the outside observer, non usa citizens watching the USA election

don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum
Yes, the scared to death, cowardly German wants U S protection of his country, and continues to want America to pay for it, while they let their left win government keep importing killer, terrorist Muslim scum into their country so they can breed like vermin, become the majority and take over in 25 years...apparently suicide is bred into Germans now that they of their ass kicked after WWII!!!!
---------------------------------------------------------------------- scared of the imagined dream of the nuking of your home town but accepting of hordes of muslims into your country . I think that your priorities might be skewed and messed up Hauke .
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????

If you think the American election is good TV, you should watch the UK. That whole Brexit shit-storm is absolutely hilarious!

I love watching Parliament. Would that our own Congress were as honest in their arguments as they, instead of all that "My esteemed friend and colleague" shit.
wel i thought brexit was a bad joke.
but the brits seem to make it work
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????

Yes, we know... foreign people do not wish to see great America... but rather their vision of America that panders to the said nation getting raped like Sweden in the process.

How is that immigration working for you by the way? Vote Hillary and you will repeat the failures of Germany.
don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum
------------------------------------------- perhaps it is Putin attacking , he may already have you by the nuts Hauke .
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????

So in your equation, German is irrelevant. You're just like any American Democrat. Not sure why parroting Democrats seemed like a way to give us an international take on the election, but whatever. As to your points.

Trump thinks that other governments in Nato should honor your committment to spend 2% of your GDP on defense so we aren't paying your share for you. You can call that not supporting Nato, that we don't want to pay your bills for you. But I don't support Trump and pay your own damned bills.

I don't know what supporting the "right of nations" means, but I don't get how you possibly arrive that the Democrats support that. Obama's been jumping into other people's shit across the globe and Hillary claims to be MORE militaristic.

My issue with Trump is I'm for capitalism and free trade

After having watched about 8 years ago those 400K germans demonstrating in support for the filth obama, and who just allowed merkel to insanely embrace over verminous 1 MM muslim "refugees" into their country, there really isn't a fucking whole lot of anything that I am interested in hearing from a german right now. You are in absolutely no position whatsoever to weigh in on the US elections. You want a say in them? Legally immigrate and become a citizen so you can vote. Otherwise, fuck off.
You guys thought said the exact same shit about Reagan and GWBush.

If we Americans are so lame, why do you even WANT US over there? You don't need US, now that Soviet Union is gone.

Kick US out, and take control of your own destiny. You certainly have the population and economy to deter Russia by yourself.
don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum
------------------------------------------- perhaps it is Putin attacking , he may already have you by the nuts Hauke .
Putin has Trump by the "nuts"
ok im a german watching the usa election.

hillary clinton supports NATO, fine
Donald Trump doesent support NATO, scary

hillary clinton supports the rights of nations

donald trump ............................ what the fuck does donald trump support ??????????????????
Hillary Clinton supports the rights of nations? Really? Does she support their right to control their borders? Does she support their right to withdraw to withdraw from pernicious unions with other nations? Does she support their right to choose their own leaders whatever way they deem fit?
remember we germans realized its useless to be enemys off brits 75 years ago

its much better to be their friends
Donald Trump thinks its smart that Germany got nukes
I'm not sure if Trump wants Germany to build nukes. but he may want NATO countries to pay the USA for operating them.
For the record, i think Trump is naive and diplomatically STUPID.

No, the stupid are the american public who has allowed their govt to utterly fuck them over by allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens into the country and having to pay for their free healthcare/schooling/benefits while homeless war veterans rot in the streets, and foreign countries to shirk their agreed to expenditures on their militaries assuming that the US taxpayer - working FAR more hours with no guaranteed retirements like the Euros have - will bail them out.

Every american who is working into their 70s and being crushed with taxes (used to pay for Europe's defense) so the fat, lazy fucking Euros can retire with a nice pension at 50 or 55 should be rioting right now.

There are many countries who have long, long benefitted from the US' largesse, either in military spending or absorption of their mass uneducated poor as an economic safety valve that are for obvious reasons, deeply concerned about a Trump presidency ending their gravy trains. It is long past due, and the US taxpayer should be thrilled at the prospect of Trump finally putting an end to this BS.
don t know whats happening but i got mallware without end, skripts stoping me posting on this forum

If you're getting a popup box that reads "A script is taking too long to respond" message, it's not malware. At least, it's not on your computer. It's the advertising links that USMB uses. You can eliminate this problem by with a combination of using an ad blocker plugin (I use adblock plus) and ghostery tracking blocker plugins on my Firefox browser to prevent such trash from eating up my processing power.
After having watched about 8 years ago those 400K germans demonstrating in support for the filth obama, and who just allowed merkel to insanely embrace over verminous 1 MM muslim "refugees" into their country, there really isn't a fucking whole lot of anything that I am interested in hearing from a german right now. You are in absolutely no position whatsoever to weigh in on the US elections. You want a say in them? Legally immigrate and become a citizen so you can vote. Otherwise, fuck off.
Talk about "Ugly American"!!
It's redneck shit like you that embarrasses me when i travel internationally.
as a german i don t need nuclear weapons, as long as the english and french got them
Yes, the scared to death, cowardly German wants U S protection of his country, and continues to want America to pay for it, while they let their left win government keep importing killer, terrorist Muslim scum into their country so they can breed like vermin, become the majority and take over in 25 years...apparently suicide is bred into Germans now that they of their ass kicked after WWII!!!!
I cannot believe how stupid your post is !!!!!!

Translation: "I cannot counter your post so like most liberal idiots I will call you/your post a name."
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we got a democracy, and the majority of germans would rather have 5 million refugees then war
we got bombed out of war in germany.
id think if newyork got bombed and chicago got bombed and atlanta got bombed los angeles got bombed san franciso got bombed atlanta got bombed and miami got bombed and 50 million of your civilians died you wouldn t like war either

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