"The senator from Kentucky (Rand Paul) is now working for Vladimir Putin." - Senator John McCain

Rand Paul is no Russian spy. If you don't want him ask him to come to Canada and run for office somewhere myself and many others would be honoured with his presence and a fresh approach to domestic economics and individual liberty.

I admit, I am often at odds with his International policies as I firmly believe that America should be an Empire that remains the most powerful in the world, not necessarily through perpetual war; in fact, the best approach is to avoid war through covert actions and influence. I don't believe in the moral equivalency of American errors in the world with the deliberate and focused abuse of power by Communists and their pals.

That being said, his domestic beliefs are very sound and would be applauded by your Founding Fathers. Hell, he might be the ONLY member of government your Founding Fathers would invite for a beer. That's saying alot.
I'm sorry to have to note that John McCain has no expertise in medical treatment other than having been a POW when he was shot down and allegedly received favorable treatment from the NVA because his father was a Navy Admiral. Why on earth he would accuse a fellow republican elected representative of the American people who has expertise in the medical field of the incredible charge of "working for Vlad Putin" while history indicates that he collaborated with the enemy during the Vietnam war is anybody's guess, maybe selective memory or brain cancer.
Why are Democrats so anxious to start a war with Russia?

Interesting, how these hypocrite conservatives who are now appeasing the Russians are the ones who always screamed Obama was 'appeasing' everyone.

Oh, Rand Paul is a hardcore totalitarian capitalist. He's very hostile to democracy, as all the totalitarian capitalists are. They believe that money should vote, not people, which means they attempt to squash democracy. The existence both capitalism and democracy in the USA seems to have been a temporary coincidence, as one has nothing to do with the other.
------------------------------------------------------------------- mrobamas favorite group is , was the muslims wherever he could find them Mamooth !!
"The senator from Kentucky (Rand Paul) is now working for Vladimir Putin." - Senator John McCain
Great reminder from Eric Garland

Only three senators voted against the Russia sanctions in both versions. Only one voted no twice: Rand Paul. I wonder why that is.

McCain: Rand Paul 'working for Vladimir Putin'

By Jordain Carney - 03/15/17 05:17 PM EDT

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday accused Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin after he objected to a treaty related to Montenegro.

"He has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians," McCain said from the Senate floor.

"The senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin."

More: McCain: Rand Paul 'working for Vladimir Putin'
Rand Paul is a piece of anti-American shit! Pure shit.

Paul a true American. McCain needs to step down and spend time with his family.
"The senator from Kentucky (Rand Paul) is now working for Vladimir Putin." - Senator John McCain
Great reminder from Eric Garland

Only three senators voted against the Russia sanctions in both versions. Only one voted no twice: Rand Paul. I wonder why that is.

McCain: Rand Paul 'working for Vladimir Putin'

By Jordain Carney - 03/15/17 05:17 PM EDT

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) on Wednesday accused Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) of working for Russian President Vladimir Putin after he objected to a treaty related to Montenegro.

"He has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians," McCain said from the Senate floor.

"The senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin."

More: McCain: Rand Paul 'working for Vladimir Putin'
Rand Paul is a piece of anti-American shit! Pure shit.

Paul a true American. McCain needs to step down and spend time with his family.

I agree. Anything messing with the brain could impair judgment.

Grateful for his service but its times
It'd really be better for everybody if Mccain refrains from any political comments while he is under treatment and in frail health.

Doesn't his doctor tell him that? :dunno:
Also I wonder if the Senator wants to get well or not

Because spewing poison from the hospital bed won't help

He has to try to keep a positive attitude, you know?
It's now known McCain has been drain bamaged for a long time. So i'll give the old dude a break. Him and Pelosi should hang it up. It's long overdue.
Why are Democrats so anxious to start a war with Russia?

Post Communist Russia

I have to agree, Democrats were very cozy with the old Soviet Union. They were always very quick to defend it during the Cold War. It's pretty clear they loved it when it was a Communist nation. And that's not a coincidence. Democrats today, are very similar to the Soviets. They're Socialists/Communists. It is what it is.
Why are Democrats so anxious to start a war with Russia?

Post Communist Russia

I have to agree, Democrats were very cozy with the old Soviet Union. They were always very quick to defend it during the Cold War. It's pretty clear they loved it when it was a Communist nation. And that's not a coincidence. Democrats today, are very similar to the Soviets. They're Socialists/Communists. It is what it is.

I lived in Soviet Union. Soviets have never been as crazy as American liberals are today. And in spite of all Soviet brainwashing and telling us how bad America was, we were joking about Soviets and never hated America. Feel the difference.
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