NC 3rd District Republican Convention


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
Were any of you at the North Carolina 3rd District Republican Convention today?

Geez! Today we seen more Don Quixote Tea Party style nonsense. Don Quixote (Walter Jones) himself was present. He made sure we know how much he loved God. He wasn't as outspoken about his disloyalty towards the republican party today. Perhaps he saves that for non-election years. Just because Walter didn't give his typical spiel about how bad the republican party is didn't stop a bunch of nut jobs from displaying their open defiance to the party.

Here is the title of a resolution brought forth by Craven County:

"Resolution of No Confidence of Kim Cotten-West".

Kim Cotten-West is the Chairman of the North Carolina 3rd District Republican Party. Can you get any more disloyal than that? Congratulations Democrats. You win and to be honest you probably deserve to win if we are your opponents. We just attempted to take out the head coach.

It's no surprise that we keep re-electing Don Quixote. We are just a bunch of renegade heroes with no sense of reality. If everything isn't perfect then we should destroy each other. Yes. That makes perfect sense. Who cares about being effective as long as we are right?
Hasan’s Thoughts –

Dear Republican,

I hate that this internal conflict has boiled over and gone public. I have tried for many weeks to get this resolved privately. My name and reputation have been attacked. I am a volunteer Chairman. I sacrifice my time, honor, and fortune for this party. I want nothing more than it to grow and be a successful organization.

I have been met with opposition from the day I was elected. People have been scheming and working against me, but I am not going to sit down and shut up. The establishment wants to limit involvement in our party and shut out the grassroots so it is easier to control.

The current defamation of my character started with a dispute over who ptxhas authority under the Plan of Organization to set the delegate fees. The Plan of Organization authorizes me to call the convention. A reasonable person would assume a call to any meeting includes time, location, and cost. My call to the convention did just that.

As a candidate for state chairman, I pledged to lower and eliminate the business session delegate fees. I am a man of my word, and I will fight for ALL Republicans no matter if they are rich or poor. In an effort to make me a liar, the Central Committee tried to raise the fee from $75 to $90. The Central Committee made a “recommendation” for the fee to be $90. All Central Committee meetings are recorded for secretarial purposes. I ask that the discussion over the $90 “recommendation” be released to the Executive Committee so that they can hear the truth for themselves. It was a recommendation. They do not have the authority to set the fees and have never in our party history set the fees.

After I called the convention, Dallas Woodhouse the Executive Director without any authority to do so kicked me out of the databases, website, and my own email. That is when things went public. I tried for many days to resolve these disputes internally, but Woodhouse refused. After being shut out of the databases, website, and my own email, Vice Chairwoman Michele Nix and I were contacted by Ken Robol the website coordinator for the 3rd district NC GOP telling us that he can “hack” into the website. As shown in the attached PowerPoint, I did not solicit the hacking of the NC GOP website, and I never ordered anyone to hack into the website.

After text message conversations (see screenshots) with Ken Robol, Robol immediately went to Tom Stark NC GOP General Counsel to make a statement saying I ordered him to hack the NC GOP website. Ironically, the organizer of the Central Committee meeting to censure me was Kim Cotten West, the 3rd district Chairwoman, the same district where Ken Robol resides.

I repeat, I never solicited nor ordered the website to be hacked.

All of the emails, screenshots of conversations, and details are listed in the attached PowerPoint.

I hope that we can move past this. I pray for Dallas Woodhouse and the Central Committee. Even with the extreme untrue allegations against me, I still believe we are all on the same team. The truth must be released, and the public can decide for themselves.

Hasan Harnett

Attached PowerPoint Presentation (in PDF format)

Note: Chairman Harnett’s PowerPoint presentation has been converted to PDF for quicker downloading and easier viewing. – Webmaster
Michele Nix - Statement on the Resignation of District 1... | Facebook

I guess the 1st District had more of the same.

From: "Garry Terry" < >
Date: Mar 30, 2016 11:12 AM
Subject: just so the fact are out
To: "Garry Terry" < >

I want to thank everyone who has supported me over the years – your confidence in me is humbling and has meant a great deal.
It is difficult to pen the words that I’m about to write but those of you who know me recognize that I stand on a rock solid foundation and that when I speak, it is with conviction.

Effective immediately, I resign as First District Chairman.

It has been a struggle to witness a completely unqualified person attempt to lead the state party as chairman.
It has been equally frustrating dealing with a vice chairman who cannot control her anger.
It has become an increasingly hostile environment and simply no fun anymore.
Their talk of unity is but a joke, yet to be realized by many.
They purport to lead, but since day one the chairman has continually and publically demonized the Central Committee.
The vice chairman has also made public statements degrading the Central Committee.
The goal was to focus hate on us and it has worked well for them to achieve their selfish goals.
The two of them have caused much divisiveness and anger in the Party.
The public humiliation of the NC GOP in the press by the chairman and an earlier email exchange with the vice chairman have caused me to make this decision, which I think is in the best interest of the Party.

Very simply put, I will not be led by fools.

Both the chairman and vice chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party should resign or be removed from office.

Garry Terry
What was the point of the convention today?

To elect delegates to send to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That's all we were supposed to do today. Craven County brought this nonsense to the convention for consideration. After 2 hours of discussion these foolish resolutions were tabled indefinitely. I left before it was over but I doubt they took them off the table.

The Convention was scheduled to be over at 1:00pm. I left at 3:55pm but I think it was about over by then. I could be wrong. They could have discussed those divisive resolutions for another hour or two.
What was the point of the convention today?

To elect delegates to send to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That's all we were supposed to do today. Craven County brought this nonsense to the convention for consideration. After 2 hours of discussion these foolish resolutions were tabled indefinitely. I left before it was over but I doubt they took them off the table.

The Convention was scheduled to be over at 1:00pm. I left at 3:55pm but I think it was about over by then. I could be wrong. They could have discussed those divisive resolutions for another hour or two.
Ah. Did Trump get screwed in NC like they were trying to do in Tennessee today?
What was the point of the convention today?

To elect delegates to send to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That's all we were supposed to do today. Craven County brought this nonsense to the convention for consideration. After 2 hours of discussion these foolish resolutions were tabled indefinitely. I left before it was over but I doubt they took them off the table.

The Convention was scheduled to be over at 1:00pm. I left at 3:55pm but I think it was about over by then. I could be wrong. They could have discussed those divisive resolutions for another hour or two.
Ah. Did Trump get screwed in NC like they were trying to do in Tennessee today?

It sure appeared that way. We elected 3 delegates and 3 alternates.

2 out of the 3 delegates were openly Cruz supporters. Donald Trump supporters are the silent majority. Trump supporters are taking his nomination for granted. The Cruz supporters were loud and proud today. They nominated lots of delegates just in case. Cruz supporters are well organized and even 'militant' for lack of a better word. Remember, Donald Trump said he loved the uneducated. Trump's voter base must not know how presidential candidates are elected. Mitt Romney could become the Republican nominee for President. Your next door neighbor can become the Republican nominee for President. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz supporters have rushed all the Republican Conventions. The Tea Party nuts are well entrenched in the Republican party by now. They look like full blown Republicans already. The Cruz supporters wear better masks than the Ron Paul radicals that were so easy to spot.

I think Trump got screwed at the North Carolina 3rd District Convention today.
What was the point of the convention today?

To elect delegates to send to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. That's all we were supposed to do today. Craven County brought this nonsense to the convention for consideration. After 2 hours of discussion these foolish resolutions were tabled indefinitely. I left before it was over but I doubt they took them off the table.

The Convention was scheduled to be over at 1:00pm. I left at 3:55pm but I think it was about over by then. I could be wrong. They could have discussed those divisive resolutions for another hour or two.
Ah. Did Trump get screwed in NC like they were trying to do in Tennessee today?

It sure appeared that way. We elected 3 delegates and 3 alternates.

2 out of the 3 delegates were openly Cruz supporters. Donald Trump supporters are the silent majority. Trump supporters are taking his nomination for granted. The Cruz supporters were loud and proud today. They nominated lots of delegates just in case. Cruz supporters are well organized and even 'militant' for lack of a better word. Remember, Donald Trump said he loved the uneducated. Trump's voter base must not know how presidential candidates are elected. Mitt Romney could become the Republican nominee for President. Your next door neighbor can become the Republican nominee for President. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz supporters have rushed all the Republican Conventions. The Tea Party nuts are well entrenched in the Republican party by now. They look like full blown Republicans already. The Cruz supporters wear better masks than the Ron Paul radicals that were so easy to spot.

I think Trump got screwed at the North Carolina 3rd District Convention today.
Wow. I was a Ron Paul supporter back then so I supported this stuff LOL....paid attention to it as well. Trump had better make sure he gets enough delegates that all this shenanigans don't matter come the convention.
Wow. I was a Ron Paul supporter back then so I supported this stuff LOL....paid attention to it as well. Trump had better make sure he gets enough delegates that all this shenanigans don't matter come the convention.

Ron Paul supporters were well organized and very informed about the process. Ron Paul supporters were blocked access by pure numbers. Ted Cruz supporters are normalish in today's republican party. Ron Paul supporters were weirdos back then. If Ron Paul were 25 years younger then he could have eventually became president. If Ted Cruz loses I have a feeling that we will be seeing him for years to come. He has taken the role that Rand Paul was supposed to fill. Maybe Cruz is Ron Paul's illegitimate son.

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