The Trump Conundrum

Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.

megyn Kelly got what she deserved?

you're a brain dead twit. no wonder you're voting for dumb Donald. :cuckoo:
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.

megyn Kelly got what she deserved?

you're a brain dead twit. no wonder you're voting for dumb Donald. :cuckoo:

Kelley acted like a MSM reporter, she took sides. She lost credibility, she is no better than Candy Crowley------------BTW, where has she gone?

Please tell me why you will vote for a proven liar, someone who is "not sophisticated" enough to know how to use a computer, and who is directly responsible for
Russia having our uranium stocks? 65% of America thinks she is untrustworthy and a liar. Is it the D or her vagina that has you so engrossed with her?
You would rather have a person who blamed telling the Bosnia lie for over a year on sleep deprivation? Man that kind of thinking is really scary.

I may be wrong but I don't believe one man can pick up the phone and launch a nuclear war. Even on the submarines that launch the missiles one man does not have the ability to launch missiles. I don't want any ONE person having such power.
she was wrong about bosnia ..we get it ...but it did happen the fact that she said bosnia you lap on to that like the lap dog you are she never lied she misspoke about bosnia

"Misspoke" is a relatively newly coined word that means "lied."
it happens... what can I say ... if its a lie in your opinion when a democrat does it and its accepted when a republican doe it, it doesn't really say much for your opinion now does it
I'm very much aware of lies, promises, backdoor deals, etc., etc. etc. on BOTH sides of the aisle.

And both sides of the establishment aisle hates Trump, so what should that tell us?

It should tell us that both sides of the aisle want to maintain the establishment status quo
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

It's not a belief that women with short hair are less attractive than those with long hair. It's more than when I look at women who are true full-barreled feminists then tend to not give a shit about their appearance ... no time for any softness or attractiveness or other frivolities of femininity ... just an appearance of "wannabe males" and therefore they need to "become" as brutal, hostile, and anything else they perceive ALL men to be in order to reach their chosen stature in life ...and they will trample anybody, including other females, who they think are "lesser" women.
Here is what I think. Corporate America, the Clinton Foundation and foreign interests have flooded Clinton's bank account. Since Trump is hated by the establishment, corporate America and a lot of foreign doners he doesn't have the cash to start too early. Besides starting early means that Clinton can then put it behind her. Much like the FBI doing her a favor with the email investigation.

When people find out the whole thing about Trump making fun of a disabled person was nothing but made up lies then the tide will start turning. There is a whole tidal wave of dirt to wash over Clinton, don't want it to happen too soon.

As for Cruz, he made a promise and didn't keep it.

What the fuck are you talking about? We are IN the general election. Less than 100 days left. What's this "too soon" bullshit? There are at least 100 things he could attack Hillary on and still have some to spare.

No one is going to "find out" jack shit about his making fun of a disabled person, the video is there for the world to see in Hillary's campaign commercials. You can waste your time trying to explain and defend... that's not attacking Hillary Clinton and will result in ZERO persuaded votes. Likewise, continuing this absolute sleazy bullshit smearing on Ted Cruz and "the pledge" is not going to garner a single solitary vote for Donald Trump. It might make YOUR pecker hard... it does ZILCH for the majority of voting Americans. They don't give a crap about Ted Cruz, he's not running!

So is this campaign all about getting your rocks off smearing the hell outta Ted Cruz? Is that all you're in this for? Sure as hell seems like it so far... THAT and jumping to defend and explain every asinine thing this man says or does. If you people don't get your act together, you're about to lose to Hillary. I'm telling you this because I don't want Hillary to win... but I have enough fucking goat sense to know that she will win if this shit doesn't cease and desist immediately. You all act like you have no political clue whatsoever... it's amazing to me. Please.. I am begging you... wake the fuck up before it's too late!
Here is what I think. Corporate America, the Clinton Foundation and foreign interests have flooded Clinton's bank account. Since Trump is hated by the establishment, corporate America and a lot of foreign doners he doesn't have the cash to start too early. Besides starting early means that Clinton can then put it behind her. Much like the FBI doing her a favor with the email investigation.

When people find out the whole thing about Trump making fun of a disabled person was nothing but made up lies then the tide will start turning. There is a whole tidal wave of dirt to wash over Clinton, don't want it to happen too soon.

As for Cruz, he made a promise and didn't keep it.

What the fuck are you talking about? We are IN the general election. Less than 100 days left. What's this "too soon" bullshit? There are at least 100 things he could attack Hillary on and still have some to spare.

No one is going to "find out" jack shit about his making fun of a disabled person, the video is there for the world to see in Hillary's campaign commercials. You can waste your time trying to explain and defend... that's not attacking Hillary Clinton and will result in ZERO persuaded votes. Likewise, continuing this absolute sleazy bullshit smearing on Ted Cruz and "the pledge" is not going to garner a single solitary vote for Donald Trump. It might make YOUR pecker hard... it does ZILCH for the majority of voting Americans. They don't give a crap about Ted Cruz, he's not running!

So is this campaign all about getting your rocks off smearing the hell outta Ted Cruz? Is that all you're in this for? Sure as hell seems like it so far... THAT and jumping to defend and explain every asinine thing this man says or does. If you people don't get your act together, you're about to lose to Hillary. I'm telling you this because I don't want Hillary to win... but I have enough fucking goat sense to know that she will win if this shit doesn't cease and desist immediately. You all act like you have no political clue whatsoever... it's amazing to me. Please.. I am begging you... wake the fuck up before it's too late!

Easy fellow I was just offering my opinion as to why the attack ads have not started. If you noticed the RNC convention pretty much tore Hillary an new on. That and the FBI thing.

You need to get over Cruz. Cruz was mean to Trump and Trump responed. Not sure why he would have cared but I am not sure why people think they can say anything they want without response.
Whether people admit it or not neither party has the candidate they would prefer to have.

The term "no shit sherlock" comes to mind!

Again.... this is not about the candidate I would prefer to have. This is about Trump and his strategy to defeat Hillary. In the end, it's not going to matter if I vote for Trump or don't vote for Trump. He cannot win with his current strategy and even an abject moron should realize it. Now... perhaps all of his supporters are abject morons? I suppose that's possible. But if not, I am hoping someone will at least attempt to get this guy on track with a winning strategy because he doesn't have one now.

I've already said, I don't know if I can support him or not... I'm trying very hard to find a way to do it... but it's not going to matter if he keeps doing what he's doing because Hillary is going to clean his clock. I realize his little pom-pom wavers are all fired up and full of piss and vinegar, but they represent about 4.5% of the population and that isn't going to win a national presidential election. Running around defending and excusing Trump for his daily boneheaded comments isn't going to get the job's just not. Taking every opportunity to lob a cheap shot at Ted Cruz, isn't going to win this election for's just not. Those are some grown up facts and people need to pull up their big girl panties and get with the program here.
Easy fellow I was just offering my opinion as to why the attack ads have not started. If you noticed the RNC convention pretty much tore Hillary an new on. That and the FBI thing.

You need to get over Cruz. Cruz was mean to Trump and Trump responed. Not sure why he would have cared but I am not sure why people think they can say anything they want without response.

No, Cruz was NOT mean to Trump, but so fucking what if he was? Get the fuck over it! Stop the goddamn obsessing on Ted Cruz, he's NOT THE ENEMY! ---Do you NOT understand that???

So is Trump going to spend the rest of the campaign attacking anyone who says something "mean" to him? ...Well then, expect to fucking LOSE to Hillary Clinton! Congratulations!
So I can sit back and wave the pom-poms and wait for the day after he loses to Hillary and come here whining about how the system was rigged and everybody ganged up on him and people didn't back him... and deal with 4-8 years of President Hildabeast... OR... I can voice my opinion on how he can turn this thing around and WIN the damn election. I'm making an effort to penetrate the hard-heads who are supporting Trump... you best be getting this guy back on track and stop attacking the wrong target. If you can't bring yourselves to do that, the game is over... Hillary WILL win.

Guy, you aren't going to "Change" Trump. Trump is who he has been since the 1980's, a Malignant Narcissist . The problem with your whole premise isthat you think that the problem of Trump canbe fixed with "messaging".
Easy fellow I was just offering my opinion as to why the attack ads have not started. If you noticed the RNC convention pretty much tore Hillary an new on. That and the FBI thing.

You need to get over Cruz. Cruz was mean to Trump and Trump responed. Not sure why he would have cared but I am not sure why people think they can say anything they want without response.

No, Cruz was NOT mean to Trump, but so fucking what if he was? Get the fuck over it! Stop the goddamn obsessing on Ted Cruz, he's NOT THE ENEMY! ---Do you NOT understand that???

So is Trump going to spend the rest of the campaign attacking anyone who says something "mean" to him? ...Well then, expect to fucking LOSE to Hillary Clinton! Congratulations!

You are the one oppressing about Cruz. I have come to realize it is nothing more then a reason or dodge for you. I am started to believe your concern for Trump's campaign might not quite be genuine.
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm not. I'm not a feminist myself and having worked with some of the hardcore types and seen them in action I have no respect for them. They're self-serving bitches.
Women are harder on women than men are. Especially older conservative women.
You are the one oppressing about Cruz. I have come to realize it is nothing more then a reason or dodge for you. I am started to believe your concern for Trump's campaign might not quite be genuine.

No, I am not.. YOU said Cruz was mean to Trump... YOU said Cruz broke his promise... That' YOU obsessing with Cruz, not ME. You are spending precious campaign time focused on the WRONG TARGET! ...You desperately NEED the Cruz supporters to show up and vote for Trump.... Cruz doesn't need you... he's not running for president anymore. Bashing and smearing Cruz to hell and back is not going to convince one single solitary person to vote for Donald J. Trump... that's just a FACT!

And you don't think I am genuinely concerned with Trump's campaign? FINE! But when the son of a bitch LOSES in a fucking landslide to the crooked and corrupt Hillary Clinton that basically ANYBODY could have defeated... don't come blaming it on ME!
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm not. I'm not a feminist myself and having worked with some of the hardcore types and seen them in action I have no respect for them. They're self-serving bitches.
and you're not ??? seems a bit self serving don't ya think ...
The Trump team is falling apart as we speak. The GOP is deciding if they should put Kasich in before it's too late. LOL. LOVING IT! I hope they don't. I hope they stay with Trump. I don't want people re assessing.
Guy, you aren't going to "Change" Trump. Trump is who he has been since the 1980's, a Malignant Narcissist . The problem with your whole premise isthat you think that the problem of Trump canbe fixed with "messaging".

Go to hell you racist bigoted piece of shit, nobody asked you and you don't have any business in this thread whatsoever.
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL
Politicians lie.
They don't say what they think or feel.
They say what you want to hear.
Trump is not a politician.
Trump is not "politically correct".
He says what he feels.
This scares off the establishment.
Screw the do-nothing establishment who has allowed a socialist community organizer to roll over them for 8 years.
Screw any so-called republicans that say they will support the democratic party.
I'm voting Trump.
of course you are ...we never thought you would do anything different ...
This notion that Trump "says we he feels" is the biggest hole in his supporters' story.

He says what he thinks will make the sale at that given moment, and then deals with the fallout later.

His supporters are trying to make him into something he isn't.
So true.

They say that because he says what THEY feel.

Spot on!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Guy, you aren't going to "Change" Trump. Trump is who he has been since the 1980's, a Malignant Narcissist . The problem with your whole premise is that you think that the problem of Trump can be fixed with "messaging".

Go to hell you racist bigoted piece of shit, nobody asked you and you don't have any business in this thread whatsoever.

Right, Chief Running Mouth... whatever you say.

I notice you didn't address the point. The point is that if you take a box of shit and put it into a shiny new package, you still have a box of shit.

Get it? Trump doesn't have a problem because he's not good at getting the message about who he is and what he stands for.

Trump has a problem because we are all seeing EXACTLY who he is, and what he stands for.

He's the kind of person who goes after a disabled reporter or the parents of a slain soldier because they irritate him. He is a horrible human being.

Now, before you go into the argument that "Hillary is just as bad" (because that shit never gets old) the fact is, Hillary does not go after people "just because". She might be cold and calculating, but she shows restraint.
A long post without one word about what either candidate will do about the important issues the US faces. Why bother to vote at all if you have no interest in what the candidates will do about the important issues?

Well you're right but neither candidate is talking about important issues. Hillary is pandering to special interests and saying Trump is unqualified to be president and Trump is swatting at Conservatives and Gold Star dads. No one is talking about reducing the national debt or what we're going to do about Social Security.
Trump is talking about important issues.

Go to his website to see his plans for dealing with illegal immigration, which is taking millions of jobs away from poor Americans, keeping wages low, sending $24 billion dollars a year back to Mexico instead of investing it here in the US. Trump has laid out proposals for stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the country and removing those who are here, but Clinton says she doesn't care as long as she gets the Hispanic vote.

Trump wants to break the cycle of poverty for poor people who are forced to send their children to failed, violent inner city schools by issuing school vouchers to allow the children of these poor families to get a decent education, but Clinton says she doesn't care as long as the teachers unions, which oppose school vouchers, continue to support her.

Trump wants to keep companies from moving their plants to foreign countries by withdrawing from multinational trade deals and instead signing bilateral trade deals which will protect US jobs from going to places like Mexico. Clinton doesn't yet know what she thinks about this.

Trump wants to cut America's huge trade deficits, much of which is the result of Bill Clinton bringing China into the WTO and signing NAFTA, by withdrawing from mult national trade pacts and signing bilateral trade pacts that will reduce the trade deficit. Some days Clinton supports the big trade pacts and some days she doesn't.

Trump wants to take a fresh look at NATO, where only five of the 28 nations pay their full dues, US, UK, Poland, Greece and Estonia, and the US provides 73% of the military power, despite the fact that Europe has far more population and money than the US has and should be able to protect themselves from Russia on their own. Clinton appears to be horrorified by the thought of standing up to European deadbeats on behalf of America.

There is more, but you are correct in saying Trump hasn't yet said how he plans to deal with Social Security or the national debt. What is clear is that Clinton has no plans to deal with any of America's problems.
Great Goose ... I do believe it's a 4 year term ... unless re-elected.

Nevertheless, I'm in it for Trump. Yes, he's running a less-than-usual campaign - loud, brash, provocative - certainly not a "3 piece suit" sort of campaign. I'll confess I didn't read the OPs long post word for word ... but I do have a few remarks. As to Megyn Kelly - she got what she deserved. She threw out her hardcore feminist jab with great deliberation - a side of her that I had never seen in the past. Trump gave her back as good as she gave out. And then she immediately chopped off her hair most unattractively into a masculine looking mess ... I pretty much quit watching Fox News because of her. I've recently started watching again on a "hit or miss" basis. In fact, Greta had a wonderful interview with Ivanka Trump last night - and after that I flipped to another channel.

We've certainly seen what 8 years of Obama has given us. If you've read any book at all BY him or about him, you have to know that he has no love for this country and has lived his entire life under the influence of communism and Muslim teachings ... and that's where his sympathies lie. If you've read anything at all about either of the Clintons or about Hillary specifically you would know their history and what we'd be headed for if she's elected to what would amount to a 3rd presidential term ... remember we were getting "two for the price of one" when Bill Clinton ran for the office?

Do we know what we're getting if Trump is elected? No. Not really - but I'd far rather take my chances with an unknown Trump than a known Hillary. Think about this: there's probably a pretty good chance that Trump has not gone into business deals all these years with the kind of bravado he's now showing or nobody would deal with him ... and I'm certain given his financial/business/social position there is what I like to call "a tuxedo side" of Trump.

Here's the thing - for the first time in decades ... someone has stood up and spoken for the voices of people who are never heard in Congress and we, too, regardless how poor, are citizens of this country. Regardless of party affiliation or country - politics is about power, money, prestige, and personal gain.
I didn't read your long post word for word but let me comment. Maybe megyn cut her hair to make herself less attractive to fox executives.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Is the belief that a woman with short hair is less attractive than a woman with long hair the standard?

If so, why?

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I was just making a joke to point out that this person was criticizing Megyn's looks after cutting her hair off and I just wanted to suggest that she did it to look less like a woman or less attractive to Fox News Exec's who were sexually harrassing all of the female on air talent.

And Trump is defending the sexual harrassers. Trump is the perfect Republican. He says what they are all thinking but won't say out loud.

Republicans here keep saying, "if trump would just not tell us what he really believes, I could support him". What a bunch of dumb mother fuckers huh? So transparent. So obvious. We aren't racist. We don't hate women. We aren't the party for just the rich.

Sorry but your words don't match your behavior Republicans. Not buying it. Calling bullshit. LOL

I don't think we need lectures form a party that referred to a VP candidate as "Caribou Barbie", called Carly Fiorina "ugly", referred to the first female, black SoS as "Aunt Jemima'.

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