The sad fall of liberalism

Liberalism hasn't fallen. It keeps advancing. Conservatives haven't won a major battle on an issue in years.
Seriously Carb - how do you stand with such despicable people. Watch that video I posted a few posts above and tell me how you stand with such evil...

You want me to join conservatives? How far then do we roll back the clock? To legal segregation, the conservative cause? To keeping women from voting, the conservative cause? To ending all aid to the poor, the conservative cause?
Was that the same argument that Nazi's made? "I have to stand with Adolf Hitler and brutally murder Jews - the other side wants to end socialism". You don't have to become a conservative. But you can do what the Tea Party did. Leave and start a party of charcter and integrity. You should be ashamed to stand with those people. Disgusting.

The liberals, the Democratic Party, want to brutally murder the Jews?

Are you sure about that?

I guess the truth is just too uncomfortable for you, uh? Better to change the subject?

The Tea Party is over. Feel better?
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?

The ruling was 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court didn't even have authority to hear the case. The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. Marriage is not one of those powers.

Additionally, the 10th Amendment explicitly states that "any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people themselves". Therefore, each individual state has full authority over marriage and can decide for themselves to recognize or reject gay marriage.

How sad that you need the U.S. Constitution and the basic structure and powers of your own government explained to you.
Seriously Carb - how do you stand with such despicable people. Watch that video I posted a few posts above and tell me how you stand with such evil...

You want me to join conservatives? How far then do we roll back the clock? To legal segregation, the conservative cause? To keeping women from voting, the conservative cause? To ending all aid to the poor, the conservative cause?
Was that the same argument that Nazi's made? "I have to stand with Adolf Hitler and brutally murder Jews - the other side wants to end socialism". You don't have to become a conservative. But you can do what the Tea Party did. Leave and start a party of charcter and integrity. You should be ashamed to stand with those people. Disgusting.

The liberals, the Democratic Party, want to brutally murder the Jews?

Are you sure about that?

I guess the truth is just too uncomfortable for you, uh? Better to change the subject?

The Tea Party is over. Feel better?
What does that even mean? The Tea Party that not only took the House and Senate away from Dumbocrats - but even ran RINO John Boehner out of Speaker of the House is "over"? Over what? Over the Dumbocrats? Over America? :dunno:
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?


So you deny saying:

So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court.
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?

The ruling was 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court didn't even have authority to hear the case. The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. Marriage is not one of those powers.

Additionally, the 10th Amendment explicitly states that "any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people themselves". Therefore, each individual state has full authority over marriage and can decide for themselves to recognize or reject gay marriage.

How sad that you need the U.S. Constitution and the basic structure and powers of your own government explained to you.

1. The Supremacy Clause of the CONSTITUTION requires state laws to be constitutional.

2. The 14th Amendment of the CONSTITUTION guarantees equal protection under the law.

3. A state marriage law that excludes same sex marriage has denied same sex couples equal protection under the law, and therefore can rightfully be ruled unconstitutional.
1. The Supremacy Clause of the CONSTITUTION requires state laws to be constitutional.

Exactly. And when the federal government usurps the 10th Amendment, the Supremacy Clause is violated in a major way.

2. The 14th Amendment of the CONSTITUTION guarantees equal protection under the law.

And homosexuals have always had "equal protection" under the law. This is another liberal false narrative built out of desperation to justify their shredding of the U.S. Constitution. Homosexuals had the right to free speech, religion, keep and bear arms, etc. The full gamut of constitutional rights and "equal protections". Nice try. Weak. But at least you tried. Would you like to try again or are you willing to be honest now?

3. A state marriage law that excludes same sex marriage has denied same sex couples equal protection under the law, and therefore can rightfully be ruled unconstitutional.

A law that usurps the states powers and comes from the federal government where no such power exists is the epitome of unconstitutional.

So your entire argument has been thoroughly defeated.
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?

The ruling was 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court didn't even have authority to hear the case. The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. Marriage is not one of those powers.

Additionally, the 10th Amendment explicitly states that "any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people themselves". Therefore, each individual state has full authority over marriage and can decide for themselves to recognize or reject gay marriage.

How sad that you need the U.S. Constitution and the basic structure and powers of your own government explained to you.
It became available to their jurisprudence,, when discrimination of civil rights is the conflict..
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?

The ruling was 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court didn't even have authority to hear the case. The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. Marriage is not one of those powers.

Additionally, the 10th Amendment explicitly states that "any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people themselves". Therefore, each individual state has full authority over marriage and can decide for themselves to recognize or reject gay marriage.

How sad that you need the U.S. Constitution and the basic structure and powers of your own government explained to you.
It became available to their jurisprudence,, when discrimination of civil rights is the conflict..
Except that "civil rights" were never violated. Any gay man could marry any woman he wanted and any gay woman could marry any man she wanted. Homosexuals had FULL constitutional rights, full "civil" rights, and full "equal protection" under the law.

So now that we've established that never happened, I think we can all agree (if some of us could find the courage to actually be honest) that the entire thing was 100% unconstitutional.
There is little question that America keeps growing more liberal with the passing years. The real problem is that it is growing liberal too fast for many, and efforts are devoted to trying to slow liberalism down to a crawl.

I disagree. What you've seen is liberals take more illegal action in government. But if anything, the nation itself has grown more conservative. First you had the Reagan Revolution. Then you saw the rise of the Tea Party. Hell - even hard core liberal California overwhelmingly rejected gay marriage when they crushed Proposition 8 at the polls. So what did liberals do - unconstitutionally sought gay marriage in the Supreme Court. The decision tends to give people the "feel" that liberalism is spreading but really it's been rejected. The only thing that has spread has been unconstitutional liberal actions.

The Supreme Court is unconstitutional? lol, that's your best one yet.
Nobody said the Supreme Court was "unconstitutional". Why do you resort to lying the moment you start getting you ass handed to you by facts?

The ruling was 100% unconstitutional. The Supreme Court didn't even have authority to hear the case. The federal government is delegated 18 enumerated powers by the states in the U.S. Constitution. Marriage is not one of those powers.

Additionally, the 10th Amendment explicitly states that "any powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people themselves". Therefore, each individual state has full authority over marriage and can decide for themselves to recognize or reject gay marriage.

How sad that you need the U.S. Constitution and the basic structure and powers of your own government explained to you.
It became available to their jurisprudence,, when discrimination of civil rights is the conflict..
Except that "civil rights" were never violated. Any gay man could marry any woman he wanted and any gay woman could marry any man she wanted. Homosexuals had FULL constitutional rights, full "civil" rights, and full "equal protection" under the law.

So now that we've established that never happened, I think we can all agree (if some of us could find the courage to actually be honest) that the entire thing was 100% unconstitutional.
Really, they could legally marry, not if the states did not allow it...As you say they may have all those rights, yet through social peer pressure they were denied these rights...
It's remarkable how wrong liberals are through out history and how accurate conservatives have been in predicting exactly what will happen....

I told you so, it was just a matter of time. Target is putting their customers at risk—and their shareholders. I wouldn’t be surprised if people started dumping their stock, and they should! A transgender person—in this case a man dressed as a woman—went into a Target women’s dressing room in Idaho where he began to take pictures of an 18-year-old girl undressing in the stall next to him. After the victim’s mother confronted him, he ran out the door; but the mother ran after him demanding the pictures be deleted. Target is the one inviting sexual perverts into their stores. Shame on Target, and shame on their CEO & Chairman of the Board Brian Cornell!

Documents detail alleged voyeurism incident at Ammon Target - East Idaho News
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. Agender, androgyne, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, cis female, cis male, cis men, cis women, cisgender females and cisgender males, Cisgender men, Cisgender women, men, females to males and FTM and gender fluid, gender nonconforming. Welcome to the program, gender questioning, gender variant, gender queer, intersex males to females, dear inter men. Welcome to the program, inter women. I should say, welcome to the program, inter asterisk men, inter asterisk women, humous, intergenders, intersexuals. Welcome to the program, dual genders and androgynous, hermaphrodites, fourth gender, XY women. Welcome to the program, transvestites, cross genders, MTF, neither, Neutra, non-binary, other, pan gender, trans, trans asterisk, trans females, trans asterisk females, trans males, trans asterisk people, trans women, trans asterisk women, transfeminine. Transgender, transgender female, transgender male. Welcome to the program transgender people, transmasculine, transsexual, transsexual males, transsexual men, transsexual people, transsexual women. People of spirit, welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen, who are two spirit, three spirit, four spirit, and of course, a warm welcome to the program to all other genders.

“I’m inclusive, and I want everybody to know how inclusive we are. We recognize everybody. Well, everybody that we can for the time that is allotted,” Glenn said.

Those welcomed represent only a portion of the now 90 genders recognized by the radial left. So, it’s highly likely that, while Glenn covered his basis in an admirable way, he offended someone or some gender or . . . something.

The progressive left has made everyone into a victim, making it next to impossible to talk without offending someone — or, in Canada, paying a fine. (Did you hear the one about the French-Canadian comedian who was fined about $46,000 for saying something insensitive to the Canadian singer? It’s a humdinger.)

Marxist Progressives Have Overplayed Their Hand

Few things illustrate the idiocy of the modern day liberal like this. There are two genders: male and female. That's it.
This is how far liberalism has fallen....

Anita Dunn: "Mao Tse Tung is one of my favorite political philosophers"

The sad fall ..

Gross Domestic Product

The analysis found that under Democratic presidents the gross domestic product rose at an average rate of 4.33 percent, compared with a rate of 2.54 percent under Republicans. That translates to a 1.79 percentage point gap in favor of the economy under Democrats. That means that the U.S. economy grew by an average of 18.5 percent during the typical four-year presidency of a Democrat versus a 10.6 percent gain under a Republican.


The average unemployment rate was lower under Democrats, 5.64 percent, compared with 6.01 percent under Republican presidents, though the authors called that difference “small and not statistically significant.”

However, they said, there is “a very large and statistically significant difference in the change in the unemployment rate, computed as the average unemployment rate in the final year of the term minus the average value in the final year of the previous term. During Democratic presidential terms, the unemployment rate fell by 0.8 percentage points, on average, while it rose by 1.1 percentage points, on average, during Republican terms — yielding a large D-R gap of -1.9 percentage points.”


Real wages, compensation per hour in the nonfarm business sector, increased slightly faster under Democratic presidents, they found. But the gap was not statistically significant, the authors said, despite Clinton’s claim that “income is higher” when a Democrat is in the White House.

Stock market

Annualized stock market returns for firms in the S&P 500 Index were 5.65 percentage points higher under Democratic presidents (the returns under Democratic presidents increased 8.35 percent compared with 2.7 percent under Republican presidents).

“Though business votes Republican,” the authors wrote, “it prospers more under Democrats.”

However, the report states, “given the extreme volatility of stock prices, even differences that large are statistically significant at only the 15 percent level.” That tempers Clinton’s claim that under Democratic presidents “even the stock market is higher.”


The report found that the country was more likely to be in recession while a Republican president was in office. While Republicans occupied the White House for 144 quarters in the study period compared with 112 quarters for Democrats, 41 of the 49 quarters that the National Bureau of Economic Research classified as being in recession occurred with a Republican in the White House.


The one notable exception to the Democratic advantage on economic indicators, the authors said, was inflation. On that count, “the economy fares about equally well under presidents of either party.”

Summing up, the authors concluded there is “a systematic and large gap between the US economy’s performance when a Democrat is President of the United States versus when a Republican is. Democrats do better on almost every criteria.”

Or as one of the authors, Watson, told us in a phone interview, the difference is “large and statistically significant, regardless of how you look at it.”

“The superiority of economic performance under Democrats rather than Republicans is nearly ubiquitous; it holds almost regardless of how you define success,” the authors stated in their report. “By many measures, the performance gap is startlingly large — so large, in fact, that it strains credulity, given how little influence over the economy most economists (or the Constitution, for that matter) assign to the President of the United States.”

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