*Hey Lets Plugs This Bittie Wiki Leak: Whats The Rush?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Funny how these files were even able to accessed?
2. Anyone wonder this as I do?
3. Could be a political reason these leaks have occured.
4. Shit like this doesn't just happen, and keep happenning.
5. This is the second leak, now the first was bad enough, now this one.
6. Hummm,...I think some one is getting thrown under the bus with all these leaks!
7. What say you?
8. Link and sample:US cuts access to files as Interpol seeks Assange - Yahoo! News

"WASHINGTON – The government scrambled Tuesday to prevent future spills of U.S. secrets like the embarrassing WikiLeaks' disclosures, while officials pondered possible criminal prosecutions and Interpol in Europe sent out a "red notice" for nations to be on the lookout for the website's founder.

Interpol placed Julian Assange on its most-wanted list after Sweden issued an arrest warrant against him as part of a drawn-out rape probe — involving allegations Assange has denied. The Interpol alert is likely to make international travel more difficult for Assange, whose whereabouts are publicly unknown.

In Washington, the State Department severed its computer files from the government's classified network, officials said, as U.S. and world leaders tried to clean up from the leak that sent America's sensitive documents onto computer screens around the globe."

9. Oh some body knows where he is, they just ain't telling,...yet.:lol:

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Sorry about that,
1. Wow, this is actually a semi-intelligent post from you that hit a few nails on the head.
2. I'm impressed.
3. So impressed that I won't actually neg you this time around.

The US government has some of the best analysts in the world and can locate much crazier things than wikileaks, something else is going on
Revere do you mind further explaining exactly what you mean, I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say
It just amazes me that the site hasn't been removed on the grounds of national security

Let them remove it, and whats next? If my memory serves me right, I believe average Americans were considered security risks not so long ago.

If they shut down that site on the grounds of national security, they will go after others.
I dont trust them.... not for one second!

They want us to demamnd it be removed..... they want to come to our rescue.

I say they figure out how to keep these things from being leaked to sites like Wikistinks in the 1st place.

They also need to hang the Manning fag ASAP. He is a treasonous POS and needs to made an example of.
Sorry bout that,

1. Funny how these files were even able to accessed?
2. Anyone wonder this as I do?
3. Could be a political reason these leaks have occured.
4. Shit like this doesn't just happen, and keep happenning.
5. This is the second leak, now the first was bad enough, now this one.
6. Hummm,...I think some one is getting thrown under the bus with all these leaks!
7. What say you?
8. Link and sample:US cuts access to files as Interpol seeks Assange - Yahoo! News

"WASHINGTON – The government scrambled Tuesday to prevent future spills of U.S. secrets like the embarrassing WikiLeaks' disclosures, while officials pondered possible criminal prosecutions and Interpol in Europe sent out a "red notice" for nations to be on the lookout for the website's founder.

Interpol placed Julian Assange on its most-wanted list after Sweden issued an arrest warrant against him as part of a drawn-out rape probe — involving allegations Assange has denied. The Interpol alert is likely to make international travel more difficult for Assange, whose whereabouts are publicly unknown.

In Washington, the State Department severed its computer files from the government's classified network, officials said, as U.S. and world leaders tried to clean up from the leak that sent America's sensitive documents onto computer screens around the globe."

9. Oh some body knows where he is, they just ain't telling,...yet.:lol:


This is the third major series of leaks distributed by wikileaks after 1000s of smaller leaks were posted on their site.

This and the previous big leaks of Iraq and Afghanistan war reports were all vetted by the WH, DOD and several prestigious news orgs.

And in all three cases they were far less controversial in actual content than their reception in the MSM would have us believe.

You should be wondering what intelligence orgs are behind wikileaks at this point. They appear to be more a tool of the military intelligence community than a thorn in the side of......

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has positioned himself as a left-wing whistleblower whose life mission is to call the United States to task for the evil it has wreaked throughout the world. But after poring through the diplomatic cables revealed via the site yesterday, one might easily wonder if Assange isn’t instead a clandestine agent of Dick Cheney and Bibi Netanyahu; whether his muckraking website isn’t part of a Likudnik plot to provoke an attack on Iran; and if PFC Bradley Manning, who allegedly uploaded 250,000 classified documents to Wikileaks, is actually a Lee Harvey Oswald-like neocon patsy.

Deadly Fictions - by Lee Smith > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life
Uh oh! Largest leak of information of a super power in human history!

Fox Flooze!

Make things up and remain on the air? No. *snickers*


Knew it in your gut!

Don't trust the gubment!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry about that,
1. Wow, this is actually a semi-intelligent post from you that hit a few nails on the head.
2. I'm impressed.
3. So impressed that I won't actually neg you this time around.


1. I was so getting use to getting the *neg rep* from you.
2. Why stop now?
3. I've been making great posts every since I came back.
4. I think you are just now getting used to my style.
5. SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I Understand the CWN Style!!)
6. LOL!!!!!:lol::lol:

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