The Storming of the Capitol”: The four big lies underpinning this story show it was likely a staged event.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.

Where are the guns and bomb?


Oh I agree they shouldn't have entered the Capital building.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.
"They beat their way in there" with a couple of flag poles? No one broke though those doors. It would take an armored car to break through them.

There was no "insurrection." turds like you are claiming there was so you can impose the police state. It's time for traitors like you to be put in prison.

Who are you trying to kid?

I wont' stop until the last SJW is put in a reeducation camp.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.

Where are the guns and bomb?


Oh I agree they shouldn't have entered the Capital building.
All the protestors should be rounded up and executed for going through doors that weren't even locked.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.

Where are the guns and bomb?


Oh I agree they shouldn't have entered the Capital building.
All the protestors should be rounded up and executed for going through doors that weren't even locked.
You should carry around a house plant to replace the oxygen you waste.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.
"They beat their way in there" with a couple of flag poles? No one broke though those doors. It would take an armored car to break through them.

There was no "insurrection." turds like you are claiming there was so you can impose the police state. It's time for traitors like you to be put in prison.

Who are you trying to kid?

I wont' stop until the last SJW is put in a reeducation camp.
You sound cranky I do believe you need a nap...I can see you are backpaddling hard to try and make excuses for those partiers inside the Capitol on the 6th, but it's not working we can see your fakeness and your anger is too offish to attract conciliatory communion..
Trump is free to tell Americans to go to the Capitol en mass as a show of solidarity. It’s the American way.
He did not order the Storming of the Bastille
MSM and libbies are fake and emotionally overreactive Once Again
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.

Where are the guns and bomb?


Oh I agree they shouldn't have entered the Capital building.
All the protestors should be rounded up and executed for going through doors that weren't even locked.
You should carry around a house plant to replace the oxygen you waste.
Awww. doesn't the little commie like what I have to say?
Trump is free to tell Americans to go to the Capitol en mass as a show of solidarity. It’s the American way.
He did not order the Storming of the Bastille
MSM and libbies are fake and emotionally overreactive Once Again
They aren't over-reacting. It's all part of the scheme to impose the one party state.
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
You're totally full of shit.

The Dims have ended the career prospects of all Republicans, moron. There will never be another fair election in this country.

Who are you trying to fool?
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
So scary to snowflakes to hear words like strength and strong simply because they hide in basements and lack either
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.
"They beat their way in there" with a couple of flag poles? No one broke though those doors. It would take an armored car to break through them.

There was no "insurrection." turds like you are claiming there was so you can impose the police state. It's time for traitors like you to be put in prison.

Who are you trying to kid?

I wont' stop until the last SJW is put in a reeducation camp.

Aww, does the angwy widdle baby need some prune juice? You're awfully grouchy. You need a nap? :)
Again, this was a snippet. There are pictures of violence all over the Capitol grounds along with Congressional offices ransacked.
This was an insurrection. Should have been met with rubber bullets, tear gas, and a bare minimum.
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
So scary to snowflakes to hear words like strength and strong simply because they hide in basements and lack either
But at night they go downtown and commit arson, vandalism, assault and looting.
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
You're totally full of shit.

The Dims have ended the career prospects of all Republicans, moron. There will never be another fair election in this country.

Who are you trying to fool?

Then don't vote if you feel that way. Either way, sit down and shut up. You've done enough damage. The adults are back in charge.
It was mostly peaceful, unplanned insurrection.

It should be made into a yearly event. The officials would better recall who they serve. And they should be in the building as well.
1) Yes it was stormed. Yes it looks like some police let them in, but there were other police who recognized that they were outnumbered..greatly. Then, there were the ones that beat their way in. Here's a small snippet.
View attachment 440155

You really need to stop with this bullshit. It was an insurrection. Period.
"They beat their way in there" with a couple of flag poles? No one broke though those doors. It would take an armored car to break through them.

There was no "insurrection." turds like you are claiming there was so you can impose the police state. It's time for traitors like you to be put in prison.

Who are you trying to kid?

I wont' stop until the last SJW is put in a reeducation camp.

Aww, does the angwy widdle baby need some prune juice? You're awfully grouchy. You need a nap? :)
Again, this was a snippet. There are pictures of violence all over the Capitol grounds along with Congressional offices ransacked.
This was an insurrection. Should have been met with rubber bullets, tear gas, and a bare minimum.
Give it up, douchebag. No one is fooled. There as virtually no violence.
If you imagine the left had nothing to with the events that occurred in DC, think again.

Not one single part of this story is true. …
1. There was no “storming”. Rather videos show police opening barriers to let the “rioters” in.
In the entrance hall, the “violent thugs” respected the velvet ropes and kept in orderly lines, took a few selfies with the cops, posed for the press and — when the main events were over — they were quietly allowed to leave.
Compare and contrast the police’s treatment of those people inside the capitol, with their later treatment of protesters breaking curfew on the streets.
2. There was no “incitement”. All of Trump’s social media posts on the subject instructed people to “go home” “with peace and love”.
Is that inciting violence?
Twitter and Facebook took the totally unprecedented step of completely removing those posts, and blocked him posting any further. They claimed to be preventing further violence, but it looks more like they concealed Trump’s denunciations of violence.
3. There was no violence. Indeed whether or not Trump “incited” anything is moot, because there was no violence. Disregard the reports of chemical weapons, pipe bombs or IEDs — none of which ever appeared. None of the “rioters” are as yet shown to have hurt anyone.
The only person reportedly killed or injured was a protester allegedly shot by the police. Compare and contrast the attitude of the media to this “violence”, vs the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests all last summer.
4. The riot ended Trump’s presidency. Although the Congressional session was widely described in the press as the “confirmation vote” for Joe Biden’s election victory, it was actually rather more than that.
VP Mike Pence was chairing a joint-session which intended to allow full speeches from those opposing the election and maintaining there had been fraud.
The violence brought this session to an end prematurely, totally undermined Trump’s legal and procedural challenges and killed any chance he had of overturning the electoral college vote. No sooner was the “attack” over, than many of the Republicans in both houses who were planning to oppose Biden’s election backed-down.
More than that, it seems Trump’s “incitement” of the rioters means he may well be removed from office by enforcement of the 25th amendment, which would end not just this term, but make it illegal for him to run again in the future.
Facebook and Twitter have outright banned him from posting. The press and television pundits are openly accusing him of treason and sedition.
So, who has really benefitted from the “chaos at the Capitol”? Because it surely isn’t Donald Trump.
One should always be wary of any event which “accidentally” achieves the exact opposite of its stated or apparent intent. …
Some prominent voices are calling for all lawmakers backing Trump to be expelled from office. The Washington Post claimed “seditious Republicans must be held accountable”.
The anti-social media campaign has begun again in earnest too, with Parler and GAB already being blamed for allowing “violent language” on their platforms.
As Twitter and Facebook limit discussion, alternative platforms will be shutdown. Enforcing a corporate monopoly that cooperates with the state…the very definition of fascism.
All this in the name of protecting the nation from “neo-nazi thugs” or “white supremacists” or other phantom threats. In the name of “protecting the constitution”, they are tearing it to pieces. In the name of “preventing a coup”, they are carrying one out in front of our eyes.

2) Bullshit. He whipped em up and set em loose. Promising to join them..until he pussied out and went back to the Oval Office to watch, smile and gloat.
"We're going to walk down to the Capitol. And we're gonna cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. And we're probably not going to be cheering, so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness, you have to show strength and you have to be strong,"
3) Ugh. You are perfect example of a true believer. This one isn't worth a response.
4) Pretty much. It probably also ended the political career aspirations of Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, and if there was any justice in the world, that steaming pile of shit Mo Books would be shamed into resigning.
You're totally full of shit.

The Dims have ended the career prospects of all Republicans, moron. There will never be another fair election in this country.

Who are you trying to fool?

Then don't vote if you feel that way. Either way, sit down and shut up. You've done enough damage. The adults are back in charge.
"Don't vote" is your solution to the one party state? Is that the advice you have for Jews being dragged off to the gas ovens?

Thanks for proving you're an irredemable idiot.
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