The Science Fraud

Hell, if I was making things up I sure as hell would create a more amazing backstory, and give myself a much better rack than what I actually wear.


Hm, Army AND USMC Good conduct. Couldn't make up your mind huh? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Hm, Army AND USMC Good conduct. Couldn't make up your mind huh? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Was in the Corps for 10 years, got injured and was medically discharged in 1993. Then in 2007 I joined the Army, where I remained until I retired.

After 2001, a lot of older Marines who had been out for years joined the Army. We all wanted to serve, but knew that at our ages the Marines would not be a good fit anymore.

I have actually served with a lot that did like I did. Almost any Army unit in the past 15 years has had a small group who had been Marines when they were younger, and laugh at the differences between the two.
...Atheism isn't a religion...
Whenever u google "list world religions" u ALWAYS get Atheism and a number. That's because the dictionary people can use the second definition--


  1. The belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe.
  2. A particular variety of such belief, especially when organized into a system of doctrine and practice.
  3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

--but if it's really important to u then u can insist on only the first and third definitions.
All of you rude individuals, THIS IS THE SCIENCE FRAUD thread.

You're rude and inconsiderate.

Moderators, owner, if I ever had the notion to donate to the maintenance of this festering cesspool, your failure to do anything about these off-topic rants would stop me cold from
giving a dollar.
Moderators, owner, if I ever had the notion to donate to the maintenance of this festering cesspool, your failure to do anything about these off-topic rants would stop me cold from
giving a dollar.

Ironically enough, the very sidebar started because one of the most vociferous posters in here was shown to largely not know what they were talking about at best, and outright making things up and lying at worst. And as it continued, their veracity was largely destroyed.

I agree, and have just put them in the "troll box", as irrelevant. When they continued to insist they were correct even in the face of actual evidence then attacked even more, I saw no reason to take anything they said seriously.

But at the same time, a persons veracity and truthfulness does relate to fraud. When somebody has none, pretty much anything they say should be considered as fraudulent unless proven otherwise.
The thread did go south when a self-proclaimed expert (expert at nothing), spammed the thread with a host of unverified claims and then in an act of desperation chose to falsely attribute comments to another poster.

Rather than offer an acknowledgment of those false attributions, the self-proclaimed expert chose to double-down with a host of unverified claims that pushed the limits of absurdity.

I’m afraid the troll status has reached new depths of absurdity when self-proclaimed experts choose to babble on in hopes of sidestepping their embarrassing gaffes.
The thread did go south when a self-proclaimed expert (expert at nothing), spammed the thread with a host of unverified claims

You mean by proving through a series of photos that the SS never used "Gott mitt uns" as a belt buckle are "unverified"? Or how the SS was never a part of the military?

You mean "unverified claims" like that?

To you, "unverified" simply means things you do not like, and has nothing to wo with the facts.
You mean by proving through a series of photos that the SS never used "Gott mitt uns" as a belt buckle are "unverified"? Or how the SS was never a part of the military?

You mean "unverified claims" like that?

To you, "unverified" simply means things you do not like, and has nothing to wo with the facts.
I mean unverified claims like your false attribution of claims I never made.

To you, fraud and lies are acceptable because you are not honorable enough to admit the fraud and the lies.
"In meeting the world's needs, however, the oil from the United States will continue to occupy a less and less dominant position, because within the next two to five years the oil fields of this country will reach their maximum production and from that on we will face an ever increasing decline."— October 23, 1919 Oil and Gas News

"As a nation, Americans have been reluctant to accept the prospect of physical shortages. We must recognize that world oil production will likely peak in the early 1990's, and from that point on will be on a declining curve. By the early part of the 21st century, we must face the prospect of running out of oil and natural gas." — 1977 US Department of Energy Organization Act

"Unfortunately, oil production will likely peak by 2020 and start declining. Without a change, developing countries will ultimately be left in the dark, and developed countries will struggle to keep the lights on. Conflict is inevitable. My guess is that this won't become a big issue unless there is a thalidomide event. We will have to see in the rear-view mirror that we are past the peak in worldwide oil production." — Richard Smalley, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1996
"In meeting the world's needs, however, the oil from the United States will continue to occupy a less and less dominant position, because within the next two to five years the oil fields of this country will reach their maximum production and from that on we will face an ever increasing decline."— October 23, 1919 Oil and Gas News

"As a nation, Americans have been reluctant to accept the prospect of physical shortages. We must recognize that world oil production will likely peak in the early 1990's, and from that point on will be on a declining curve. By the early part of the 21st century, we must face the prospect of running out of oil and natural gas." — 1977 US Department of Energy Organization Act

"Unfortunately, oil production will likely peak by 2020 and start declining. Without a change, developing countries will ultimately be left in the dark, and developed countries will struggle to keep the lights on. Conflict is inevitable. My guess is that this won't become a big issue unless there is a thalidomide event. We will have to see in the rear-view mirror that we are past the peak in worldwide oil production." — Richard Smalley, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1996

We have indeed been hearing claims like that for over a century now. And while I am a "true believer" in science and the scientific method, it helps show me how the bias of individuals can creep into science. Because it must be realized that "peak oil" is only hypothetical, and each time that is used and a prediction is made it is proven to be incorrect.

I clearly remember in the early 1970's people claiming we had already passed "peak oil", and output would only decrease over time. And I have seen that repeated ad nauseum every few years for the last five decades. And we are seeing it again now, as people are once again claiming we are in "peak oil" at this time, and that production levels will be sharply lower by 2040.

Myself, I call this the "chicken little effect". Where people make claims over and over and over again, and they never seem to come true. Yet, people still believe and repeat them, and completely ignoring how often the claims have had to be adjusted over the decades, and always predict "the end is near", in a few more decades.

In a revealing interview with journalist David Strahan at this year's Oil & Money Conference, former head of Saudi Arabian exploration & production Sadad Al-Husseini told the world that he now believes that the current level of world oil production will likely never be exceeded. Al-Husseini's view coincides with that of T. Boone Pickens, who stated at ASPO-USA's Houston conference that the world oil production peaked in 2006. The 85 million barrels per day of liquids available to the markets now is all we're ever going to get if these oil industry veterans are correct.

Of course, we now know that was completely wrong, and production only grew after that.

I do have faith in science, but see such prognostication of "future conditions" as highly speculative, and little more accurate than throwing darts against the wall with pieces of paper with results on it. And no matter how often they are proven wrong, the frauds still try to get people to believe in their predictions of the future.
Science fraud in our highest court:

Biden's nominee for Supreme Court Justice (sic) said, "I don't know man from woman because I'm not a biologist."

Ask any child what is the difference. They can tell you better than Biden's Supreme Court fool.

Penis, vagina, XX and XY chromosomes for starters. What does their birth certificate say and why, do you think?
This is today's Democrat insanity against science, decency and common sense.
Science fraud in our highest court:

Biden's nominee for Supreme Court Justice (sic) said, "I don't know man from woman because I'm not a biologist."

Ask any child what is the difference. They can tell you better than Biden's Supreme Court fool.

Penis, vagina, XX and XY chromosomes for starters. What does their birth certificate say and why, do you think?
This is today's Democrat insanity against science, decency and common sense.


The problem is that to a great many, things like facts, reality, and common sense are far less important than some political litmus test.

Hell, I have an Aunt that is about as liberal as they come. And even she thinks that all of that nonsense is destroying female athletics. So many competitions are now being won by sub-par male athletes that are only gaming the system for their own advantage.
Scientific Hoaxes

1. Global Starvation Predicted by Thomas Malthus - 1798

Malthus' "Essay on the Principles of Population" was published in 1798. In it, a scientific treatise proposed global starvation as the worldwide population was to far outstrip mankind's ability to grow crops to feed humanity. Both Charles Darwin and Wallace independently arrived at similar theories of Natural Selection after reading Malthus.

2. Haekel's Faked Drawings circa 1870

"Ontogony recapitulates phylogeny." Everyone in biology classes learned this elementary proverb of Darwinism. Except it was a fraud.

"Haeckel had exaggerated the similarities [between embryos of different species] by idealizations and omissions. He also, in some cases — in a procedure that can only be called fraudulent — simply copied the same figure over and over again.…Haeckel’s drawings never fooled expert embryologists, who recognized his fudgings right from the start ." - Harvard biology professor Stephen J Gould

3. Piltdown Man

Eoanthropus dawsoni, or Piltdown man, was found in a gravel pit at Piltdown in Sussex in 1912 by Charles Dawson, and for 40 years Piltdown man, with his huge, humanlike braincase and apelike jaw, remained on display in what is now the Natural History Museum in London as an example of the notorious "missing link" between humanity and its primate ancestors.

On November 21, 1953, however, scientists pronounced it a crude forgery, the marriage of a modern human skull and an orangutan's jaw, and decided that the entire package of fossil fragments at Piltdown - which included a ludicrous prehistoric cricket bat - had been planted by someone.

The world of paleontology went pink, and the conspiracy theorists went ape. There was no shortage of potentially guilty men to name, and for the next five decades, they named them.

4. The Miller-Urey Experiment - 1953

Single-digit percentages of two or three different amino acids were produced in precise laboratory experiments, beginning with water, nitrogen, oxygen, and high voltages of electricity, intended to simulate primordial earth conditions. This electrified the evolutionary biology community into making yet another quantum extrapolation leap of pseudo-science. Only decades later was the finding made that primordial conditions were not at all like those of the Miller-Urey Experiment, where by the way, a hopelessly inadequate number of hopelessly dilute amino acids had been synthesized in racemic mixtures, rather than the levorotary, optically active enantiomers of which living tissue is comprised.

5. The amazing Tasaday tribe

In 1971 Manuel Elizalde, a Philippine government minister, discovered a small stone age tribe living in utter isolation on the island of Mindanao. These people, the Tasaday, spoke a strange language, gathered wild food, used stone tools, lived in caves, wore leaves for clothes, and settled matters by gentle persuasion. They made love, not war, and became icons of innocence; reminders of a vanished Eden.

They also made the television news headlines, the cover of National Geographic, were the subject of a bestselling book, and were visited by Charles A Lindbergh and Gina Lollobrigida. Anthropologists tried to get a more sustained look, but President Marcos declared a 45,000-acre Tasaday reserve and closed it to all visitors.

After Marcos was deposed in 1986, two journalists got in and found that the Tasaday lived in houses, traded smoked meat with local farmers, wore Levi's T-shirts and spoke a recognizable local dialect. The Tasadays explained that they had only moved into caves, donned leaves and performed for cameras under pressure from Elizalde - who had fled the country in 1983 along with millions from a foundation set up to protect the Tasaday. Elizalde died in 1997.

5. Global Starvation Predicted by The Club of Rome - 1972

Intellectuals calling themselves The Club of Rome commissioned "The Limits to Growth" predicting mass starvation based on the same principles as those used by Thomas Malthus 226 years earlier. It was published in 1972.

6. Archaeoraptor Liaoningensis: Fake Dinosaur-bird ancestor

National Geographic magazine November, 1999

Dinosaur bones were put together with the bones of a newer species of bird and they tried to pass it off as a very important new evolutionary intermediate.
In Christianity

*looks up*

This is the science section, and a thread about science.

If you want to rant and rave endlessly on religion, fine. Why not take it to the appropriate place. There is a religion area here, feel free to make a thread there and scream about it all you want. This is not the right place to be doing it in.

As always, you are off-topic, and proselytizing in a thread where it is not at all appropriate.
*looks up*

This is the science section, and a thread about science.

If you want to rant and rave endlessly on religion, fine. Why not take it to the appropriate place. There is a religion area here, feel free to make a thread there and scream about it all you want. This is not the right place to be doing it in.

As always, you are off-topic, and proselytizing in a thread where it is not at all appropriate.

As always, your hurt feelings are not my problem.
Lying atheists (but I repeat myself) constantly scream the science fraud that Christianity and science are incompatible. The evidence overwhelmingly refutes their hateful, malicious lies.
They never give up. Evil is like that.

Scientific disciplines established by Christians.jpg

Scientific disciplines established by Christians 2.jpg


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Lying atheists (but I repeat myself) constantly scream the science fraud that Christianity and science are incompatible. The evidence overwhelmingly refutes their hateful, malicious lies.
They never give up. Evil is like that.

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The above is another of your unattributed copy and paste dumps.

You repeat yourself but only in the nonsense unattributed cutting and pasting you dump into various threads.

Let's examine the list above, shall we? The first name on the list is Joseph Lister. Present the factual data where he identified as a "creationer scientist". What papers or studies did Lister publish which he authored as a "creationer scientist"?

Identify what a "creationer scientist" is. What separates a "creationer scientist" from any other scientist? Is it the "statement of faith" signed by charlatans at the ICR or other ID'iot creationer ministries

Creationer science uses none of the scientific studies used by secular science. As we know, creationer science does no research and publishes in no peer reviewed journals. The priority of creationerism is Christian evangelism. Science is not very important to creationers in the first place. That is why creationer hacks agree to a “statement of faith” which precludes any integrity or objectivity. The term "Intelligent design creationism" is nothing more than a slogan.

The fraudulent movement is based on propaganda and image manipulation. The main characteristics of ID’iot creationerism -- rejection of naturalism, denial of evolution, belief in abrupt appearance and supernatural design, emphasis on gaps in the fossil record, claims of scientific support, claims that evolution is a threat to society, and support for "teaching the controversy" -- are essentially unchanged from young-earth creationism of the 1970s.

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