The reason Conservatives lie so much

You're so intellectually dishonest. Those surpluses were with the Republicans controlling both houses.

ILMAO June 2001 has anything to do with 9-11-2001, you're still denying the impact, why? Because you're a PROG in good PROG standing.

We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt had slowed to O'bummer's pace however you have to consider GDP increased on Trump's watch as did inflation.

2009-2019, total debt
11.90 T
13.56 T
14.79 T
16.06 T
16.74 T
17.82 T
18.15 T
19.57 T
20.24 T
21.52 T
22.71 T

You're the one being dishonest.
Of course, you give the credit to republicans.

If that had a scintilla of truth to it.
Why did Bush and his regime, give it all away BEFORE 9/11?
Which isn't even relevant because the surplus was $1.2 billion.
Bush gave away $1.3 trillion in tax cuts, 5 months after taking office.
Then, if that wasn't bad enough, Bush gave out more tax cuts in 2003.
So much for your 9/11 excuse.

'We're were in an improved standing under Trump simply because total debt'.

Still confusing debt with deficit?
The word conservative can be changed to liberal and your statement is still true
Not really, but that's what the conservative chatting class tells you so you repeat it.
Obama was born in Kenya--I don't
Hillary murdered Seth Rich and Justice Scalia--Not directly, as crooked as our gov is who knows
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor--um, no
The election was stolen--Democrats cheat and have for years
Covid is a hoax--absolutely not
Vaccines will kill you--They can, do and have

Open your mind and stop believing all the talking points
Take your own advice.
And only complete morons will see 1/6 as an insurrection attempt. You may be right though, the nation has been dumbed down quite a bit.
And only a complete moron saw what happened on 1-6 then claims it wasn't.
Well we're going to see in 2022 if Americans agree if they're better under liberals or conservatives.

See you then.
If republicans continue to sabotage they can't win. We are truly better off now than we were under trump. 600,000 people won't die of COVID this year.
When leftwingers, snowflakes, rioters, whackadoodles, and others who are disconnected from reality hear anything reasonable or honest, it can be a bit jarring to them. They might think of this honesty as lying.
Except it's not honesty.
Obama was born in Kenya--I don't
Hillary murdered Seth Rich and Justice Scalia--Not directly, as crooked as our gov is who knows
Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor--um, no
The election was stolen--Democrats cheat and have for years
Covid is a hoax--absolutely not
Vaccines will kill you--They can, do and have

Open your mind and stop believing all the talking points

How did Obama get into the US as a baby?
The same way liberals lie about having to show a photo I.D. to vote is racist or wanting a secure border means you hate immigrants or supporting the second ammendment makes you a gun nut. Before you talk about the lies others spread take a good look at yourself and the one's you spread.

Classic right wing lies right here. Voter suppression is not about voter ID's. We have 4 borders, 2 by land but the only obsession is with the southern border while white canadians can cross anywhere and white European visa overstays are never talked about. Then you have the second amendment fetish while the same people use the second amendment threat to try silencing people practicing the first amendment or they act like the second amendment is the only amendment.
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Monkey see monkey do, you like the boogeyman? That you must steal from me who you don't think much of shows you are certainly the mental midget. I don't see anything original in your insults which shows you suffer from lack of brain activity. You copied everything you said from other people's posts. So pathetic. A real advertisement to join the democrats

Sorry comrade. Every bit of it is true.
That's the beauty of truth.
Even if you don't believe it and rail against it like you have, it remains truth.
Here you go.

Guilty until proven innocent is not the way the US legal system is supposed to work.

And let's not forget the NJ doctor who had a man's guns taken away because he left a bad review.

Yeah, that only applies to whites. When it's somebody black, they are guilty first and remain guilty even when the jury says otherwise. Ask the family of George Floyd who still have to hear racist whites talking about an overdose he didn't have.
And only a complete moron saw what happened on 1-6 then claims it wasn't.

You don't plan to overthrow the most powerful nation in the world with no guns. Again, only indoctrinated morons believe that crap the MSM spews.

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