The Sound of Settled Science

The only debate here is whether or not the world needs to reduce GHG emissions or perhaps whether or not America's well-being is better served by unfettered capitalism than by saving the fucking planet.. If you think Trump has a superior understanding of the science than do the world's scientists or that they are all lying thieves, then stand up proud for your man. Don't be weaseling around with all these sideshow arguments.

You know s0n, you are a poster board for the mantra that progressives are driven purely on emotion. Trump has little to do with the profound failure of the climate change industry to get any traction outside of acedemia and Hollywood. Your sentiments are embraced only as a theory/banner out in the real world. Nobody is jumping out of their socks to save the world here, in fact, the level of apathy couldn't possibly be more laughable. Look at the political landscape s0n.... you've been posting the same boring shitt for 5 years and what has changed? DICK!! For Christsakes, climate change has still yet to make an appearance as a topic at any presidential debate:oops-28::113:. Like Old Rocks, your problem is not recognizing that costs matter in life. Nobody is going to open their wallet without knowing their investment is definitely going to pay dividends. That's the way it is. Most people avoid gambling because they don't want to be fleeced..... and most politicians don't go anywhere near the topic of climate change on their campaign trail because because they look like total nutters vs. their opponent. Duh. You may be all emotional about the climate but most people have far greater things to worry about...sorry....its called the real world. That little club you refer to as "the scientists" has impressed relatively few.:bye1:

Oh....and c'mon is decidedly mental case thinking to tax the living shit out of your people while half way around the world, countries are opening coal plants at a rate of 1-3 per month and will continue for decades!! Progressives always think they are smarter than everyone else, but their logic cant even connect the dots on some real basics.... which reminds us that intelligence isn't everything. If the thought processing ( not associated with intelligence ) is whacked, well, there ya go!!:aug08_031::aug08_031::aug08_031:
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The only debate here is whether or not the world needs to reduce GHG emissions or perhaps whether or not America's well-being is better served by unfettered capitalism than by saving the fucking planet.. If you think Trump has a superior understanding of the science than do the world's scientists or that they are all lying thieves, then stand up proud for your man. Don't be weaseling around with all these sideshow arguments.
Crick, how are you getting rid of ghg emissions? You holding your breath?
Then how was America served by pulling out of the Paris accord?
Then how was America served by pulling out of the Paris accord?
It was just one of Trump's environment destroying measures.
Go Coal!
Keep it black and dirty.
Then leak that Toxic coal ash into our rivers and groundwater.. 'by accident.'

Then how was America served by pulling out of the Paris accord?
It was just one of Trump's environment destroying measures.
Go Coal!
Keep it black and dirty.
Then leak that Toxic coal ash into our rivers and groundwater.. 'by accident.'

I thank him everyday especially days that has a y in it.

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