The pharmaceutical company that distributes the EpiPen is also a Clinton Foundation donor.

I can hear it now "you cant judge her because of the people that support her" LOL
I can hear it now "you cant judge her because of the people that support her" LOL
Yup, pharma companies and other corporations buy your political system all the time, this is america - the grand illusion. Kudos for the "discovery".

"The ten companies on our list operate in different industries. While one might think financial firms, tethered to the federal government by the financial crisis bailout, and defence companies, which count on billions of dollars in government contracts, would dominate the list, they do not entirely. Microsoft is on the list; so is AT&T, cable company Comcast, and film studio Dreamworks. In addition to the sums each company donated and to which political party, we also added how much these companies have spent on lobbying, which is counted separately from political donations. As tempting as it is, we did not speculate on the reasons behind the companies’ contributions"
10 Companies Making The Biggest Political Donations: 24/7 Wall St.

Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate
Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate

Drug lobby second to none
How the pharmaceutical industry gets its way in Washington
Drug lobby second to none

Big Pharma's Political Contributions
"In the 2000 election, 36% of pharmaceutical giving went to Democrats vs. 69% to Republicans and in 2004 it was 31% only to the Dems (vs. 67%). But as the 2008 presidential elections neared, the situation became more equal, with 49% of the $20 million donated to federal candidates and the parties going to the Democrats vs. 51% to Republicans. Overall that year, drug company donations to Democrats increased by $2.9 million, while those to the GOP decreased by $3.9 million."

Source: Big Pharma Political Contributions -

Now, as americans we could decide to go after the entire corrupt system, but nah, we won't. We'll continue the partisanshit and selectively call out the "other guys".

And the entire thing will go on as per usual. Which basically means, we participate in the illusion and the very thing we claim to be against.
"The pharmaceutical company that distributes the EpiPen is also a Clinton Foundation donor. The Clinton Foundation partnered with Mylan at a time when it was raising prices on the EpiPen, which had been distributed by Merck.

The name MERCK is important to know because, despite Hillary's attacks on drug companies, she took the time to meet with the CEO of Merck after it gave a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation. Also, ironically, the company partnered in 2009 with the Clinton Foundation to provide a lower-cost alternative for four HIV drugs. Clinton Foundation records show that Mylan (Merck) has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Foundation.

Other Democratic politicians are tied to Mylan. The company’s CEO, Heather Bresch, is the daughter of West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a Hillary Clinton supporter."
These epipens expire and have to be replaced every year. For me a a hornet sting or a bee sting could be certain death without the shot. They used to be thirteen dollars a piece and then went up to eighteen. About every twenty years or so it ends up I have to have a shot. All EMT emergency vehicles carry at least several of these and the hospitals too. So they have to have them replaced every year.

(D) Senator's daughter cashing in on this one.
The Senator’s Daughter Who Raised Prices on the EpiPen
These epipens expire and have to be replaced every year. For me a a hornet sting or a bee sting could be certain death without the shot. They used to be thirteen dollars a piece and then went up to eighteen. About every twenty years or so it ends up I have to have a shot. All EMT emergency vehicles carry at least several of these and the hospitals too. So they have to have them replaced every year.

(D) Senator's daughter cashing in on this one.
The Senator’s Daughter Who Raised Prices on the EpiPen
So are you suggesting that there is a very valid reason why a $13 shot now costs over $400?
Does it really cost THAT much more to make these things now?
Democrat supporter GOOD, Republican supporter BAD that's how it works in the USA.
No, just everything around the Clintons seems to be about the $$...and blaming Obamacare for a $13 injection now costing over $400 is BS!
Whoah companies value profit over everything else? Who would have imagined. That's fine but not a good idea when the business is peoples health. Seems like maybe profit should be kept out of the equation when it comes to human decency.
People call Clinton a socialist but she operates more like a greedy Republican
"The pharmaceutical company that distributes the EpiPen is also a Clinton Foundation donor. The Clinton Foundation partnered with Mylan at a time when it was raising prices on the EpiPen, which had been distributed by Merck.

The name MERCK is important to know because, despite Hillary's attacks on drug companies, she took the time to meet with the CEO of Merck after it gave a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation. Also, ironically, the company partnered in 2009 with the Clinton Foundation to provide a lower-cost alternative for four HIV drugs. Clinton Foundation records show that Mylan (Merck) has donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Foundation.

Other Democratic politicians are tied to Mylan. The company’s CEO, Heather Bresch, is the daughter of West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a Hillary Clinton supporter."

Democrat supporter GOOD, Republican supporter BAD that's how it works in the USA.
No, just everything around the Clintons seems to be about the $$...and blaming Obamacare for a $13 injection now costing over $400 is BS!

Our government sadly is corrupt to the core. Both Republican and Democratic party establishments. They have undermined the Constitutional protections that are supposed to guard against this corruption. They flat out ignore the law. Hillary walks away free from evidence that would send a common citizen to prison.
These epipens expire and have to be replaced every year. For me a a hornet sting or a bee sting could be certain death without the shot. They used to be thirteen dollars a piece and then went up to eighteen. About every twenty years or so it ends up I have to have a shot. All EMT emergency vehicles carry at least several of these and the hospitals too. So they have to have them replaced every year.

(D) Senator's daughter cashing in on this one.
The Senator’s Daughter Who Raised Prices on the EpiPen
So are you suggesting that there is a very valid reason why a $13 shot now costs over $400?
Does it really cost THAT much more to make these things now?
No justification in it at all. It is nothing more than thuggary. Lobbyist had congress approve putting these all in the schools prior to jacking the prices up. I am looking for the articles now for it as Rod was just reading to me off of his news feed.

Anyone allergic to seafood, peanuts or anything else can go into instance anaphylactic shock with just a taste of something they are allergic too. With so many children now allergic to peanuts there is a huge problem. My son is extremely allergic to seafood so one bite in a restaurant that has some sort of seafood mixed into a recipe does it to him. I believe the vaccines that used peanut oil as a carrier caused so many to become allergic to peanuts. If a child has that peanut allergy other nuts can also affect them. Medical thuggary and congress help.

ps just last week it was an emergency room trip for me as I walked right into a ground hornets nest. About forty stings before I could get into the house to have Rod help get them all off of me and out of my hair.

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