the outside observer, non usa citizens watching the USA election

don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum
------------------------------------------- perhaps it is Putin attacking , he may already have you by the nuts Hauke .
Putin has Trump by the "nuts"
View attachment 88326
Putin is obviously NOT a communist.
Putin is not only a former KGB chief, but a totalitarian-type nationalist who wants to bring Russia back to the glory days of the USSR.
but no USA continental citiy got destroyed, you didn t loose 100 million civilians

so the USA doesent understand
After having watched about 8 years ago those 400K germans demonstrating in support for the filth obama, and who just allowed merkel to insanely embrace over verminous 1 MM muslim "refugees" into their country, there really isn't a fucking whole lot of anything that I am interested in hearing from a german right now. You are in absolutely no position whatsoever to weigh in on the US elections. You want a say in them? Legally immigrate and become a citizen so you can vote. Otherwise, fuck off.
Talk about "Ugly American"!!
It's redneck shit like you that embarrasses me when i travel internationally.

"Redneck"? You stupid fucking turd, besides the fact that the city I currently reside in in the US is likely FAR larger than yours, I have lived across EU and likely speak MORE languages than you. DON'T make assumptions aboout other people you know nothing about jackass.

It did not go unnoticed that you attacked me personally and not my post, typical for a low IQ idiot.
maybe hitler should have gased newyork chicago and washington

15 million civilian dead would get you a perspective

hitler had gas worst then a atomic bomb

hitler having been gased himself durin WW 1 didn t allow gas weapons

hitler had enough gas to kill every human being 1000 times

hitler commited suicide so theres no answer to the question why hitler didn t use gas
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Donald Trump thinks its smart that Germany got nukes
I'm not sure if Trump wants Germany to build nukes. but he may want NATO countries to pay the USA for operating them.
For the record, i think Trump is naive and diplomatically STUPID.

his own words....

"If Japan had that nuclear threat, I’m not sure that would be a bad thing for us.” Nor would it be so bad, he’s said, if South Korea and Saudi Arabia had nuclear weapons, too."

[this means]

"We can break down Trump’s assertions into two ideas: Proliferation is inevitable, and it is good for the United States — at least when its allies are the ones going nuclear. What can political science tell us about each of these beliefs?"

Donald Trump thinks more countries should have nuclear weapons. Here’s what the research says.
Yes, the scared to death, cowardly German wants U S protection of his country, and continues to want America to pay for it, while they let their left win government keep importing killer, terrorist Muslim scum into their country so they can breed like vermin, become the majority and take over in 25 years...apparently suicide is bred into Germans now that they of their ass kicked after WWII!!!!
I cannot believe how stupid your post is !!!!!!
Translation: "I cannot counter your post so like most liberal idiots I will call you/your post a name."
Your post was so stupid my comment needed no elaboration.
After having watched about 8 years ago those 400K germans demonstrating in support for the filth obama, and who just allowed merkel to insanely embrace over verminous 1 MM muslim "refugees" into their country, there really isn't a fucking whole lot of anything that I am interested in hearing from a german right now. You are in absolutely no position whatsoever to weigh in on the US elections. You want a say in them? Legally immigrate and become a citizen so you can vote. Otherwise, fuck off.
Talk about "Ugly American"!!
It's redneck shit like you that embarrasses me when i travel internationally.
------------------------------------- good !!
we got bombed out of war in germany.
id think if newyork got bombed and chicago got bombed and atlanta got bombed los angeles got bombed san franciso got bombed atlanta got bombed and miami got bombed and 50 million of your civilians died you wouldn t like war either
-------------------------------------------------------- most of the cities that you mention are considered by some to be as big a problem as you 'euros' are . Most of the cities you mention are pretty full of YOU foreigners Hauke
basicly the usa had 2 nuclear weapons , enough to kill 2 citys, hitler had enough gas to kill every living thing in his range, and didn t use it

hitler could have killed all animal life in euorpe and the american eastcoast

all humans and all cocoroaches

from moscow to st louis everyone dead
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????

An improved NATO and the rights of our nation.

After having watched about 8 years ago those 400K germans demonstrating in support for the filth obama, and who just allowed merkel to insanely embrace over verminous 1 MM muslim "refugees" into their country, there really isn't a fucking whole lot of anything that I am interested in hearing from a german right now. You are in absolutely no position whatsoever to weigh in on the US elections. You want a say in them? Legally immigrate and become a citizen so you can vote. Otherwise, fuck off.
Talk about "Ugly American"!!
It's redneck shit like you that embarrasses me when i travel internationally.
"Redneck"? You stupid fucking turd, besides the fact that the city I currently reside in in the US is likely FAR larger than yours, I have lived across EU and likely speak MORE languages than you. DON'T make assumptions aboout other people you know nothing about jackass.
I go by your jackass comments, and I am especially embarrassed by people like you that travel internationally and make citizens from USA look so stupid.
don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum
------------------------------------------- perhaps it is Putin attacking , he may already have you by the nuts Hauke .
Putin has Trump by the "nuts"
View attachment 88326
Putin is obviously NOT a communist.
Putin is not only a former KGB chief, but a totalitarian-type nationalist who wants to bring Russia back to the glory days of the USSR.
--------------------------------------- agree , and why wouldn't he PK1. Off topic but its the same thing with the 'islamists' , they want to rule the world with a rebuilt 'caliphate' . Its simply human nature pk1 .
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????
------------------------------ from what i understand TRUMP supports a 'nato' that tows its load and pays its obligations . I hope that the 'euros' are scared . -------------------------- Trump supports a return to America First based on America and Americans First Hauke.
Actually, it's deadbeat nations like Germany that fail to support NATO by never paying their full dues.

Trump supports Europeans acting like responsible adults that handle their own problems instead of like whiny teenagers who depend on the US to handle all their problems and then never stop complaining about how we do it.
i think hitler was crazy but not maniac enough to murder 500 million people

and hitler could have killed more then 500 million
basicly the usa had 2 nuclear weapons , enough to kill 2 citys, hitler had enough gas to kill every living thing in his range, and didn t use it

hitler could have killed all animal life in euorpe and the american eastcoast

all humans and all cocoroaches

from moscow to st louis everyone dead
----------------------------- why is that important to you , even if true that was 70 years ago Hauke .
i think hitler was crazy but not maniac enough to murder 500 million people

and hitler could have killed more then 500 million
------------------------------------------------ i think that you may be crazy , hitler would do whatever he could do if he hadn't been defeated Hauke .
my personal view is
hitler didn t use gas
english didn t
thank you all

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