The Stone Cold Truth

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No one takes seriously a racist who is a member of the demographic that has benefitted the most from Affirmative Action. You're an example of stupidity tipsy.

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A smaller share of Black Americans are in the labor force. The current economic expansion, which began in 2009 under President Obama and is the longest on record, has helped increase the share of Black Americans in the labor force. As the labor market has tightened over the past several years, the difference between labor force participation rates for Blacks (62.6%) and Whites (63.4%) has almost disappeared. This undermines the persistent stereotype that Blacks are less inclined to seek work than Whites, suggesting instead that they have fewer opportunities to seek employment when the economy is not operating at its peak.

Black women and men have traditionally had labor force participation rates that are much similar than those of White women and men, reflecting a more gender-equitable division of labor both within and outside the home. This in part may be due to difficult labor market conditions and discrimination against Black men, which makes Black women’s participation critical to their families. The labor force participation rates of Black women and men were 63.3% and 67.6% in January 2020, compared to 58.3% and 72% for White women and men.

Discrimination and occupational segregation are significant causes of racial disparities. Field experiments have shown that resumes with typically “Black sounding” names received significantly fewer callbacks for job interviews than those with “White sounding” names, even when candidates had identical qualifications. A meta-analysis of these experiments has shown almost no change in the level of hiring discrimination among Blacks over the past 25 years. There also is evidence of Black employment being concentrated in occupations that have a higher risk of unemployment, often because of automation. Black workers also are at higher risk of being the first fired in the event of an economic downturn.

Black workers are more likely to be members of labor unions

Labor unions have played a key role in helping Black workers secure higher wages, more comprehensive benefits and better working conditions, offering millions of Blacks a pathway to joining the American middle class. Black workers have higher rates of union membership than White workers, with membership rates of 11.2% compared to 10.3% for White workers.

Union membership reduces wage differentials between Blacks and Whites Unionization has narrowed the wage disparity between Blacks and Whites, but has not eliminated it. In 2019, unionized Black men earned $948 per week compared to $1,181 for unionized White men, a relative pay gap of 80 cents to the dollar.Non-unionized Black men earned $746 compared to $1,012 for non-unionized White men, or 74 cents to the dollar.

Unionization made virtually no difference in the wage gap between Black and White women; unionized Black women earned $874 to unionized White women’s $1,044 (84 cents to the dollar), while non-unionized Black women earned $683 to non-unionized White women’s $810 (84 cents). Given the reduced racial earnings gaps between unionized men and that a larger share of Black workers overall is unionized, earnings gaps between Black and White workers likely would be larger without unions.

In addition to helping secure better wages and working conditions for Black Americans, unions also played a key role in the Civil Rights movement, improving the lives and economic fates of all Black Americans. Civil Rights leaders, in turn, championed organized labor. A. Phillip Randolph founded the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first Black labor organization chartered by the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and went on to become one of the architects of the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an outspoken advocate for the labor movement and created the Poor People’s Campaign, a multiracial working-class movement dedicated to economic equality and social justice, with strong ties to organized labor.

The Economic State of Black America 2020
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The difference in the unemployment rates for Blacks and Whites shrinks for college graduates; however, even in the current strong economy the unemployment rate is 50% higher for Black Americans. Largely related to MAJORS, SCHOOLS, and GRADES. Few private sector employers value a degree in Ethnic Studies or other such nonsense.

During the majority of the past 50 years, Black Americans have experienced unemployment rates that, were they experienced by the entire population, would be seen as recessionary. Notice that the discussion is always about percentages. Actual examples of racial discrimination in employment are rare indeed. Show me a significant employer who rejects Black applicants while hiring white applicants; good luck. They are like unicorns, often spoken of, but never actually seen.

Black workers have been disproportionally hurt by the overall decline in union membership and the decreasing power of unions. Data to support? There is nothing racial in the decline in union membership. Unions have proven in most instances to be detrimental to the viability of the business. Has nothing to do with race.

The typical Black households earns a fraction of White households—just 59 cents for every dollar. The gap between Black and White annual household incomes is about $29,000 per year. "Households?" You mean those "households" with a single mother and several babies? This statistic has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE, and everything to do with self-destructive decision-making.

Black Americans are over twice as likely to live in poverty as White Americans. White single-parent households are three times more likely to be living in poverty than intact Black families (husband, wife, children). Again, this poverty statistic has nothing to do with race and everything to do with BEHAVIOR. 

Black children are three times as likely to live in poverty as White children. See above. With 70% of Black children being born to single mothers, IT'S ALL ABOUT BEHAVIOR and has nothing to do with RACE.

The median wealth of Black families ($17,000)—is less than one-tenth that of White families ($171,000). Wealth is a bullshit statistic. The average Medical School grad has a net worth of -$250,000, while a skid-row bum with a dollar in his pocket has more WEALTH than the Med School Grad. Again, this is a bullshit statistic.

The wealth gap between Black and White households increases with education. See above. Not all college degrees are equal.

Much less than half (42%) of Black families own their homes, compared to almost three-quarters (73%) of White families. BEHAVIOR not race. What percentage of Black "families" are single parent. Blows this statistic out of the water. Let's see comparative stats for comparable family units.

High school graduation rates for Black and White Americans have nearly converged. Largely due to dumbing-down of academics to accommodate Black students.

The share of Blacks who are college graduates has more than doubled since 1990, from 11% to 25%—but still lags far behind Whites. Largely due to BEHAVIOR, not racism. Colleges WELCOME Blacks, even when the Blacks are not qualified. Would any sane person claim that America's colleges DISCRIMINATE AGAINST BLACKS??? Ridiculous!

Persistent segregation leads to large disparities in the quality of secondary education, leading to worse economic outcomes. Why would segregation lead to a decline in quality? Yeshiva students seem to be doing OK. Parochial school students do OK. Christian school students do OK. Home-schooled students do OK. Why is it only Blacks whose education goes into the tank when they are separated? Dollar-per-student spending is often much higher for inner-city Black schools. Yet results???

The incarceration rate for Black Americans is falling, but is still nearly six times the rate for White Americans. FBI Crime States solidly reinforce the racial disparity in incarceration. 6% of the population (Black males) commit nearly HALF OF ALL VIOLENT CRIME in the U.S. Do the math.

Non-Hispanic Black Americans have a life expectancy 3.6 years lower than non Hispanic White Americans. And what racist factors overcome the dramatic behavioral differences?

These examples are all self-serving bullshit. A slanderous claim of "racist discrimination" used to require some verifiable backup. Now race-pimps point to statistics as "proof" of discrimination where no discrimination can actually be observed.

Show me actual proof of racial discrimination and I will fight it right by your side, but this is all statistical nonsense, disguised as proof of discrimination.
Your post is a bunch of racist malarkey. You have been shown facts.

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It gets old reading dumb stereotype filled responses from dumb ass whites who want to deny that racism is still a major problem.
Black households earn a fraction of what White households earn The median annual household income for Black households in 2018 (the last year for which household data are available) was $41,692, more than $21,000 less than all households and nearly $29,000 less than for White households, which had a median income of $70,642. In other words, for every dollar earned by the typical White household, the typical Black household earned only 59 cents. This is significantly worse than in 2000, when the typical Black household earned about 65 cents for every dollar earned by a White household.

Between 2000 and 2018, wage growth for White and Hispanic workers was faster at every decile of income than for Black workers; as a result, the gap in hourly wages between Black and White workers is larger now at every decile of income than in 2000. The past 40 years have seen rising wage inequality and stagnating wage growth in the United States; this trend has coincided with increasing racial disparities in wages and wage growth. Wages have grown fastest for those at the top of the income distribution, including for high-earning Black workers. However, because Black workers make up a disproportionate share of the bottom of the income distribution, slow wage gains at the bottom have hit the Black community hardest.

Black workers are more likely to earn the minimum wage Black workers are significantly more likely to work at or below the minimum wage than White workers; 2.4% of Black workers worked at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25 in 2019 compared to 1.9% of White workers. In 2018, Black workers made up 18% of minimum wage workers despite being only 12.7% of the population.

Black Americans would especially benefit from increases in the minimum wage. Research shows that this not only would raise wages for workers who receive the minimum wage, but those earning more than the minimum wage.18 As a result, 38% of Black workers would benefit from a proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 by 2024, compared to 23.2% of White workers.

None of these things are due to anything that idiot white person posted above. Not every black person graduates in ethnic studies. Households are not all single moms with 3-4 kids. The single parent family meme is a racist meme that doesn't consider that women have boyfriends that help raise the children, that people cohabitate instead of marry, that black men raise children with their girlfriends. I can continue cutting up the ignorance I had to read, but the fact remains that nothing that idiot posted applies to what the United States Senate Joint Economic Committee discovered and reported. Murder is a rare occurrence, less than 1 percent of all deaths in this country happens because of murder. Are we to ignore murder? But somehow we are supposed to ignore racism and that opinion only comes from one subculture within the white community. The alt right racist subculture.

And that's an opinion that doesn't matter.
6% of the population (Black males) commit nearly HALF OF ALL VIOLENT CRIME in the U.S. Do the math.

Whites commit 60 percent of all violent crime in America according to the UCR.. Do the math. So there is no way blacks could commit 50 percent.
It gets old reading dumb stereotype filled responses from dumb ass whites who want to deny that racism is still a major problem.

So does stereotypical black victimhood from dumb ass blacks who want to deny a 1/2 century of equal rights ,along with numerous black privilege programs didn't work out for them.....

After slavery, blacks were being killed by whites with no crimes charged, the Supreme Court basically repealed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments with a series of rulings. Due the consistent state and federally protected barbaric acts by whites, southern blacks felt they had to go north. When blacks started moving north, southern business and government leaders enacted laws in order to stop free people from going where they could earn a decent living. But even under the threat of jail or death, millions of blacks headed north where they knew they'd be treated right.

Not so fast!

As blacks went north they found that the only difference between a southern white and a northern one was geography. When blacks went north, so did lynchings. They are recorded as race riots, but that's disingenuous considering what happened. In the “Red Summer” of 1919. there were a series of race riots started by whites due to the northern migration of blacks trying to escape the conditions they had to endure in the south. There were more than 20 riots that summer.

The East St. Louis riots or East St. Louis massacres were a series of outbreaks of labor- and race-related violence by people that caused the deaths of an estimated 40–250 African Americans in late May and early July 1917. Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless,[1] and the rioting and vandalism cost approximately $400,000 ($7,982,000 in 2020) in property damage.[1] The events took place in and near East St. Louis, Illinois, an industrial city on the east bank of the Mississippi River, directly opposite the city of St. Louis, Missouri. The July 1917 episode in particular was marked by white-led violence throughout the city. The riots have been described as the worst case of labor-related violence in 20th-century American history,[2] and among the worst race riots in U.S. history.

The Chicago race riot of 1919 was a violent racial conflict provoked by white Americans against black Americans that began on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois on July 27, and ended on August 3, 1919.[1][2] During the riot, thirty-eight people died (23 black and 15 white).[3] Over the week, injuries attributed to the episodic confrontations stood at 537, with two-thirds of the injured being black and one-third white, while the approximately 1,000 to 2,000 who lost their homes were mostly black.[4] It is considered the worst of the nearly 25 riots in the United States during the "Red Summer" of 1919, so named because of the racial and labor related violence and fatalities across the nation.[5] The combination of prolonged arson, looting, and murder made it one of the worst race riots in the history of Illinois.[6]

In early 1919, the sociopolitical atmosphere of Chicago around and near its rapidly growing black community was one of ethnic tension caused by competition among new groups, an economic slump, and the social changes engendered by World War I. With the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans from the American South had settled next to neighborhoods of European immigrants on Chicago's South Side, near jobs in the stockyards, meatpacking plants, and industry. Meanwhile, the Irish had been established earlier, and fiercely defended their territory and political power against all newcomers.[7][8] Post-World War I tensions caused inter-community frictions, especially in the competitive labor and housing markets.[9] Overcrowding and increased African American resistance against racism, especially by war veterans contributed to the visible racial frictions.[5] Also, a combination of ethnic gangs and police neglect strained the racial relationships.[9]

The turmoil came to a boil during a summer heat wave with the death of Eugene Williams, an African-American youth who inadvertently drifted into a white swimming area at an informally segregated beach near 29th Street.[10] Tensions between groups arose in a melee that blew up into days of unrest.[5] Black neighbors near white areas were attacked, white gangs went into black neighborhoods, and black workers seeking to get to and from employment were attacked. Meanwhile some blacks organized to resist and protect, and some whites sought to lend aid to blacks, while the police department often turned a blind eye or worse.

The Omaha Race Riot occurred in Omaha, Nebraska, on September 28–29, 1919. The race riot resulted in the brutal lynching of Will Brown, a black worker; the death of two white men; the attempted hanging of the mayor Edward Parsons Smith; and a public rampage by thousands of whites who set fire to the Douglas County Courthouse in downtown Omaha. It followed more than 20 race riots that occurred in major industrial cities of the United States during the Red Summer of 1919.

The race riot in Washington, D.C. was one of more than twenty that took place during the “Red Summer” of 1919. Lasting a total of only four days, this short-lived riot was more accurately described as a “race war” taking place in the nation’s capital.

On Saturday night, July 19, 1919, in a downtown bar, a group of white veterans sparked a rumor regarding the arrest, questioning, and release of a black man suspected by the Metropolitan Police Department of sexually assaulting a white woman. The victim was also the wife of a Navy man. The rumor traveled throughout the saloons and pool halls of downtown Washington, angering the several soldiers, sailors, and marines taking their weekend liberty, including many veterans of World War I.

Later that Saturday night, a mob of veterans headed toward Southwest D.C. to a predominantly black, poverty-stricken neighborhood with clubs, lead pipes, and pieces of lumber in hand. The veterans brutally beat all African Americans they encountered. African Americans were seized from their cars and from sidewalks and beaten without reason or mercy by white veterans, still in uniform, drawing little to no police attention.

On Sunday, July 20, the violence continued to grow, in part because the seven-hundred-member Metropolitan Police Department failed to intervene. African Americans continued to face brutal beatings in the streets of Washington, at the Center Market on Seventh Street NW, and even in front of the White House.

These are but 4 of the "riots" that took place during the “Red Summer” of 1919. One of the worst acts of domestic terrorism in American history happened in two days of American history beginning on May 41st 1921, in Tulsa Oklahoma. This act of terrorism has gone long ignored in understanding the brutality and long-lasting effects of these acts upon blacks in America to this very moment. For years prosperous blacks were terrorized, and black communities destroyed by mobs of angry whites who felt they were losing out because blacks had acquired the same things whites had. Ignored was the fact that blacks worked hard to get what they had, but that didn’t matter because blacks were to always be lesser than whites and that was to be accomplished by any means necessary. This has been a consistent attitude by a portion of the white community throughout American history and that includes right now.

Blacks peacefully moved north in order to get the same thing white immigrants had and this is just some of what happened. White immigrants are the ones who committed the violence against blacks. So why can’t blacks raise themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else? After all, everybody had it hard.
So why can’t blacks raise themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else? After all, everybody had it hard.


You don't have the answer because you missed the context of why I asked that question. You ignored 4 racial massacres initiated by whites and now want to raise your hand with what you think is an answer.
You asked , you answer it then IM2

I didn't ask. It was a sarcastic comment. So far I have gone 60 years past slavery and what we see is a violent national resistance by whites to the fact blacks were free. We have seen amendments nullified by the supreme court that gave blacks the same rights as whites. We have seen blacks terrorized and killed for trying to own businesses, get good jobs, own decent homes and have nice things. So then using these examples I ask a sarcastic question and you ignore all of what you have been shown to decide you have a fucking answer, when the answer is that blacks could not do what everybody else was because everybody else were terrorizing or killing them, burning their communities down and enacting/enforcing laws/policies to deny blacks the chance to do so.

That's the motherfucking answer and it's high time whites understood that.
That's the motherfucking answer and it's high time whites understood that.

yeah, we get the same speech from this forum's 'oppressed jews' , maybe y'all could get a room...oh snap!....


Jews are white, so you don't hear the same thing. The facts are as they are. More are coming.
The facts are as they are.

They are merely your opinion IM2

No sparky, thy aren't. The events I posted were real. The supreme court decisions I have posted are real. The conclusions I based on these events and court cases. My opinions on are a widely held view in the black community as well as in portions of the white community. If you had any intelligence you could see that the 60 years of consistent violence and legal renderings enacted by whites against blacks consistently set blacks back. You would also see that the violence was initiated by immigrants you descend from, which kills the excuse of my ancestors didn't own slaves because they came here after slavery. That is the cold hard truth and it is a truth you are unable to face thus far.
You asked , you answer it then IM2

I didn't ask. It was a sarcastic comment. So far I have gone 60 years past slavery and what we see is a violent national resistance by whites to the fact blacks were free. We have seen amendments nullified by the supreme court that gave blacks the same rights as whites. We have seen blacks terrorized and killed for trying to own businesses, get good jobs, own decent homes and have nice things. So then using these examples I ask a sarcastic question and you ignore all of what you have been shown to decide you have a fucking answer, when the answer is that blacks could not do what everybody else was because everybody else were terrorizing or killing them, burning their communities down and enacting/enforcing laws/policies to deny blacks the chance to do so.

That's the motherfucking answer and it's high time whites understood that.

60 years past slavery is only to the 1920s,. What have you been doing for the LAST ONE HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS?
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