW1 and you claimed "Israel is ending up with all the land that Arabs once lived on." I posted the map so you might get a clue but evidently I am conversing with a functional idiot so I ordered up your special bus:

what makes you think it is "arab" ? arabs got to the area a bit over 1200
years ago and did not buy an inch--------jews have been living there fore more than 4000 years, Even the 'arabs' living in the Negev are migrants from Arabia-------

yes its all so confusing so Israel has no option but to go on stealing more and more land

Well that is their plan I'm sure. they are doing it nightly.

Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-----do you understand the concept of OBTAINING OWNERSHIP OF LAND BY PURCHASE? muhummad certainly did not------but Abraham did

Abraham bought the land, he paid for burial plots(according to your Ot, which Abraham probably never existed outside of it) I wonder if the God of the universe knows that he gave Canaan to Israel , I doubt it.

The burial plots to which you refer were ALL OF THE TOWN of Hebron----one of his purchases. -----real estate went cheap back then. Jews have repurchased Hebron several times in history----including once in the 19th century----but never sold it. I do not know what "God" knows---but the muslims of the world are convinced that Abraham bought Hebron-----that's lots
of people. They did not do "BURIAL PLOTS" in those days. Your catechism nun told you "burial plots"?-----like something two feet by six feet-------like in the floor of a catholic church?

It was probably a 10 X 10 area, No Jews didn't buy but a couple acres and then said hell , lets get rid of the Brits and we'll just seize the land. They say Jerusalem was very tiny , just a couple miles, and during the time Solomon, who is another name for the sun, there were probably only around 100 people who dwelled there.
It time we make friends and not enemies, Israel likes enemies , lets not let their enemies become ours, and Iran is not a threat.

There are Arab countries in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia for one - who would find your claim to be self-serving silliness but then, that pretty much describes all of your posts.

We are allies with SA and well SA is a total monarchy, screw them. Lets become friends with Venezuela, who sits on the biggest oil reserve, darn we just tired a fail coup with them, but we can become friends again. SA is so jealous of Iran.

what evidence do you have that Saudi Arabia is "jealous" of Iran? an Iranian told you? I have known WELL----lots of Iranians in my life----since way back-----all the way to the mid sixties -----Iranians seem to imagine EVERYONE is jealous of them ---------EVERYONE!!!! Both the muslim and the jewish Iranians share this IRANIAN IS BEST concept. Muslim Iranians DESPISE
arabs---------when they look at an arab ---DAGGERS FLY OUT OF THEIR EYES. It is not confined to the shiit/sunni thing One of the first muslim I knew well was an INDIAN SHIITE-------Shiites are very attached to all things
IRANIAN------as a second language in high school he studied FARSI-----but when he tried to speak it to the Iranian doc-----that Iranian would SNORT AND TURN HIS BACK in disgust-------sheeesh---they were both shiites
Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-

sounds all fair and square, let us know when Zionists have "purchased" all of East Jerusalem and peace has arrived. I'm sure that will ease the tension given that they "purchased" it and the world will be so happy about Zionist behavior!! When

You seem a bit confused. Are you suggesting that no jews lived in east Jerusalem before 1948 or 1967?-----or even ------1920. TITUS MUST HAVE
MADE A WRONG TURN--------your roman pals crucified Jesus in Jerusalem----remember?. Would your world be HAPPY if arabs purchased Medina from
jews? ------I mean in the usual way-----not by murdering raping, pillaging and enslaving. BTW----your happy world owes my hubby lots of land in Yemen---his community lived there for about 3000 years-------do the jews get paid for BAGHDAD?
She doesn't have the ability to follow a conversation.

yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes

What the hell is a Muslimist? Perhaps you meant Islamists? Jihadists?
yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes with no peace plan so why waste your time here?
It time we make friends and not enemies, Israel likes enemies , lets not let their enemies become ours, and Iran is not a threat.

There are Arab countries in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia for one - who would find your claim to be self-serving silliness but then, that pretty much describes all of your posts.

We are allies with SA and well SA is a total monarchy, screw them. Lets become friends with Venezuela, who sits on the biggest oil reserve, darn we just tired a fail coup with them, but we can become friends again. SA is so jealous of Iran.

what evidence do you have that Saudi Arabia is "jealous" of Iran? an Iranian told you? I have known WELL----lots of Iranians in my life----since way back-----all the way to the mid sixties -----Iranians seem to imagine EVERYONE is jealous of them ---------EVERYONE!!!! Both the muslim and the jewish Iranians share this IRANIAN IS BEST concept. Muslim Iranians DESPISE
arabs---------when they look at an arab ---DAGGERS FLY OUT OF THEIR EYES. It is not confined to the shiit/sunni thing One of the first muslim I knew well was an INDIAN SHIITE-------Shiites are very attached to all things
IRANIAN------as a second language in high school he studied FARSI-----but when he tried to speak it to the Iranian doc-----that Iranian would SNORT AND TURN HIS BACK in disgust-------sheeesh---they were both shiites

Saudi Arabia is nothing without the Al Saud family. The Iranians have been around for years, you must remember King Cyrus and King Darius. Iranians have a nice piece of land, SA has desert. Iranian has coast on the Caspian Sea as well. Iranian has culture, SA has nothing but oil which Iran has and lot of natural gas as well.
She doesn't have the ability to follow a conversation.

yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes

What the hell is a Muslimist? Perhaps you meant Islamists? Jihadists?
yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes with no peace plan so why waste your time here?

You confuse hated with dislike, to have hatred is a powerful feeling, and due to the fact they want us in another war and are taking our tax dollars and give us nil, and their actions in the ME and history, I dislike them. Besides all that, I really do not want to think about them, but since they are so involved in the US government and buying our politicians, I have to think about them.
Israelis are not stealing land----they are living on land that they purchased-

sounds all fair and square, let us know when Zionists have "purchased" all of East Jerusalem and peace has arrived. I'm sure that will ease the tension given that they "purchased" it and the world will be so happy about Zionist behavior!! When

You seem a bit confused. Are you suggesting that no jews lived in east Jerusalem before 1948 or 1967?-----or even ------1920. TITUS MUST HAVE
MADE A WRONG TURN--------your roman pals crucified Jesus in Jerusalem----remember?. Would your world be HAPPY if arabs purchased Medina from
jews? ------I mean in the usual way-----not by murdering raping, pillaging and enslaving. BTW----your happy world owes my hubby lots of land in Yemen---his community lived there for about 3000 years-------do the jews get paid for BAGHDAD?

that Israel has not complied with resolution 476 (1980),

Reaffirming its determination to examine practical ways and means, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, to secure the full implementation of its resolution 476 (1980), in the event of non-compliance by Israel,

1. Censures in the strongest terms the enactment by Israel of the "basic law" on Jerusalem and the refusal to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions;

2. Affirms that the enactment of the "basic law" by Israel constitutes a violation of international law and does not affect the continued application of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since June 1967, including Jerusalem;

3. Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent "basic law" on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith;

4. Affirms also that this action constitutes a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;

5. Decides not to recognize the "basic law" and such other actions by Israel that, as a result of this law, seek to alter the character and status of Jerusalem and calls upon:

(a) All Member States to accept this decision;

(b) Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City;

6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Security Council on the implementation of the present resolution before 15 November 1980;

` 7. Decides to remain seized of this serious situation.

Adopted at the 2245th meeting by 14 votes to none, with 1 abstention (United States of America).
It time we make friends and not enemies, Israel likes enemies , lets not let their enemies become ours, and Iran is not a threat.

There are Arab countries in the Mideast - Saudi Arabia for one - who would find your claim to be self-serving silliness but then, that pretty much describes all of your posts.

We are allies with SA and well SA is a total monarchy, screw them. Lets become friends with Venezuela, who sits on the biggest oil reserve, darn we just tired a fail coup with them, but we can become friends again. SA is so jealous of Iran.

what evidence do you have that Saudi Arabia is "jealous" of Iran? an Iranian told you? I have known WELL----lots of Iranians in my life----since way back-----all the way to the mid sixties -----Iranians seem to imagine EVERYONE is jealous of them ---------EVERYONE!!!! Both the muslim and the jewish Iranians share this IRANIAN IS BEST concept. Muslim Iranians DESPISE
arabs---------when they look at an arab ---DAGGERS FLY OUT OF THEIR EYES. It is not confined to the shiit/sunni thing One of the first muslim I knew well was an INDIAN SHIITE-------Shiites are very attached to all things
IRANIAN------as a second language in high school he studied FARSI-----but when he tried to speak it to the Iranian doc-----that Iranian would SNORT AND TURN HIS BACK in disgust-------sheeesh---they were both shiites

Saudi Arabia is nothing without the Al Saud family. The Iranians have been around for years, you must remember King Cyrus and King Darius. Iranians have a nice piece of land, SA has desert. Iranian has coast on the Caspian Sea as well. Iranian has culture, SA has nothing but oil which Iran has and lot of natural gas as well.

So YOU have decided that SAUDIS are jealous of Iranians? -------I have known lots of Iranians and a few Saudis---------I have actually SPOKEN TO THEM ----some of those friendships went on for years. -------therefore I have conversed with Iranians for thousands of hours and with Saudis----for a few hundred-----and somehow NEVER detected "jealousy" of Iran by Saudis. Who else is jealous of whom according to your JEALOUSY DETECTOR system based on "geography and natural resources" ? is Arizona jealous of CALIFORNIA?
She doesn't have the ability to follow a conversation.

yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes

What the hell is a Muslimist? Perhaps you meant Islamists? Jihadists?
yes it seems she's distracted by hated of Jews more than anything while you're distracted by hatred of Muslimists. You're both hater dupes with no peace plan so why waste your time here?

Really? Exactly what hatred have I posted about Muslims or Islam and WTF is a Muslimist, Princess? It seems you weary of getting bitch-slapped on this thread and are playing your race card. BTW, did you find a source that supports your bogus foreign aid claims?

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