The psychology of "conspiracy theories"!!!

This is a cheap copout by those who can't defend their own theories, yet wish to give themselves a pat on the back for being so "enlightened".

Here's a clue Tinmore, I rarely believe what the government tells me at face value. Most of the people here mocking truthers don't believe what the government tells them at face value. But we DO look at all the facts and come to a logical conclusion. The fantastic leaps of pure faith truthtards take on a regular basis in order to justify their conclusions are ludicrous and almost always end up with facts being ignored for the sake of the fantasy.

When you believe the fantasy DESPITE the facts, maybe it is time to see a professional.

So, what do you think of someone like Sibel Edmonds?

I see someone who had a legitimate case which was checked out and found to be true. Then she went off the deep end and pretended all kinds of wacky shit like she, as a translator for a handful of months, found evidence of high ranked government officials trading nuclear secrets. Why? So she can make a living off of simpletons that believe her far fetched stories.

Look. This is really quite simple.

The government isn't this huge all powerful borg like boogeyman you people make them out to be. They're not NEARLY good enough at ANY level to pull off an operation like 9/11 and keep it hidden from prying eyes. Hell, they can't even keep their secrets away from Wikileaks for Christ's sake! Yet you would have everyone believe a conspiracy involving thousands has been kept perfectly secret for almost a decade now from a government that can't even get out of its own way most of the time. More importantly, the government isn't made up of borg like creatures all with one mind and one goal. They're people, and most of them are only out for themselves, not the government. If you don't believe me, go see your government at work at ANY level. You will see the most dysfunctional group of people you can possibly imagine.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Sibel Edmonds Documentary - Kill The Messenger‬‏[/ame]

10 years from now the same lame-asss stories will be perpetuated by the same people who have setting screw issues.......although the stories might get a little more fantstic I would imagine. But still........nobody will care.

But hey..........people have to get their entertainment from someplace I suppose, so if these folks are going to provide it free of charge for our personal benefit...........amen.
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You have to discuss every conspiracy on it's own merits. I think a discussion about Pearl Harbor is always a legitimate topic and I think the government threw out the "grassy knoll" stuff to distract people about the Kennedy Assassination A rational person has to conclude that the 9-11 conspiracy is politically motivated and Clinton defenders are probably behind it. How could the 7 month old Bush administration create the destruction of the WTC when we know for a fact that the 9-11 hijackers were in flight school during the Clinton administration? My own conspiracy theory is that the Clintonites threw out all this chemical analysis and theory about a separate explosion in order to throw us off the rational conclusion that most of the Clinton administration should have been indicted for criminal negligence.
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Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...

Hey JB...........did you know these things have a gold ticket in them??


5 in all sweetie.............

Want to go to Wonka's candy factory? The more you buy, the better the chances..........

You have to discuss every conspiracy on it's own merits. I think a discussion about Pearl Harbor is always a legitimate topic and I think the government threw out the "grassy knoll" stuff to distract people about the Kennedy Assassination A rational person has to conclude that the 9-11 conspiracy is politically motivated and Clinton defenders are probably behind it. How could the 7 month old Bush administration create the destruction of the WTC when we know for a fact that the 9-11 hijackers were in flight school during the Clinton administration? My own conspiracy theory is that the Clintonites threw out all this chemical analysis and theory about a separate explosion in order to throw us off the rational conclusion that most of the Clinton administration should have been indicted for criminal negligence.

there is only one party in reality...Obama represents the same interest and agenda as Bush but uses slightly different rhetoric
thats some of the lamest shit ever ...I am actually embarrassed for you and your flailing attempt a

Hey know what this is????.......................


Its Mr. Potato Head's shoes.........found in downtown Manhattan on 9/12/01. He is still a suspect. You should check it out............
It took what, forty years before they admitted to MK-ULTRA, ARTICHOKE, BLUE BOOK, and other misdeeds?

How long did it take for them to admit the Gulf of Tonkin hoax? And people still believe it.

They've had what, three stories about 9-11? And 0 explanations for building 7.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

Status: operational success

How could the 7 month old Bush administration

You really think Bush was the head of anything? Look into the Secretary of Defense and his relations to the companies that cleaned up after 9/11 and to the agencies with old ties to OBL.

AQ was always an asset- a tool of those in power.

British intelligence paid large sums of money to an al-Qaeda cell in Libya in a doomed attempt to assassinate Colonel Gadaffi in 1996 and thwarted early attempts to bring Osama bin Laden to justice.
MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden' | Politics | The Observer
A senior al-Qaeda leader is reportedly being looked after by British intelligence at a safe house in northern England
BBC NEWS | UK | Britain 'sheltering al-Qaeda leader'

create the destruction of the WTC when we know for a fact that the 9-11 hijackers were in flight school during the Clinton administration? My own conspiracy theory is that the Clintonites threw out all this chemical analysis and theory about a separate explosion in order to throw us off the rational conclusion that most of the Clinton administration should have been indicted for criminal negligence.[/quote]
Conspiracy theories are a fun diversion for the bored, the confused, and the guilty who have not been caught yet.

So about Bush's theory that a bunch of crazed extremists with box cutters conspired to outwit the U.S. militarry, travel undetected for half an hour, and strike the pentagon itself on the one side that had just been reinforced and was nearly empty after a man recognized as a shit pilot pulled off a near-impossible aeronautical maneuver in a massive jet with disappearing engines...

Hey JB...........did you know these things have a gold ticket in them??


5 in all sweetie.............

Want to go to Wonka's candy factory? The more you buy, the better the chances..........


So you're saying my Bush's theory is a fantasy like your beloved movie?

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