The Republican Case Against Trump’s GOP.......


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
‘He’s Destroyed Conservatism’

"Stuart Stevens spent four decades helping Republicans—a lot of Republicans—win. He’s one of the most successful political operatives of his generation, crafting ads and devising strategies for President George W. Bush, Republican presidential nominees Mitt Romney and Bob Dole, and dozens of GOP governors, senators and congressmen. He didn’t win every race, but he thinks he had the best won-lost record in Republican campaign world.

And now he feels terrible about it.

Stevens now believes the Republican Party is, not to put too fine a point on it, a malign force jeopardizing the survival of American democracy. He’s written a searing apologia of a book called It Was All a Lie that compares his lifelong party to the Mafia, to Bernie Madoff’s fraud scheme, to the segregationist movement, even to the Nazis. He’s pretty disillusioned."

I sincerely hope real Repubs can resurrect the GOP from the ashes left behind by the Orange Menace. We need a vibrant, fact based, second party lead by people with integrity. People who are willing to intelligently debate topics like what to do about climate change without denying its existence. People who, if they propose repealing the ACA, have a workable plan to replace it. People who hold mainstream positions on gun control, NATO, trade, in other words, people who reject the buffoonery that is Trumpery.
Conservatism is dead.

Long live POPULISM!!
The tyranny of the majority is the tyranny of the lowest common denominator. When the Mob rules--chaos follows.
Our founding citizens knew this..and placed mechanisms designed to dis-empower the mob..while still serving their interests.

Fuck Populism..long live the meritocracy!
Conservatism is dead.

Long live POPULISM!!
The tyranny of the majority is the tyranny of the lowest common denominator. When the Mob rules--chaos follows.
Our founding citizens knew this..and placed mechanisms designed to dis-empower the mob..while still serving their interests.

Fuck Populism..long live the meritocracy!
Our founding citizens knew this..and placed mechanisms designed to dis-empower the mob..while still serving their interests.

The Fed, income tax, direct election of Senators, and never-ending undeclared wars effectively neutered these mechanisms.

You want an end to mob rule, 1913 is going to have to be entirely repealed.
Stevens now believes the Republican Party is, not to put too fine a point on it, a malign force jeopardizing the survival of American democracy. He’s written a searing apologia of a book called It Was All a Lie that compares his lifelong party to the Mafia, to Bernie Madoff’s fraud scheme, to the segregationist movement, even to the Nazis. He’s pretty disillusioned."

I think delusional is the word he was looking for
Pretty good book...a bit florid as to language..but not so bad. Most of what he says is well known--no great revelations.

Like a lot of books of it's does forget to mention that the other party has it's own bag of tricks--and is not reluctant to use them as well.

A brief quote---released for review and by permission:

"The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It’s based on policy. It isn’t how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It’s what the Republicans are doing, once elected. The fact that the Republican establishment is so invested in the myth that their problems are a matter of language is revealing and self-damning. At the root of it is a deep condescension that they—the de facto White Party of America—know what is best for black folks, and it’s unfortunate these black folks don’t seem to get it but, you know, they are different and we have to talk to them in a language they can understand."
Pretty good book...a bit florid as to language..but not so bad. Most of what he says is well known--no great revelations.

Like a lot of books of it's does forget to mention that the other party has it's own bag of tricks--and is not reluctant to use them as well.

A brief quote---released for review and by permission:

"The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It’s based on policy. It isn’t how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It’s what the Republicans are doing, once elected. The fact that the Republican establishment is so invested in the myth that their problems are a matter of language is revealing and self-damning. At the root of it is a deep condescension that they—the de facto White Party of America—know what is best for black folks, and it’s unfortunate these black folks don’t seem to get it but, you know, they are different and we have to talk to them in a language they can understand."
Interesting how he claims that it's policy, yet fails to spell out what those policies are.

I quit supporting republicans because their actions didn't match the campaign rhetoric, yet I don't see a slew of black libertarian/agorist types.

And as a guy who was such a big noise in the party, don't you think that he could have held at least a little sway with his charges as to how to attract black votes?

I call bullshit.
I quit supporting republicans because their actions didn't match the campaign rhetoric, yet I don't see a slew of black libertarian/agorist types.
Build the wall, deport them all. It's a catchy slogan, and it works. The same voters that elected Trump president in 2016 will give him another term in 2020.
Since 94% of the Republican Party approves of Trump...this thread is a lie.

First of all a lot of Republicans have become independents. I supported Ronald Reagan in 1976 even though I was not old enough to vote. I voted for every Republican candidate until 2016 when I supported a independent candidate. I now cons9ider myself a independent and will vote for Biden in 2020. Second a lot of Republicans have sold out for power. They have abandoned their principles. Americans are abandoning the Republican Party.
I quit supporting republicans because their actions didn't match the campaign rhetoric, yet I don't see a slew of black libertarian/agorist types.
Build the wall, deport them all. It's a catchy slogan, and it works. The same voters that elected Trump president in 2016 will give him another term in 2020.

No they won't. Women and suburban voters have abandoned the GOP. They will elect Biden in 2020. They are the voters that matter.
I quit supporting republicans because their actions didn't match the campaign rhetoric, yet I don't see a slew of black libertarian/agorist types.
Build the wall, deport them all. It's a catchy slogan, and it works. The same voters that elected Trump president in 2016 will give him another term in 2020.
Might be true, might not be...Be that it may, it still doesn't 'splain away the bullshit peddled by the hack author of the piece cited by the OP.
Pretty good book...a bit florid as to language..but not so bad. Most of what he says is well known--no great revelations.

Like a lot of books of it's does forget to mention that the other party has it's own bag of tricks--and is not reluctant to use them as well.

A brief quote---released for review and by permission:

"The reason African Americans overwhelmingly reject Republicans isn’t based on word choices or phrasing. It’s based on policy. It isn’t how Republicans are talking to black voters that results in 90 percent or more of those voters refusing to vote for Republicans. It’s what the Republicans are doing, once elected. The fact that the Republican establishment is so invested in the myth that their problems are a matter of language is revealing and self-damning. At the root of it is a deep condescension that they—the de facto White Party of America—know what is best for black folks, and it’s unfortunate these black folks don’t seem to get it but, you know, they are different and we have to talk to them in a language they can understand."

He didn't forget.

His book wasn't about all political parties.

His book is about republicans. Not democrats. There is no reason for him to mention democrats in that book.

Now if the subject of the book was both democrats and republicans then he would have wrote about democrats but that's not the subject.

I wouldn't expect him to write about democrats in this book.
Trump destroyed conservatism?

What did the conservative conserve? In the face of a far-left threat they are certainly not conserving America, instead being more concerned about not being painted as racists - which the left will call anyone anyway.

They destroyed themselves.
Trump destroyed conservatism?

What did the conservative conserve? In the face of a far-left threat they are certainly not conserving America, instead being more concerned about not being painted as racists - which the left will call anyone anyway.

They destroyed themselves.
"Conservative" is another word for "globalist".
Democrat is another word for "globalist".

Biden is trying to paint himself as a "populist", while his son Hunter got $1,500,000,000 from China to "invest".
Not even counting the $83,000 a month "job" Hunter got from Burisma for doing nothing.

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