The Real America vs 'Thought Crimes'


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
View attachment 307950

All I did is ask a question. Honestly I didn't even read beyond the part I quoted. That question came to mind so I asked. I don't afford this particular OP much of my effort.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
View attachment 307950

All I did is ask a question. Honestly I didn't even read beyond the part I quoted. That question came to mind so I asked. I don't afford this particular OP much of my effort.
You made the presumption that "the United States (would be) turned into a Christian theocracy"....There are other possibilities for resisting the destruction of language and oppression of "wrong thinking".
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?

a. How is your post a function of the OP to which you linked?

b. " want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy,..."
Link or admit you are lying...

c. "...would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly,..."
Of course.
Only Liberals demand punishment for disagreement....e.g., Roger Stone.....

The real problem, of course, is that Liberals cannot win an argument vs conservatives, who eat their lunch.

Your post proves that.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
View attachment 307950

All I did is ask a question. Honestly I didn't even read beyond the part I quoted. That question came to mind so I asked. I don't afford this particular OP much of my effort.
You based your Q on the presumption that PC wants "a Christian theology." Does the term "straw man" ring a bell?
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

If you got what you want and the United States turned into a Christian theocracy, would you be okay with nonbelievers that loudly proclaim their beliefs publicly, or would you prefer to just burn them at the stake?
View attachment 307950

All I did is ask a question. Honestly I didn't even read beyond the part I quoted. That question came to mind so I asked. I don't afford this particular OP much of my effort.

What you did is prove that lying is the only method Liberals like you can avail themselves of.

Sorry I ended a sentence with a preposition.

"...I didn't even read ..."

Well, that, at least, is the truth.
Link or admit you are lying...

You wouldn't be supportive of this nation becoming a Christian theocracy? I don't think I believe you. You spend countless hours here implying that the loss of Christian morality is destroying our nation. You seem to want Christianity to be more prominent in culture and politics because you seem to believe that would solve some of our big issues. Either way you want to empower Christianity in our government. Is that really not true? If your side gained the edge and momentum I really don't believe you would tolerate alternative opinions. I think you'd be intolerant in a very similar way.
You based your Q on the presumption that PC wants "a Christian theology." Does the term "straw man" ring a bell?

If PC had the ability to empower Christianity to lead our nation you don't think she would do so?
Link or admit you are lying...

You wouldn't be supportive of this nation becoming a Christian theocracy? I don't think I believe you. You spend countless hours here implying that the loss of Christian morality is destroying our nation. You seem to want Christianity to be more prominent in culture and politics because you seem to believe that would solve some of our big issues. Either way you want to empower Christianity in our government. Is that really not true? If your side gained the edge and momentum I really don't believe you would tolerate alternative opinions. I think you'd be intolerant in a very similar way.
Entirely irrelevant to the OP, beside being another straw man argument.
Link or admit you are lying...

You wouldn't be supportive of this nation becoming a Christian theocracy? I don't think I believe you. You spend countless hours here implying that the loss of Christian morality is destroying our nation. You seem to want Christianity to be more prominent in culture and politics because you seem to believe that would solve some of our big issues. Either way you want to empower Christianity in our government. Is that really not true? If your side gained the edge and momentum I really don't believe you would tolerate alternative opinions. I think you'd be intolerant in a very similar way.

a. Since you cannot find any such link, you have essentially admitted you lied.
Appears to be a resume enhancement for Leftists.

b. "You wouldn't be supportive of this nation becoming a Christian theocracy?"
Of course not, you dunce.

c."I don't think I believe you."
Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

d. "You spend countless hours here implying that the loss of Christian morality is destroying our nation."
Judeo-Christian....the faith of our Founders, the basis of our Constitution.

e. "I really don't believe you would tolerate alternative opinions."
Bet you can't come up with a single example of my authorizing prison for 'alternative opinions' as your side has for Roger Stone or Scooter Libby.
But we've established that you are a liar, earlier.

f. "I think you'd be intolerant in a very similar way."
My mission here has always been being immune to same is your problem not mine.
Since you cannot find any such link, you have essentially admitted you lied.

I didn't lie. I made assumptions about your character based on what I already understand about you and people like you. Even if you personally would tolerate the heathens (doubt) much of your ilk wouldn't.

Of course not, you dunce.


Judeo-Christian....the faith of our Founders, the basis of our Constitution.

Yeah, whatever. You think Christianity losing prominence in politics and life is the reason for bad stuff.

My mission here has always been education

In your 90 THOUSAND posts do you really think you've done anything more than preach to your crowd? You have accomplished nothing.
Since you cannot find any such link, you have essentially admitted you lied.

I didn't lie. I made assumptions about your character based on what I already understand about you and people like you. Even if you personally would tolerate the heathens (doubt) much of your ilk wouldn't.

Of course not, you dunce.


Judeo-Christian....the faith of our Founders, the basis of our Constitution.

Yeah, whatever. You think Christianity losing prominence in politics and life is the reason for bad stuff.

My mission here has always been education

In your 90 THOUSAND posts do you really think you've done anything more than preach to your crowd? You have accomplished nothing.

Since you cannot find any such link, you have essentially admitted you lied.
I didn't lie. I made assumptions about your character based on what I already understand about you and people like you. Even if you personally would tolerate the heathens (doubt) much of your ilk wouldn't.

So you're admitting you lied, at least about moi.

Don't have no reputation to lose.
Since you cannot find any such link, you have essentially admitted you lied.

I didn't lie. I made assumptions about your character based on what I already understand about you and people like you. Even if you personally would tolerate the heathens (doubt) much of your ilk wouldn't.

Of course not, you dunce.


Judeo-Christian....the faith of our Founders, the basis of our Constitution.

Yeah, whatever. You think Christianity losing prominence in politics and life is the reason for bad stuff.

My mission here has always been education

In your 90 THOUSAND posts do you really think you've done anything more than preach to your crowd? You have accomplished nothing.

The question dealt with whether or not I would punish those with whom I disagreed.

Of course not, you dunce.


Because I believe in freedom and liberty...but I might verbally thrash 'em....because I'm really good at that.
The question dealt with whether or not I would punish those with whom I disagreed.

Of course not, you dunce.


Because I believe in freedom and liberty...but I might verbally thrash 'em....because I'm really good at that.

You're confused again sweetheart. I was asking why you wouldn't support a Christian theocracy.
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