The psychology of "conspiracy theories"!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Basically......its a neurological fcukk up!!!

Conspiracy Theories Explained | Psychology Today

The setting screws on these people are such that psycholgists refer to it as "biased deductive logic"—a top-down effort to explain the feeling that everything seems important. The cognitive parts of a schizophrenic's brain create the paranoid tale in an effort to explain the constant red alert blaring from the dopamine circuits, using any stimuli available.

I never get private messages from board members on these forums.........and Im universally hated due to my expansive use of gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics. But the conspiracy k00ks? I get PM's from them all the time if I dont conform with their spectacular explanation of things.

Having worked in the field of autism for 25 years, I see alot of OCD stuff and am part of a team that recommends pharmachological aids that make HUGE differeces in peoples lives. Essentially, the medication facilitates thinking that gets them past this ruminatiuon of thoughts activity.

So for all the people what cant get past the 9/11, JFK et. al. shit.........I highly recommend this stuff..............


Seriously.........its real good shit with minimal side effects. Stuff facilitates a more meaningful life for people who's brain pathology just doesnt allow for anything but what psychologists refer to as gerbil wheel thinking.

Anyway......visitors compelled to visit this forum all the time really should do themselves a favor and check it out..............
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OMG you're telling them to get on a drug that could increase their suicidal tendancies! You're working for the MAN, MAN!!! It's a CONSPIRACY to kill of those who think for themselves by having them kill themselves!!!

OK, all kidding aside, I bow before your knowledge of how this drug works given your experience with the drug and dealing with people who have challenges. I doubt any conspiracy "kook" will consider taking a drug to help them when, in their minds, they have no problem.
OMG you're telling them to get on a drug that could increase their suicidal tendancies! You're working for the MAN, MAN!!! It's a CONSPIRACY to kill of those who think for themselves by having them kill themselves!!!

OK, all kidding aside, I bow before your knowledge of how this drug works given your experience with the drug and dealing with people who have challenges. I doubt any conspiracy "kook" will consider taking a drug to help them when, in their minds, they have no problem.

Yeah Patriot........I come in here from time to time and see how you pwn these people in epic fashion, but the information provided doesnt matter to these folks. Its a neurological brain fcukk -up, as Ive pointed out above. Really.......I couldnt give a rats ass that they dont change, but like you, want to make sure the impressionable who come in here arent duped by BS. Thats all you can do..........but shit........its ALOT of fun doing it!!!:D:D:D should pop over to the Environment Forum too..........that forum is the shit for laughs. The thinking by the alarmist k00ks on global warming is much like the conspiracy hordes. Any alternative information presented is devestating to these types. Check out the "Mars" is particularly entertaining!!!
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"Conspiracy Theory" is the dance the people who believe everything the government says do.
"Conspiracy Theory" is the dance the people who believe everything the government says do.

This is a cheap copout by those who can't defend their own theories, yet wish to give themselves a pat on the back for being so "enlightened".

Here's a clue Tinmore, I rarely believe what the government tells me at face value. Most of the people here mocking truthers don't believe what the government tells them at face value. But we DO look at all the facts and come to a logical conclusion. The fantastic leaps of pure faith truthtards take on a regular basis in order to justify their conclusions are ludicrous and almost always end up with facts being ignored for the sake of the fantasy.

When you believe the fantasy DESPITE the facts, maybe it is time to see a professional.
"Conspiracy Theory" is the dance the people who believe everything the government says do.

This is a cheap copout by those who can't defend their own theories, yet wish to give themselves a pat on the back for being so "enlightened".

Here's a clue Tinmore, I rarely believe what the government tells me at face value. Most of the people here mocking truthers don't believe what the government tells them at face value. But we DO look at all the facts and come to a logical conclusion. The fantastic leaps of pure faith truthtards take on a regular basis in order to justify their conclusions are ludicrous and almost always end up with facts being ignored for the sake of the fantasy.

When you believe the fantasy DESPITE the facts, maybe it is time to see a professional.

So, what do you think of someone like Sibel Edmonds?
"Conspiracy Theory" is the dance the people who believe everything the government says do.

This is a cheap copout by those who can't defend their own theories, yet wish to give themselves a pat on the back for being so "enlightened".

Here's a clue Tinmore, I rarely believe what the government tells me at face value. Most of the people here mocking truthers don't believe what the government tells them at face value. But we DO look at all the facts and come to a logical conclusion. The fantastic leaps of pure faith truthtards take on a regular basis in order to justify their conclusions are ludicrous and almost always end up with facts being ignored for the sake of the fantasy.

When you believe the fantasy DESPITE the facts, maybe it is time to see a professional.

So, what do you think of someone like Sibel Edmonds?

I see someone who had a legitimate case which was checked out and found to be true. Then she went off the deep end and pretended all kinds of wacky shit like she, as a translator for a handful of months, found evidence of high ranked government officials trading nuclear secrets. Why? So she can make a living off of simpletons that believe her far fetched stories.

Look. This is really quite simple.

The government isn't this huge all powerful borg like boogeyman you people make them out to be. They're not NEARLY good enough at ANY level to pull off an operation like 9/11 and keep it hidden from prying eyes. Hell, they can't even keep their secrets away from Wikileaks for Christ's sake! Yet you would have everyone believe a conspiracy involving thousands has been kept perfectly secret for almost a decade now from a government that can't even get out of its own way most of the time. More importantly, the government isn't made up of borg like creatures all with one mind and one goal. They're people, and most of them are only out for themselves, not the government. If you don't believe me, go see your government at work at ANY level. You will see the most dysfunctional group of people you can possibly imagine.

Actually, I agree with you. We know less about the human psyche than any other aspect of human life, and what we know isn't a given from person to person. However, it is hard to debate that some drugs have helped some people with serious mental problems. There is no silver bullet, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Basically......its a neurological fcukk up!!!

Conspiracy Theories Explained | Psychology Today

The setting screws on these people are such that psycholgists refer to it as "biased deductive logic"—a top-down effort to explain the feeling that everything seems important. The cognitive parts of a schizophrenic's brain create the paranoid tale in an effort to explain the constant red alert blaring from the dopamine circuits, using any stimuli available.

I never get private messages from board members on these forums.........and Im universally hated due to my expansive use of gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics. But the conspiracy k00ks? I get PM's from them all the time if I dont conform with their spectacular explanation of things.

Having worked in the field of autism for 25 years, I see alot of OCD stuff and am part of a team that recommends pharmachological aids that make HUGE differeces in peoples lives. Essentially, the medication facilitates thinking that gets them past this ruminatiuon of thoughts activity.

So for all the people what cant get past the 9/11, JFK et. al. shit.........I highly recommend this stuff..............


Seriously.........its real good shit with minimal side effects. Stuff facilitates a more meaningful life for people who's brain pathology just doesnt allow for anything but what psychologists refer to as gerbil wheel thinking.

Anyway......visitors compelled to visit this forum all the time really should do themselves a favor and check it out..............

so in your delusional world there are no conspiracy ?
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

Actually, I agree with you. We know less about the human psyche than any other aspect of human life, and what we know isn't a given from person to person. However, it is hard to debate that some drugs have helped some people with serious mental problems. There is no silver bullet, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Psychiatry has nothing to do with the psyche itself. That would be psychology.

Psychiatry is junk 'science'. It pretends to treat 'chemical imbalances' when in the overwhelming majority if cases the only imbalance to be detected is the one caused by the drug.

Exceptions include epilepsy- generally treated as a medical, not as a psychiatric condition.
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...

You sound confused.
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...

You sound confused.

Did the story change again? Are they no longer claiming AQ hijacked four planes and hit the WTC and the pentagon?

Did they change the story on what part of the Pentagon was hit?
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...

I always get a chuckle when truthtards consider hitting one out of five sides of the Pentagon as proof of a conspiracy. :lol: You have better odds of hitting the "reinforced side" of the pentagon than you do of correctly calling the roll of a die.

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