The Right To Destroy Jewish History

A post by CAMERA Arabic

Following the wave of terrorism in Israel between late March and early May of 2022, CAMERA Arabic reviewed BBC Arabic social media posts about the four attacks which claimed the lives of unarmed Israeli civilians: in Beer Sheva on March 22nd, in Bnei Brak on March 29th, in Tel Aviv on April 7th and in Elad on May 5th. The comments sections of nearly all the 27 posts (8 posts on Facebook, 18 on Twitter and one on Youtube) were replete with antisemitic and terrorism-supporting content, expressing joy over the death of civilians and praising the perpetrators for murdering them.

Additionally, the comments sections of BBC Arabic posts covering Russian FM Sergey Lavrov’s remarks about the purported Jewish ancestry of Adolf Hitler included dozens of comments either denying the Holocaust, celebrating it or blaming it on the Jewish people.

Although BBC editorial guidelines do not explicitly specify when hateful comments on social media needs to be monitored and screened (see below), it is the view of CAMERA Arabic and CAMERA UK that the corporation should nevertheless take responsibility, especially given the abundance and blatant nature of comments.

Comments in support of killing civilians:

On several webpages the number of comments praising the murder of civilians exceeded both the number of neutral comments and the very few comments that opposed the attacks and condemned murders of civilians. The YouTube webpage of one BBC Arabic video included approximately 600 comments that were supportive of the attacks out of about 1100 (55%). Less than a dozen (1%) comments opposed the attacks, typically by pointing out that the victims were civilians. Over 1200 supportive comments in total were made on eight BBC Arabic Facebook posts reporting and discussing the attacks. BBC Arabic Twitter accounts (“BBC Arabic” and “BBC Arabic – alerts”) garnered around 150 supportive comments in response to 18 tweets, again exceeding the number of neutral or opposing comments by a large margin.

Comments denying the Holocaust:

BBC Arabic’s coverage of the remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who alluded to Adolf Hitler’s purported Jewish ancestry, was also shared via social media accounts operated by the service. In the seven posts on the matter promoted on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, CAMERA Arabic counted at least 85 comments denying the Holocaust, praising it or collectively holding Jews responsible for it.

(full article online)


An Egyptian newspaper has come up with a brand new story:

An Old Jew Tells What Churchill Said About Palestine: Nothing Here Grows Without Roots

A Jewish old woman who celebrated her 106th birthday a few days ago, said: “One hundred years ago, I was a six-year-old girl at that time who was commissioned to give Winston Churchill a bouquet of roses when he visited Palestine as Minister for the Colonies in 1921."

He went to visit the municipality of Tel Aviv, which the British established in 1909 (!) to be the first seed that they planted to grow later, so that Israel will be the desired homeland for the Jews of the world at the expense of the Palestinian Arab people of the land.

The old woman said that as part of decorating the Churchill reception area in the Tel Aviv municipality garden, the party organizers had to cut down pine trees near the borders of Lebanon and bring them in a hurry to Tel Aviv and planted them in the sandy soil of the municipality garden to beautify them to make them appear more beautiful and elegant and closer to the gardens of Europe!

The little girl, who is very old these days, said that she was bored minutes after the guest started giving his speech, and she leaned on one of the trees, so the tree leaned over towards the other trees and the deception appeared.

She said, as she watched Churchill burst out laughing he leaning toward the mayor and whispered in his ear words that the (old) girl later learned that he had told the mayor:

“I am afraid that your state will fall one day, even if we help you and the whole world helps you to establish it.. Nothing grows here without roots.”

A very nice story that is almost certainly a lie. If this old lady had said this story in a Hebrew newspaper, the Arabic account would have mentioned her name and the newspaper it came from.

Churchill was very pro-Zionist when he visited Palestine in 1921. The Jerusalem Post had a nice article about it on the hundredth anniversary, and quoted him:

[Churchill told a delegation of Arabs seeking his opposition to Zionism,] “It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a National Home where some of them may be reunited. And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated.”

Churchill told the Jewish delegation which followed:
“The cause of Zionism is one which carries with it much that is good for the whole world, and not only for the Jewish people; it will bring prosperity and advancement for the Arab population.”

Before returning to Cairo the evening of March 30, Churchill visited the then twelve-year-old Jewish town of Tel Aviv, meeting with its Mayor Meir Dizengoff, and the agricultural settlement in Rishon LeZion. On his return to London, he told the House of Commons:

“Anyone who has seen the work of the Jewish colonies will be struck by the enormous productive results which they have achieved from the most inhospitable soil.”


These children at the Theresienstadt ghetto and camp appeared to be happy and healthy.
But this photograph was part of an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the Nazis.
The International Red Cross inspected Theresienstadt on this day in 1944 after Denmark’s government demanded information about Danish Jews imprisoned there.
To prepare for the visit, prisoners were forced to plant flowers and install benches and a playground. The Nazis deported thousands of prisoners to Auschwitz to alleviate overcrowding.
The visitors saw well-dressed inmates, a soccer game, and musical performances in this “spa town.” Prisoners were pawns in the Nazis' choreographed show.
“If anybody would have come two weeks later, there was nothing left. The swings were gone, the playpens were gone, the rocking horses were gone, and the children were gone—all into the gas chambers," said Marianka May, a Theresienstadt survivor.
The Nazis resumed deportations after the visit. In total, two-thirds of the 140,000 Jews sent to Theresienstadt were deported; most were then killed. An additional 33,000 died in the ghetto.

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These children at the Theresienstadt ghetto and camp appeared to be happy and healthy.
But this photograph was part of an elaborate hoax perpetrated by the Nazis.
The International Red Cross inspected Theresienstadt on this day in 1944 after Denmark’s government demanded information about Danish Jews imprisoned there.
To prepare for the visit, prisoners were forced to plant flowers and install benches and a playground. The Nazis deported thousands of prisoners to Auschwitz to alleviate overcrowding.
The visitors saw well-dressed inmates, a soccer game, and musical performances in this “spa town.” Prisoners were pawns in the Nazis' choreographed show.
“If anybody would have come two weeks later, there was nothing left. The swings were gone, the playpens were gone, the rocking horses were gone, and the children were gone—all into the gas chambers," said Marianka May, a Theresienstadt survivor.
The Nazis resumed deportations after the visit. In total, two-thirds of the 140,000 Jews sent to Theresienstadt were deported; most were then killed. An additional 33,000 died in the ghetto.

I started a thread "Holocaust History".

Could you post any article like this over there?
Thanks. I am always looking for more Holocaust stories to tell.
I started a thread "Holocaust History".

Could you post any article like this over there?
Thanks. I am always looking for more Holocaust stories to tell.

Okay. Thanks.
A couple of weeks ago, a stone fell out of the wall in the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

Naturally, the Jews are being blamed.

The Islamic Information issued a press release:

According to the chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council’s al-Quds and al-Aqsa Committee, Mohammed Abu Halabiya, the Israeli underground tunnels, and diggings beneath the Aqsa Mosque pose a real threat to the future of the mosque.

MP Abu Halabiya announced on Monday that stones recently fell from an Aqsa Mosque wall as the result of Israeli digging underneath the area called the Umayyad Palaces, which stretches over 800 meters between Ein Silwan and the Buraq Wall.

As a result of Israel’s refusal to allow the Islamic Awqaf to perform renovation works in al-Quds, the recurring fissures and cave-ins at the Aqsa Mosque endanger the entire holy site.

Palestine Today adds:

Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, confirmed today, Thursday, that the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque have become exposed as a result of the excavations of the Israeli occupation, explaining that “any strong earthquake will destroy these foundations after the occupation removes the surrounding soil.”

Sabri said, in a press statement: "The excavations carried out by the occupation in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque are ancient and modern excavations under the pretext of searching for traces of the Jews.

The preacher of Al-Aqsa added, "The Israeli occupation soldiers and settlers excavate and search and yet did not find a single piece of evidence related to Hebrew Jewish history."

Have you ever noticed that the Muslims always blame the Jews for causing damage at the Temple Mount due to digs in the surrounding areas - but they never mention that they do illegal digs directly under the Mount itself?

In the 1990s, the Waqf oversaw the conversion of "Solomon's Stables" into the huge Marwani Mosque and then dug a large tunnel to be an underground exit, throwing out hundreds of tons of priceless artifacts from the times of the First and Second Temples. But their wholesale destruction didn't end there.

When the Temple Mount was closed for Covid-19, the Waqf published photos of Muslims tasking advantage of the lack of Israeli oversight as they started digging another hole on the site.

In September 2020, a hole opened up on the Mount and the Waqf, instead of allowing archaeologists and experts to explore and carefully repair the hole, dumped concrete on it to ensure that any Jewish treasures would not be found.

It seems that Allah does not let excavations of tons of material nearly directly under Al Aqsa to damage the mosque. He only lets the damage be done by the Jews from scores of meters away.

The main point of the article that “East Jerusalem stands as a symbol of statelessness” where Palestinian residents “suffer the practical consequences of their individual and collective lack of citizenship” is distorted by the false and partisan assumption that only Palestinians, but not Jews, legitimately claim the territory. The author contends:

In the 1948 Arab Israeli war, Zionist forces expelled some three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs from their homeland.
This is a distortion of history: Three quarters of a million Arabs were not “expelled” by Zionist forces. The vast majority of Arab refugees were urged by their leaders to temporarily leave their homes during a war launched by their armies and fighters seeking to eliminate the Jewish state.

Even more pointedly, had Arab leaders not rejected the 1947 United Nations Partition Resolution that called for the land (then controlled by the British Mandate) to be divided into a Jewish state and an Arab state, had they not chosen instead to wage war on Israel in violation of the UN Charter, then Palestinian Arabs would have already been citizens of their own state for 74 years and there would have been no stateless Palestinian refugees.

Robson ignores this essential point, just as she ignores the fact that the Palestinian Arabs’ homeland to which she refers is also the Jewish historic homeland, where Jews have resided for millennia since biblical times, including periods where they were sovereigns of the land. The Land of Israel, and the holy city of Jerusalem in particular, have always been central to Judaism and the focus of Jewish pilgrimages and prayer.

In other words, rather than presenting the conflict honestly and contextually as a bilateral one where territory claimed by both nations is under dispute, the historian ignores basic historical facts in order to create a narrative of expulsion and dispossession of Arabs by Jews.

(full article online )

A famous man once said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” When it comes to discussions about Israel and Zionism, the Jewish people’s liberation movement, this statement could not be more accurate. Many times, both journalists and social media influencers will share famous quotes about Israel that are either outright fabrications or deceptive misquotes. However, by the time the truth about these quotes is revealed, they have already been shared thousands of times and viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.

The following is a list of some of the most popular false quotes or misquotes about Israel that are still shared by both reputed news outlets and online celebrities:

The Palestinians, one-sided critics of Israel and anti-Semites have little interest in historical facts. Nothing can penetrate their veil of ignorance. Still, there is hope for students whose minds have not yet been closed or poisoned by propaganda. One place to start is the myth about the Jews stealing Palestinians’ land. Even many people more familiar with the region’s history don’t know that the real thieves are the Hashemites of Jordan.

While the Jewish people have been inextricably connected to the land of Israel—what Westerners came to call Palestine—for 3,000 years, the current occupiers of two-thirds of Palestine arrived in the early 20th century after being expelled from their native land of Arabia.

The Hashemite family ruled over Mecca and Medina until it was defeated in 1924 by King Abdulaziz bin Saud, founder of the current Saudi kingdom. Beforehand, the Hashemites, led by Sharif Hussein, allied themselves with the British and mounted a successful revolt against the Ottoman Turks. As compensation for their assistance, the British decided to make Hussein’s sons kings of the territories carved out of the Ottoman Empire following World War I.

One of those territories was Palestine, which had been promised as the Jewish National Home by the Balfour Declaration. In 1921, however, “with the stroke of a pen one Sunday afternoon in Cairo,” Winston Churchill severed nearly four-fifths of Palestine—some 35,000 square miles—to create a new Arab entity, Transjordan. As a consolation prize for the Hijaz and Arabia going to the Saud family, Churchill rewarded Sharif Hussein’s son Abdullah by installing him as Transjordan’s emir.

The British government presented a memorandum to the League of Nations stating that Transjordan would be excluded from the provisions of the mandate for Palestine dealing with Jewish settlement. The League approved the proposal on Sept. 16, 1922. On June 17, 1946, Transjordan became an independent nation.

It is an article of faith on the far-left that Israel is an imperialist implant and that Palestinians, not Jews, are the indigenous people. They love the phrase “settler-colonialism.” The accusations do apply—to Jordan. The Palestinians were not indigenous to what is now Jordan but had a presence in the area for perhaps a thousand years after their ancestors left Arabia. The Hashemites had no connection to the land until the Arab revolt, and then Abdullah was imposed on the residents by imperial Britain.

The Palestinians, who identified primarily as Muslims and members of clans, objected to the division of Palestine, which they believed should be part of Greater Syria. They did not clamor for an independent Palestinian state.

The United Nation’s partition resolution called for the creation of a Jewish and Arab state in what was left of Palestine. Jordan joined the other Arab invasion forces in May 1948 to destroy the new State of Israel and divide the spoils—not to create a Palestinian state. The Arabs lost the war, but Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip. Abdullah captured most of the territory allocated for an Arab state and part of Jerusalem—which was supposed to be internationalized—and annexed them. Only Britain and Pakistan recognized Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank.

Where were the defenders of the Palestinians’ right to self-determination? Where were the U.N. resolutions calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state? Where were the human rights crusaders and the boycott advocates?

One of many inconsistencies in the Palestinian narrative about their “ancestral home” is that the Palestinians did not demand the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. Palestinians and their supporters are at a loss to explain this, so they pretend those 19 years of Jordanian occupation were a gap in the timeline of Middle East history.

What more evidence do you need that the Palestinian national movement and its enablers are anti-Semitic? Under Arab/Muslim rule, no one had a problem with the occupation of Judea and Samaria, and it was unquestionably occupied then rather than disputed as it is today. Is it pure coincidence that occupation of that part of “Palestine” only became a concern when it came under Jewish administration?

Jordan lost Judea and Samaria to Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, but still occupies an area that once was Palestine. Still, you never hear Palestinians or their supporters direct their vitriol at Jordan.

The Palestinians claim they were in Palestine from time immemorial, descendants of the Canaanites. Why then don’t they complain about Jordan taking their land? Why doesn’t the nakba (“catastrophe”) apply to the loss of statehood caused by King Abdullah and his fellow Arab leaders?
Besides Palestinian and Jordanian opposition to the idea, recognizing Jordan as Palestine would have mostly negative consequences for the United States and Israel. It would mean the end of the pro-Western Hashemite dynasty. It would give Palestinians, potentially led by Islamists, control over an area more than four times larger than Israel, a stronger state than what two-staters advocate and a direct link to Israel’s most implacable enemies. The Palestinians, who covet the small fraction of Palestine that is Israel, are too myopic to see the benefits of the Jordan solution. Many Israelis who make this case are equally foolish, because Palestine replacing Jordan would create a greater security threat than a rump state in a portion of Judea and Samaria linked to Gaza, which would be surrounded by stronger powers whose interest is to ensure the Palestinian state remains as weak and unthreatening as possible.

Still, the fact remains that Jordan is the occupier denying Palestinians self-determination and most guilty of the sins detractors attribute to Israel.

(full article online)

As a passerby, I heard some words about Jewish history.

If truth be told, as I see it; there are two major groups of Jews.

[1] European/American Jews
[2] there are Israelis

#1 believes in the “law”
#2 believes in, “I was chosen, you were not”.
#2 believes “Palestinians are the enemy”
#2 believes Kill the young before they can defend themselves

Just google “IDF shooting children”
IDF shooting children - Blender Networks Yahoo Search Results

Is this or is this not a part of Jewish history-?
As a passerby, I heard some words about Jewish history.

If truth be told, ass I see it; there are two major groups of Jews.

[1] European/American Jews
[2] there are Israelis

#1 believes in the “law”
#2 believes in, “I was chosen, you were not”.
#2 believes “Palestinians are the enemy”
#2 Kill the young before they can defend themselves

Just google “IDF shooting children”
IDF shooting children - Blender Networks Yahoo Search Results

For the here and now; blood bath

Is this or is this not a part of Jewish history-?

As a passerby, I heard some words about Jewish history.
If truth be told, as I see it; there are two major groups of Jews.

[1] European/American Jews
[2] there are Israelis

#1 believes in the “law”
#2 believes in, “I was chosen, you were not”.
#2 believes “Palestinians are the enemy”
#2 Kill the young before they can defend themselves

Just google “IDF shooting children”
IDF shooting children - Blender Networks Yahoo Search Results
To see the here and now blood bath


Benjamin Netanyahu’s lifelong goal— is---
Murder Palestinian children before they can defend themselves !!

the truth will set you free
September 1894:

In a roundup of the year's stories in 1903 from the Louisville Courier-Journal, we see this from July 26:

(I could not verify this incident.)

In November 1903, the New York Times reported:

September 1906:

April 1912:

Well, we know that Jews lived in peace in Arab lands for centuries before Zionism. After all - the Arabs keep telling us that!

These Arabs who murdered Jews every few years must have been just anti-Zionist.

Iran's Mehr News describes "What does the word 'Zionist' mean?"

Written by Hezbollah's "foreign relations official" Khalil Rizk, it is a bizarre description of Judaism from someone who has never met a Jew in his life.

Here is what I learned about Judaism/"Zionism":

* The followers of the Zionist idea believe in their faith that the Messiah, the Savior, will come at the end of time to lead his people to Zion, the “holy land” and rule the world.

* Not every Jew is necessarily a Zionist. An example of this is Orthodox Judaism, which forbids the collective return of the Jews to Palestine and considers it heretical.

* Sephardic Jews they look down on the Ashkenazi Jews, and therefore they were forbidden to marry them.

* Dancing in prayer gained great importance for the Jewish groups in Eastern Europe, and it became a part of their daily lives. It became a kind of religious ritual through which the dancer reaches a state of ecstasy and religious joy, as they dance in circles. The dance begins slowly, then gradually increases in rhythm until it reaches a state of ecstasy, accompanied by swaying movements, movements of hands and feet, jumping in the air and applause, and so on until the Jewish dance with prayer became one of the sacred duties, and there is a special prayer that they recite right before the dance.

* Among the prominent landmarks in Al-Aqsa Mosque is the Al-Buraq Wall; It is the western wall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, or the "Wailing Wall," as the Jews call it, because their prayers there take the form of weeping and wailing. The wall was not part of the alleged Jewish temple, and there is no evidence that the temple was located at the Al-Buraq Wall. It became for the Jews a place of worship after the issuance of the Balfour Declaration in 1917.

Jews praying at the Kotel, 1880

We can learn so much about Judaism from Iranians and their allies!

If nothing else, this article proves that when Iranians and Hezbollah say "Zionist" they really mean "Jewish."

Indeed, in no time in history was the West Bank “Palestinian territory” until the Oslo Accords put limited areas (Areas A and B) under control of the Palestinian Authority. These Palestinian-controlled areas do not include Area C of the West Bank, upon which all Israeli settlements are located.

NBC agreed that a correction was in order, and subsequently amended the text to accurately refer to “Jewish settlements on disputed territory Palestinians hope will form part of a future state.” In addition, editors commendably appending the following clarification to the bottom of the article:

CLARIFICATION (June 29, 2022, 12:23 p.m. ET): This article has been changed to reflect that Jewish settlements are on disputed land that Palestinians hope will form part of a future state.
Other media outlets which have previously commendably corrected the inaccurate designation of disputed West Bank lands as “Palestinian” include The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Voice of America, Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

(full article online)

In 2016, a lawsuit was filed by Bassem al-Tamimi and many others against a host of American Jews and companies, including Sheldon Adelson, Elliott Abrams, Fox News and the United States itself, alleging that they are supporting genocide against the Palestinian people.

Recently, one of the plaintiffs - Abdul-Rahim Dib Dubar - filed his own motion for immediate partial summary judgment in the case.

His motion looks like it was copied and pasted a crazed antisemitic website - including all caps.

Here's one page of 30, but most of them look like this, with falsified quotes that have been debunked hundreds of times.


This unhinged antisemitic rant reveals the antisemitism behind the Palestinian cause. The plaintiff isn't even embarrassed at his ravings. Brainwashed, he submits the antisemitic stories he sees on the Internet as truth.

Dubar is asking for $1.2 billion in compensation for his family, who left of their own accord from Acre in 1948. (Thousands of Arabs in Acre stayed.)

(full article online)

The whole premise is even more absurd when considering the fact that Israel is a multicultural society with equal rights for all. In a Nazi society this wasn’t the case. Jews were stripped of all rights. They were forbidden from holding public office or working in academia. Jewish books were burned and it was forbidden to have sexual relations with Jews. By contrast, Arabs in Israel can and do hold the highest office, arabic books are printed, and Arabs and Jews have sex. Good for them. It’s nice to know someone’s having fun.

If Jews and Israel aren’t behaving like Nazis in either thought or deed, why does this allegation exist? There are a few reasons. None of them complicated. Firstly, Holocaust inversion is a way for Europe to assuage their guilt over their role in the extermination of Jews. If it turns out we’re evil like the Nazis - well then it wasn’t such a bad thing that people collaborated or turned a blind eye to our deaths. The eagerness to believe Jews are disposed to such evil is itself a case of simple, old school antisemitism. Being able to throw the Holocaust in the face of its Jewish victims adds a deliciously taboo, antisemitic frisson, calibrated to cause maximum pain and degradation to the Jews that hear it.

Then there’s the role it can play in hurting the world’s only Jewish country. The goal of pro-Palestinian extremists who reject peace, despise Jewish self-determination and who seek arab-muslim hegemony in the Middle East is to say whatever is conducive towards channeling hatred at Israel. As Nazism is synonymous with evil, a civilised person would endorse anything - including violence - to eradicate such evil. Equating Israel with Nazism incites the destruction of the Jewish State and the genocide of its inhabitants. It now becomes clear that Holocaust inversion is actually a strategy for Holocaust continuation.

It also incites violence against Jews living in America, Britain, France and the entire diaspora. Most Jews in the world support the right of Israel to exist on land to which Jewish origins are indigenous and which is central to Jewish identity. But if it transpires that these Jews are supporting “Nazis” - then they deserved to be ostracised, screamed at, shoved and punched, right?

In conclusion: the notion that Israel and the Jews are acting like modern days Nazis is ridiculous and hateful. It is an assault on history and aims to inspire actual assault on Jews today. It reveals the level of hatred and danger that still exists for Jews. And so when people mockingly say, “Haven’t the Jews learned the lesson of the Holocaust?” We answer: yes we have - that’s why Israel exists.

(full article online)

The article you’re reading now addresses the claim that Hitler and Jewish Zionists collaborated back in the 1930s. Once again the notion is entirely mischievous. The goal is to depict Israel and Jews as unremittingly evil and to therefore legitimise violence against them. If Zionism and Nazism are fraternal brothers - and if Nazism is a crime against civilisation - then Zionism must similarly be extinguished.

It’s elementary to even say this, but sane and decent people should know intellectually and instinctively that Zionism is not Nazism: it is a response and solution to Nazism. The goals of Nazis and Zionists never overlapped - despite attempts to misrepresent scattered evidence in order to reach perverted conclusions. The “evidence” in question is the Haavara Agreement. This agreement was reached in 1933 between Nazi Germany and some Zionist German Jews. It allowed German Jews - living under Nazism - to sell their assets in Germany. A Jew could transfer their money to the Haavara Company. Haavara then had to use this money to purchase goods manufactured in Nazi Germany. These German-made goods would then be sold in the British Mandate in Palestine. Any German Jew who managed to escape Nazi Germany and reach this destination would then receive their proceeds from the sale of these goods. Approximately 60,000 German Jews who sold their possessions did manage to escape Nazi Germany through this scheme in the years 1933–1939.

Those who claim Hitler’s desire for Jews to leave Germany, and Zionists wanting Jews to escape Germany means they collaborated in pursuit of a shared goal, have made a monstrous assault on history. It is an hateful attack on the memory of one of the most unfortunate, unempowered groups of the 20th century: Jews trapped between a rock and the Holocaust. It removes all intention and motivation from the equation. It removes all context. It removes the power dynamics at play. It removes the entire truth of the relationship: that Jews in Nazi Germany weren’t equal citizens - they were hostages. Jews weren’t voluntarily walking to freedom. They were being made to walk the plank.

We could also add that the British Mandate in Palestine was just one of many places the Nazis wanted Jews to emigrate to. They simply wanted to get rid of their Jews and plunder all they could from them. Do we say Britain collaborated with the Nazis because they also took in German Jewish refugees? Do we say Britain is therefore equivalent to Nazi Germany and has no right to exist?

Of course we don’t. Because the accusation of Zionist-Nazi collaboration is a racist trick to incite hatred against Israel and Jews.

Let’s put it simply: Zionism wanted to save Jews - Nazism wanted to kill Jews.

The goal of Jews was to live freely with dignity.

Hitler's goal was to strip them of every freedom and dignity.

Jews wanted to thrive.

Hitler wanted to burn, gas, shoot and drown them.

As the pretty reasonable goal of being alive could not be met under Hitler, Jews sought emancipation through the liberation movement of Zionism and to join other Jews already living on the land to which their origins are indigenous.

To say Hitler supported Zionism is as stupid as saying Hitler supported Jewish pride by giving them yellow stars to wear…

…or that he helped create more leisure time for Jews by passing laws closing their shops….

…or that he made Jewish neighbourhoods safer by building walls round them and placing soldiers with machine guns outside…

…or that Kristallnacht was an attempt by Hitler to provide air conditioning to Jewish shops on those famously warm German winter evenings…

…or that he helped Jews with their feng shui by taking their possessions and allowing them to embrace minimalism…

…or that such a big fan of the Jewish mother-in-law joke was Hitler that he passed a law forbidding Jews to marry any non-Jews in order to preserve his favourite comedy…

…or that he wanted life to be one big spring break for Jews so barred them from attending universities…

…or that he loved Jews so much that he funded a German expedition to try and find them across the whole of Europe and carried on doing so in spite of the best efforts of Britain, America and the allied nations to stop him…

It's absurd.

Zionism wanted to save Jews - Nazism wanted to kill Jews.

I guess this is too subtle a difference for those so blinded by dogmatic opposition to Israel and Jewish self-determination that they’re prepared to rewrite the history of a minority whose backs were against the wall in a way we should shudder to imagine.

Zionism was, and is, the emancipation movement of the Jewish People. Those who oppose it are the ones who actually have a closer kinship with Nazis in their desire to strip Jews of a right they happily bestow upon others. Seeing as we do live in a world where intentions towards Jews can often seem indistinguishable from those held by Nazi Germany - thank G-d for Zionism.

(full article online )


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