The Only Real Privilege In America Is Leftist Privilege


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Only Real Privilege In America Is Leftist Privilege

11 Jun 2020 ~~ By Matt Walsh
There is much discussion about “privilege” in our culture. Indeed, the concept of privilege is one of the things fueling these mobs. They would say that privilege is bestowed based on race and gender, and that I, as a white man, have the most privilege of all. Yet I’m fairly sure that if I drove into town right now and threw a brick in a window, or set a retail outlet on fire, or looted a convenience store, or invaded a police precinct, or tried to set up my own “autonomous zone,” or yanked down any statues or monuments I found personally displeasing, I would be arrested on the spot, with little fanfare. And if I resisted arrest and was beaten or killed by police in the process – even if my death was unjust and the result of excessive force – there would be no CNN headlines about it, no riots in my honor, no elaborate displays of performative grief from our elected officials in Washington. Whatever my white privilege gets me, it doesn’t get me that. And it doesn’t provide me a pass that allows me to tear through the city, stealing, destroying, looting, and burning, either.
It seems to me that the greatest privilege on offer in our culture today is the privilege to be utterly immune from the law. This is the privilege exercised by many of the “protesters.” And though some of them are white males, many are not. It is, then, a privilege that is not dispensed based on race, but on ideology. We might call it Leftist Privilege. A person with the “correct” worldview, especially if he is gathered with a group of other correct-thinking people, can do almost anything he wants. The Powers That Be will bend over backwards to accommodate him...
Consider all of the corporations and brands that have been tripping over each other to express their support for the radical left-wing Black Lives Matter organization. And it doesn’t always take a mob to get this kind of capitulation from our culture’s most powerful forces. HBO’s streaming service pulled “Gone With The Wind” from its platform this week after one correct-thinking individual wrote an op-ed instructing them to do so. This on the same day that Webster’s dictionary edited its definition of “racism” because a young black woman emailed and said they should. These are just the most recent examples of Leftist Privilege. We haven’t even discussed the many extravagant concessions made for the LGBT lobby, including allowing men access to women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams, while shaming and silencing any women who express discomfort over this invasion of their privacy.

There's workplace descrimination against white men. I've seen it my entire working career. It started out many years ago when all the entry level college graduate jobs said, "minorities only". The Only Real Privilege In America Is Leftist Privilege. And the only systemic issue for black community is fatherless families. Consider that the "Affirmative Action Program", created by JFK created a systemic issue. At the time 80% of black children were born into two parent households, today 75% of black children are born into single parent households.
We can also thank LBJ another Democrat for creating "project housing" which immediately became the ghettos that we see now. He also declared "war on poverty" making sure the blacks were povertized, women had to be single in order to get welfare. Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are not the friends of the black folks. Why haven't they figured that out yet.
Hmm..., The first time I heard the term "white privilege" was when some academic was saying that if you read to your children when you tuck them into bed, or have a sit-down dinner with them, or play board games with them on family night, etc. then you are guilty of "white privilege."
That accusation strikes me as an insult to all other races and cultures; it presumes that they don't do such things. It also amounts to an admission that non-whites unconsciously hold whites up to an unachievable ideal.
Just wait until BLM gets Black Privilege for African-Americans. Why should they get special treatment?
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?

Obama and Eric Holder pushed racism and it's coming to a head now.
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.

You and Mary need to ease up on the conspiracy crap.
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.

You and Mary need to ease up on the conspiracy crap.
I know, but lets see here.. since December 2019 the Democrats have pushing...Impeachment (and they lost because...) the Corona Virus shutdown (really, destroying the economy) over what amounts to the common flu. destroying our economy . Now the Democrats push divisiveness and anti white racism to fight racism...common now, really? Something smells rotten in Denmark.

s weird ass focus on cops AND the power structure?
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.

You and Mary need to ease up on the conspiracy crap.
I know, but lets see here.. since December 2019 the Democrats have pushing...Impeachment (and they lost because...) the Corona Virus shutdown (really, destroying the economy) over what amounts to the common flu. destroying our economy . Now the Democrats push divisiveness and anti white racism to fight racism...common now, really? Something smells rotten in Denmark.

s weird ass focus on cops AND the power structure?

COVID 19 has killed more people in this country in 5 months than the swine flu did over 2 seasons. And, the death toll is only gonna go up, because reopening too quickly as the AZ governor has said, combined with all the reopen the country protests as well as the BLM protests, this virus is gonna only get worse until people learn how to stay safe in public.
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.

You and Mary need to ease up on the conspiracy crap.
I know, but lets see here.. since December 2019 the Democrats have pushing...Impeachment (and they lost because...) the Corona Virus shutdown (really, destroying the economy) over what amounts to the common flu. destroying our economy . Now the Democrats push divisiveness and anti white racism to fight racism...common now, really? Something smells rotten in Denmark.

s weird ass focus on cops AND the power structure?

COVID 19 has killed more people in this country in 5 months than the swine flu did over 2 seasons. And, the death toll is only gonna go up, because reopening too quickly as the AZ governor has said, combined with all the reopen the country protests as well as the BLM protests, this virus is gonna only get worse until people learn how to stay safe in public.

Wtf ?

So reopening to quickly is worse then people getting together, rioting and looting ????

Are you smoking crack?
Democrats are pushing a race war, anti white racism to the point you have to wonder...what foreign group is
funding this? An the um..impeachment thing..then the Corona virus thing...Their efforts to destroy our Society and economy...And this race riots BLM thing that came out of now where...China? Who? What international power has to gain from destroying Democratic western countries?
It makes you wonder how many of these things the Deep State has a hand in.

You and Mary need to ease up on the conspiracy crap.
I know, but lets see here.. since December 2019 the Democrats have pushing...Impeachment (and they lost because...) the Corona Virus shutdown (really, destroying the economy) over what amounts to the common flu. destroying our economy . Now the Democrats push divisiveness and anti white racism to fight racism...common now, really? Something smells rotten in Denmark.

s weird ass focus on cops AND the power structure?

COVID 19 has killed more people in this country in 5 months than the swine flu did over 2 seasons. And, the death toll is only gonna go up, because reopening too quickly as the AZ governor has said, combined with all the reopen the country protests as well as the BLM protests, this virus is gonna only get worse until people learn how to stay safe in public.

Wtf ?

So reopening to quickly is worse then people getting together, rioting and looting ????

Are you smoking crack?

You're reading comprehensions isn't too good is it? I said that reopening early COMBINED with the open the country protests and BLM protests are all going to contribute to this virus sticking around for a long time, and will result in another spike (and possibly shutdown) for this country.

I said all three, didn't single out just one.
Wrong. Being wealthy I can say that we have more privilege than any class.
Self-loathing and guilt aren't privilege.

BTW, emotionally secure wealthy people don't brag about how wealthy they are.
Your bloviating aside, I'm stating facts. Each time you vote Republican, an American Worker loses a little bit more of his/her worth, and we wealthy make more money. During the Walmart employee sign-up for welfare campaign, one of the Walmart seven made so much money she bought a $150M yacht.

Here it is:

Wrong. Being wealthy I can say that we have more privilege than any class.
Self-loathing and guilt aren't privilege.

BTW, emotionally secure wealthy people don't brag about how wealthy they are.
Your bloviating aside, I'm stating facts. Each time you vote Republican, an American Worker loses a little bit more of his/her worth, and we wealthy make more money. During the Walmart employee sign-up for welfare campaign, one of the Walmart seven made so much money she bought a $150M yacht.

Here it is:

I haven't voted in 20 years, let alone voted republican.

And you are either not as wealthy as you claim, or are filled with self-loathing over your financial situation....Probably a combination of the two.

Seriously, get some help.
Meanwhile back in reality: I have all these white homeless people 20 years ago I never saw before . Not hmm not until the Democrats and their weird enabling politics... Fixing things they don't do. They kick the can down the road, they enable they don't solve anything. Riots? Blame the cops, racism/ lets blame whites. The systemic racism thing has become systemic anti white anti western bigotry...
Wrong. Being wealthy I can say that we have more privilege than any class.
Self-loathing and guilt aren't privilege.

BTW, emotionally secure wealthy people don't brag about how wealthy they are.
Your bloviating aside, I'm stating facts. Each time you vote Republican, an American Worker loses a little bit more of his/her worth, and we wealthy make more money. During the Walmart employee sign-up for welfare campaign, one of the Walmart seven made so much money she bought a $150M yacht.

Here it is:

I haven't voted in 20 years, let alone voted republican.

And you are either not as wealthy as you claim, or are filled with self-loathing over your financial situation....Probably a combination of the two.

Seriously, get some help.
If you haven't voted in 20 years, you have no right to any opinion.
Meanwhile back in reality: I have all these white homeless people 20 years ago I never saw before . Not hmm not until the Democrats and their weird enabling politics... Fixing things they don't do. They kick the can down the road, they enable they don't solve anything. Riots? Blame the cops, racism/ lets blame whites. The systemic racism thing has become systemic anti white anti western bigotry...
Racism is the fault of Corporate America and salad tossing Republicans.
Jessup Smollett. The BLM, that weird black pathologic need to blame everyone else for their faults. BLM
does have a kernel of truth and I respect that, but it seems it's become a cult and trivializes civil rights and has become a platform for every grifter since the big bang.

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