The U.S. should drop out of NATO


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Why do we remain in that archaic, paper tiger?

Yea, I know, NATO nations have sent some troops to Afghanistan. We don't need to belong to NATO in order to help one another to combat terrorism and rogue regimes. Russia isn't going to invade Germany, Italy or Scandinavia. I don't support defending Ukraine, Poland or the Baltic states from a Russian invasion that is extremely unlikely to happen anyway.

Based on Trump's apparent desire to include Brazil in NATO, I get the impression that Trump may have changed his view about getting us out.

The Europeans can and should provide for their own defense against Russia. Russia isn't the Soviet Union. Europe is far more populous and has a much greater GDP than Russia. Europe doesn't need us and we don't need to be in an alliance with them.

With that said, I believe we need to have forces based overseas, where they are most likely to be needed. That somewhere is the middle east.

Oh and, by the way, if we're going to remain in NATO, we should toss Turkey out. Nor should we be selling Turkey F-35's or anything else. They are clearly hostile to us and to our great ally, Israel.
When you find out that the FBI was part of an attempted coup of a President and the CIA couldn't identify bogus documents from foreign spies you got to ask yourself if NATO is an extortion racket.
When you find out that the FBI was part of an attempted coup of a President and the CIA couldn't identify bogus documents from foreign spies you got to ask yourself if NATO is an extortion racket.
Actually that is a lie. There was never talk about any coup but IF it was found our president was conspiring with a foreign government for their benefit that the Constitutional path to remove a president may be an option.

I get that foreigners may not understand how the US Constitution works and may misread that as a couple, but there are Constitutional methods to remove a president.

And I can see why those foreign agents are pushing so hard to try and debunk NATO. It's stood against Soviet expansion of power for decades and they finally see a possible way to get support from the West to break it.

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