The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Burglars don't carry weapons
There was no burglary problem..

QUOTE="Canon Shooter, post: 26347277, member: 72868"]
the fact that Travis called him a n****r after he killed him

Except there's no evidence of this as grandpa had an open hot mic to 911 the entire time, no inflammatory commentary was reported until after Roddy Bryant got charged and was trying to dig out a get-out-of-jail-free card...LOL
So you're saying Travis McMichael shot him before he got around the front of the pickup truck

No. you are a liar. I’m saying that if you continue to insist that the window
smear is gunshot blast then you have to except the reality that the gunshot went off before AA went around the truck. That’s because the window smear is visible when AA runs around the truck. Now if you’re too stupid to understand that I don’t know what I can do.
your beloved Windows smear and shadow puppets aren't going to be able to dig you out of this one

Arberry was shot after he charged NOT before

you literally posted this photo and have desperately been trying to walk it back, walk it back and walk it back

first you posted this

and now you're trying to walk it back with this

I know it's a critical part for you as you're getting more and more desperate to suggest that Maude was an innocent jogger just trying to get around a vehicle and got shot for being black and within range of Travis's murderous shotgun but everybody knows the truth that he got shot for trying to grab the gun not because he was jogging while black as he innocently poked his head around the front quarter panel of a truck where a man was waiting for him in ambush....LOL

I'm surprised you didn't claim he was down on his knees with his hands up in the air screaming "please don't shoot"
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Burglars don't carry weapons
There was no burglary problem..

the fact that Travis called him a n****r after he killed him

Except there's no evidence of this as grandpa had an open hot mic to 911 the entire time, no inflammatory commentary was reported until after Roddy Bryant got charged and was trying to dig out a get-out-of-jail-free card...LOL

If Larry English says nothing had been stolen, I'm inclined to accept that.

Then again, I'm not stupid enough to think that Oprah Winfrey and Lebron James are threatening him, either.

As for your comment about my statement regarding who's more likely to be carrying weapons, you're demonstrating how much you don't know about the "street crime" you'd like us all to believe you're so familiar with.

You're nothing but a little KKK wannabe, just like your heroes, who happens to have internet access...
So you're saying Travis McMichael shot him before he got around the front of the pickup truck

No. you are a liar. I’m saying that if you continue to insist that the window
smear is gunshot blast then you have to except the reality that the gunshot went off before AA went around the truck. That’s because the window smear is visible when AA runs around the truck. Now if you’re too stupid to understand that I don’t know what I can do.
your beloved Windows smear and shadow puppets aren't going to be able to dig you out of this one

Arberry was shot after he charged NOT before

you literally posted this photo and have desperately been trying to walk it back, walk it back and walk it back

first you posted this
View attachment 443248
and now you're trying to walk it back with this
View attachment 443249

You know what the funniest part is about all of this?

You're posting as if you're some expert forensic analyst reconstructing a crime, but all anyone here sees are posts from an ignorant little douchebag...
Burglars don't carry weapons
There was no burglary problem..

the fact that Travis called him a n****r after he killed him

Except there's no evidence of this as grandpa had an open hot mic to 911 the entire time, no inflammatory commentary was reported until after Roddy Bryant got charged and was trying to dig out a get-out-of-jail-free card...LOL

If Larry English says nothing had been stolen, I'm inclined to accept that.

Then again, I'm not stupid enough to think that Oprah Winfrey and Lebron James are threatening him, either.

As for your comment about my statement regarding who's more likely to be carrying weapons, you're demonstrating how much you don't know about the "street crime" you'd like us all to believe you're so familiar with.

You're nothing but a little KKK wannabe, just like your heroes, who happens to have internet access...

are you refusing to acknowledge the fact that Larry English was calling the police and Reporting not only theft but burglary over the incidences then suspiciously recanted everything as soon as he started receiving death threats??

they literally record those 911 calls you know...

Of course I never claimed that LeBron and Oprah were "threatening anyone" but whenever a influential celebrity signs off on the ridiculous theory that this kid was targeted simply because he was jogging in the wrong neighborhood it brings idiots out of the woodwork who come up with fanciful Notions of Street crime and its consequences
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You're posting as if you're some expert forensic analyst reconstructing a crime, but all anyone here sees are posts from an ignorant little douchebag...

You have reached the point where you know you cannot refute my novice forensic analysis. But as all can see at least my analysis has a direct relationship with video captured reality, timing, and the laws of physics and motion.

Your analysis is based on racially biased bullshit.

Now you are reduced to petty insults and ignorant tantrums.
are you refusing to acknowledge the fact that Larry English was calling the police and Reporting not only theft but burglary over the incidences then suspiciously recanted everything as soon as he started receiving death threats??

Hey, I don't know that he's received death threats. You're the only one I've seen say that, and we already know you're a liar.

All I can go on is what he says now, and he says now that nothing was stolen...
are you refusing to acknowledge the fact that Larry English was calling the police and Reporting not only theft but burglary over the incidences then suspiciously recanted everything as soon as he started receiving death threats??

Hey, I don't know that he's received death threats. You're the only one I've seen say that, and we already know you're a liar.

All I can go on is what he says now, and he says now that nothing was stolen...
Yeah it's really hard to find this information...

you have to know people and know where to look like me!

You see I have an exceptional grasp on Forensic analysis... (LOL)

You're posting as if you're some expert forensic analyst reconstructing a crime, but all anyone here sees are posts from an ignorant little douchebag...

You have reached the point where you know you cannot refute my novice forensic analysis. But as all can see at least my analysis has a direct relationship with video captured reality, timing, and the laws of physics and motion.

Your analysis is based on racially biased bullshit.

Now you are reduced to petty insults and ignorant tantrums.

your shadow puppets and windscreen smudge theory is pretty powerful stuff (lol) however I have a question to ask...

are you saying this video is legitimate or has it been contaminated by special effects?

Cowardly Larry English has been receiving death threats ever since this unfortunate scenario unfolded

All he did was suffer a string of burglaries and then post the most likely candidates photo all over a social media site along with numerous other neighbors who had the same concerns about this individuals activity in their neighborhood as there were multiple things being stolen over the course of the last few months like fishing equipment and firearms

One night Larry english's camera sensor tripped his phone alert and he called his friend Diego who promptly went over there with a 911 handgun Just as Gregory McMichael arrived because his son Travis had just had a suspicious encounter with a man that looked identical to Ahmaud Arberry poking around the shadows in a neighbor's yard and fleeing when Travis noticed him, this was not long after Travis suffered a theft from his car of a handgun.

It seems to me abundantly clear that Larry English had a burglary problem at his home under construction and was comfortable asking neighbors for help in catching the culprit

In fear for his life he is now recanting everything he said prior to the social media outrage that has precipitated the violent threats against his life

Luckily some of the reports he made detailing the string of burglaries he was suffering is documented from his 911 calls

Terroristic threatening is a very effective strategy to silence a victim, what a shame this cowardly man doesn't have the guts to stand up and admit the fact that he was being robbed by the same person who was shot that day in the unfortunate incident between the McMichaels and Ahmaud Arberry

And now after the death threats this cowardly man is singing a completely different tune

"The media have widely reported that there was only one burglary reported to the police between January and February (Arbery was shot on February 23rd) — a handgun stolen from Travis McMichael himself in early January.

But last week, Larry English, the owner of the property Arbery was filmed breaking into, told the Daily Beast that somebody had stolen $2,500 worth of fishing equipment from his waterside home under construction. He never reported it to the police.

English appears to be changing his story in a new article by Colby Itkowitz at the Washington Post. He is now parroting the claim made by Lee Merritt, attorney for the Arbery family, that nothing was ever stolen from his property.

English, who claims to be terminally ill and building the house as part of his bucket list, also added that he and his family are being bombarded with death threats and that they are afraid. A lawyer for the English family put out a statement attacking the McMichaels, stressing that Larry English was not the person who called 911 when Arbery broke into their vacation home on the same day he died while “jogging.”

It’s not hard to deduce what happened here. The sickly man was having his things stolen so people in the community who heard about it kept an eye out. Now that the system is coming down on the good Samaritans and calling them “racist,” Larry English is doing what every good bourgeois does: throwing them under the bus"
You are a liar. You cannot see exactly where TM was standing as the fist shot went off.
Actually it's extremely obvious where Travis McMichael was when the first shot went off

he was literally Airborne moving backwards reeling from the assault as is clearly depicted in this video

there's absolutely no question about the audio sync because you can clearly see the blast emanating in the upper right hand portion of the screen moving in a upward angle proving it was fired from the hip not from a shoulder aimed weapon

in fact every single shot was fired from a low angle because the gun was never aimed at him proving Travis had no intention to Fire and didn't even have time to shoulder his weapon after arbery made his ridiculous suicide charge changing directions in a 90° angle to attack Travis McMichael well before he was shot

If arbery was shot and then reacted to the attack he would have been shot in the side or his back but he was shot Square in the chest from a low angle because he was running directly at the man he planned to attack in a surprise attack scenario where the victim never had the chance to even raise his firearm

Don't you realize you're trying to defend a mentally retarded Criminal Who was hearing voices?

this kid was criminally insane

Pancake, you've proven yourself to be ineligible to offer a lucid position. You'd best wait for the trial to see for yourself what happens.

the trial means nothing

only proper application of the law with respect for civilized society

if you go creeping thru another mans home expect to be confronted and if you attack whomever confronts you they may defend themselves


^^^ an idiot admitting even he knows he's wrong.

You are a liar. You cannot see exactly where TM was standing as the fist shot went off.
Actually it's extremely obvious where Travis McMichael was when the first shot went off

he was literally Airborne moving backwards reeling from the assault as is clearly depicted in this video

there's absolutely no question about the audio sync because you can clearly see the blast emanating in the upper right hand portion of the screen moving in a upward angle proving it was fired from the hip not from a shoulder aimed weapon

in fact every single shot was fired from a low angle because the gun was never aimed at him proving Travis had no intention to Fire and didn't even have time to shoulder his weapon after arbery made his ridiculous suicide charge changing directions in a 90° angle to attack Travis McMichael well before he was shot

If arbery was shot and then reacted to the attack he would have been shot in the side or his back but he was shot Square in the chest from a low angle because he was running directly at the man he planned to attack in a surprise attack scenario where the victim never had the chance to even raise his firearm

Don't you realize you're trying to defend a mentally retarded Criminal Who was hearing voices?

this kid was criminally insane

Pancake, you've proven yourself to be ineligible to offer a lucid position. You'd best wait for the trial to see for yourself what happens.

the trial means nothing

only proper application of the law with respect for civilized society

if you go creeping thru another mans home expect to be confronted and if you attack whomever confronts you they may defend themselves


^^^ an idiot admitting even he knows he's wrong.


a powerful argument indeed...

especially with the cartoon and all!
Even though arbery was a mentally retarded Street criminal he wasn't stupid enough to go into someone else's house while on probation and not know he could be in real big trouble if the cops caught him

the fact is... he had a damn good reason to run and under these circumstances I could see how he might decide to get violent in a desperate attempt to escape the police

no experienced criminal felon on probation goes creeping in other peoples homes then runs like a theif unless they have a good reason

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You are a liar. You cannot see exactly where TM was standing as the fist shot went off.
Actually it's extremely obvious where Travis McMichael was when the first shot went off

he was literally Airborne moving backwards reeling from the assault as is clearly depicted in this video

there's absolutely no question about the audio sync because you can clearly see the blast emanating in the upper right hand portion of the screen moving in a upward angle proving it was fired from the hip not from a shoulder aimed weapon

in fact every single shot was fired from a low angle because the gun was never aimed at him proving Travis had no intention to Fire and didn't even have time to shoulder his weapon after arbery made his ridiculous suicide charge changing directions in a 90° angle to attack Travis McMichael well before he was shot

If arbery was shot and then reacted to the attack he would have been shot in the side or his back but he was shot Square in the chest from a low angle because he was running directly at the man he planned to attack in a surprise attack scenario where the victim never had the chance to even raise his firearm

Don't you realize you're trying to defend a mentally retarded Criminal Who was hearing voices?

this kid was criminally insane

Pancake, you've proven yourself to be ineligible to offer a lucid position. You'd best wait for the trial to see for yourself what happens.

the trial means nothing

only proper application of the law with respect for civilized society

if you go creeping thru another mans home expect to be confronted and if you attack whomever confronts you they may defend themselves


^^^ an idiot admitting even he knows he's wrong.


a powerful argument indeed...

especially with the cartoon and all!

No one needs more when arguing with you. Your posts are delirious.
You're posting as if you're some expert forensic analyst reconstructing a crime, but all anyone here sees are posts from an ignorant little douchebag...

You have reached the point where you know you cannot refute my novice forensic analysis. But as all can see at least my analysis has a direct relationship with video captured reality, timing, and the laws of physics and motion.

Your analysis is based on racially biased bullshit.

Now you are reduced to petty insults and ignorant tantrums.

Um, dude, check yourself. The posted you quoted is clearly in response to Guerilla, not you. I haven't been trying to refute anything. I agree with you...
You are a liar. You cannot see exactly where TM was standing as the fist shot went off.
Actually it's extremely obvious where Travis McMichael was when the first shot went off

he was literally Airborne moving backwards reeling from the assault as is clearly depicted in this video

there's absolutely no question about the audio sync because you can clearly see the blast emanating in the upper right hand portion of the screen moving in a upward angle proving it was fired from the hip not from a shoulder aimed weapon

in fact every single shot was fired from a low angle because the gun was never aimed at him proving Travis had no intention to Fire and didn't even have time to shoulder his weapon after arbery made his ridiculous suicide charge changing directions in a 90° angle to attack Travis McMichael well before he was shot

If arbery was shot and then reacted to the attack he would have been shot in the side or his back but he was shot Square in the chest from a low angle because he was running directly at the man he planned to attack in a surprise attack scenario where the victim never had the chance to even raise his firearm

Don't you realize you're trying to defend a mentally retarded Criminal Who was hearing voices?

this kid was criminally insane

Pancake, you've proven yourself to be ineligible to offer a lucid position. You'd best wait for the trial to see for yourself what happens.

the trial means nothing

only proper application of the law with respect for civilized society

if you go creeping thru another mans home expect to be confronted and if you attack whomever confronts you they may defend themselves


^^^ an idiot admitting even he knows he's wrong.


a powerful argument indeed...

especially with the cartoon and all!

No one needs more when arguing with you. Your posts are delirious.

In the world of Verbal Judo when someone resorts to personal insults and silly cartoons you've won the debate

clearly they're all out of ammunition
You're posting as if you're some expert forensic analyst reconstructing a crime, but all anyone here sees are posts from an ignorant little douchebag...

You have reached the point where you know you cannot refute my novice forensic analysis. But as all can see at least my analysis has a direct relationship with video captured reality, timing, and the laws of physics and motion.

Your analysis is based on racially biased bullshit.

Now you are reduced to petty insults and ignorant tantrums.

Um, dude, check yourself. The posted you quoted is clearly in response to Guerilla, not you. I haven't been trying to refute anything. I agree with you...
that's social justice for you next thing you know they'll be cat fighting with each other

Whenever your world ethos is steeped in fear emotions and reactionary politics you tend to be pretty explosive
As this thread winds down we can clearly see how ridiculous of a narrative the innocent black jogger turned out to be

Just like all the ridiculous narratives like "hands up don't shoot" all the BLM propaganda is designed to sucker chumps out of crowdfunding money and not much more

All one has to do is look at the YouTube chatter and it's obvious that most people were smart enough to abandon Maude not long after it became obvious that he was just a mentally retarded Petty criminal who attacked a couple guys with guns thus earning the Darwin Award of the year
You are a liar. You cannot see exactly where TM was standing as the fist shot went off.
Actually it's extremely obvious where Travis McMichael was when the first shot went off

he was literally Airborne moving backwards reeling from the assault as is clearly depicted in this video

there's absolutely no question about the audio sync because you can clearly see the blast emanating in the upper right hand portion of the screen moving in a upward angle proving it was fired from the hip not from a shoulder aimed weapon

in fact every single shot was fired from a low angle because the gun was never aimed at him proving Travis had no intention to Fire and didn't even have time to shoulder his weapon after arbery made his ridiculous suicide charge changing directions in a 90° angle to attack Travis McMichael well before he was shot

If arbery was shot and then reacted to the attack he would have been shot in the side or his back but he was shot Square in the chest from a low angle because he was running directly at the man he planned to attack in a surprise attack scenario where the victim never had the chance to even raise his firearm

Don't you realize you're trying to defend a mentally retarded Criminal Who was hearing voices?

this kid was criminally insane

Pancake, you've proven yourself to be ineligible to offer a lucid position. You'd best wait for the trial to see for yourself what happens.

the trial means nothing

only proper application of the law with respect for civilized society

if you go creeping thru another mans home expect to be confronted and if you attack whomever confronts you they may defend themselves


^^^ an idiot admitting even he knows he's wrong.


a powerful argument indeed...

especially with the cartoon and all!

No one needs more when arguing with you. Your posts are delirious.

In the world of Verbal Judo when someone resorts to personal insults and silly cartoons you've won the debate

clearly they're all out of ammunition


No worries, moron, you keep telling yourself that. You ran out of argument days ago. Meanwhile, I'll sit back with a bucket of popcorn while I watch the McMichaels rot for murdering Arbery.


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