The Trump downturn begins....jobless claims spike

US weekly jobless claims post biggest rise in 19 months

The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits increased by the most in 19 months last week.

This is huge. I feel that this is the beginning of a recession. It's all over with but the crying.
OMG! One week of data so let’s jump off the roof!

BTW, from your link:

“Claims tend to be volatile around this time of the year because of the different timings of Easter and Passover holidays, as well as spring breaks.“
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.
If Trump gets 8 years he`ll need the DOW to be around 61,000 to match Obama`s success. It raised 258% during his presidency and Trump is stuck at 25%. My apologies for bursting your little snot bubble but I`ll assume you`re just a kid and don`t know any better. The leaping YES is a dead giveaway to your age/immaturity.
US weekly jobless claims post biggest rise in 19 months

The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits increased by the most in 19 months last week.

This is huge. I feel that this is the beginning of a recession. It's all over with but the crying.
Such a patriotic American you are, hoping for the economy to fail in order to give the Democrats an advantage.
I'm not familiar with his posts, however no where in his comment is that indicated. I thought he sees an angle to short stocks and make money.
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.

How much you wanna wager on that? And, what do you consider the end of summer?

I don't wager with poor milksops like yourself.

So, you're not sure if your prediction will come true. Got it.

You're not invested anyways.
Go catch cum, sailor boi.

Throwing insults, and refusing to back up your claim. So much for being sure about your prediction, because from the way you are acting, you don't know if it's gonna happen or not. If you WERE confident and knew it would happen, you would accept a wager. But, you're not, so you won't. Good to know you're a spineless sperm burping colon jousting rump ranger.

There is a thread on here bawling the DOW was going below 23,000...

How'd that garbage turn out for you doomsayers?

Sit down. You know nothing how it works
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.
If Trump gets 8 years he`ll need the DOW to be around 61,000 to match Obama`s success. It raised 258% during his presidency and Trump is stuck at 25%. My apologies for bursting your little snot bubble but I`ll assume you`re just a kid and don`t know any better. The leaping YES is a dead giveaway to your age/immaturity.

What a loon. Ears pumped funny money into the markets

Go count pennies in your Mooch piggy bank.
As the publicly traded companies continue to release their earnings report, much more up than downs
Things are still looking solid.

Boeing is a drag but overall things are solid.

Crap it's a holiday report and the loons pissed their panties
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.
If Trump gets 8 years he`ll need the DOW to be around 61,000 to match Obama`s success. It raised 258% during his presidency and Trump is stuck at 25%. My apologies for bursting your little snot bubble but I`ll assume you`re just a kid and don`t know any better. The leaping YES is a dead giveaway to your age/immaturity.
Obama had the recession recovery. he would have done just as well if he had done nothing....probably better
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.
If Trump gets 8 years he`ll need the DOW to be around 61,000 to match Obama`s success. It raised 258% during his presidency and Trump is stuck at 25%. My apologies for bursting your little snot bubble but I`ll assume you`re just a kid and don`t know any better. The leaping YES is a dead giveaway to your age/immaturity.
Obama had the recession recovery. he would have done just as well if he had done nothing....probably better

Like FDR the Socialist? WWII saved his crippled ass
US weekly jobless claims post biggest rise in 19 months

The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits increased by the most in 19 months last week.

This is huge. I feel that this is the beginning of a recession. It's all over with but the crying.
Such a patriotic American you are, hoping for the economy to fail in order to give the Democrats an advantage.

It didn't always fail under Obama and it's not always going to succeed under Trump. The real point here is potential.
Obama's outline for the economy profered the destruction of the corporate
Seeds that create individual jobs.
Trump's much more reliable theory
Seeks to broaden the tax base by expanding it's most resilient and permanent part.

To give an example....Obama wanted to run the vehicle on one big fancy tire...

Trump on the other hand seeks three more plain tires for a total of four on the ground.

Which vehicle can sustain a flat better?

US weekly jobless claims post biggest rise in 19 months

The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits increased by the most in 19 months last week.

This is huge. I feel that this is the beginning of a recession. It's all over with but the crying.
Bad news for America haters.

US economic growth rebounds at 3.2 percent pace in first quarter

US GDP growth, expected to be a solid 2.5% grew at a robust 3.2% for the 1st quarter.

I know you're angry. I hope you didn't put a deposit on your banquet hall and send out the invitations to your "America is tanking" party.
My prediction that the market hits 28k or higher by summers end, still stands, :yes_text12:.
If Trump gets 8 years he`ll need the DOW to be around 61,000 to match Obama`s success. It raised 258% during his presidency and Trump is stuck at 25%. My apologies for bursting your little snot bubble but I`ll assume you`re just a kid and don`t know any better. The leaping YES is a dead giveaway to your age/immaturity.
That was a lot of fiat currency printing to get it there. All of those 14 hour a week jobs created created wealth I tell you.
US weekly jobless claims post biggest rise in 19 months

The number of Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits increased by the most in 19 months last week.

This is huge. I feel that this is the beginning of a recession. It's all over with but the crying.
Actually, that light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming Trump train:

US economy grows by 3.2% in the first quarter, topping expectations

With this kind of booming economy, there is no way Trump loses in 2020, no matter how many times the Left squeals "racist, sexist, blah blah blah..."

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