The right of attacker to "not be offended" by our free speech


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Oh, the competition is fierce, what with many who should know better leaping to denounce “denigration of religion” and “hurting feelings” when the poking the religion and feelings in question might lead to an irrational, violent response to a YouTube video that looks like it was made in my parents’ basement with a camcorder circa 1987. Old and busted: Breezy requests that those offended “turn the channel” or “chill out” and brave, indignant battle cries for free speech in the face of those who don’t actually threaten it. New hotness: Respecting the right of those doing violence not to be offended by our speech."

Does he believe a Christian-baiting or Mormon-baiting crappy YouTube clip is an “abuse of that right” worthy of condemnation by a mouthpiece of the U.S. government? I bet I could find a couple no fed has bothered to condemn yet, in order to affirm both our inclusiveness and our free speech. You know why? Because they shouldn’t, and they only do it when those baited are prone to violence.
As to whether it’s Romney who has “embraced the illiberal Islamist mindset that led to the embassy invasion: To declare a movie offensive is to authorize its suppression,” anyone think this kind of thing might have a little bit of a chilling effect? "

The eight dumbest things said about free speech this week « Hot Air
Apparently the pro-al Quaida orgy the lefty shitwads participated in last night, as a celebration of the death of Americans abroad, the attacks on American embassies worldwide, and the threats to our students here, has resulted in some brain damage.
Yes, I heard you guys partied till you puked.

Which explains the weird and incoherent postings of fascist lefties today.
christians and other sects are just lazy when it comes to vandalizing

I believe dirty politics are envolved in the video being released at this time when Romney was being buried in the campaign. Take the heat off him until the election. Why else would the little punk ass bitch release such a piece of rag.
I have never seen Jesus or GOD desercrated in pictures, cartoons, videos, etc. If Muslims had released such a video, Muslims would have been killed around this country. They have been killed for less.
Self righteous right winger should listen to their own GOD and when he said do into others as you would have them do into you. Since they don't their GOD is worthless.
Apparently the pro-al Quaida orgy the lefty shitwads participated in last night, as a celebration of the death of Americans abroad, the attacks on American embassies worldwide, and the threats to our students here, has resulted in some brain damage.

you have a little on your chin, here's a napkin.
Clinton Blasts Anti-Islam Vid Blamed for Mideast Unrest: ‘Disgusting and Reprehensible’
Clinton said the U.S. government “had absolutely nothing to do with this video” and absolutely rejects it content and message. Still, she said the U.S. has a “long tradition of free expression” and “we do not stop individual citizens from expressing their views, no matter how distasteful they may be.”
Hillary Clinton Calls Anti-Islam Video ‘Disgusting and Reprehensible’ | Video |

For that reason, we will continue to be a problem in middle east hatred for us.
The US Constitutions protect this video and his to blame also.
Pastor Terry Jones Cancels Koran Burning, Calls 'Ground Zero Mosque' Denial 'Very Disturbing', A fiery Florida pastor today called off his bonfire of Korans after claiming he had a deal that would move a controversial mosque away from the site of the 9/11 terror attacks -- but the Muslim cleric planning the so-called "Ground Zero mosque" quickly denied to ABC News that he had agreed to move his project.
Pastor Terry Jones ~ Wall Street

But don't worry he's always up for a blunt wit da Muslims.
I have never seen Jesus or GOD desercrated in pictures, cartoons, videos, etc. If Muslims had released such a video, Muslims would have been killed around this country. They have been killed for less.
Self righteous right winger should listen to their own GOD and when he said do into others as you would have them do into you. Since they don't their GOD is worthless.

Omg, you're a liar.

Jesus is desecrated and christianity blatantly attacked on this very site with pictures, cartoons, vids etc.

Pretty much daily.
I have never seen Jesus or GOD desercrated in pictures, cartoons, videos, etc. If Muslims had released such a video, Muslims would have been killed around this country. They have been killed for less.
Self righteous right winger should listen to their own GOD and when he said do into others as you would have them do into you. Since they don't their GOD is worthless.

The skit, performed last week in Las Vegas, included Teller, dressed as Christ on a full-size cross, entering the room on a cart. According to the column, a midget dressed as an angel "performed a simulated sex act on the near-naked Teller." Penn, in a Roman gladiator costume, unveiled the scene by pulling away a "Shroud of Turin" that covered the cross. "

Penn & Teller ridicule Christ's crucifixion

You're a lying, anti-American piece of shit, who defends Islamofascists and blames our liberty for their crimes:
And this retard blames Christianity for the bombing of the WTC:

"I know that Penn is a practicing atheist, and I agree with him that Christianity can be dangerous. Look at the Trade Center. That was done in the name of religion."

Penn & Teller ridicule Christ's crucifixion

How is the WTC bombing evidence of the dangers of Christianity?

This is sheer lunacy that doesn't even deserve consideration. These people need to leave the US. We don't want or need them. They are dangerous and threaten our liberty and our lives.

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