The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

In Georgia. I keep repeating this. Only the victim could claim trespassing. And the victim could do the citizens arrest. Bystanders could not. That was the Winn Dixie decision by the Appeals Court. Remember?

You have to catch the guy in the act. The only thing the McMichaels caught him doing was trying to avoid people committing felonies.

I know. You do not understand this. The lawyers representing the accused certainly do. And that is why they are pointing fingers at each other. It’s his fault not mine. I didn’t do it.
That is BULLCHIT and inaccurate.
the McMichaels had an immediate knowledge that he was a wanted criminal for the repeated trespasses on Larry Englishs property

It could be trouble for the McMichaels because Larry English is one of the world's most worthless pieces of human garbage and a complete coward who is trying to distance himself from all the things he did that inspired the neighborhood to try to catch this guy

it's very likely that Larry English tries to throw the McMichaels under the bus because he doesn't want to get any more death threats, that's why he's doing something as ridiculous as claiming nothing was stolen when there's a bunch of YouTube videos of his 911 calls detailing the things that were stolen

I think Larry English and William Roddy Bryant are a couple of complete freaking cowards and I would like to see both of them charged in this case somehow however the McMichaels did nothing wrong and we're simply responding to the information they were given in a perfectly legal and logical manner
The McMichaels were acting on immediate knowledge that English provided----which means they had the legal right to make a citizens arrest.
Bullshit. They had no right to make a citizens arrest under Georgia law. Please review your facts.
I did review the facts..I looked up Georgias laws--they had a right to make a citizens arrest of this habitual stupid criminal.
You are simply wrong. And the jury will decide it.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
its a stupid question,,,

and I stand outside with a gun all the time.. more so if I think theres a thief around,,,

you must be one of those pussies that stands there and lets people get away with anything,,,
You have shown zero evidence that they committed any felonies before Travis was attacked by the criminal.

Neither Travis McMichael or the older moron with a gun have told police that AA attacked, and grabbed the gun and thats when he shot him. So both McMichaels have told police and investigators that TM shot first and then was attacked by a wounded man.
You're simply lying again. You have zero evidence to support your idiotic contention that McMichael shot Arbery before Arbery attacked.
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TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
its a stupid question,,,

and I stand outside with a gun all the time.. more so if I think theres a thief around,,,

you must be one of those pussies that stands there and lets people get away with anything,,,
You stand around in public with a shotgun? You sound mentally unbalanced. Like McMichaels. Maybe you need a red flag law invoked.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
its a stupid question,,,

and I stand outside with a gun all the time.. more so if I think theres a thief around,,,

you must be one of those pussies that stands there and lets people get away with anything,,,
You stand around in public with a shotgun? You sound mentally unbalanced. Like McMichaels. Maybe you need a red flag law invoked.
after 50 yrs theres never been a problem,,
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
its a stupid question,,,

and I stand outside with a gun all the time.. more so if I think theres a thief around,,,

you must be one of those pussies that stands there and lets people get away with anything,,,
You stand around in public with a shotgun? You sound mentally unbalanced. Like McMichaels. Maybe you need a red flag law invoked.
after 50 yrs theres never been a problem,,
Gregory McMichael was 64. The fact that this is your retort indicates you might just be dangerous.
In any case you are stuck on stupid here and cannot justify your position beyond "he deserved to get shot" which he didnt.
TM’s lawyer asks the prosecution to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. This was the response in court:

Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.”

You have provided no evidence whatsoever that the McMichaels attempted to detain Arbery.

Sheffield is TM’s lawyer. This conversation is in court.

1:04 p.m.: Sheffield asks Dial to explain the aggravated assault charge against Travis McMichael. Dial: The charge stems from Travis McMichael pointing his shotgun at Arbery. Under questioning from Sheffield, Dial says Travis McMichael told Arbery to stop and to get on the ground before he shot him.

So you can admit you are a bigger moron that the Three White Morons With Guns who assaulted and murdered Ahmad Arberry for absolutely nothing other than jogging while black.
To stupid to grasp that they shot him because he tried to steal their gun?

do you need a picture drawn for you to get it?
You know this how? Because the video shows no such thing.
It is far more likely they threatened him with it and he lunged for it. In any case who holds a shotgun on someone who is causing them no harm? That is assault.
cops do that all the time,,
These weren't cops.
so,, and when did they hold a shotgun on him?? there wasnt time for that,,
Again you know this how? Travis was standing by the driver's fender with a shotgun. Do you imagine he had it stowed in the car? His father was standing in the truck bed with a pistol and Roddy had drawn and racked his pistol already.
you do know what "holding a shotgun on him " means dont you???

its not the same as having one in your hand,,
So do you imagine he was twirling it by the trigger guard? He had it disassembled on the hood? How would you see this?
playing make believe just proves you know your narrative is falling apart,,
You can't answer the quesiton because any answer you give shows the absurdity of what you say.
Who the hell stands around holding a shotgun in public? That is a threat. That is assault. There is literally no justification for that under those circumstances.
its a stupid question,,,

and I stand outside with a gun all the time.. more so if I think theres a thief around,,,

you must be one of those pussies that stands there and lets people get away with anything,,,
You stand around in public with a shotgun? You sound mentally unbalanced. Like McMichaels. Maybe you need a red flag law invoked.
after 50 yrs theres never been a problem,,
Gregory McMichael was 64. The fact that this is your retort indicates you might just be dangerous.
In any case you are stuck on stupid here and cannot justify your position beyond "he deserved to get shot" which he didnt.
or it means your narrative is more convoluted leftist BS,,

I never said he deserved to get shot,, in fact I was trying to show all the other options that wouldnt have got him shot,,,
You're simply lying again. You have zero evidence to support your idiotic contention that McMichael shot Arbery before Arbery attacked.

Where is your evidence that unarmed Arbery attacked TM before TM shot him during a struggle for the gun.

You said the first shot happened right here:


Where do you see AA attacking and grabbing the gun in this scene?

I don’t see the gun. Do you?
I never said he deserved to get shot,, in fact I was trying to show all the other options that wouldnt have got him shot,,,
Apparently Ahmaud Arbery not only had a bad habit of breaking into other people's houses and stealing other peoples' stuff, he also had a bad habit of stupidly running up on armed crackers. One that ultimately cost him his life. IIRC we had a thread about him here at USMB a few years ago.

Remember this...

It's the same guy. It's amazing that he lived to be so old.
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