Justice Done!

Lots of people think and believe LOTS of stupid things and oftentimes their erroneous beliefs are reinforced when our justice system gives them a pass, Kyle Rittenhouse is a case in point.

Stand your ground simply means that you have no duty to retreat before using deadly force. If someone is threatening to kill you and they're breaking through your front door or window but you can safely escape through your rear door, then WITHOUT 'Stand Your Ground', it is incumbent upon you ("required") to exercise the option to escape instead of "standing your ground" and facing the unlawful intruder who is now in your home, with deadly force.

A person who is on the other side of a locked door with no ability to reach you is not able to present an " imminent threat of grievous (serious) bodily injury or death" which is what is required before one can lawfully use deadly force against another individual(s).

So, are you claiming-with a straight face-that breaking down a typical residential door is impossible?

It doesn’t matter, legally outside the door she was no threat. To use deadly force, you need a REASONABLE belief that your life is in imminent danger. Reasonability gets to be decided by a jury sitting in a quiet snd safe jury room months or even years later.

And, of course, one hard kick will open many residential doors.
Do you happen to have a hyperlink for the video you're referencing?
Not readily available but we can do a search together using 'utube' and her name.

'Susan Lorinczp' . sp??

Maybe this will get you there?
Lots of people think and believe LOTS of stupid things and oftentimes their erroneous beliefs are reinforced when our justice system gives them a pass, Kyle Rittenhouse is a case in point.

Stand your ground simply means that you have no duty to retreat before using deadly force. If someone is threatening to kill you and they're breaking through your front door or window but you can safely escape through your rear door, then WITHOUT 'Stand Your Ground', it is incumbent upon you ("required") to exercise the option to escape instead of "standing your ground" and facing the unlawful intruder who is now in your home, with deadly force.

A person who is on the other side of a locked door with no ability to reach you is not able to present an " imminent threat of grievous (serious) bodily injury or death" which is what is required before one can lawfully use deadly force against another individual(s).
Contrary to what you think the law means, you would do better if you watched the video of the interrogation and learned about what it really is. If you choose to learn then get back to me and then we'll have something to talk about.
Owens went over to confront Lorincz at her unit. Several witnesses testified that Owens was banging on the door hard and yelling loudly and angrily.
A simple 'NO' will suffice for you.

I'll have to wait for an honest person to play the video and then comment.
So, are you claiming-with a straight face-that breaking down a typical residential door is impossible?

And, of course, one hard kick will open many residential doors.
But that’s no excuse for shooting someone through a locked door, despite what Joe Biden said. Now if she HAD kicked the door open the situation would have been different.

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