The Republicans need someone like Joe Scarborough


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.
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LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!
Yeah we ran Juan McCain, a Maverick who pretends he's a Republican whenever its time for reelection and still can't believe that Obama might be a Liberal.

How'd that work out for us
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Hey, how much worse can the Dems do for you than the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul ring a bell? How about Sharron Angle?
The Democrats need to run people who aren't screaming statists. People like Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller, or Phil Bredesen.
He was a member of Congress when it had the last balanced budget. Did you call Joe Scarborough a quitter? With your hero, Sarah, already campaigning for the GOP nomination in 2012?

Scarborough resigned to spend more time with his family, not to get rich of of a book and speaking fees. If the GOP continues to allow the Tea Perty to drag it around by the nose, it will pay big in a few years. As a matter of fact, it might even disappear.
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Hey, how much worse can the Dems do for you than the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul ring a bell? How about Sharron Angle?

LOL, teabaggers AGAIN. as I said, obsessed.:lol:
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Hey, how much worse can the Dems do for you than the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul ring a bell? How about Sharron Angle?

LOL, teabaggers AGAIN. as I said, obsessed.:lol:

the New American Tea Bag Party: Tax Protest for Busy People
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!

Oh my gosh. How did you miss this story?????

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk[/ame]
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Hey, how much worse can the Dems do for you than the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul ring a bell? How about Sharron Angle?

How about Rand Paul won his primary?

You really are terrified of the tea party aren't you?

What are you? Some Democrat who knows he will soon be out of a job?

He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

why can't you DUmmies mind your own damn business. Joe Scarboroh works for obie wan what makes you think we want him?
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

You call THAT "beating the shit" out of somebody??????? Wow.....
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!

Oh my gosh. How did you miss this story?????

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk[/ame]

So when does he start beating the shit out of the kid?

Is there another part to that video that you didn't post?
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Hey, how much worse can the Dems do for you than the Tea Baggers? Rand Paul ring a bell? How about Sharron Angle?

How about Rand Paul won his primary?

You really are terrified of the tea party aren't you?

What are you? Some Democrat who knows he will soon be out of a job?


....and as soon as Paul gets McConnell's dick out of his mouth, he can start talking again, and he will eventually lose in the election.
Scarborough is right where he belongs. MSNBC. And he certainly is no conservative.

He is what's known as a "normal conservative" with real values and ethics. Different than the white wingnut loons that make up most of the party today. You know, those fat people who collect Social Security and Medicare but are against the government?

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