The SAT is slowly being eliminated

Hopefully we will soon end the stupid racist argument about SAT scores. Already over 900 colleges have made these tests optional in regards to admittance, now the University of California Berkeley is eliminating ACT and SAT tests as a criteria for admission. High school GPA is and should be THE main criteria.

University of California Will End Use of SAT and ACT in Admissions

The University of California on Thursday voted to phase out the SAT and ACT as requirements to apply to its system of 10 schools, which include some of the nation’s most popular campuses, in a decision with major implications for the use of standardized tests in college admissions.
Given the size and influence of the California system, whose marquee schools include the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of California, Berkeley, the move is expected to accelerate the momentum of American colleges away from the tests, amid charges that they are unfair to poor, black and Hispanic students.

The school system’s action, which follows many small liberal arts colleges, comes as the ACT and the College Board, a nonprofit organization that administers the SAT, are suffering financially from the cancellation of test dates during the coronavirus pandemic. One critic of the industry estimated that the College Board had lost $45 million in revenue this spring.

Although many students will likely continue to take the exams as long as they are required by highly competitive schools like Stanford and those in the Ivy League, California’s decision will clearly be a blow to the image of the tests, and experts said it could tip the balance for other schools in deciding whether to eliminate them.

Why is the SAT "Racist"? Is throwing a basketball into a hoop "Racist"?
Go look for the origins of the test and the name Madison Grant and maybe you'll understand.

LOL! Riiiiight. Who invented the basketball?
The American education system consistently lags behind the rest of the world.

Institutionalizing equality versus prioritization of academic competency will only ensure that the downward trend continues.
Now they'll need remedial reading and math classes in colleges.

Here in California many state colleges already have remedial classes in, say, writing.

The professors, I hear, are tearing their hair out over the inability of many high school graduates to write a decent sentence, much less a paragraph.

Many people are not surprised that the SATs will soon disappear from all universities. In fact, there are people who feel that grades should not even be considered for admission to any university. A high school diploma should be the only requirement.

In the future, too, the bar will be lowered for those who want to become medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. I pity their patients or clients.
Now they'll need remedial reading and math classes in colleges.

Here in California many state colleges already have remedial classes in, say, writing.

The professors, I hear, are tearing their hair out over the inability of many high school graduates to write a decent sentence, much less a paragraph.

Many people are not surprised that the SATs will soon disappear from all universities. In fact, there are people who feel that grades should not even be considered for admission to any university. A high school diploma should be the only requirement.

In the future, too, the bar will be lowered for those who want to become medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. I pity their patients or clients.
I've noticed a trend of our universities being used as a way for kids to delay the responsibilities of adulthood rather than as institutions of higher learning. They are becoming very expensive daycare centers for young adults.
Hopefully we will soon end the stupid racist argument about SAT scores. Already over 900 colleges have made these tests optional in regards to admittance, now the University of California Berkeley is eliminating ACT and SAT tests as a criteria for admission. High school GPA is and should be THE main criteria.

University of California Will End Use of SAT and ACT in Admissions

The University of California on Thursday voted to phase out the SAT and ACT as requirements to apply to its system of 10 schools, which include some of the nation’s most popular campuses, in a decision with major implications for the use of standardized tests in college admissions.
Given the size and influence of the California system, whose marquee schools include the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of California, Berkeley, the move is expected to accelerate the momentum of American colleges away from the tests, amid charges that they are unfair to poor, black and Hispanic students.

The school system’s action, which follows many small liberal arts colleges, comes as the ACT and the College Board, a nonprofit organization that administers the SAT, are suffering financially from the cancellation of test dates during the coronavirus pandemic. One critic of the industry estimated that the College Board had lost $45 million in revenue this spring.

Although many students will likely continue to take the exams as long as they are required by highly competitive schools like Stanford and those in the Ivy League, California’s decision will clearly be a blow to the image of the tests, and experts said it could tip the balance for other schools in deciding whether to eliminate them.

Why is the SAT "Racist"? Is throwing a basketball into a hoop "Racist"?
I have to say, I agree with IM.

I mean, have you read some of the questions?

1. In your neighborhood, how many bars did your mama have on the windows. Now subtract that number by 8 and what number do you get?

a) Fo

b) Tree

c) To

c) Neither. Our neighborhood exuded safety at all times and no bars were needed.

2. What is better to eat?

a) Fried chicken

b) Greens

c) Lobster with cavier. And if the later, is cavier spelled correctly?


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Modern IQ tests are remarkably accurate indicators of an individual's life.
What this means becomes the problem. Some want to make it seem that it makes people "lower" or "higher" on some kind of existential level. That is inhuman and absurd.
There are and always have been a small sector of the human population that has a greater difference in IQ from everyone else than the average human has from a chimp. Of course they will be the ones to 'catch on' before the rest do. Of course, being human, they will turn this to their advantage. Knowing about this and what IQ means will help them and the rest of their brothers and sisters understand the whole picture.
We are all in this together. We take care of those who truly need help. We adopt abandoned children.
It is the duty of everyone over median IQ to see to it that the High do not exploit the more modest.
As things stand now, if there is any real discrimination in the world, it is the utter contempt of everyone else on the part of those intelligent enough to manipulate politics so has to hold the power.
There is nothing wrong in having an 80 IQ. It does not make one subhuman.

"Stupid is as stupid does."
Modern IQ tests are remarkably accurate indicators of an individual's life.
What this means becomes the problem. Some want to make it seem that it makes people "lower" or "higher" on some kind of existential level. That is inhuman and absurd.
There are and always have been a small sector of the human population that has a greater difference in IQ from everyone else than the average human has from a chimp. Of course they will be the ones to 'catch on' before the rest do. Of course, being human, they will turn this to their advantage. Knowing about this and what IQ means will help them and the rest of their brothers and sisters understand the whole picture.
We are all in this together. We take care of those who truly need help. We adopt abandoned children.
It is the duty of everyone over median IQ to see to it that the High do not exploit the more modest.
As things stand now, if there is any real discrimination in the world, it is the utter contempt of everyone else on the part of those intelligent enough to manipulate politics so has to hold the power.
There is nothing wrong in having an 80 IQ. It does not make one subhuman.

"Stupid is as stupid does."
You missed something:
" What is subhuman is using the "80"s for the benefit of the very small percent on the other end of the scale. "
The removal of the only quantitative assessment of high school academic talent is so totally appropriate for California that it should be made mandatory for all California colleges, public and private.

The SAT and ACT are WRITTEN BY LEFTIST ACADEMICS! They have long ago removed any cultural bias from the tests. They are objective and as close to reliable as humanly possible.'

But Leftists don't do well with unpleasant facts. Their ultimate response to deny reality in one way or another. "The test is biased." "The teachers are racist." "Institutional racism."


With this grotesque irresponsible act, the college administrators have irredeemably devalued those sheepskins forever.

I love it.

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