The Rolling Blackouts Have Begun!


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
I'm scheming of a green Christmas
Like Gore and Greta said we’d know
Where the Telsa cells glisten, and consumers listen
To lobbyists deciding who they'll blow

I'm scheming of a
green Christmas
With shill contractual delight
We'll make your whole world
green at night
And make your Christmas billings outta sight

~S~ (w/apologies to Bing)
It's really going to suck for all the normies who thought it could never happen to them. Bundle up, Buttercup. Cuz Jack Frost is gonna be nipping at more than your nose!

All progressive countries have rolling blackouts, its just more sophisticated.

Sleepy Joe is just adapting to America what they already have in places like Cuba and Venezuela.
It's really going to suck for all the normies who thought it could never happen to them. Bundle up, Buttercup. Cuz Jack Frost is gonna be nipping at more than your nose!

Can't read the link


Probably down to the success of renewables and Build Back Better policies
I'm no Republican but they don't need to pray to a God for this. You loons inflict the misery on yourselves and spread that shit like a virus. The EU is realizing that the technology for alternative energies is not there for mass transition. Of course the answer from the left in the US is more Government, spending, and forced transition.

And one would think all this cheap abundant renewable energy would make such a scenario impossible. Blackouts and millions of birds killed.

In the UK, us up North just put a jumper on when it gets cold.

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