The Talmud will save Judaism

The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

It would be wise to look up the terms anachronistic and (lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed)
and lyricism.

The writer here is saying, the OT is and has become obsolete, the Talmud is for today. Even the Quran and NT is better than the Torah.

Not the coming Musllim Holocaust is what will save the WORLD. When there isn't a safe place on the planet for the cult members to hide. Then the Jews will be save!

Didn't work as planned in Arizona did it. You Talmudist are worst than Muslims ever dreamed of.

I don't follow the bible and couldn't even utter a word of the Talmud. But the way the Muslims are going they will provoke every quarter of the globe into annihilating them. They are currently at war with Chinese, Russians, Indians and the West. They keep pushing the envelope, then the results will be a Muslim genocide!

With the West, no just people like you , and seems Russian and China like Iran. Iran should be our ally , much better than having SA as an ally. Burma they are killing Muslims , those God fearing Buddha's are not so nice.
The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

It would be wise to look up the terms anachronistic and (lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed)
and lyricism.

The writer here is saying, the OT is and has become obsolete, the Talmud is for today. Even the Quran and NT is better than the Torah.

Not the coming Musllim Holocaust is what will save the WORLD. When there isn't a safe place on the planet for the cult members to hide. Then the Jews will be save!

Didn't work as planned in Arizona did it. You Talmudist are worst than Muslims ever dreamed of.

I don't follow the bible and couldn't even utter a word of the Talmud. But the way the Muslims are going they will provoke every quarter of the globe into annihilating them. They are currently at war with Chinese, Russians, Indians and the West. They keep pushing the envelope, then the results will be a Muslim genocide!

has Penelope accused you of being a Talmudist? she certainly does not qualify as being even literate The words ANACHRONISTIC and LYRICISM are strange to her. Even after checking the dictionary she did not understand what she read.

An anachronism (from the Greek ἀνά ana, "against" and χρόνος khronos, "time"), is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. (in reference to the OT) :wink_2:

and Lyricism is beautiful words of emotion.

ROFLMAO-----good for you, Penelope----maybe this time you will score well enough on the SAT to get into the local occupational school for gutter whores
The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

It would be wise to look up the terms anachronistic and (lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed)
and lyricism.

The writer here is saying, the OT is and has become obsolete, the Talmud is for today. Even the Quran and NT is better than the Torah.
Do you have a train car all good and ready so you can 'save the Jews'?
The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

It would be wise to look up the terms anachronistic and (lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed)
and lyricism.

The writer here is saying, the OT is and has become obsolete, the Talmud is for today. Even the Quran and NT is better than the Torah.

Not the coming Musllim Holocaust is what will save the WORLD. When there isn't a safe place on the planet for the cult members to hide. Then the Jews will be save!

Didn't work as planned in Arizona did it. You Talmudist are worst than Muslims ever dreamed of.
Muslim logic.
leave Penelope alone------long ago students of art COPIED the ancient masterpieces. It was a kind of training that did help them in their studies-----they learned the techniques of the geniuses For centuries----the islamo Nazi whores sucked the cocks of the Nazi geniuses----to such an extent that the Islamic cesspits actually EMPLOYED escaped Nazi war criminals to teach Penelope all she "knows"

An anachronism (from the Greek ἀνά ana, "against" and χρόνος khronos, "time"), is a chronological inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of person(s), events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. (in reference to the OT) :wink_2:

and Lyricism is beautiful words of emotion.

most persons born in the usa and minimally literate and not afflicted with a cognitive disorder know what the word ANACHRONISM means

the word LYRICISM is also ----fairly widely known
Calling names, doesn't work with me. The Pharisees and the Scribes handed him over to the Romans to be put to death, face facts, he was a threat to them, and oh the Pharisees loved their power.

try again, Penelope-----the Pharisees had no power-------the only people who had any power other than romans were their shills----the SADDUCEES -------it was the sadducees who were peripherally involved ------it any jews at all Learn some history------try reading the New Testament Jesus ended up buried in the family tomb of a prominent PHARISEE------the Pharisees were his only friends -----

The Pharisees were the Rabbinical Jews. They sat in the seat of Moses, Spritiual leaders , your right they had no civil rights, was reserved for the Sanhedrin of who the leader was called the Nasi.

you are confabulating, Penelope. No jews had civil rights back then------some people had the favor of the romans----to wit ----their shills ----like those they used as tax collectors Your attempt to invent history about which you know nothing is silly. The word 'NASI' is simply a Hebrew word which means something like "president'
At that time even the Sanhedrin consisted of roman appointees. King Herod was also a roman appointee. Jesus was a Pharisee jew------rebel against rome. The only people that the romans crucified were rebels against rome -----the Sanhedrin never crucified anyone. That court was still constrained by jewish law which did not allow crucifixtion

Once again your wrong, as long as they paid taxes to the Persians, Greeks and Romans and did not cause uprest they had freedom, but as usual , the jews wanted to be the boss, and well so now they have another persons land and call it their own, as everyone else got tired of them. The US is not going to let them run the show for much longer. Israel had best start behaving.

Jesus was not a Pharisee, and whether he was even considered a Jew in his day remains to be seen. So there, Jesus believed in peace in the end and all humans are children of God. The jews denied him and the gentiles loved him. Deal with it. You can have Moses who had his priests kill 3000 of their family and brothers (which they did according to your OT) , simply because they didn't agree with him.

You have absolutely no clue. the "gentiles loved him" <<<<that's kinda funny-----the gentiles crucified him . As moses "killing people" not quite-----you forgot to read the book-------moses was so damned indecisive during a violent insurrection that he all but HID-------the only person who had the guts to take some decisive action durng what could be described as a civil war was the person PINCHAS ---------try reading the bible ----it is an interesting book. -------but then again ----I enjoyed even the ILIAD. Not everyone goes in for that kinda stuff-------I cannot wait for the summer time SHAKESPEARE events. I so look forward to SHAKESPEARE in the park
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

Oh yes Moses said if your not with me, your against me and he had his priests kill 3000 of their own that day.
Calling names, doesn't work with me. The Pharisees and the Scribes handed him over to the Romans to be put to death, face facts, he was a threat to them, and oh the Pharisees loved their power.

try again, Penelope-----the Pharisees had no power-------the only people who had any power other than romans were their shills----the SADDUCEES -------it was the sadducees who were peripherally involved ------it any jews at all Learn some history------try reading the New Testament Jesus ended up buried in the family tomb of a prominent PHARISEE------the Pharisees were his only friends -----

The Pharisees were the Rabbinical Jews. They sat in the seat of Moses, Spritiual leaders , your right they had no civil rights, was reserved for the Sanhedrin of who the leader was called the Nasi.

you are confabulating, Penelope. No jews had civil rights back then------some people had the favor of the romans----to wit ----their shills ----like those they used as tax collectors Your attempt to invent history about which you know nothing is silly. The word 'NASI' is simply a Hebrew word which means something like "president'
At that time even the Sanhedrin consisted of roman appointees. King Herod was also a roman appointee. Jesus was a Pharisee jew------rebel against rome. The only people that the romans crucified were rebels against rome -----the Sanhedrin never crucified anyone. That court was still constrained by jewish law which did not allow crucifixtion

Once again your wrong, as long as they paid taxes to the Persians, Greeks and Romans and did not cause uprest they had freedom, but as usual , the jews wanted to be the boss, and well so now they have another persons land and call it their own, as everyone else got tired of them. The US is not going to let them run the show for much longer. Israel had best start behaving.

Jesus was not a Pharisee, and whether he was even considered a Jew in his day remains to be seen. So there, Jesus believed in peace in the end and all humans are children of God. The jews denied him and the gentiles loved him. Deal with it. You can have Moses who had his priests kill 3000 of their family and brothers (which they did according to your OT) , simply because they didn't agree with him.

You have absolutely no clue. the "gentiles loved him" <<<<that's kinda funny-----the gentiles crucified him . As moses "killing people" not quite-----you forgot to read the book-------moses was so damned indecisive during a violent insurrection that he all but HID-------the only person who had the guts to take some decisive action durng what could be described as a civil war was the person PINCHAS ---------try reading the bible ----it is an interesting book. -------but then again ----I enjoyed even the ILIAD. Not everyone goes in for that kinda stuff-------I cannot wait for the summer time SHAKESPEARE events. I so look forward to SHAKESPEARE in the park

Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, although just a movie, but the Trojan Horse can be used many ways, now we use spies, and other ways to infiltrate and control another country . I so hated it when Hector died. I have never been to a Shakespeare in the park, glad you enjoy them.
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The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
Why are you quoting the Bible? Should you not be referencing the koran? What does that thing say of Moses' character?
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
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The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
Is that the version you personally use?
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
Is that the version you personally use?

The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
Is that the version you personally use?

Yes now just the NABRE 2011, and the Jewish OT , The Complete Tanach with Rashi s Commentary - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

I find it strange the I and II Macc is not in the Prot or Jewish but I read it may not of been wrote by the time they decided what to put in the jewish bible, but that explains Hanukkah , one of their major holidays.
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
Is that the version you personally use?

The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate wanting him put to death , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

See Jesus would of given a sermon, not killed his people for their confusion of what was happening, but not Moses, he wanted to make sure they knew who was the boss:

25 Moses saw that the people were running wild because Aaron had lost control—to the secret delight of their foes. 26 Moses stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me!” All the LevitesL)' data-cr="#cen-NABRE-2465L"> then rallied to him, 27 and he told them, “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Each of you put your sword on your hip! Go back and forth through the camp, from gate to gate, and kill your brothers, your friends, your neighbors!” 28 The Levites did as Moses had commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people fell. 29 Then Moses said, “Today you are installed as priestse]' data-fn="#fen-NABRE-2468e">[e] for the Lord, for you went against your own sons and brothers, to bring a blessing upon yourselves this day.”

Perhaps he should of had a talk with Aaron.
That version; New American Bible - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The New American Bible (NAB) is a Catholic Bible translation..."​

Out of 48 different translations* of that verse only ONE gives that interpertation, the Contemporary English Version. To give a sample of how that Bible translates the scripture, from Contemporary English Version - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Moreover, the CEV often paraphrases in order to make the underlying point of a passage clear, rather than directly translating the wording. For example, compare Psalm 127:1 in the (much more literal) New International Version:

Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.
with the much shorter summary given by the CEV:

Without the help of the LORD it is useless to build a home or to guard a city.
Or verses 4 & 5 in the New International Version:

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.
are rendered in the CEV as:

Having a lot of children to take care of you in your old age is like a warrior with a lot of arrows. The more you have, the better off you will be, because they will protect you when your enemies attack with arguments.
Here, rather than shortening the original, the CEV has introduced new material by way of explanation, such as 'to take care of you in your old age'.
Then again, "Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, ".

*Exodus 32 25 - Bible Gateway

The NABRE revised 2011 edition has the whole OT rewrote and actually is more closer to the Jewish OT. The NIV and KJV as far as I'm concerned in incomplete as all Prot versions are.
Actually they all say the same thing,
25And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries

Moses had them killed.
Is that the version you personally use?

Yes now just the NABRE 2011, and the Jewish OT , The Complete Tanach with Rashi s Commentary - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

I find it strange the I and II Macc is not in the Prot or Jewish but I read it may not of been wrote by the time they decided what to put in the jewish bible, but that explains Hanukkah , one of their major holidays.
So you are aware Moses and Aaron did not get along very well?
The Romans did when the Pharisees and Scribes brought him in to Pilate , and when given a choice all the jews said crucify Jesus, so quit with the fibs.

Oh yes Moses said if your not with me, your against me and he had his priests kill 3000 of their own that day.
try again, Penelope-----the Pharisees had no power-------the only people who had any power other than romans were their shills----the SADDUCEES -------it was the sadducees who were peripherally involved ------it any jews at all Learn some history------try reading the New Testament Jesus ended up buried in the family tomb of a prominent PHARISEE------the Pharisees were his only friends -----

The Pharisees were the Rabbinical Jews. They sat in the seat of Moses, Spritiual leaders , your right they had no civil rights, was reserved for the Sanhedrin of who the leader was called the Nasi.

you are confabulating, Penelope. No jews had civil rights back then------some people had the favor of the romans----to wit ----their shills ----like those they used as tax collectors Your attempt to invent history about which you know nothing is silly. The word 'NASI' is simply a Hebrew word which means something like "president'
At that time even the Sanhedrin consisted of roman appointees. King Herod was also a roman appointee. Jesus was a Pharisee jew------rebel against rome. The only people that the romans crucified were rebels against rome -----the Sanhedrin never crucified anyone. That court was still constrained by jewish law which did not allow crucifixtion

Once again your wrong, as long as they paid taxes to the Persians, Greeks and Romans and did not cause uprest they had freedom, but as usual , the jews wanted to be the boss, and well so now they have another persons land and call it their own, as everyone else got tired of them. The US is not going to let them run the show for much longer. Israel had best start behaving.

Jesus was not a Pharisee, and whether he was even considered a Jew in his day remains to be seen. So there, Jesus believed in peace in the end and all humans are children of God. The jews denied him and the gentiles loved him. Deal with it. You can have Moses who had his priests kill 3000 of their family and brothers (which they did according to your OT) , simply because they didn't agree with him.

You have absolutely no clue. the "gentiles loved him" <<<<that's kinda funny-----the gentiles crucified him . As moses "killing people" not quite-----you forgot to read the book-------moses was so damned indecisive during a violent insurrection that he all but HID-------the only person who had the guts to take some decisive action durng what could be described as a civil war was the person PINCHAS ---------try reading the bible ----it is an interesting book. -------but then again ----I enjoyed even the ILIAD. Not everyone goes in for that kinda stuff-------I cannot wait for the summer time SHAKESPEARE events. I so look forward to SHAKESPEARE in the park

Yes I have read the ILIAD, I love the movie Troy, although just a movie, but the Trojan Horse can be used many ways, now we use spies, and other ways to infiltrate and control another country . I so hated it when Hector died. I have never been to a Shakespeare in the park, glad you enjoy them.

Penelope----you are full of shit and, clearly, illiterate. It is obvious you never read the ILIAD. or the bible. You are a filthy liar---and a very, typically, Nazi slut. Not only do you claim to have read books you probably never touched--------you use words you do not
understand in your desperate and unsuccessful attempt to cover the fact that you are extremely stupid
Talmud is the corruption of original Judaism which had no such text. The call for an Oral Torah was just that. An oral/verbal version. Lest what worked or had an application for one group of Jews somewhere came to bind all Jews everywhere as Talmud did. Once you write something down that's authoritative it can' tbe changed. That's why the Oral Torah was to remain a verbal version so disparate groups of Jews could have their own versions with no one version coming to hold sway over the entire world.

Who gave Talmudic Jews this authority? Wasn't God. Was the rabbis themselves. They gave themselves the authority so consider the source.

While you're right to some point, I disagree with the idea of "corrupting Judaism", because in many versions the amoraim do not only simplify Judaism to the specifics, they also do it spot on. But it depends on which words and Rabbis you choose to follow.

One of my favourite issues regarding that is the tale told in the Breita, "Water for two", Rabbi Akiva says "Let your brother live with you". It took me awhile to find the reason behind that. Was Rabbi Akiva in favor of a Jew watching his brother die? of course not, but the idea behind the tale is rationality instead of emotion. Venishmartem Lenafshoteichem, meaning, in order to save a friend, you should guard yourself first thing. That's not curropting Judaism, that's Judaism in a nutshell.

"And the Torah in short, what it says? "Love thy neighbor (as you love yourself)". What it means? First, love yourself! Because if you don't love yourself at all, and you love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself, God help you, and help your friend times a hundred!"
Talmud is the corruption of original Judaism which had no such text. The call for an Oral Torah was just that. An oral/verbal version. Lest what worked or had an application for one group of Jews somewhere came to bind all Jews everywhere as Talmud did. Once you write something down that's authoritative it can' tbe changed. That's why the Oral Torah was to remain a verbal version so disparate groups of Jews could have their own versions with no one version coming to hold sway over the entire world.

Who gave Talmudic Jews this authority? Wasn't God. Was the rabbis themselves. They gave themselves the authority so consider the source.
Jesus's biggest beef with the Rabbi's of his time was their teaching that the Oral Torah trumped the original Torah handed down to Moses. ..... :cool:

The Oral Torah was given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It's pretty arrogant to say Moses didn't know any better...

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