The Shitters have a racism problem


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Will the press bother to report it?

[ame=]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest - YouTube[/ame]

We all know that if a Tea Party participant said anything REMOTELY like this, every party outlet, from the NY Times to MSNBC, would be playing it 24/7 - but the Shitters seem to get a pass on their racism.
Watch this fool! Guarantee he's a druggie! Bashing all the corporations, but praises a corporation like red bull! Retard!

[ame=]Danny Cline is Lotion Man - YouTube[/ame]
Typical welfare case "give it to me, I deserve it" idiot.

If confronted by him in the street, I'd kick his fucking teeth in - with pleasure.
There's a lot of crazies in NYC. I don't see a following behind this kid though, so wtf ever
Nazi Obsessed Fox News Attacks Occupy Wall Street As Anti-Semitic
October 6, 2011By Adalia Woodbury88diggsdiggShare51514

The right wing is in attack mode now that the #occupywallstreet movement has made it to the mainstream press. Gone are the days of labeling “the left” as a bunch of idealistic communists. These days, the right wing’s modern twist is associating Democrats and Democratic principles with the far right wing ideology of Nazism. A recent example is Hank Williams Jr.’s appearance on Fox and Friends during which he compared the President of the United States to Hitler.

Their latest claim that #occupywallstreet is anti-Semitic is another component to validate their demonization of people who don’t pass their ideological purity test. Recently, a video emerged on Fox news, and various other places, including You-Tube. In the video, a younger man is arguing with an older man at the #occupywallstreet protest. The older man, wearing a Yarmakuh, is Jewish, perhaps an Orthodox Jew. The younger man attacked him with anti-Semitic comments. Based on the comments of this one individual, the right wing is trying to associate anti-Semitism with the Occupy Wall Street protest.

Adalia Woodbury is a part-time legal researcher and publisher of Nuts and Dolts

You can find her on twitter at:!/CitizenWonk

Adalia Woodbury is a political blogger

Nazi Obsessed Fox News Attacks Occupy Wall Street As Anti-Semitic
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The only "leaders" are self proclaimed, and the only thing you and your kind can do is take the weakest, dirtiest, fringiest of the bunch and attempt to ignore the underlying issue: A Government corrupted by Big $

Nothing the Shitters are doing improves that situation. The most corrupt influence on government is big labor - and who are the Shitters in bed with? Well, everyone, but metaphorically the union monopolies.
Cool...another lowlife thread from the lowlife racist o/p

Bummer the loser doesn't understand that corporate money is what's poisoning the system

That and lowlife racist scum like the o/p
The only "leaders" are self proclaimed, and the only thing you and your kind can do is take the weakest, dirtiest, fringiest of the bunch and attempt to ignore the underlying issue: A Government corrupted by Big $

Nothing the Shitters are doing improves that situation. The most corrupt influence on government is big labor - and who are the Shitters in bed with? Well, everyone, but metaphorically the union monopolies.

I highly disagree.

For instance, where does Obama get the bulk of his Campaign funds?
Cool...another lowlife thread from the lowlife racist o/p

Bummer the loser doesn't understand that corporate money is what's poisoning the system

That and lowlife racist scum like the o/p

it's getting knee deep up there in New Yawk huh?
The Shitters have a racism problem

This is not racism; it's bigotry. Judaism is not a race; it's a religion.
Prejudice, bigotry and racism: Is there a difference?

Share | I've stirred up some controversy in the comments salon -- what, again? -- with my observation about the "old equation" -- Racism equals bigotry plus power.

One respondent, "FedUp," who described himself as "a white male of modest means" wrote:

That's nothing but a politically correct cop-out to excuse and erase the pervasive racism that exists against whites in the black community.

My answer relies on my definition of terms, which is a subjective interpretation of the less-than-helpful dictionary entries:

I think of racial prejudice as a private thought -- a personal response to an individual or situation that is based, fairly or unfairly, on experience and observation. It's usually but not always a negative response; an invidious pre-judgment.

I think of bigotry as an act that is motivated by a negative prejudice -- those thoughts turned into deeds.

And I think of racism as a systemic application of bigotry and prejudice -- the use of such sentiments to deprive group members of opportunity, dignity, safety and certain other rights based on their membership in that group and an inner belief that this group is inferior.

It's prejudice when Mr. Smith feels unhappy when Mr. Johnson moves in next door because he doesn't like Mr. Johnson's skin color or ethnic identity.
It's bigotry when Mr. Smith refuses to invite Mr. Johnson into his home or offer him friendly waves of greeting.
It's racism when Mr. Smith uses threats and intimidation to attempt to drive Mr. Johnson and his family out of the neighborhood.
The racial and ethnic identities are clearly interchangeable in the first two examples. Member of all groups are capable of prejudice and bigotry and routinely practice it.

But my argument is that it's unlikely, at best, that, in the third example, Mr. Johnson would be white and Mr. Smith would be black. And even if it were to be the case in some isolated incident, it's disingenuous to say that the problem of housing discrimination against whites is analogous to the problem of housing discrimination against blacks.

Politically, institutionally, culturally and historically, bigoted acts motivated by prejudice against white people have not been and are not significant roadblocks to the advancement, dignity and quality of life of white people.

And any discussion of the problem of how to alleviate the problem of racism gets off on the wrong foot when it tries to start from the trivializing premise that we're all guilty of it.

I admit, though, that my view of this is through my particular lens. How do you see these words, these concepts and, then, this problem?
Change of Subject: Prejudice, bigotry and racism: Is there a difference?

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