The strength of the Trump truly is amazing. This is why we need Trump in office.

An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

Trump was great on the Chinese flu......the one unleashed by the government that paid joe bidens son 1.5 billion dollars in a business deal he made while flying with his dad on Air Force know, our tax payer funded aircraft........

Trump made sure the governors and mayors had all the resources they needed, from ventilators, to hospitals and bed space......then the democrat governors put the sick into nursing homes and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of elderly Americans....

You won't blame the democrats for actually killing those people.......but lie about Trump.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

They've got this kid in a chair spouting off ignorant talk radio platitudes and they use it as supporting evidence.

That's the level of intellect we're dealing with here.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

The country is still down millions of jobs. That is largely because Trump supporters refuse to accept the pandemic. Also if Trump remains in office there will be another wave of unemployment in January when state legislatures meet and are forced to institute more layoffs. State and local governments employ people as well. Trump is a incompetent boob.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

Trump was great on the Chinese flu......the one unleashed by the government that paid joe bidens son 1.5 billion dollars in a business deal he made while flying with his dad on Air Force know, our tax payer funded aircraft........

Trump made sure the governors and mayors had all the resources they needed, from ventilators, to hospitals and bed space......then the democrat governors put the sick into nursing homes and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of elderly Americans....

You won't blame the democrats for actually killing those people.......but lie about Trump.

Sad to say that statement shows how stupid you are. Voters overwhelmingly agree that Trump's leadership has been incompetent. He refused to take action in April and May. He ignores the advice of doctors and acts like he is a doctor. He surrounds himself with people who tell him exactly what he wants to hear. He has pushed re-openings before it is safe to do so.

You are a crazy idiot that would be locked up in a looney bin if there were involuntary commitments. There are no conspiracies and voters see you people for the bullshit artists you are. There are no lies about Trump. You don't have to make things up. All you have to do is tell the truth about Trump. He is the Democrats' best weapon.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

Trump was great on the Chinese flu......the one unleashed by the government that paid joe bidens son 1.5 billion dollars in a business deal he made while flying with his dad on Air Force know, our tax payer funded aircraft........

Trump made sure the governors and mayors had all the resources they needed, from ventilators, to hospitals and bed space......then the democrat governors put the sick into nursing homes and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of elderly Americans....

You won't blame the democrats for actually killing those people.......but lie about Trump.

New York in particular needs to be called out. Cuomo and DeBlasio had the USS Comfort at their disposal to use courtesy of Trump. They didn’t use it. Somehow, they found it incentivizing to put people in nursing homes. It’s this mindset as to why Democrats are unfit to run an economy.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

Yep. At its height, almost 20% unemployment. Now down to 8.4%. Hippie Stink is correct, that's staggering. Now we're just recovering what was lost during Trump's epic blunder of a response to the virus. Most of it didn't have to happen.
Sorry, that's why Trump needs to go in November...along with as many of his Republican enablers as possible.

Trump was great on the Chinese flu......the one unleashed by the government that paid joe bidens son 1.5 billion dollars in a business deal he made while flying with his dad on Air Force know, our tax payer funded aircraft........

Trump made sure the governors and mayors had all the resources they needed, from ventilators, to hospitals and bed space......then the democrat governors put the sick into nursing homes and caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of elderly Americans....

You won't blame the democrats for actually killing those people.......but lie about Trump.

New York in particular needs to be called out. Cuomo and DeBlasio had the USS Comfort at their disposal to use courtesy of Trump. They didn’t use it. Somehow, they found it incentivizing to put people in nursing homes. It’s this mindset as to why Democrats are unfit to run an economy.

The Comfort was underutilized because of the restrictions placed on it before it sailed. The only reason the Comfort had such a few amount of patients is because of the restrictions placed on it before it sailed. Trump only did that as a political move that he thought would make him look good. All he did was waste a whole bunch of taxpayer money.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

40 million jobs lost.
100,000 Businesses shuttered for good.
Record 3 Trillion Deficit.
33% drop in GDP.

We really can't afford Trump to keep treating this country like one of his bankrupt casinos.

Here, let me help you out. This is a chart that shows how many jobs each President has ADDED to the economy or lost over time.


Trump will be the first president to post a NET JOBS LOSS in his first term.
An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

The country is still down millions of jobs. That is largely because Trump supporters refuse to accept the pandemic. Also if Trump remains in office there will be another wave of unemployment in January when state legislatures meet and are forced to institute more layoffs. State and local governments employ people as well. Trump is a incompetent boob.

What a load of horse shit. Trump tried to stop flights into the US and you Dem idiots called him a racist and told everyone not to worry. The virus was nothing.

Of course UE is high, its a pandemic shit for brains. Before Covid UE was the lowest it had been for 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All that with Trump at the helm.

To get things back to normal we need Trump at the helm. Biden had already put out his proposals if he's POTUS and no sane American would ever vote for that shit.
New York in particular needs to be called out. Cuomo and DeBlasio had the USS Comfort at their disposal to use courtesy of Trump. They didn’t use it. Somehow, they found it incentivizing to put people in nursing homes. It’s this mindset as to why Democrats are unfit to run an economy.

The Comfort was set up to handle the overflow of regular cases because the NYC hospitals were being overwhelmed. Because of fears of hospitals, people were too scared to go to the hospital negating that need. That meant that the Comfort had to be refitted to handle Covid cases. By the time that was accomplished the peak had come and the Comfort was not needed.
What a load of horse shit. Trump tried to stop flights into the US

Only for Chinese nationals. Tens of thousands returned from China and virtually none were quarantined or even tracked...

And oh yea...he didn't stop flights from Europe for almost two months while the virus was raging there...culminating in this


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An explanation of how strong the Trump economy is............this is why we need Trump to win in November.

The country is still down millions of jobs. That is largely because Trump supporters refuse to accept the pandemic. Also if Trump remains in office there will be another wave of unemployment in January when state legislatures meet and are forced to institute more layoffs. State and local governments employ people as well. Trump is a incompetent boob.

Thanks to stupid shit Democrat shut downs which have killed more people than the damn virus. Why don't all you stupid shits pack up and move to China go live your dream.
Well. We've got about three, maybe four cents worth of purchasing power on the dollar.

That fact kind of makes any discussion beyond itself trivial.

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