The Outsiders


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I watched a show on Fox yesterday hosted by Gretta Van Susteren which in itself is unusual as I can't stand her voice. But it was about Trump, Carson, and Fiorina and what they seem to be so popular.

One of the things that caught my attention was the claim that it was not just Tea Party-oriented people who are flocking to them but those who have felt disenfranchised. Left out by the Beltway Establishment that seems more bent on retaining their seats and power than in representing those who voted for them. People who simply have not voted because they felt it was a waste of time.

I saw a minor segment on Cruz and Rubio who, in my opinion, are also outsiders. So is Rand Paul but his views are just too far out of the mainstream to draw the same numbers as the big three.

I am also noting a lot of negative reaction out of The Establishment of both parties. While the GOP professionals look upon them as threats to their superiority, I think the Democrats also see them as maybe siphoning off to much of their traditional base. Or at least causing many of them to stay home.

Do they have a chance?

I think the Big Three will gain an amazing amount of votes and delegates in the primaries. They will go into the convention with impressive numbers – but not enough to gain the nomination in the first round.

Therein lies the rub. The GOP National Committee, which is the real power behind GOP politics, is made up of nameless political professionals which jealously cling to their individual fiefs. Making The Donald, Doctor Ben, or Miss Fiorina their presidential candidate may not be healthy for their long-term retention of power. They thus just might try and end-around to get one of “theirs” in the lead. Most likely Jeb! Or someone else they consider more sympathetic to their retention.

Doing that will surely be the end of the GOP. And the party's professionals are not exactly known for their smarts.

That will leave a huge opening for the Democrats. IMHO, Hillary WILL NOT be the nominee because the FBI will go ahead and see to having her indicted for many offenses. Bernie is far too radical even for the Party of Hand Outs. That leaves them with --- hold on for it --- Uncle Joe. He will be forced – against his will – to run. Can he actually win or would it be nothing but a rerun of previous attempts?

As I've indicated many times, I do not think Trump, Carson, or Fiorina will get the nod at the convention. It will be someone not even running yet and they will select Cruz as a running mate.

In any case, the next couple of months should be most interesting to watch. At least for political junkies like us. To the vast majority of Americans, it will be nothing more than another yawn.

“When will they ever stop this nonsense?”

How's that Hope and Change working for you?
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I am not convinced that Hillary will be forced out. Ironically, she could end up winning as the "safe" (albeit corrupt) candidate. In any event, she will be pardoned by Obama/Biden before the next inauguration.

At this point, a Cruz/Fiorina ticket looks like it might be the best way to defeat Hillary.
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