Zone1 How to remain stoic in the face of cowardly enemies


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
My faith has really been an evolution over years but it has taken a vital focus over the last year in particular. How does one remain stoic in the face of abuses by cowardly enemies? I don't want to feel removed from G-d, I want to forgive but I have a real challenge in forgiving evil and the dishonest. In Judaism for instance, forgiveness is important but only for those who have apologized and asked for.forgiveness. Only those warranted. How can one forgive when in the midst of the abuse by unscrupulous and evil people? Help me please. I worry that I curse my enemies loudky and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process. It is quite unlike me but the stress and disdain is real.
My faith has really been an evolution over years but it has taken a vital focus over the last year in particular. How does one remain stoic in the face of abuses by cowardly enemies? I don't want to feel removed from G-d, I want to forgive but I have a real challenge in forgiving evil and the dishonest. In Judaism for instance, forgiveness is important but only for those who have apologized and asked for.forgiveness. Only those warranted. How can one forgive when in the midst of the abuse by unscrupulous and evil people? Help me please. I worry that I curse my enemies loudky and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process. It is quite unlike me but the stress and disdain is real.
i really lijke trump's stoicism as the target of these cowardly judges prosecutors witnesses juries and such. the anonymous death threats received by trump[ and his lawyers from those cowardly commie democrats and the press is more than i could bear .l and he does it for us! the little people that trump has helped with his charity etc etc etc

stoicism is the philosophy of the "strong silent type" and who better exemplifies this philosophy than dear leader?
My faith has really been an evolution over years but it has taken a vital focus over the last year in particular. How does one remain stoic in the face of abuses by cowardly enemies? I don't want to feel removed from G-d, I want to forgive but I have a real challenge in forgiving evil and the dishonest. In Judaism for instance, forgiveness is important but only for those who have apologized and asked for.forgiveness. Only those warranted. How can one forgive when in the midst of the abuse by unscrupulous and evil people? Help me please. I worry that I curse my enemies loudky and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process. It is quite unlike me but the stress and disdain is real.
I hear you. Sometimes the disgust one feels for another doesn't measure up to the standards one has for oneself on how they should regard others whom we are called to love. Two things: First, remember God does love them and that God loves you. Sometimes we must turn over loving another to God because when the burden of loving someone is too heavy, too much for a human to handle, it is not too much for God. Let him carry that burden for awhile while you pray for his love and strength to be upon you. When you feel like cursing, say a prayer and move on from there.

Second, if you have a Catholic Bible, the Book of Sirach has great insights that may be of great comfort to you in handling what you are going through.
I hear you. Sometimes the disgust one feels for another doesn't measure up to the standards one has for oneself on how they should regard others whom we are called to love. Two things: First, remember God does love them and that God loves you. Sometimes we must turn over loving another to God because when the burden of loving someone is too heavy, too much for a human to handle, it is not too much for God. Let him carry that burden for awhile while you pray for his love and strength to be upon you. When you feel like cursing, say a prayer and move on from there.

Second, if you have a Catholic Bible, the Book of Sirach has great insights that may be of great comfort to you in handling what you are going through.
i need to review sirach.

i've been in my vulgate a bit since macabees is an interesting snippet of the hellenistic world and am writing about the diadochi.

these books are canon. i wonder why the kjv translators left them out? perhaps the macabees were not supporters of their greek and edomite kings , and james ruled by "divine right? "
these books are canon. i wonder why the kjv translators left them out? perhaps the macabees were not supporters of their greek and edomite kings , and james ruled by "divine right? "
The interesting thing about Canon is that neither Christian or Jewish Canon was formalized until after Christ. As these books were in use in the days of Christ, they were in use by the early Church and early Christians as well. There are a number of theories why formalized Jewish Canon (which occurred in about 90 A.D) excluded the Book of Maccabees. One of these theories ponders whether early Christian recognition/use of this book was part of what was in play. There were other more political reasons as well plus at the time, Maccabees may have been considered too modern to be seriously considered.

Fast forward to the 1500s when Protestant denominations noticed some Old Testament books were not considered part of Jewish Canon and they elected to follow the formal Jewish Canon of 90 A.D. instead all the books in use in the time of Christ and early Christianity. The Catholic Church, big on traditions of the early Christians and followers of Christ, still retain them.
i really lijke trump's stoicism as the target of these cowardly judges prosecutors witnesses juries and such. the anonymous death threats received by trump[ and his lawyers from those cowardly commie democrats and the press is more than i could bear .l and he does it for us! the little people that trump has helped with his charity etc etc etc

stoicism is the philosophy of the "strong silent type" and who better exemplifies this philosophy than dear leader?
Trump runs his mouth nonstop.

Done model you got there.
My faith has really been an evolution over years but it has taken a vital focus over the last year in particular. How does one remain stoic in the face of abuses by cowardly enemies? I don't want to feel removed from G-d, I want to forgive but I have a real challenge in forgiving evil and the dishonest. In Judaism for instance, forgiveness is important but only for those who have apologized and asked for.forgiveness. Only those warranted. How can one forgive when in the midst of the abuse by unscrupulous and evil people? Help me please. I worry that I curse my enemies loudky and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process. It is quite unlike me but the stress and disdain is real.

I sometimes think of some difficult people while praying the rosary. IT is almost like God.. seems like it IS God.. telling me to pray for that person. Praying for someone is the best way to forgive... praying God's grace into the person's life. It is not always easy because sometimes the hate is just.. there in your heart.. or maybe Anger is a better word. The rosary is powerful against the devil. He hates it. He attacks those who pray it.. But he can't do anything God does not permit
I sometimes think of some difficult people while praying the rosary. IT is almost like God.. seems like it IS God.. telling me to pray for that person. Praying for someone is the best way to forgive... praying God's grace into the person's life. It is not always easy because sometimes the hate is just.. there in your heart.. or maybe Anger is a better word. The rosary is powerful against the devil. He hates it. He attacks those who pray it.. But he can't do anything God does not permit
How does one pray for the soul of institutions?

This isn't one bad apple, or even two. This is akin to saying "there were a few nice guys working for Himmler", or "you know, for all Stalin did, he wasn't all that bad".

Prayer can't help some. Especially when many of them are vehemently against G-d.
How does one pray for the soul of institutions?

This isn't one bad apple, or even two. This is akin to saying "there were a few nice guys working for Himmler", or "you know, for all Stalin did, he wasn't all that bad".

Prayer can't help some. Especially when many of them are vehemently against G-d.
this is true and the Word says... "I do not say pray for these..." (in mortal sin)

But I pray for the everyday people who are trying to be decent. They fail at times also
I worry that I curse my enemies loudly and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process.

you've not offered any examples for your evil enemies ... your worry is whether you are correct or not in your perception is a more accurate concern for your post - as why the heavens would care.

if its hating joe biden ... good luck.
you've not offered any examples for your evil enemies ... your worry is whether you are correct or not in your perception is a more accurate concern for your post - as why the heavens would care.

if its hating joe biden ... good luck.
My faith has really been an evolution over years but it has taken a vital focus over the last year in particular. How does one remain stoic in the face of abuses by cowardly enemies? I don't want to feel removed from G-d, I want to forgive but I have a real challenge in forgiving evil and the dishonest. In Judaism for instance, forgiveness is important but only for those who have apologized and asked for.forgiveness. Only those warranted. How can one forgive when in the midst of the abuse by unscrupulous and evil people? Help me please. I worry that I curse my enemies loudky and it hurts my standing with G-d in the process. It is quite unlike me but the stress and disdain is real.
I think when we fail to forgive, we don't hurt anyone but ourselves. We wound our spirit and can even make ourselves ill.

Forgiving does not mean the other 'deserves' it or that we will forget what he/she did to us or that we will allow them to wrong us again. Forgiveness means that we will not require them to compensate us for the wrong they did. We won't penalize them. We don't exact a pound of flesh so to speak. We don't seek to punish them. When we choose that path we no longer curse them or do anything to them other than pray for them. We do not have to befriend them or associate with them unless we choose to and we should remove ourselves from them if they are abusive and/or harming us. But by no longer hating them and blaming them we choose to live and let live. And that can be cathartic and beneficial. (It also drives them nuts. :) )

How to remain stoic in the face of cowardly enemies 240324 {post•15}​

Catholic Biden voters are not your enemies - unless you decide TRUMP is right that they are.

Black Christian Biden voters are not your enemies - unless you decide TRUMP is right that they are.

American Jewish Biden voters are not your enemies - unless you decide TRUMP is right that they are.

Pissed off MAGA Catholics please pray that you will be able to embrace American Civil Religion like more than half of all Catholics do, like Black Churched Christian’s do; like American Jews do.

Find your place in American Civil Religion and then pursuer truth in all material things before conceding to your anger and hatred of the secular as designed “deep state” . Follow Law - Not Lies .

Americas, civil religion is grounded in skepticism and enlightenment.

Many Enlightenment thinkers—especially the French philosophes, such as Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot—subscribed to some form of skepticism, doubting appeals to miraculous, transcendent and supernatural forces that potentially limit the scope of individual choice and reason. Reason that is universally shared and definitive of the human nature also became a dominant theme in Enlightenment thinkers’ writings, particularly Immanuel Kant’s “What is Enlightenment?” and his Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. The fourth theme, liberty and rights assumed a central place in theories of political association, specifically as limits state authority originating prior to the advent of states (that is, in a state of nature) and manifesting in social contracts, especially in John Locke’s Second Treatise on Civil Government and Thomas Jefferson’s drafts of the Declaration of Independence. From the link below.​

American Enlightenment Thought | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy​

American Enlightenment Thought​

Although there is no consensus about the exact span of time that corresponds to the American Enlightenment, it is safe to say that it occurred during the eighteenth century among thinkers in British North America and the early United States and was inspired by the ideas of the British and French Enlightenments. Based on the metaphor of bringing light to the Dark Age, the Age of the Enlightenment (Siècle des lumières in French and Aufklärung in German) shifted allegiances away from absolute authority, whether religious or political, to more skeptical and optimistic attitudes about human nature, religion and politics. In the American context, thinkers such as Thomas Paine, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin invented and adopted revolutionary ideas about scientific rationality, religious toleration and experimental political organization—ideas that would have far-reaching effects on the development of the fledgling nation. Some coupled science and religion in the notion of deism; others asserted the natural rights of man in the anti-authoritarian doctrine of liberalism; and still others touted the importance of cultivating virtue, enlightened leadership and community in early forms of republican thinking. At least six ideas came to punctuate American Enlightenment thinking: deism, liberalism, republicanism, conservatism, toleration and scientific progress. Many of these were shared with European Enlightenment thinkers, but in some instances took a uniquely American form.

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How to remain stoic in the face of cowardly enemies​

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