The Plot to Steal the Nomination from Trump...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Pittsburgh a total fantasy, created by the Trumpsters to create the illusion that the average Republicans want Trump. But the reality is quite different. The relevant facts are as follows:

About a third of actual Republicans want Trump as the nominee. 2/3 want a real Republican. In some of the primaries, where Democrats and independents were allowed to vote, it appeared that Trump was doing better, but this was a false impression.

One-on-one, either Cruz or Kasich would easily beat Trump, as would Rubio and several others.

Trump is the worst possible nominee. He is virtually the only one who could manage to lose to HRC in the general election..

Trump will not have the necessary votes going into the convention, and after the first ballot, he will fade into nothingness. At that point, the delegates will be free to nominate a real republican. There is nothing dishonest, devious, or inappropriate about it.
Trump also quite likely has malignant narcissistic personality disorder. An affliction some scholars believe that Caligula had also. They have infantile reactions to small or imagined slights, an immature personality and a highly vindictive nature, among other things. He is not mentally fit to be president. He bullied his way into real estate, taking no prisoners. If president, he would have our nuclear arsenal at his fingertips. a total fantasy, created by the Trumpsters to create the illusion that the average Republicans want Trump. But the reality is quite different. The relevant facts are as follows:

About a third of actual Republicans want Trump as the nominee. 2/3 want a real Republican. In some of the primaries, where Democrats and independents were allowed to vote, it appeared that Trump was doing better, but this was a false impression.

One-on-one, either Cruz or Kasich would easily beat Trump, as would Rubio and several others.

Trump is the worst possible nominee. He is virtually the only one who could manage to lose to HRC in the general election..

Trump will not have the necessary votes going into the convention, and after the first ballot, he will fade into nothingness. At that point, the delegates will be free to nominate a real republican. There is nothing dishonest, devious, or inappropriate about it.

Trump also quite likely has malignant narcissistic personality disorder. An affliction some scholars believe that Caligula had also. They have infantile reactions to small or imagined slights, an immature personality and a highly vindictive nature, among other things. He is not mentally fit to be president. He bullied his way into real estate, taking no prisoners. If president, he would have our nuclear arsenal at his fingertips.

Trump has imploded, just like Ross Perot did. Even many of his supporters are now upset they voted for him in the primaries. The only very bad thing is--------> the establishment will have their way, and will probably lose the general; although, Trump would lose it to if he got that far.

I really hate to say it, but unless something miraculous happens, another Democrat is going to be elected, probably HRC. The numbers show this just on the female vote, because they despise Trump, and Trump supporters forgot that the objective was to defeat the Democrat, so they are going to take their ball and bat and go home if their guy isn't the nominee, AKA, Ron Paul. What Pauls supporters did by doing what they did, was give us a 2nd term of Obama. Trump supporters, will give us a 3rd term of him, or a 1st term of the Marxist, Bernie.

I can show how the GOP candidate can lose big in every minority category, and still win the general election because of how minorities are not concentrated enough except in California, New York, and Illinois to make the GOP lose. But what I can't do, is find a path for the GOP nominee to win if he loses women. Women are the biggest voting bloc in the country, and while they do not like HRC, they downright despise Trump.

While politics changes daily by what new information the media gives out, The Donald has screwed himself terribly since the next to last debate. The steam has left his campaign, faster than a boiler with a hole in it, and it is women who have made this determination. The GOP is going to lose this election, unless something extraordinary happens, and I wouldn't bet on that if I was any of you. Is it impossible to win? No! But with the GOP at each others throats, and the leading candidate having no path in the general, we all have to be real, and understand that it is going to be a Democrat.........a Socialist, or a Marxist. I would believe it is over, were it not for it being HRC. Still, I no longer see a path with Trump, and his supporters threaten to take their ball and go home, ala Ron Paul.

Very, very, depressing, if I do say so myself!

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