The reason why us conservatives deserve what we are getting.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
Indisputable truth! We possess one thing, and that one thing only which they fear, and it ain't our vote, they control that scam top to bottom!
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.

This is why America has devolved into the shithole it has become.

This is the collective intelligence of every conservative in the country.

This is what the Founders warned us about.

Individuals themselves entered into a compact with each other to produce a government: and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.”

Thomas Paine

“Those seeking profits,” were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. … I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom.”

Thomas Jefferson
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Indisputable truth! We possess one thing, and that one thing only which they fear, and it ain't our vote, they control that scam top to bottom!

There's a cure for that.

OP is not wrong and I hate making excuses for it but a lot of the early socialist's "work" was in the ivy league colleges and it branched-out from there, slowly and insidiously. It accelerated when they got jobs in dem administrations like with Clinton and the Halfrican.

Well working stiffs like myself and my peers were too busy trying to do good for us and ours and did not really become all that politically aware till we were in our 30s.

Now I always voted (my dad made sure of that) but to say I was politically active in the dem activist sense would be a lie.
Marxism had to happen globally for a united world under totalitarian rule, as there needs to be a 'distinct' border line that distinguishes the pagans from the elect. Don't let the current situation in our USA drag you down, just take care of business as usual as there is nothing else that can be done to better our situation due to the current state of the human condition(human nature).
according to marxists like you there is no definition for marxism .... the lefts latest defense of marxism .

They always coyly ask you to "explain" what Marxism, socialism, or communism is, and then try to redefine it, claiming "We're already a Marxist/socialist/communist country because "But muh Social Security and roads."

That trick is older than accusing "Racism/sexism/xenophobia/homophobia", except nobody's falling for that shit. We know what they are, because they don't even bother to try and hide it anymore.
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.

It's what happens when you are safe, productive, resourceful, and take a passive defensive stance,
certain that the stupid fuckers all around you will get wise sooner or later ... :thup:

Define "Marxist".
The proper definition is this

a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:" some of the workers are Marxists"

Having said that, I don't think there are any true Marxists out there, that is, those sold on the ideology who are running things.

However, the appeal to Marxism is the tenant of Marxism, which demands 100% government control over the populace as they dangle the carrot of utopia and social justice over their heads.

After all, to try and control every financial and social interaction with the premise of promising to redistribute "fairly" from such interactions requires 24/7 government monitoring of society and control over that society.

The kicker is, since there is no system that can accurately deliver social justice, whatever the hell that means, it's all a farce anyway.

So this means if despotic regimes fail to live up to all the tenants of Marxism, which no despot ever does because it is not about their love of the ideology as much as it is the control it provides, then the Left merely says, "See, Marxism was not done right which is why it never worked, so we just need to try again."
This is why America has devolved into the shithole it has become.

This is the collective intelligence of every conservative in the country.

This is what the Founders warned us about.

Individuals themselves entered into a compact with each other to produce a government: and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.”

Thomas Paine

“Those seeking profits,” were they given total freedom, would not be the ones to trust to keep government pure and our rights secure. Indeed, it has always been those seeking wealth who were the source of corruption in government. … I am not among those who fear the people. They, and not the rich, are our dependence for continued freedom.”

Thomas Jefferson
It's hilarious when today's big-government leftists insist the Founding Fathers, who fought an entire war to get government off their backs, would support their big-government agenda.

And by "hilarious", I mean "stupid and retarded".
The proper definition is this

a supporter of the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels:" some of the workers are Marxists"

Having said that, I don't think there are any true Marxists out there, that is, those sold on the ideology who are running things.

However, the appeal to Marxism is the tenant of Marxism, which demands 100% government control over the populace as they dangle the carrot of utopia and social justice over their heads.

After all, to try and control every financial and social interaction with the premise of promising to redistribute "fairly" from such interactions requires 24/7 government monitoring of society and control over that society.

The kicker is, since there is no system that can accurately deliver social justice, whatever the hell that means, it's all a farce anyway.

So this means if despotic regimes fail to live up to all the tenants of Marxism, which no despot ever does because it is not about their love of the ideology as much as it is the control it provides, then the Left merely says, "See, Marxism was not done right which is why it never worked, so we just need to try again."
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
What is subversive about feminism?
Anyone of us that have been paying attention, this should come as no surprise.

We in this country passively allowed marxists posing as professors and politicians for two whole generations in this country and expect to be free and independent.

There has been very little effective challenges to the foundational principles that these marxists have been pushing. These philosophical, subversive ideological principles these marxists have been relentlessly pushing on our country.

Whether it is feminism, transgenderism, atheism, forced immigration and unconditional equality systems.

All of the things that have divided us or caused us to fight amongst our selves. We have obliterated our moral traditions to the point where we are confused about who we even are as a people.

These have all contributed to preparing us for this final push for the final imposition of this government now. COVID is communism rebranded as a deadly virus.
Up till 2016, Conservatives have played nice with the Progressives, because that was what turning the other cheek was meant to be. But those nasty progressives, just didnt want an inch they wanted the whole mile, so they kept pressing and finally in 2016 we found a fighter who actually took it to the progressives Republicans and Democrats. They went bat chit bonkers, and attacked him vehemently even used a fake Russian Dossier to try to do a coup on the government. Then when the people got fed up and actually went to the Capitol to protest these cretins, those enemy of the people, actually accused them of trying to overthrow the government. Yeah, playing nice doesnt work with people like Hitler, Stalin or Pelosi, but until the people actually rise up with arms, then the EVIL will continue to seep into the country.


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