The Poor & Poverty: Is the Right right?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The Right is usually Wrong, so we had 911, two wars, the Gulf Slick, failed economy, etc.

My question is about poverty. Are the Right correct this time, that we should forget the poor and homeless, or is this just another Right being Wrong issue? What would happen to the poor and rich in America if we eliminated all social programs tomorrow? Would it end up costing us more, or less?

I ask because the prisons are already filled with Americans who wanted more, not less out of life. And it is logical the poor are going to eat and have other human needs they want fulfilled.

On the other hand the rich would have more money in their pockets to invest in themselves, but not necessarily in jobs or products. They don't tell us why they want so much money they can never spend it in a lifetime or a thousand generations of their offspring. Perhaps if they did it would be easier to understand why dumping the poor is such a good idea afterall. And why the Right might be Right on this issue.
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IMHO its a matter of fairness. The rich, those being the top 10% of incomes that own 90% of everything generally only worry about getting richer, and how to fuck the other 90% over to get richer. The latest outrage is moving 14,000 factories overseas, AND building another 100,000 or so new factories overseas instead of here in the US. Its easier than dealing with the unions and environmentalists. So the 90% of have-nots get smaller buckets of rice, and the rich still sell their foreign made products, which the rest of us need to buy, since thats all there is in stores...foreign made goods. Then the rich outsource other service jobs and their stocks keep making money as the poor lose their houses and dignity.
So the Right and Left are both wrong, since they don't help everyone by creating good jobs here, then tax revenue suffers and the pols look like morons (which they are).
Government does not give you all of what you want.

Yes, exactly, and there are millions in poverty, poor, homeless, etc. to prove you are right. And with all the lobbyists it is clear that even when you are wealthy the government doesn't give you everything they want. It just isn't going to happen.
Maybe part of the problem is a trade inbalance,Our products sold over seas may have a tariff where stuff from China does not.Try to catch Donald Trump some time when He's on TV he will give you an earful about doing business with China.Will Obama ever confront China about this .....Not when China is holding the bill to Obama's credit card.
IMHO its a matter of fairness. The rich, those being the top 10% of incomes that own 90% of everything generally only worry about getting richer, and how to fuck the other 90% over to get richer. The latest outrage is moving 14,000 factories overseas, AND building another 100,000 or so new factories overseas instead of here in the US. Its easier than dealing with the unions and environmentalists. So the 90% of have-nots get smaller buckets of rice, and the rich still sell their foreign made products, which the rest of us need to buy, since thats all there is in stores...foreign made goods. Then the rich outsource other service jobs and their stocks keep making money as the poor lose their houses and dignity.
So the Right and Left are both wrong, since they don't help everyone by creating good jobs here, then tax revenue suffers and the pols look like morons (which they are).

So do you think we should abandon all social programs for the poor? You can't change the rich getting richer, or unions, or environmentalists, but you can change taking care of the poor, the unemployed and welfare social programs. You can end them, but what will be the result of that action? Will it make America richer or poorer, or what? Is the Right right??
Maybe part of the problem is a trade inbalance,Our products sold over seas may have a tariff where stuff from China does not.Try to catch Donald Trump some time when He's on TV he will give you an earful about doing business with China.Will Obama ever confront China about this .....Not when China is holding the bill to Obama's credit card.

So how does this affect taking care of poverty so less taxes are paid and the rich can get richer?
Interesting day for me today....A radio host asked people who have been unemployed for some time now to call in and to let the audience in on how it's possible for a person to collect an unemployment check for 99 weeks and not get a job in all this time....

The answer from the first three callers was......

They will REALLY start to look for work when the benefits run out and they will have no choice but to get some type of employment.

It made no sense to them to get a job where they will have to pay taxes when they can stay at home and collect a check.

Nice huh?

The show was WABC AM radio in NY....
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Interesting day for me today....A radio host asked people who have been unemployed for some time now to call in and to let the audience in on how it's possible for a person to collect an unemployment check for 99 weeks and not get a job in all this time....

The answer from the first three callers was......

They will REALLY start to look for work when the benefits run out and they will have no choice but to get some type of employment.

It made no sense to them to get a job where they will have to pay taxes when they can stay at home and collect a check.

Nice huh?

The show was WABC AM radio in NY....

Damn straight. Nobody on unemployment benefits 99 weeks would find a job after 199 weeks of 299 weeks.
I heard Ed Shultz tonight on MSNBC saying we need to extend the unemployment benefits for the 99ers
he calls them, right away and then get to work as soon as possible to start the talks to extend them again....

How,please excuse me folks I am pissed about this....How F u _ _ ing long are we going to have to extend these benefits/hand outs to people who are fine with just staying home and collecting a check.

The argument big fat head Ed had tonight was every dollar given to the unemployed translates into a $2.00 bang for the buck explosion of money spent into the economy and cutting off the benefit now will stop the economy from recovering.....

Interesting day for me today....A radio host asked people who have been unemployed for some time now to call in and to let the audience in on how it's possible for a person to collect an unemployment check for 99 weeks and not get a job in all this time....

The answer from the first three callers was......

They will REALLY start to look for work when the benefits run out and they will have no choice but to get some type of employment.

It made no sense to them to get a job where they will have to pay taxes when they can stay at home and collect a check.

Nice huh?

The show was WABC AM radio in NY....

So you think if we cut the social benefits everybody will go back to work and that will solve the poor poverty problems in America? What would be the result of cutting off all these millions of people? Are you saying jobs? Because corporate America isn't hiring them, so is there another country to hire them?
The rich don't have enough money, even if you confiscated it all, to prevent poverty.

I agree, it is a losing battle, so why do we waste our money that way instead of ending all social programs? What would be the impact if we stop supporting all of them?
The Right is usually Wrong, so we had 911, two wars, the Gulf Slick, failed economy, etc.

My question is about poverty. Are the Right correct this time, that we should forget the poor and homeless, or is this just another Right being Wrong issue? What would happen to the poor and rich in America if we eliminated all social programs tomorrow? Would it end up costing us more, or less?

I ask because the prisons are already filled with Americans who wanted more, not less out of life. And it is logical the poor are going to eat and have other human needs they want fulfilled.

On the other hand the rich would have more money in their pockets to invest in themselves, but not necessarily in jobs or products. They don't tell us why they want so much money they can never spend it in a lifetime or a thousand generations of their offspring. Perhaps if they did it would be easier to understand why dumping the poor is such a good idea afterall. And why the Right might be Right on this issue.

And what do you do personally for the poor and poverty stricken? I have asked you this many times and you always ignore the question. Or do you just like to complain?
The Right is usually Wrong, so we had 911, two wars, the Gulf Slick, failed economy, etc.

My question is about poverty. Are the Right correct this time, that we should forget the poor and homeless, or is this just another Right being Wrong issue? What would happen to the poor and rich in America if we eliminated all social programs tomorrow? Would it end up costing us more, or less?

I ask because the prisons are already filled with Americans who wanted more, not less out of life. And it is logical the poor are going to eat and have other human needs they want fulfilled.

On the other hand the rich would have more money in their pockets to invest in themselves, but not necessarily in jobs or products. They don't tell us why they want so much money they can never spend it in a lifetime or a thousand generations of their offspring. Perhaps if they did it would be easier to understand why dumping the poor is such a good idea afterall. And why the Right might be Right on this issue.

Exactly how can you blame any political party for a terrorist attack? Its ignorant for you to think you can just throw money at people whom often have little intelligent spending knowledge. Whether you give one dollar or all of your money to the poor, in the end you will still be the one sitting on your computer saying, "look at these helpless people lets help them. Its much easier said than done. Don't argue with ignorant statements, argue with facts.
Well if you are a Liberal what you do is scream for the government to confiscate the ill gotten gains that the evil filthy rich have stolen.Well how else do you explain how they they got rich in the first place.There is no way that any of them ever worked a second job or went to school at night or worked weekends when their buddies were sleeping it off after drinking all night.

Tired of the victim mentality here folks.

All I know is the Republicans have not stopped the extension yet again.All they want is the President to do is come up with the funds to pay for it like use the unspent stimulus money that is left.God knows it's not doing what they promised it would do anyway.
IMHO its a matter of fairness. The rich, those being the top 10% of incomes that own 90% of everything generally only worry about getting richer, and how to fuck the other 90% over to get richer. The latest outrage is moving 14,000 factories overseas, AND building another 100,000 or so new factories overseas instead of here in the US. Its easier than dealing with the unions and environmentalists. So the 90% of have-nots get smaller buckets of rice, and the rich still sell their foreign made products, which the rest of us need to buy, since thats all there is in stores...foreign made goods. Then the rich outsource other service jobs and their stocks keep making money as the poor lose their houses and dignity.
So the Right and Left are both wrong, since they don't help everyone by creating good jobs here, then tax revenue suffers and the pols look like morons (which they are).

So do you think we should abandon all social programs for the poor? You can't change the rich getting richer, or unions, or environmentalists, but you can change taking care of the poor, the unemployed and welfare social programs. You can end them, but what will be the result of that action? Will it make America richer or poorer, or what? Is the Right right??

so, your answer is now and always will be punish the hard working success stories in favor of the poor. you are a wannabe robin in da hood right?
I find it hilarious that the whole idea of modern socialism, which i find many liberals arguing for these days, is simply asking for more money for themselves. How convenient that while in the process of "helping the poor" they also notice a decrease in their tax bracket

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