The official list of the 7 Republican traitors to the Constitution

Hey, you tossed the ad hom, and you got it thrown back in your face. It's what happens.
There was no ad hom.

THIS JUST IN: "You must be an idiot" is not an ad hom.

This is not a message board. These are not words. Up is down. Moron this story as it develops.

I can do whatever I want to help replace a senator from any state.

Never said you "couldn't" either. Plug shit in much?

If you claimed you had any sort of aurgument against my position that "I would do all I could to get Ben Sasse Primaried" would have been lying...or an idiot who didn't know what they were talking about.

The ad hom was you implying that I didn't know Ben Sasse wasn't my Senator...after my initial post named my other non-Hawley Senator...Roy Blunt.

That's not what ad hom means, dickhead.

See what I just did there?

I know all the Senators. Including where they live, like, say, Vienna Virginia. Why do y'all tolerate that? How does it feel seeing a Senator on Teevee with "MO" after his name who doesn't live within a thousand miles of MO? Hm?

And yet you want to work on extricating a Senator from Nebraska, instead of dealing with that. All righty then.

What I actually DID say --- which anyone not editing posts can still see ---- was that you live in Missouri, while Sasse lives (actually legitimately LIVES) in Nebraska.

I didn't develop what that means (you chose to plug shit in) but what that means (to drill in the "augurment") is that in this case Ben Sasse or whoever being the Senator of Nebraska is the decision of the people of Nebraska ---- not the people of Missouri. Because he's THEIR Senator, not yours.

Imagine that --- having a Senator who actually lives in the state he represents. How novel.
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Are you saying it is illegal for me to work to get rid of a Senator from another state?

Because that would mean you either a liar, an idiot or both.
Pogo ... Sorry dude...this is not an ad hominem...

...and I never said you were an idiot.

You should learn to read.

The above is an if/then statement...

If you were asserting a...then b.

You claim you weren't asserting a...hence you were not called anything.

Reading comprehension is an important messageboard when you asked...

Uhhhmmmm...... you know he's a Senator for Nebraska, right?

So...I call bullshit on your "you plugged that in" fairytale.

Unless you're as demented as Biden and can't remember your own words from 20 minutes which case I would owe you an apology and my pity...shame you wouldn't remember it.
Are you saying it is illegal for me to work to get rid of a Senator from another state?

Because that would mean you either a liar, an idiot or both.
Pogo ... Sorry dude...this is not an ad hominem...

...and I never said you were an idiot.

You should learn to read.

The above is an if/then statement...

If you were asserting a...then b.

You claim you weren't asserting a...hence you were not called anything.

Reading comprehension is an important messageboard when you asked...

Uhhhmmmm...... you know he's a Senator for Nebraska, right?

So...I call bullshit on your "you plugged that in" fairytale.

Unless you're as demented as Biden and can't remember your own words from 20 minutes which case I would owe you an apology and my pity...shame you wouldn't remember it.


There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

They completely ignored the 100 plus video examples of Dems doing the exact same thing and far worse. And McConnel said shit about it while bashing Trump. This farce impeachment was a witch hunt from the get go. On a bright note Trump's acquittal sent Nancy Pelosi spiraling into a conniption fit :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Nancy she's 0 and 2 against Trump he whooped her ass again :clap2:
Loseriana Repungnantian Party censures its own Senator

>> Literally minutes after Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., voted to convict President Donald Trump the Louisiana GOP voted to censure him. Cassidy was one of seven Republicans to cross party lines.​
"The Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Louisiana has unanimously voted to censure Senator Bill Cassidy for his vote cast earlier today to convict former President Donald J. Trump on the impeachment charge," the Republican Party of Louisiana said in a statement.​
... "Our Constitution and our country is more important than any one person," Cassidy said in a statement. "I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty." <<​

Apparently the Repugnantican Potty of Sleaziana disagrees, holds that one person is more important than the Constitution OR the country.

Sore Loserism is pathetic.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

They completely ignored the 100 plus video examples of Dems doing the exact same thing and far worse. And McConnel said shit about it while bashing Trump. This farce impeachment was a witch hunt from the get go. On a bright note Trump's acquittal sent Nancy Pelosi spiraling into a conniption fit :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Nancy she's 0 and 2 against Trump he whooped her ass again :clap2:

Actually that's 2 and 0. You see, the wins are listed first.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

They completely ignored the 100 plus video examples of Dems doing the exact same thing and far worse. And McConnel said shit about it while bashing Trump. This farce impeachment was a witch hunt from the get go. On a bright note Trump's acquittal sent Nancy Pelosi spiraling into a conniption fit :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Nancy she's 0 and 2 against Trump he whooped her ass again :clap2:

Actually that's 2 and 0. You see, the wins are listed first.

Are you dumb? Obviously she sent a case so weak to the Senate that Trump was acquitted twice, hence 0 and 2 you tard.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

They completely ignored the 100 plus video examples of Dems doing the exact same thing and far worse. And McConnel said shit about it while bashing Trump. This farce impeachment was a witch hunt from the get go. On a bright note Trump's acquittal sent Nancy Pelosi spiraling into a conniption fit :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Nancy she's 0 and 2 against Trump he whooped her ass again :clap2:

Actually that's 2 and 0. You see, the wins are listed first.

Are you dumb? Obviously she sent a case so weak to the Senate that Trump was acquitted twice, hence 0 and 2 you tard.

Are you? Nancy Pelosi is in the HOUSE. The House doesn't try the impeachment.


There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.
Sure is strange how it went from Ron paul to being called a Rino to these American haters being called Rinos.well both parties have always been corrupt so I am going to call trump and Ron Paul Rinos cause of that gops history of corruption with the likes of bush and Romney and these others.they are the typical corrupt gop party who hate America same as the dems for sure.

I feel you, but these assholes shit on the Constitution. We all know Trump did not incite people to storm the Capitol and that was not a fucking insurrection.

Maybe if the Pentagon was actually taken over or Norad or something. Taking selfies in an office building is not a fucking insurrection.
Indeed all those I guess Rinos all shit on the constitution same as the dems,the trolls here that defend the dems actions all hate America because there are thousands of true Americans who have fled the demorat party sense it has been infiltrated by terrorists funded by the cia.true Americans have trump to thank because he is the only reason they have not successfully penetrated the gop party as well.had it been someone like Romney getting elected they would have, we have a bunch of lying shills that have penetrated this site because everyone knows it was antifa that started the riots and the videos taken prove trump supporters tried to stop them.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

They completely ignored the 100 plus video examples of Dems doing the exact same thing and far worse. And McConnel said shit about it while bashing Trump. This farce impeachment was a witch hunt from the get go. On a bright note Trump's acquittal sent Nancy Pelosi spiraling into a conniption fit :auiqs.jpg:

Poor Nancy she's 0 and 2 against Trump he whooped her ass again :clap2:

Actually that's 2 and 0. You see, the wins are listed first.

Are you dumb? Obviously she sent a case so weak to the Senate that Trump was acquitted twice, hence 0 and 2 you tard.

Are you? Nancy Pelosi is in the HOUSE. The House doesn't try the impeachment.


Christ ^^^ this leftwit is extra dense.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

Your math is off. The number of Repugs who voted against the Constitution was 43. I could list them for you but what would be the point.

And btw at least two of those names you have above are retiring anyway, so they won't be primaried.

What is notable is the majority in the senate voted to convict. And even among those who didn't - McConnel (who politically weaseled) - he was damned.

Trump is evil.
Thanks for proving as always you are a communist who hates America, :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: Yeah the first president who did not start any new wars for the elite sense carter and came out and told the truth that the msm news is fake news and the first president ever to have the balls to tell the truth wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from them,yep that’s an evil president all right and bush and Obama who both took a shit on the constitution and gave the blessing to the NSA to illegally spy on Americans,they are not evil according to your fucked up logic.comedy gold,how much does China pay you for your lies?:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

Your math is off. The number of Repugs who voted against the Constitution was 43. I could list them for you but what would be the point.

And btw at least two of those names you have above are retiring anyway, so they won't be primaried.

What is notable is the majority in the senate voted to convict. And even among those who didn't - McConnel (who politically weaseled) - he was damned.

Trump is evil.

and that is the kindest thing that can be said about him
Whatever you say sockpuppet.

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

Your math is off. The number of Repugs who voted against the Constitution was 43. I could list them for you but what would be the point.

And btw at least two of those names you have above are retiring anyway, so they won't be primaried.

What is notable is the majority in the senate voted to convict. And even among those who didn't - McConnel (who politically weaseled) - he was damned.

Trump is evil.
Thanks for proving as always you are a communist who hates America, :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :laughing0301: Yeah the first president who did not start any new wars for the elite sense carter and came out and told the truth that the msm news is fake news and the first president ever to have the balls to tell the truth wars are always started so defense contracters can profit from them,yep that’s an evil president all right and bush and Obama who both took a shit on the constitution and gave the blessing to the NSA to illegally spy on Americans,they are not evil according to your fucked up logic.comedy gold,how much does China pay you for your lies?:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg:

"Did not start any new wars" ???

And you're sitting here in a thread about January 6?

Think about it.
Here’s what I’d like to know. WtF is up with the immediate state GOP censures after their pols dare cross Dear Leader? IDIOTS! :icon_rolleyes:

There they are, kids. The turncoat RINOS. They need to be voted out of the Senate. Not for a Dim, they need to be primaried by people who respect the Constitution.

Eff each and every one of these Senators.

Or with other words: 7 honorful people, who had followed the freedom of their conscience. By the way: I'm sure many people don't try to think about why politicians have to do such decisions. Otherwise they had to solve problems instead to attack problem solvers. The personality cult around the man without personality "Donald Trump" was much too dangerous for the USA. And it is still much too dangerous - specially now for the real conservatives and traditionalists of the USA.

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