The Real Climate Science Deniers


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018

The Real Climate Science Deniers

Paul Driessen
Posted: May 16, 2020


Fifty years ago, I helped organize Earth Day #1 programs on my college campus, calling attention to serious pollution problems that afflicted much of the USA. Over the ensuing decades, laws, regulations, and changed attitudes, practices and technologies reduced most of that pollution, often dramatically.

I didn’t buy into the 1970 end-is-nigh, doom-and-gloom, billions-will-die hysteria that Ron Stein and Ron Bailey summarize, including the manmade global cooling crisis. I don’t buy it today, either – certainly not this year’s Earth Day focus on the alleged manmade global warming crisis, also blamed on emissions of carbon dioxide, the same gas that humans and animals exhale, and plants use to grow. We’re told the crisis is unprecedented, and poses existential threats to humanity and planet. What nonsense.

But what I find fascinating in all this is the steadfast, often nasty determination of scientists, politicians and interest groups promoting alarmist themes – and profiting immensely from them – to reject and deny any science, history and evidence that undermines their claim that nothing like this ever happened before.

The “highest ever” temperatures are a mere few tenths or even hundredths of a degree above previous records set many decades ago. The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations.



Warmist/alarmists habitually ignore past climates of thousands years ago. That is why they are do gosh darn IGNORANT!

The Real Climate Science Deniers

Paul Driessen
Posted: May 16, 2020


Fifty years ago, I helped organize Earth Day #1 programs on my college campus, calling attention to serious pollution problems that afflicted much of the USA. Over the ensuing decades, laws, regulations, and changed attitudes, practices and technologies reduced most of that pollution, often dramatically.

I didn’t buy into the 1970 end-is-nigh, doom-and-gloom, billions-will-die hysteria that Ron Stein and Ron Bailey summarize, including the manmade global cooling crisis. I don’t buy it today, either – certainly not this year’s Earth Day focus on the alleged manmade global warming crisis, also blamed on emissions of carbon dioxide, the same gas that humans and animals exhale, and plants use to grow. We’re told the crisis is unprecedented, and poses existential threats to humanity and planet. What nonsense.

But what I find fascinating in all this is the steadfast, often nasty determination of scientists, politicians and interest groups promoting alarmist themes – and profiting immensely from them – to reject and deny any science, history and evidence that undermines their claim that nothing like this ever happened before.

The “highest ever” temperatures are a mere few tenths or even hundredths of a degree above previous records set many decades ago. The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations.



Warmist/alarmists habitually ignore past climates of thousands years ago. That is why they are do gosh darn IGNORANT!
Yeah, they say 41 years worth of data is enough out of billions of years. Lol
There is nothing wrong with wanting to reduce pollution if we have the ability to reduce pollution. The problem is that the denocratic party suddenly decided to lead from behind on this issue and is taking horrible positions that are inconsistent with what they claim to want to achieve. They, in reality, only want to draw green votes off the Green Party. Otherwise, they couldn't give two shits about the planet.

The Real Climate Science Deniers

Paul Driessen
Posted: May 16, 2020


Fifty years ago, I helped organize Earth Day #1 programs on my college campus, calling attention to serious pollution problems that afflicted much of the USA. Over the ensuing decades, laws, regulations, and changed attitudes, practices and technologies reduced most of that pollution, often dramatically.

I didn’t buy into the 1970 end-is-nigh, doom-and-gloom, billions-will-die hysteria that Ron Stein and Ron Bailey summarize, including the manmade global cooling crisis. I don’t buy it today, either – certainly not this year’s Earth Day focus on the alleged manmade global warming crisis, also blamed on emissions of carbon dioxide, the same gas that humans and animals exhale, and plants use to grow. We’re told the crisis is unprecedented, and poses existential threats to humanity and planet. What nonsense.

But what I find fascinating in all this is the steadfast, often nasty determination of scientists, politicians and interest groups promoting alarmist themes – and profiting immensely from them – to reject and deny any science, history and evidence that undermines their claim that nothing like this ever happened before.

The “highest ever” temperatures are a mere few tenths or even hundredths of a degree above previous records set many decades ago. The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations.



Warmist/alarmists habitually ignore past climates of thousands years ago. That is why they are do gosh darn IGNORANT!
Nice copy and paste....a lot of unproven allegations....the chief problem is, of course, the very thing that the writer accuses others of..the taking of a date point of two...and making a whole premise based on that one data point. It is getting warmer and the polar ice is melting...since that is observable fact...the scramble for a reason is moot....and of interest only to those who have no chance of living long enough to find out how wrong they were.

As for the great profits in the climate change business...they are dwarfed by the monetary interests of those who cling to the status quo...trying to milk every last drop from the existing economic paradigm..before being forced to change.

The Real Climate Science Deniers

Paul Driessen
Posted: May 16, 2020


Fifty years ago, I helped organize Earth Day #1 programs on my college campus, calling attention to serious pollution problems that afflicted much of the USA. Over the ensuing decades, laws, regulations, and changed attitudes, practices and technologies reduced most of that pollution, often dramatically.

I didn’t buy into the 1970 end-is-nigh, doom-and-gloom, billions-will-die hysteria that Ron Stein and Ron Bailey summarize, including the manmade global cooling crisis. I don’t buy it today, either – certainly not this year’s Earth Day focus on the alleged manmade global warming crisis, also blamed on emissions of carbon dioxide, the same gas that humans and animals exhale, and plants use to grow. We’re told the crisis is unprecedented, and poses existential threats to humanity and planet. What nonsense.

But what I find fascinating in all this is the steadfast, often nasty determination of scientists, politicians and interest groups promoting alarmist themes – and profiting immensely from them – to reject and deny any science, history and evidence that undermines their claim that nothing like this ever happened before.

The “highest ever” temperatures are a mere few tenths or even hundredths of a degree above previous records set many decades ago. The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations.



Warmist/alarmists habitually ignore past climates of thousands years ago. That is why they are do gosh darn IGNORANT!
Nice copy and paste....a lot of unproven allegations....the chief problem is, of course, the very thing that the writer accuses others of..the taking of a date point of two...and making a whole premise based on that one data point. It is getting warmer and the polar ice is melting...since that is observable fact...the scramble for a reason is moot....and of interest only to those who have no chance of living long enough to find out how wrong they were.

As for the great profits in the climate change business...they are dwarfed by the monetary interests of those who cling to the status quo...trying to milk every last drop from the existing economic paradigm..before being forced to change.

A typical warmist/alarmist reply, who doesn't bother to look at the links backing it up, here it is again:

"The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations."

All factually true.

You didn't say anything to counter the article with evidence, just the usual babbling warmists/alarmists are famous for.

Try again.....
"The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017

And AGW theory doesn't predict more hurricanes, you look even more stupid than usual for citing that as evidence of something.

Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history.

Likewise, AGW theory doesn't predict more tornadoes.

Given your complete ineptness on the topic, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups.

Yes, I do understand that you're too stupid to understand how stupid you act here. That's what makes you so unintentionally funny.
It appears that Mamooth forgets the lamenting of a few Hurricanes in last 20 years:

The Guardian

It's a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly


Skeptical Science

The connection between Hurricane Sandy and global warming


Live Science

Weather or Climate: What Caused Hurricane Sandy?


Climate Central

How Global Warming Made Hurricane Sandy Worse


Science Daily

Climate change to blame for Hurricane Maria's extreme rainfall


The Guardian

Climate change in the Caribbean – learning lessons from Irma and Maria


The Guardian

Do Changes in Our Climate Mean More Hurricanes?



Was there a link between climate change and Hurricane Katrina?


The Guardian

Climate change is making hurricanes even more destructive, research finds


Skeptical Science

Did Global Warming cause Hurricane Katrina

On and on it goes, yes all these articles and many more do say that global warming is enhancing them in some way.

You seem to suffer from the memory hole disease, common among socialists.
It appears that Mamooth forgets the lamenting of a few Hurricanes in last 20 years:

You seem confused concerning the difference between the very simple concepts of "more hurricanes" (not a prediction) and "more powerful hurricanes" (an actual prediction, and seemingly a correct one, as it's backed up by observations.)

A slow middle schooler would have no trouble grasping the difference, yet it totally confounds you. Given the hilarious cluelessness you display concerning the most basic things, why shouldn't everyone keep laughing at you?

Here's a juicebox. Now stop bothering the grownups and go back to the kiddie table at WUWT.
It appears that Mamooth forgets the lamenting of a few Hurricanes in last 20 years:

You seem confused concerning the difference between the very simple concepts of "more hurricanes" (not a prediction) and "more powerful hurricanes" (an actual prediction, and seemingly a correct one, as it's backed up by observations.)

A slow middle schooler would have no trouble grasping the difference, yet it totally confounds you. Given the hilarious cluelessness you display concerning the most basic things, why shouldn't everyone keep laughing at you?

Here's a juicebox. Now stop bothering the grownups and go back to the kiddie table at WUWT.

Ha ha ha, it is clear you didn't bother to read the links I gave you.

Not only that NONE of them are from WUWT, they are from noted climate alarmists websites....., The Guardian, Skeptical Science, are so bad at this, stupid as hell actually.

You wrote this:

"And AGW theory doesn't predict more hurricanes, you look even more stupid than usual for citing that as evidence of something."

Your post didn't support anything you stated, I posted a bunch of links that supports my statement, even when they seeming don't, but you don't spend the time pondering over this highly significant statement at all:

"The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations."

The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's. No Violent twisters at all in 2018, that is exceptional!

Your reaction is, so what..... :laugh:

The articles I posted doesn't agree with you, you are disputing what warmist/alarmists websites are saying about Hurricanes, is a treat for me since you saying THEY are wrong.

Who do you think WROTE this article.....?

It's a fact: climate change made Hurricane Harvey more deadly


I posted a bunch of links that supports my statement,

Your links supported the premise of your statement, that there's a lack of more hurricanes. Sadly for you, that didn't support the idiot conclusion you then jumped to from that premise.

You're claiming that lack of hurricanes proves the climate predictions are bad. However, since AGW theory never predicted more hurricanes, you now look like a moron.

After I pointed that out, you switched to implying that the correct climate predictions of stronger hurricanes were really predictions of more hurricanes. So, you look even dumber.

The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's. No Violent twisters at all in 2018, that is exceptional!

And again, AGW theory never predicted more tornadoes or more hurricanes. AGW did predict more violent hurricanes, and that's happening.

A slow middle-schooler can grasp this stuff, but you can't, even after having it explained to you over and over in small words. Like I keep saying, you have no business bothering the grownups.
I posted a bunch of links that supports my statement,

Your links supported the premise of your statement, that there's a lack of more hurricanes. Sadly for you, that didn't support the idiot conclusion you then jumped to from that premise.

You're claiming that lack of hurricanes proves the climate predictions are bad. However, since AGW theory never predicted more hurricanes, you now look like a moron.

After I pointed that out, you switched to implying that the correct climate predictions of stronger hurricanes were really predictions of more hurricanes. So, you look even dumber.

The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's. No Violent twisters at all in 2018, that is exceptional!

And again, AGW theory never predicted more tornadoes or more hurricanes. AGW did predict more violent hurricanes, and that's happening.

A slow middle-schooler can grasp this stuff, but you can't, even after having it explained to you over and over in small words. Like I keep saying, you have no business bothering the grownups.

I keep showing there were fewer CATEGORY 3-5 Hurricanes, you keep ignoring that fact to maintain your lying narrative:

You're claiming that lack of hurricanes proves the climate predictions are bad. However, since AGW theory never predicted more hurricanes, you now look like a moron.

After I pointed that out, you switched to implying that the correct climate predictions of stronger hurricanes were really predictions of more hurricanes. So, you look even dumber.

I never talked about the IPCC predictions at all, nor did I even say there was a prediction of more hurricanes at all either. I talk about Fewer CATEGORY 3-5 hurricanes, that is all.

You ignored this too:

"The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's."

You are a freaking liar!
I keep showing there were fewer CATEGORY 3-5 Hurricanes,

No, you've never done that. You showed that fewer were making landfall in the USA, which is a totally different thing from what you're claiming.

I kept wondering if you're just slow, or if you're deliberately dishonest. At first I thought you couldn't possibly be as stupid as you sound, because nobody can be that dumb, and therefore you must be dishonest. But I think I was wrong there. You really are as dumb as you sound. You're not intellectually capable of understanding why the things you say are so stupid.
I keep showing there were fewer CATEGORY 3-5 Hurricanes,

No, you've never done that. You showed that fewer were making landfall in the USA, which is a totally different thing from what you're claiming.

I kept wondering if you're just slow, or if you're deliberately dishonest. At first I thought you couldn't possibly be as stupid as you sound, because nobody can be that dumb, and therefore you must be dishonest. But I think I was wrong there. You really are as dumb as you sound. You're not intellectually capable of understanding why the things you say are so stupid.

I honestly QUOTED from the article, which you didn't read:

The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017.

I posted this quote in the following FOUR posts I made in the thread:

"The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations."

sizing mine

Post One
Post Six
Post Eleven
Post Fifteen

I posted that quote FOUR TIMES total!

Then at Post Thirteen:, I write

"I keep showing there were fewer CATEGORY 3-5 Hurricanes, you keep ignoring that fact to maintain your lying narrative:"


"I never talked about the IPCC predictions at all, nor did I even say there was a prediction of more hurricanes at all either. I talk about Fewer CATEGORY 3-5 hurricanes, that is all.

You ignored this too:

"The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's."


I was OBVIOUSLY referring to hurricane landfalls.

You have to be the DUMBEST Warmist/alarmist in the forum, you can't follow a simple conversation, then you lie about what I have consistently been saying all along....

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I posted that quote FOUR TIMES total!

And you've looked stupid every time you did so. Congratulations.

The USA is a tiny portion of the earth, so counting only hurricanes making landfall in the USA is a dumb way of measuring hurricanes. It's not a difficult concept, yet you can't figure it out, no matter many times it gets explained to you.

If you're talking about global climate, you should reference global numbers and strength of hurricanes. That's what an honest person would do. And it's what you won't do.
I posted that quote FOUR TIMES total!

And you've looked stupid every time you did so. Congratulations.

The USA is a tiny portion of the earth, so counting only hurricanes making landfall in the USA is a dumb way of measuring hurricanes. It's not a difficult concept, yet you can't figure it out, no matter many times it gets explained to you.

If you're talking about global climate, you should reference global numbers and strength of hurricanes. That's what an honest person would do. And it's what you won't do.

Ha ha, I see you finally admit that what I posted was correct, because you suddenly complain that I left out the rest of the world.... Bwahahahahahahaha!!!

Here is that quote you can't accept as being true, your ideological blindness is revealed here, it keeps yourself from being rational:

"The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. "

It always stated, United States, never mentions the rest of the world, it was about this you try hard to avoid "The 12 year respite is extraordinary, nothing similar in the record going back to the 1800's."

Your deflection is days late and useless today.

You need to repair your critical thinking skills .........
It always stated, United States, never mentions the rest of the world, that was all I was talking about, never talked about the rest of the world at all.
Yes, and I kept pointing out how that's the problem.

You keep bragging about failing with your reasoning, and it's bizarre. But then, I suppose the unibomber was also convinced that his rants totally pwned the other side.
It always stated, United States, never mentions the rest of the world, that was all I was talking about, never talked about the rest of the world at all.
Yes, and I kept pointing out how that's the problem.

You keep bragging about failing with your reasoning, and it's bizarre. But then, I suppose the unibomber was also convinced that his rants totally pwned the other side.

No the problem is YOU failed to notice at first that I was only talking about Landfalling hurricanes on the US shorelines nothing more, then you suddenly whine WEEKS later that I left out the rest of the world.

The problem is yours, the article with you never fully read, talks about this one thing, which I duly quoted in full several times over TWO WEEKS.

On MAY 16, right there in the open at post one, is this quote:

"The “highest ever” temperatures are a mere few tenths or even hundredths of a degree above previous records set many decades ago. The United States recently enjoyed a record 12-year respite from Category 3-5 hurricanes, ended finally by Harvey and Irma in 2017. Violent tornadoes were far fewer during the last 35 years than during the 35 years before that, and the complete absence of violent twisters in 2018 was unprecedented in US history. Modern day floods and droughts were certainly no worse than past floods or the multi-decade droughts that devastated Anasazi, Mayan and other civilizations. "

bolding mine

Your first reply at POST 7 was May 19, 2 full weeks ago.

And AGW theory doesn't predict more hurricanes, you look even more stupid than usual for citing that as evidence of something.

Not a word about the rest of the world.....

Post 9,

Not a word about the rest of the world.....

Post 12,

Not a word about the rest of the world.....

Post 14,

Not a word about the rest of the world.....

Post 16, TODAY, you finally mention something of the world beyond USA.


For 2 1/2 weeks you never said a word about the rest of the world, while the quote specifically mentions only a portion of it, you know this from the start, thus your latest deflection is a dishonest and stupid.

I was honest the whole time.
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